public function __get($key) { switch ($key) { case 'permalink': return 'news/post?id=' . $this->id; } return parent::__get($key); }
$province = $address->getState(); $sql = 'select `tax_rate` from ecomm_tax_rate where country = "' . e($country) . '" AND province = "' . e($province) . '" AND tax_class = "' . e($taxClass) . '"'; $result = Database::singleton()->query_fetch($sql); $taxRate = $result['tax_rate']; if (!$taxRate) { $taxRate = 0; } $taxRate = $taxRate / 100; return (double) $taxRate * (double) $productPrice; } public static function getAll($filter = true) { $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_tax_rate'; if ($filter) { $sql .= ' where status = 1'; } $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new TaxRate($result['id']); } return $results; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'taxrate_'; } } DBRow::init('TaxRate');
foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new Product($result['id']); } return $results; } public static function searchProductsSimple($searchPhrase) { $sql = 'select from ecomm_product left join ecomm_category on ecomm_product.category = left join ecomm_supplier on ecomm_product.supplier = left join ecomm_product_type on ecomm_product.producttype = where ecomm_product.status=1 and ('; $sql .= ' like "%' . e($searchPhrase) . '%" OR ecomm_product.details like "%' . e($searchPhrase) . '%"'; $sql .= ' OR like "%' . e($searchPhrase) . '%"'; $sql .= ' OR like "%' . e($searchPhrase) . '%"'; $sql .= ' OR like "%' . e($searchPhrase) . '%"'; $sql .= ')'; $sql .= ' order by'; $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new Product($result['id']); } return $results; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'product_'; } } DBRow::init('Product');
{ function createTable() { $cols = array('id?', DBColumn::make('//integer', 'order_nb', 'Order'), DBColumn::make('select', 'status', 'Order Status', array("Pending" => "Pending", "Shipped" => "Shipped", "Complete" => "Complete")), DBColumn::make('textarea', 'comment', 'Comment')); return new DBTable("ecomm_order_comment", __CLASS__, $cols); } public function getAddEditFormHook($form) { $form->setConstants(array('order_id' => $this->getOrderNb())); $form->addElement('hidden', 'order_id'); } public static function getAll($orderId = 0) { $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_order_comment'; if ($orderId) { $sql .= " where order_nb = '" . e($orderId) . "'"; } $sql .= " order by id"; $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new OrderComment($result['id']); } return $results; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'ordercomment_'; } } DBRow::init('OrderComment');
<?php include_once SITE_ROOT . '/core/DBColumn.php'; include_once SITE_ROOT . '/core/DBColumns.php'; class PaypalIPN extends DBRow { function createTable() { $cols = array('id?', DBColumn::make('integer', 'is_verified', 'Is Verified'), DBColumn::make('text', 'transaction', 'Transaction'), DBColumn::make('text', 'txnid', 'Paypal Transaction ID'), DBColumn::make('text', 'payment_status', 'Payment Status'), DBColumn::make('text', 'post_string', 'Post fields'), DBColumn::make('text', 'memo', 'Memo')); return new DBTable("ecomm_paypal_ipn", __CLASS__, $cols); } public static function getAll($sessionId = 0) { $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_paypal_ipn'; if ($sessionId) { $sql .= " where session = '" . e($sessionId) . "'"; } $sql .= " order by id"; $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new PaypalIPN($result['id']); } return $results; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'paypalipn_'; } } DBRow::init('PaypalIPN');
include_once SITE_ROOT . '/core/DBColumns.php'; class Order extends DBRow { function createTable() { $cols = array('id?', DBColumn::make('text', 'tid', 'Transaction ID'), DBColumn::make('integer', 'user', 'User'), DBColumn::make('text', 'customer_name', 'Customer Name'), DBColumn::make('text', 'user_email', 'Customer Email'), DBColumn::make('text', 'phone', 'Phone number'), DBColumn::make('text', 'shipping_street', 'Shipping street'), DBColumn::make('text', 'shipping_city', 'Shipping City'), DBColumn::make('text', 'shipping_postal', 'Shipping Postal'), DBColumn::make('text', 'shipping_province', 'Shipping Province'), DBColumn::make('text', 'shipping_country', 'Shipping Country'), DBColumn::make('text', 'billing_street', 'Billing Street'), DBColumn::make('text', 'billing_city', 'Billing City'), DBColumn::make('text', 'billing_postal', 'Billing Postal'), DBColumn::make('text', 'billing_province', 'Billing Province'), DBColumn::make('text', 'billing_country', 'Billing Country'), DBColumn::make('text', 'cost_subtotal', 'Sub Total'), DBColumn::make('text', 'cost_tax', 'Tax'), DBColumn::make('text', 'cost_shipping', 'Shipping Cost'), DBColumn::make('text', 'cost_total', 'Total'), DBColumn::make('text', 'ip', 'IP Address'), DBColumn::make('text', 'shipping_class', 'Shipping Class'), DBColumn::make('text', 'payment_class', 'Payment Class'), DBColumn::make('text', 'created', 'Timestamp'), DBColumn::make('textarea', 'delivery_instructions', 'Delivery Instructions'), DBColumn::make('text', 'status', 'Status')); return new DBTable("ecomm_order", __CLASS__, $cols); } public static function getAll($allOrders = false, $userId = null) { $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_order where 1=1'; if (!$allOrders) { $sql .= ' and status like "Pending"'; } if ($userId) { $sql .= ' and user = "******"'; } $sql .= ' order by id desc'; $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new Order($result['id']); } return $results; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'order_'; } } DBRow::init('Order');
