function Main() { $db = new DB_RPTS(); //$this->formArray['month']= 10; //ex Month january //$this->formArray['year']= 2003; //ex Month january /*$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT payments.dueID FROM payments INNER JOIN dues ON payments.dueID = dues.dueID WHERE MONTH( dues.dueDate ) = '01'"; */ $sql = "SELECT sum( amount ) as amount , YEAR(dues.dueDate) as yearDue, sum( payments.penalty ) as penalty , sum( discount ) as discount, \r\n\t\t\tcollectionDate FROM collections INNER JOIN collectionPayments ON collections.collectionID = collectionPayments.collectionID INNER JOIN payments \r\n\t\t\tON collectionPayments.paymentID = payments.paymentID INNER JOIN dues ON payments.dueID = dues.dueID where \r\n\t\t\tMONTH(collectionDate) = '" . $this->formArray['month'] . "' AND YEAR(collectionDate) = '" . $this->formArray['year'] . "' GROUP BY ( collectionDate ) order by collectionDate desc;"; $ypos = 460; $this->tpl->set_block("rptsTemplate", "ROW", "rBlk"); $db->query($sql); if (count($db->num_rows()) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $db->next_record(); $i++) { if ($db->f("yearDue") == date("Y")) { $this->tpl->set_var(currentYear, $db->f("amount")); $this->tpl->set_var(prevYear, "0.00"); } else { $this->tpl->set_var(prevYear, $db->f("amount")); $this->tpl->set_var(currentYear, "0.00"); } $this->tpl->set_var($db->Record); $this->tpl->set_var(ypos, $ypos); $ypos = $ypos - 10; $this->tpl->parse("rBlk", "ROW", true); } } $this->tpl->parse("report", "rptsTemplate"); $this->tpl->finish("report"); // $this->tpl->p("report"); $rptrpdf = new PDFWriter(); $rptrpdf->setOutputXML($this->tpl->get('report'), "string"); $rptrpdf->writePDF("collectionReport2.pdf"); }
function checkTD($tdNum = 0, &$xmlNode) { printf("checkTD(): Starting<br>\n"); // Get the TD Information $sqlSelectTD = "SELECT tdID, cancelsTDNumber, taxBeginsWithTheYear, ceasesWithTheYear\n\t\t FROM TD\n\t\t WHERE taxDeclarationNumber = '{$tdNum}'"; printf("checkTD(): {$sqlSelectTD}<br>\n"); $dbTD = new DB_RPTS($sqlSelectTD); if ($dbTD->next_record()) { $tdID = $dbTD->f("tdID"); $cancelsTD = $dbTD->f("cancelsTDNumber"); $taxBegins = $dbTD->f("taxBeginsWithTheYear"); $taxEnds = $dbTD->f("ceasesWithTheYear"); if ($taxEnds == 0) { // TD is current and has no ending $today = getdate(); $taxEnds = $today['year']; } // check if the TD still has unpaid dues $unpaidSinceFirst = false; $sqlSelectDues = "SELECT Year(dueDate) as dueYear from dues\n\t\t\t\twhere tdID = '{$tdID}' and paidInFull = 0\n\t\t\t\torder by dueYear"; printf("checkTD(): {$sqlSelectDues}<br>\n"); $dbDues = new DB_RPTS($sqlSelectDues); if ($dbDues->num_rows() > 0) { // prepare a new node for this TD $node = $this->xmlSOA->create_element("TD"); $node->set_attribute("Number", $tdNum); // attach node to xmlNode printf("checkTD(): Attaching a TDdues node<br>\n"); $tdNode = $xmlNode->append_child($node); } else { printf("checkTD(): found no dues<br>\n"); } // get each unpaid due while ($dbDues->next_record()) { $dueYear = $dbDues->f('dueYear'); $due = new Dues($tdID, $dueYear); // attach to TD Node $dueNode = $this->xmlSOA->create_element("TaxDues"); $dueNode->set_attribute("Year", $dueYear); $dueNode->set_attribute("Amount", $due->getTotalDue()); if ($due->getPctPenalty() > 0.0) { $dueNode->set_attribute("PenaltyPerCent", $due->getPctPenalty()); } $newnode = $tdNode->append_child($dueNode); printf("checkTD(): Attaching a dues node<br>\n"); if ($dueYear == $taxBegins) { $unpaidSinceFirst = true; } } // if first year dues are unpaid // check cancelled TD if ($unpaidSinceFirst) { $this->checkTD($cancelsTD, $tdNode); } } printf("checkTD(): Done<br>\n"); }
