function ToDateTime($vValue) { $oDate = new DCLTimestamp(); // Set to 0 to invalidate by default. If parsing doesn't succeed, it will remain 0 $oDate->time = 0; $oDate->SetFromDisplay($vValue); return $oDate->ToDisplay(); }
function GetHoursText($oStartedOn = null, $oLoggedOn = null) { $start = new DCLTimestamp(); if ($oStartedOn === null) { $start->SetFromDB($this->f('startedon')); } else { $start->SetFromDB($oStartedOn); } $end = new DCLTimestamp(); if ($oLoggedOn === null) { $end->SetFromDB($this->f('loggedon')); } else { $end->SetFromDB($oLoggedOn); } $tempHours = $end->time - $start->time; $hh = intval($tempHours / 3600); $tempHours -= $hh * 3600; $mm = intval($tempHours / 60); $tempHours -= $mm * 60; $ss = intval($tempHours); return sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', $hh, $mm, $ss); }
function ShowUserVsProductStatus() { global $dcl_info; commonHeader(); global $products, $people, $begindate, $enddate, $activity, $byaccount; $objProduct = CreateObject('dcl.dbProducts'); $objStatuses = CreateObject('dcl.dbStatuses'); $objTickets = CreateObject('dcl.dbTickets'); $doingActivity = isset($activity) && $activity == '1'; $doingAccounts = isset($byaccount) && $byaccount == '1'; if ($doingAccounts) { $vsTable = 'dcl_org'; $vsDesc = 'name'; $vsField = 'account'; $objPersonnel = CreateObject('dcl.dbOrg'); } else { $vsTable = 'personnel'; $vsDesc = 'short'; $vsField = 'responsible'; $objPersonnel = CreateObject('dcl.dbPersonnel'); } if (count($products) < 1) { $query = 'SELECT id FROM products ORDER BY name'; $objProduct->Query($query); $products = $objProduct->FetchAllRows(); } $doingClosed = FALSE; if ($begindate != '') { $doingClosed = TRUE; } if ($enddate != '') { $doingClosed = TRUE; } if ($doingActivity) { $statii = array(1 => 'PR', 2 => 'OP', 3 => 'CL', 4 => 'FW'); } else { $query = 'SELECT id FROM statuses'; $query .= ' WHERE dcl_status_type '; if ($doingClosed) { $query .= '= 2'; } else { $query .= '!= 2'; } $objStatuses->Query($query); $statii = $objStatuses->FetchAllRows(); } if ($doingAccounts) { $query = 'SELECT org_id FROM dcl_org ORDER BY name'; } else { if (count($people) < 1) { $idWhere = 'id > 1'; } else { $idWhere = 'id in ('; for ($i = 0; $i < count($people); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $idWhere .= ','; } $idWhere .= $people[$i]; } $idWhere .= ')'; } $query = "SELECT id FROM personnel WHERE {$idWhere} ORDER BY short"; } $objPersonnel->Query($query); $person = $objPersonnel->FetchAllRows(); $query = "SELECT product,status,{$vsField}"; if ($doingActivity) { $query .= ',createdon,closedon FROM tickets, statuses WHERE tickets.status = AND (statuses.dcl_status_type != 2 OR (statuses.dcl_status_type = 2 AND '; if ($begindate != '' && $enddate != '') { $query .= 'closedon between ' . $objTickets->DisplayToSQL($begindate . ' 00:00:00') . ' AND ' . $objTickets->DisplayToSQL($enddate . ' 23:59:59'); } else { if ($begindate != '') { $query .= 'closedon >=' . $objTickets->DisplayToSQL($begindate . ' 00:00:00'); } else { if ($enddate != '') { $query .= 'closedon <=' . $objTickets->DisplayToSQL($enddate . ' 23:59:59'); } } } $query .= '))'; } else { $query .= ' FROM tickets, statuses WHERE tickets.status = AND statuses.dcl_status_type '; if ($doingClosed) { $query .= '= 2'; if ($begindate != '' && $enddate != '') { $query .= ' AND closedon between ' . $objTickets->DisplayToSQL($begindate . ' 00:00:00') . ' AND ' . $objTickets->DisplayToSQL($enddate . ' 23:59:59'); } else { if ($begindate != '') { $query .= ' AND closedon >=' . $objTickets->DisplayToSQL($begindate . ' 00:00:00'); } else { if ($enddate != '') { $query .= ' AND closedon <=' . $objTickets->DisplayToSQL($enddate . ' 23:59:59'); } } } } else { $query .= '!