$form->addElement('checkbox', $this->quickformPrefix() . 'no_image', 'No image'); if ($this->getImage()) { $curImage = $form->addElement('dbimage', $this->quickformPrefix() . 'image', $this->getImage()); } if ($this->getDateAdded()) { $form->addElement('static', $this->quickformPrefix() . 'date_added_label', 'Date Added', $this->getDateAdded()->getDate()); } if ($this->getLastModified()) { $form->addElement('static', $this->quickformPrefix() . 'last_modified_label', 'Last Modified', $this->getLastModified()); } $form->addElement('button', 'btn_cancel', 'Cancel', array("onclick" => "document.location='/admin/EComm§ion=" . $_REQUEST["section"] . "';")); } public static function getAll($filter = true) { $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_supplier'; if ($filter) { $sql .= ' where status = 1'; } $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new Supplier($result['id']); } return $results; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'supplier_'; } } DBRow::init('Supplier');
$form->addElement('button', 'btn_cancel', 'Cancel', array("onclick" => "document.location='/admin/EComm§ion=" . $_REQUEST["section"] . "';")); } public static function getAll($filter = true) { $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_tax_class'; if ($filter) { $sql .= ' where status = 1'; } $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new TaxClass($result['id']); } return $results; } public static function getAllTaxClassesIdAndName() { $results = array(); $sql = 'select `id`,`name` from ecomm_category'; $allTaxClasses = TaxClass::getAll(false); foreach ($allTaxClasses as $taxClass) { $results[$taxClass->getId()] = $taxClass->getName(); } return $results; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'taxclass_'; } } DBRow::init('TaxClass');
{ } public function clientHookBeforeDisplayCartItem(&$cartItem, &$ecommModule) { } } include_once SITE_ROOT . '/core/DBColumn.php'; include_once SITE_ROOT . '/core/DBColumns.php'; class ProductPropertiesTbl extends DBRow { function createTable() { $cols = array('id?', DBColumn::make('!integer', 'product', 'Product'), DBColumn::make('!integer', 'pallet_count', 'Pallet Count'), DBColumn::make('!float', 'weight', 'Weight'), DBColumn::make('!select', 'weight_unit', 'Weight Unit', array('KG' => 'KG', 'Cubic Feet' => 'Cubic Feet', 'Cubic Yards' => 'Cubic Yards', 'LB' => 'LB'))); return new DBTable("ecomm_product_properties", __CLASS__, $cols); } public static function getPropertiesBasedOnProductId($productId) { if (!$productId) { return new ProductPropertiesTbl(); } $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_product_properties where product = "' . e($productId) . '"'; $result = Database::singleton()->query_fetch($sql); return new ProductPropertiesTbl($result['id']); } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'product_'; } } DBRow::init('ProductPropertiesTbl');
$form->addElement('checkbox', $this->quickformPrefix() . 'no_image', 'No image'); if ($this->getImage()) { $curImage = $form->addElement('dbimage', $this->quickformPrefix() . 'image', $this->getImage()); } if ($this->getDateAdded()) { $form->addElement('static', $this->quickformPrefix() . 'date_added_label', 'Date Added', $this->getDateAdded()->getDate()); } if ($this->getLastModified()) { $form->addElement('static', $this->quickformPrefix() . 'last_modified_label', 'Last Modified', $this->getLastModified()); } $form->addElement('button', 'btn_cancel', 'Cancel', array("onclick" => "document.location='/admin/EComm§ion=" . $_REQUEST["section"] . "';")); } public static function getAll($filter = true) { $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_product_type'; if ($filter) { $sql .= ' where status = 1'; } $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new ProductType($result['id']); } return $results; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'producttype_'; } } DBRow::init('ProductType');
} else { $obj = new UserDetails($result['id']); } return $obj; } public function getAddress($type) { if ($type == "billing_address") { $add = new Address($this->getBillingAddress()); } else { //$type is shipping_address $add = new Address($this->getShippingAddress()); } return $add; } public function setAddress($type, $address) { if ($type == "shipping_address") { $this->setShippingAddress($address->getId()); } else { //$type is billing_address $this->setBillingAddress($address->getId()); } } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'userdetails_'; } } DBRow::init('UserDetails');