function run($barangayID) { // get od list by barangay $this->formArray["progressLog"] = "gathering RPUs..."; $db = new DB_RPTS(); $sql = "SELECT " . OD_TABLE . ".odID as odID " . "FROM " . OD_TABLE . " " . "LEFT JOIN " . LOCATION_TABLE . " " . "ON " . OD_TABLE . ".odID = " . LOCATION_TABLE . ".odID " . "LEFT JOIN " . LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE . " " . "ON " . LOCATION_TABLE . ".locationAddressID=" . LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE . ".locationAddressID " . "LEFT JOIN " . BARANGAY_TABLE . " " . "ON " . BARANGAY_TABLE . ".barangayID=" . LOCATIONADDRESS_TABLE . ".barangayID " . "LEFT JOIN " . ODHISTORY_TABLE . " " . "ON " . OD_TABLE . ".odID = " . ODHISTORY_TABLE . ".previousODID " . "WHERE " . BARANGAY_TABLE . ".barangayID='" . fixQuotes($barangayID) . "' " . "AND " . ODHISTORY_TABLE . ".previousODID IS NULL " . "AND ((" . OD_TABLE . ".transactionCode='GR' AND " . OD_TABLE . ".dateCreated <= " . fixQuotes($this->formArray["countBackDaysTimeStr"]) . ") " . "OR (" . OD_TABLE . ".transactionCode!='GR'))"; $db->query($sql); $this->formArray["totalCreated"] = 0; $ctr = 0; $this->formArray["progressLog"] = "RPUs gathered..."; $total = $db->nf(); while ($db->next_record()) { $ctr++; // NCC Modification checked and implemented by K2 : November 17, 2005 // details: // commented out link 659 that uses $this->RunGeneralRevision(); // added line 660 that uses $this->RunGeneralRevisionBrgy(); //$newODID = $this->RunGeneralRevision($db->f("odID"),$this->userID,"GR"); $newODID = $this->RunGeneralRevisionBrgy($db->f("odID"), $this->userID, "GR"); if ($newODID == "" || $newODID == false || is_numeric($newODID) == false) { // skipped $this->formArray["progressLog"] = "[" . $ctr . "/" . $total . "]...[skipped odID:" . $db->f("odID") . "]" . "\n" . $this->formArray["progressLog"]; } else { // ran $this->formArray["progressLog"] = "[" . $ctr . "/" . $total . "]...[archived odID:" . $db->f("odID") . " | created odID:" . $newODID . "]" . "\n" . $this->formArray["progressLog"]; $this->formArray["totalCreated"]++; } } $this->formArray["totalArchived"] = $db->num_rows(); }
<? Header('Content-Type: image/png'); include_once("web/prepend.php"); include_once('web/panachart.php'); $tpl=new rpts_Template(); $tpl->set_file(array(report=>"Form.htm")); $db = new DB_RPTS;//DB_SelectLGU("erpts-test"); // $tmpdb = new DB_SelectLGU("erpts-test"); $db->query("SELECT * FROM Barangay ORDER BY description"); $tpl->set_block(report,BRGY,bBlk); if($db->num_rows()>0){ for($r=0;$db->next_record();$r++){ $tpl->set_var(barangayID,$db->f("barangayID")); $tpl->set_var(barangayName,$db->f("description")); $tpl->parse(bBlk,BRGY,true); } } $tpl->set_var(fileName,$PHP_SELF); if($isSubmit){ if($brgyID==0){ $sql = "SELECT SUM( Collection.amountPaid ) AS amountPaid, Payment.paymentID AS paymentID, TD.tdID, ".ucwords($classification)."ActualUses.code as description FROM Collection INNER JOIN Payment ON Payment.paymentID = Collection.paymentID INNER JOIN TD