= 2'; } } $objTimestamp = new DCLTimestamp(); $objNow = new DCLTimestamp(); $objNow->SetFromDisplay($begindate . ' 00:00:00'); $myArrayUnits = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($person) + 1; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j <= count($products) * count($statii) + count($statii); $j++) { $myArrayUnits[$j][$i] = 0; } } trigger_error($query); $objTickets->Query($query); while ($objTickets->next_record()) { $thisProduct = -1; $thisStatus = -1; $thisPerson = -1; $thisOpened = ''; $thisClosed = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < count($products); $j++) { if ($products[$j][0] == $objTickets->f(0)) { $thisProduct = $j; break; } } for ($j = 0; $j < count($person); $j++) { if ($person[$j][0] == $objTickets->f(2)) { $thisPerson = $j; break; } } if ($doingActivity) { if ($thisProduct > -1 && $thisPerson > -1) { $objTimestamp->SetFromDB($objTickets->f(3)); // Opened before begin date? if ($objTimestamp->time < $objNow->time) { $myArrayUnits[$thisProduct * count($statii)][$thisPerson]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii)][$thisPerson]++; $myArrayUnits[$thisProduct * count($statii)][count($person)]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii)][count($person)]++; } else { $myArrayUnits[$thisProduct * count($statii) + 1][$thisPerson]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + 1][$thisPerson]++; $myArrayUnits[$thisProduct * count($statii) + 1][count($person)]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + 1][count($person)]++; } // Closed or forward? if ($objStatuses->GetStatusType($objTickets->f(1)) == 2) { $myArrayUnits[$thisProduct * count($statii) + 2][$thisPerson]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + 2][$thisPerson]++; $myArrayUnits[$thisProduct * count($statii) + 2][count($person)]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + 2][count($person)]++; } else { $myArrayUnits[$thisProduct * count($statii) + 3][$thisPerson]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + 3][$thisPerson]++; $myArrayUnits[$thisProduct * count($statii) + 3][count($person)]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + 3][count($person)]++; } $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + count($statii)][$thisPerson]++; $myArrayUnits[$thisProduct * count($statii)][count($person) + 1]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + count($statii)][count($person)]++; } } else { for ($j = 0; $j < count($statii); $j++) { if ($statii[$j][0] == $objTickets->f(1)) { $thisStatus = $j; break; } } if ($thisProduct > -1 && $thisStatus > -1 && $thisPerson > -1) { $myArrayUnits[$thisProduct * count($statii) + $thisStatus][$thisPerson]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + $thisStatus][$thisPerson]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + count($statii)][$thisPerson]++; $myArrayUnits[$thisProduct * count($statii) + $thisStatus][count($person)]++; $myArrayUnits[$thisProduct * count($statii)][count($person) + 1]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + $thisStatus][count($person)]++; $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + count($statii)][count($person)]++; } } } print '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1>'; print '<TR><TD>'; print '<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=2 CELLPADDING=1>'; print '<TR>'; print '<TH ROWSPAN=2>'; print STR_CMMN_LOGIN; print '</TH>'; $ii = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) { if ($myArrayUnits[$i * count($statii)][count($person) + 1] == 0) { continue; } print '<TH COLSPAN=' . count($statii); print '>'; $objProduct->Load($products[$i][0]); print $objProduct->name; print '</TH>'; $ii++; } print '<TH COLSPAN=' . (count($statii) + 1); print '>'; print STR_CMMN_TOTALS; print '</TH></TR><TR>'; $statusCol = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < count($statii); $j++) { $statusCol .= '<TH>'; if ($doingActivity) { $statusCol .= $statii[$j + 1]; } else { $objStatuses->Load($statii[$j][0]); $statusCol .= $objStatuses->short; } $statusCol .= '</TH>'; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) { if ($myArrayUnits[$i * count($statii)][count($person) + 1] == 0) { continue; } print $statusCol; } // For the totals, dontcha know? print $statusCol; printf('<TH>%s</TH>', STR_WOST_ALL); print '</TR>'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($person) + 2; $i++) { if ($i < count($person) && $myArrayUnits[count($products) * count($statii) + count($statii)][$i] == 0) { continue; } if ($i < count($person)) { $objPersonnel->Load($person[$i][0]); print '<TR><TD>' . $objPersonnel->short . '</TD>'; } elseif ($i == count($person)) { print '<TR><TD>' . STR_TCK_STATUS . '</TD>'; } else { print '<TR><TD>' . STR_TCK_PRODUCT . '</TD>'; } for ($j = 0; $j < count($products) + 1; $j++) { if ($j < count($products) && $myArrayUnits[$j * count($statii)][count($person) + 1] == 0) { continue; } for ($k = 0; $k < count($statii) + 1; $k++) { if ($i < count($person) + 1 && ($j < count($products) && $k < count($statii) || $j == count($products)) || $i == count($person) + 1 && $k == 0 && $j < count($products)) { $units = $myArrayUnits[$j * count($statii) + $k][$i]; print '<TD'; if ($i == count($person) + 1) { print ' ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=' . count($statii); } print '>'; if ($units > 0) { $sMenuAction = 'menuAction=htmlTicketStatistics.SearchFromStat'; if ($k < count($statii) && $i < count($person) + 1) { $sMenuAction .