{ $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_transaction where tid like "' . e($tid) . '"'; $result = Database::singleton()->query_fetch($sql); $obj = new Transaction($result['id']); return $obj; } public static function generateNewTID() { srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); $tid = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) { $tid .= rand(1, 9); } return $tid; } public static function getAll() { $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_transaction'; $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new Transaction($result['id']); } return $results; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'transaction_'; } } DBRow::init('Transaction');
public static function getAll($filter = true, $parentCategory = null) { $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_category where 1=1'; if ($filter) { $sql .= ' and status = 1'; } if (is_numeric($parentCategory)) { $sql .= " and parent_category = '" . e($parentCategory) . "'"; } $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new Category($result['id']); } return $results; } public function displayBreadCrumb() { $result = ''; if (!$this->getId()) { return '<a href="/Store/Category">Back to categories</a>'; } $parent = new Category($this->getParentCategory()); return $parent->displayBreadCrumb() . ' | <a href="/Store/Category/' . $this->getId() . '">' . $this->getName() . '</a>'; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'category_'; } } DBRow::init('Category');
public function reGenerateSession() { $newSession = new Session(); $newSession->setIpAddress($this->getIpAddress()); $newSession->setStatus($this->getStatus()); $newSession->setUser($this->getUser()); $newSession->setShippingClass($this->getShippingClass()); $newSession->setPaymentClass($this->getPaymentClass()); $newSession->save(); $_SESSION["ECommSessionId"] = $newSession->getId(); return $newSession->getId(); } public static function getAll($filter = true) { $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_session'; if ($filter) { $sql .= " where status = 1"; } $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new Session($result['id']); } return $results; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'session_'; } } DBRow::init('Session');
$results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new CartItem($result['id']); } return $results; } public function getCartItemProduct() { //Return the object of the product $productId = $this->getProduct(); if ($this->cartItemProduct && $this->cartItemProduct->getId() == $productId) { return $this->cartItemProduct; } $this->cartItemProduct = new Product($productId); return $this->cartItemProduct; } public function calculatePrice() { //This method calls the getPrice method (which returns the base price) and then adds all the plugin prices //This method calcultes the price of the product plus the added price of the plugins require_once SITE_ROOT . '/modules/EComm/plugins/products/ECommProduct.php'; $plugInPrices = ECommProduct::getPluginsPrice($this); return $plugInPrices + $this->getCartItemProduct()->getPrice(); } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'cartitem_'; } } DBRow::init('CartItem');
{ $cols = array('id?', DBColumn::make('integer', 'order_nb', 'Order'), DBColumn::make('integer', 'product', 'Product'), DBColumn::make('text', 'product_name', 'Product Name'), DBColumn::make('integer', 'quantity', 'Quantity')); return new DBTable("ecomm_order_detail", __CLASS__, $cols); } public static function getAll($orderId = 0) { $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_order_detail'; if ($orderId) { $sql .= " where order_nb = '" . e($orderId) . "'"; } $sql .= " order by id"; $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new OrderDetail($result['id']); } return $results; } public function getProductPluginInfo() { require_once SITE_ROOT . '/modules/EComm/plugins/products/ECommProduct.php'; $hookResults = ECommProduct::adminPluginHooks("BeforeDisplayOrder", $this); //var_dump($hookResults);exit; return $hookResults; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'orderdetail_'; } } DBRow::init('OrderDetail');
return 2.5; } } include_once SITE_ROOT . '/core/DBColumn.php'; include_once SITE_ROOT . '/core/DBColumns.php'; class AlternativeImage extends DBRow { function createTable() { $cols = array('id?', DBColumn::make('!integer', 'product', 'Product'), DBColumn::make('!integer', 'image', 'Image')); return new DBTable("ecomm_product_alternative_image", __CLASS__, $cols); } public static function getAll($productId) { if (!$productId) { return array(); } $sql = 'select `id` from ecomm_product_alternative_image where product = "' . e($productId) . '"'; $results = Database::singleton()->query_fetch_all($sql); foreach ($results as &$result) { $result = new AlternativeImage($result['id']); } return $results; } static function getQuickFormPrefix() { return 'alternativeimage_'; } } DBRow::init('AlternativeImage');