Beispiel #1
    echo '<br>';
    echo $db->error;
    echo '<hr>';
    // get a column
    $query = "select {$tableKey} from {$table} where {$tableKey}<10";
    echo 'getColumn(): ' . $query;
    echo '<br>';
    echo DBHelper::dumpColumn($db->getColumn(), true);
    echo '<br>';
    echo $db->error;
    echo '<hr>';
    // show widget
    echo 'new PageWidget() :';
    echo '<br>';
    $p = new PageWidget($db, $limitFunction, $table, $pageLimit);
    echo '<br>';
    echo $p->getPageDropDown();
    echo DBHelper::dumpAll($p->get());
    $prev = $p->getPrevLink();
    $next = $p->getNextLink();
    echo ($prev ? $prev : 'Previous') . ' - ' . ($next ? $next : 'Next');
    echo '<p>';
    echo $p->getIndex();
    echo '<hr>';
} else {
    echo $db->error;

require "";
// create a new page widget
require_once '../addon/PageWidget.php';
// widget settings
$entries = 1;
$table = 'users';
// which rows to display
$rows = array('name', 'email');
$widget = new PageWidget($db, 'mysqlLimitQuery', $table, $entries);
echo "<h2>Page {$widget->page}</h2>";
echo $widget->getPageDropdown();
echo "Entries {$widget->start} -  {$widget->end} of {$widget->total}<p>";
echo '[' . $widget->getIndex('] [') . ']<p>';
echo $widget->getOrderDropdown($rows);
echo $widget->getNextLink();
echo '<br>';
echo $widget->getPrevLink();
// get the data
echo DBHelper::dumpAll($widget->get($rows), true);
require "";
echo '<hr>';

require "";
// get all the results and print them in a html table
$results = $db->execute("SELECT name, email FROM users");
echo DBHelper::dumpAll($results, true, array('Name', 'Email Adress'));
require "";
echo '<hr>';