= '&status=' . $statii[$k][0]; } if ($j < count($products)) { $sMenuAction .= '&product=' . $products[$j][0]; } if ($i < count($person)) { $sMenuAction .= '&responsible=' . $person[$i][0]; } if ($begindate != '') { $sMenuAction .= '&begindate=' . $begindate; } if ($enddate != '') { $sMenuAction .= '&enddate=' . $enddate; } printf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', menuLink('', $sMenuAction), $units); } else { print ' '; } print '</TD>'; } } } print '</TR>'; } print '</TABLE>'; print '</TD>'; print '</TR>'; print '</TABLE>'; }
function dbadd() { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; commonHeader(); if (($iID = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['ticketid'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_TICKET, DCL_PERM_ACTION, $iID)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $this->oDB->InitFromGlobals(); $this->oDB->loggedby = $GLOBALS['DCLID']; $this->oDB->loggedon = date($dcl_info['DCL_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT']); $this->oDB->is_public = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['is_public']); $obj =& CreateObject('dcl.dbTickets'); if ($obj->Load($this->oDB->ticketid) == -1) { return; } $obj->lastactionon = date($dcl_info['DCL_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT']); $notify = '4'; if ($this->oDB->status != $obj->status) { $oStatus =& CreateObject('dcl.dbStatuses'); $notify .= ',3'; $obj->statuson = date($dcl_info['DCL_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT']); if ($oStatus->GetStatusType($this->oDB->status) == 2) { $notify .= ',2'; $obj->closedby = $GLOBALS['DCLID']; $obj->closedon = date($dcl_info['DCL_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT']); } if ($oStatus->GetStatusType($this->oDB->status) == 1) { $notify .= ',1'; } $obj->status = $this->oDB->status; } if (isset($_REQUEST['escalate']) && $_REQUEST['escalate'] == '1') { $objP =& CreateObject('dcl.dbProducts'); $objP->Load($obj->product); if ($obj->responsible != $objP->ticketsto) { $obj->responsible = $objP->ticketsto; $objDP =& CreateObject('dcl.dbPersonnel'); $objDP->Load($obj->responsible); $this->oDB->resolution = '*** ' . STR_BO_ESCALATEDTO . ': ' . $objDP->short . ' ***' . phpCrLf . phpCrLf . $this->oDB->resolution; } } else { if ($g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_TICKET, DCL_PERM_ASSIGN)) { $iReassignTo = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['reassign_to_id']); if ($iReassignTo > 0 && $obj->responsible != $iReassignTo) { $obj->responsible = $iReassignTo; } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['tags']) && $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_TICKET, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) { $oTag =& CreateObject('dcl.dbEntityTag'); $oTag->serialize(DCL_ENTITY_TICKET, $iID, 0, $_REQUEST['tags']); } $this->oDB->BeginTransaction(); $this->oDB->Add(); $start = new DCLTimestamp(); $start->SetFromDisplay($this->oDB->startedon); $end = new DCLTimestamp(); $end->SetFromDisplay($this->oDB->loggedon); $obj->seconds += $end->time - $start->time; $obj->Edit(); $this->oDB->EndTransaction(); $objWtch =& CreateObject('dcl.boWatches'); $objWtch->sendTicketNotification($obj, $notify); @$this->sendCustomerResponseEmail($obj); $objH =& CreateObject('dcl.htmlTicketDetail'); $objH->Show($obj); }
