Beispiel #1
function download(&$doc, $inline = false)
    global $database, $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_offset;
    global $_DOCMAN, $_DMUSER;
    // global $HTTP_USER_AGENT;
    require_once $_DOCMAN->getPath('classes', 'file');
    $data =& $doc->getDataObject();
    /* ------------------------------ *
     *   CORE AUTHORIZATIONS          *
     * ------------------------------ */
    // if the user is not authorized to download this document, redirect
    if (!$_DMUSER->canDownload($doc->getDBObject())) {
        _returnTo('cat_view', _DML_NOLOG_DOWNLOAD, $data->catid);
    // If the document is not approved, redirect
    if (!$data->approved and !$_DMUSER->canApprove()) {
        _returnTo('cat_view', _DML_NOAPPROVED_DOWNLOAD, $data->catid);
    // If the document is not published, redirect
    if (!$data->published and !$_DMUSER->canPublish()) {
        _returnTo('cat_view', _DML_NOPUBLISHED_DOWNLOAD, $data->catid);
    // if the document is checked out, redirect
    if ($data->checked_out && $_DMUSER->userid != $data->checked_out) {
        _returnTo('cat_view', _DML_NOTDOWN, $data->catid);
    // If the remote host is not allowed, show anti-leech message and die.
    if (!DOCMAN_Utils::checkDomainAuthorization()) {
        $from_url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
        $from_host = trim($from_url['host']);
        _returnTo('cat_view', _DML_ANTILEECH_ACTIVE . " (" . $from_host . ")", $data->catid);
    /* ------------------------------ *
     *   GET FILE 					  *
     * ------------------------------ */
    $file = new DOCMAN_File($data->dmfilename, $_DOCMAN->getCfg('dmpath'));
    // If the file doesn't exist, redirect
    if (!$file->exists()) {
        _returnTo('cat_view', _DML_FILE_UNAVAILABLE, $data->catid);
    /* ------------------------------ *
     *   MAMBOT - Setup All Mambots   *
     * ------------------------------ */
    $doc_dbo = $doc->getDBObject();
    //Fix for PHP 5
    $logbot = new DOCMAN_mambot('onLog');
    $prebot = new DOCMAN_mambot('onBeforeDownload');
    $postbot = new DOCMAN_mambot('onAfterDownload');
    $logbot->setParm('document', $doc_dbo);
    $logbot->setParm('file', $file);
    $logbot->setParm('user', $_DMUSER);
    $logbot->copyParm('process', 'download');
    // Copy the parms over
    /* ------------------------------ *
     *   MAMBOT - PREDOWNLOAD         *
     * ------------------------------ */
    if ($prebot->getError()) {
        $logbot->copyParm('msg', $prebot->getErrorMsg());
        $logbot->copyParm('status', 'LOG_ERROR');
        _returnTo('cat_view', $prebot->getErrorMsg());
    // let's increment the counter
    $dbobject = $doc->getDBObject();
    // place an entry in the log
    if ($_DOCMAN->getCfg('log')) {
        require_once $_DOCMAN->getPath('classes', 'jbrowser');
        $browser =& JBrowser::getInstance($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
        $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time("Y-m-d g:i:s") + $mosConfig_offset * 60 * 60);
        $remote_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        $row_log = new mosDMLog($database);
        $row_log->log_docid = $data->id;
        $row_log->log_ip = $remote_ip;
        $row_log->log_datetime = $now;
        $row_log->log_user = $_DMUSER->userid;
        $row_log->log_browser = $browser->getBrowser();
        $row_log->log_os = $browser->getPlatform();
        if (!$row_log->store()) {
    $logbot->copyParm(array('msg' => 'Download Complete', 'status' => 'LOG_OK'));
    /* ------------------------------ *
     *   MAMBOT - PostDownload        *
     * Currently - we die and no out  *
     * ------------------------------ */
    /* if( $postbot->getError() ){
     *		$logbot->copyParm( array(	'msg'	=> $postbot->getErrorMsg() ,
     *			 			  			'status'=> 'LOG_ERROR'
     *								)
     *						);
     *		$logbot->trigger();
     *		_returnTo('cat_view',$postbot->getErrorMsg() );