function showgraph() { commonHeader(); // GD is required, so short-circuit if not installed if (!extension_loaded('gd')) { trigger_error(STR_BO_GRAPHNEEDSGD); return; } if (($iDays = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['days'])) === null || ($dateFrom = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['dateFrom'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } $iProduct = 0; if (($iProduct = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['product'])) === null) { $iProduct = 0; } $objG =& CreateObject('dcl.boGraph'); $obj =& CreateObject('dcl.dbWorkorders'); $beginDate = new DCLTimestamp(); $endDate = new DCLTimestamp(); $testDate = new DCLDate(); $testTS = new DCLTimestamp(); $endDate->SetFromDisplay($dateFrom . ' 23:59:59'); $beginDate->SetFromDisplay($dateFrom . ' 00:00:00'); $beginDate->time -= ($iDays - 1) * 86400; $query = 'SELECT ' . $obj->ConvertTimestamp('createdon', 'createdon') . ', ' . $obj->ConvertTimestamp('closedon', 'closedon') . ' FROM workorders WHERE '; if ($iProduct > 0) { $query .= 'product = ' . $iProduct . ' AND '; } $query .= '(createdon between ' . $obj->DisplayToSQL($beginDate->ToDisplay()); $query .= ' AND ' . $obj->DisplayToSQL($endDate->ToDisplay()); $query .= ') OR (closedon between ' . $obj->DisplayToSQL($beginDate->ToDisplay()); $query .= ' AND ' . $obj->DisplayToSQL($endDate->ToDisplay()) . ')'; $obj->Query($query); $objG->data[0] = array(); // Open $objG->data[1] = array(); // Closed $daysBack = array(); $testDate->time = $beginDate->time; for ($i = 0; $i < $iDays; $i++) { $daysBack[$i] = $testDate->time; // Set the relevant object properties while we're at it $objG->line_captions_x[$i] = date('m/d', $testDate->time); $objG->data[0][$i] = 0; $objG->data[1][$i] = 0; $testDate->time += 86400; } while ($obj->next_record()) { $iTime = 0; for ($y = 0; $y < 2; $y++) { if ($y == 0) { $testTS->SetFromDB($obj->f($y)); $iTime = $testTS->time; } else { $testDate->SetFromDB($obj->f($y)); $iTime = $testDate->time; } $j = $iDays - 1; while ($j >= 0) { if ($iTime >= $daysBack[$j]) { if (!isset($objG->data[$y][$j])) { $objG->data[$y][$j] = 0; } $objG->data[$y][$j]++; break; } $j--; } } } $objG->title = STR_BO_WOGRAPHTITLE; if ($iProduct > 0) { $oDB =& CreateObject('dcl.dbProducts'); if ($oDB->Load($iProduct) != -1) { $objG->title .= ' ' . $oDB->name; } } $objG->caption_y = STR_BO_WOGRAPHCAPTIONY; $objG->caption_x = STR_BO_GRAPHCAPTIONX; $objG->num_lines_y = 15; $objG->num_lines_x = $iDays; $objG->colors = array('red', 'blue'); print '<center>'; echo '<img border="0" src="', menuLink('', 'menuAction=boGraph.Show&' . $objG->ToURL()), '">'; print '</center>'; }
function showgraph() { commonHeader(); // GD is required, so short-circuit if not installed if (!extension_loaded('gd')) { trigger_error(STR_BO_GRAPHNEEDSGD); return; } $objG =& CreateObject('dcl.boGraph'); $obj =& CreateObject('dcl.dbTickets'); $beginDate = new DCLTimestamp(); $endDate = new DCLTimestamp(); $testDate = new DCLTimestamp(); if (($iDays = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['days'])) === null || ($dateFrom = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['dateFrom'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } $endDate->SetFromDisplay($dateFrom . ' 23:59:59'); $beginDate->SetFromDisplay($dateFrom . ' 00:00:00'); $beginDate->time -= ($iDays - 1) * 86400; $product_id = 0; if (($product_id = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['product'])) === null) { $product_id = 0; } if ($obj->LoadDatesByRange($beginDate->ToDisplay(), $endDate->ToDisplay(), $product_id) == -1) { return; } $objG->data[0] = array(); // Open $objG->data[1] = array(); // Closed $daysBack = array(); $testDate->time = $beginDate->time; for ($i = 0; $i < $iDays; $i++) { $daysBack[$i] = $testDate->time; // Set the relevant object properties while we're at it $objG->line_captions_x[$i] = date('m/d', $testDate->time); $objG->data[0][$i] = 0; $objG->data[1][$i] = 0; $testDate->time += 86400; } while ($obj->next_record()) { for ($y = 0; $y < 2; $y++) { $testDate->SetFromDB($obj->f($y)); $j = $iDays - 1; while ($j >= 0) { if ($testDate->time >= $daysBack[$j]) { if (!isset($objG->data[$y][$j])) { $objG->data[$y][$j] = 0; } $objG->data[$y][$j]++; break; } $j--; } } } $objG->title = STR_BO_GRAPHTITLE; if ($product_id > 0) { $oDB =& CreateObject('dcl.dbProducts'); if ($oDB->Load($product_id) != -1) { $objG->title .= ' ' . $oDB->name; } } $objG->caption_y = STR_BO_GRAPHCAPTIONY; $objG->caption_x = STR_BO_GRAPHCAPTIONX; $objG->num_lines_y = 15; $objG->num_lines_x = $iDays; $objG->colors = array('red', 'blue'); print '<center>'; echo '<img border="0" src="', menuLink('', 'menuAction=boGraph.Show&' . $objG->ToURL()), '">'; print '</center>'; }