function check_for_resurrection($echo = FALSE)
    $dbObj = new DBAccess();
    $dbObj->Update("UPDATE players\n                    SET status = 0,\n                    health = (CASE WHEN class='White' THEN (150+(level*3)) ELSE 100 END)\n                    WHERE confirmed = 1\n                    AND health < 0\n                    AND resurrection_time = (SELECT amount from time where time_label='hours')\n                    AND\n                    ( days<31 OR\n        \t\t\t\t(\n        \t\t\t\t\t((days %\n        \t\t\t\t\t    cast(floor(days / 10) AS integer))\n        \t\t\t\t\t    =0\n        \t\t\t\t\t)\n        \t\t\t\t)\n        \t\t\t)\n                  ");
    // *** Resurrect and heal all players at this countdown spot.
    if ($echo) {
        $healedPlayers = $dbObj->a_rows;
        echo "Number of healed/resurrected players: " . $healedPlayers;
Beispiel #2
function update_activity_log($username)
    $sql = new DBAccess();
    $user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $sql->Update("UPDATE players SET days = 0, ip = '{$user_ip}' WHERE uname='{$username}'");
Beispiel #3
$logMessage = "DEITY_HOURLY STARTING: " . date(DATE_RFC1036) . "\n";
$score = get_score_formula();
/// @ TODO - This script should be secured.
$sql = new DBAccess();
// ******************* INITIALIZATION ******************************
$poisonHealthDecrease = 50;
// *** The amount that poison decreases health each half-hour.
$maximum_heal = 150;
$maximum_turns = 300;
// *** Turn # beyond which you will drop back down to, though normal turn increase stops earlier.
$maxtime = '6 hours';
// *** Max time a person is kept online without being active.
$turn_regen_threshold = 100;
$out_display = array();
// ******************* END OF CONSTANTS ***********************
$sql->Update("UPDATE time SET amount = amount+1 WHERE time_label='hours'");
// Update the hours ticker.
$sql->Update("UPDATE time SET amount = 0 WHERE time_label='hours' AND amount>=24");
// Rollover the time to hour zero.
$sql->Update("UPDATE players SET turns = 0 WHERE turns < 0");
$sql->Update("UPDATE players SET bounty = 0 WHERE bounty < 0");
$sql->Update("UPDATE players SET turns = turns+1 WHERE class ='Blue' and turns < " . $turn_regen_threshold);
// Blue turn code
$sql->Update("UPDATE players SET turns = turns+2 where turns < " . $turn_regen_threshold);
// add 2 turns on the hour, up to 100.
// Database connection information here
$sql->Query("DELETE FROM ppl_online WHERE activity < (now() - interval '" . $maxtime . "')");
//Skip error logging this for now. $out_display['Inactive Browsers Deactivated'] = $sql->a_rows;
// *** HEAL ***
$sql->Update("UPDATE players SET health=numeric_smaller(health+8, {$maximum_heal}) " . "WHERE health BETWEEN 1 AND {$maximum_heal} AND NOT " . "cast(status&" . POISON . " AS boolean)");
// ****************************** RESURRECTION CHECK, DEPENDENT UPON RESURRECTION_TIME ****************************

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/';
// Currently this forces crons locally to be called from the cron folder.
require_once LIB_ROOT . "specific/lib_deity.php";
// Deity-specific functions
$logMessage = "DEITY_HALFHOUR STARTING: " . date(DATE_RFC1036) . "\n";
$regen_rate = 1;
$turn_regen_threshold = 100;
$maximum_heal = 150;
$maxtime = '15 minutes';
// *** Max time a person is kept online without being active. 6 hours is not online. 15m  minustes is better
$score = get_score_formula();
$sql = new DBAccess();
$sql->Update("UPDATE players SET turns = 0 WHERE turns < 0");
// if anyone has less than 0 turns, set it to 0
$sql->Update("UPDATE players SET turns = turns+{$regen_rate} WHERE turns < " . $turn_regen_threshold);
// add turns at the regen rate for anyone below the threshold
$sql->Update("UPDATE players SET bounty = 0 WHERE bounty < 0");
// if anyone has negative bounty, set it to 0
$sql->Query("DELETE FROM ppl_online WHERE activity < (now() - interval '" . $maxtime . "')");
$out_display['Inactive Browsers Deactivated'] = $sql->a_rows;
// *** HEAL CODE ***
$sql->Update("UPDATE players SET health = numeric_smaller(health+8+cast(floor(level/10) AS int), {$maximum_heal})\n\t     WHERE health BETWEEN 1 AND {$maximum_heal} AND NOT cast(status&" . POISON . " AS bool)");
// Higher levels now heal faster.
// **************
// Visual output:
foreach ($out_display as $loopKey => $loopRowResult) {
    $logMessage .= "DEITY_HALFHOUR: Result type: {$loopKey} yeilded result number: {$loopRowResult}\n";
$logMessage .= "DEITY_HALFHOUR ENDING: " . date(DATE_RFC1036) . "\n";
Beispiel #5
function confirm_player($player_name, $confirmation = 0, $autoconfirm = false)
    $sql = new DBAccess();
    // Preconfirmed or the email didn't send, so automatically confirm the player.
    $require_confirm = $autoconfirm ? '' : "and confirm = '{$confirmation}'";
    $up = "update players set confirmed = 1, confirm='55555' where uname = '" . $player_name . "' " . $require_confirm;
    $up_res = $sql->Update($up);
    $res = $autoconfirm ? true : !!$up_res;
    return $res;
Beispiel #6
function setStatus($who, $what)
    //if (!is_numeric($what)) // *** If the status being sent in isn't a number...
    //  (isset($status_array[$what])? '
    global $sql;
    if (!$sql) {
        $sql = new DBAccess();
    $sql->Update("UPDATE players SET status = {$what} WHERE uname = '{$who}'");
    if ($who == $_SESSION['username']) {
        $_SESSION['status'] = $what;
        if ($what == 0) {
            echo "<br>You have returned to normal.<br>\n";
        } else {
            if ($what == 1) {
                echo "<br>You have been poisoned.<br>\n";
            } else {
                if ($what == 2) {
                    echo "<br>You are now stealthed.<br>\n";
    return $what;
Beispiel #7
 * Revive up to a small max in minor hours, and a stable percent on major hours.
 * Defaults
 * sample_use: revive_players(array('just_testing'=>true));
 * @params array('full_max'=>80, 'minor_revive_to'=>100, 'major_revive_percent'=>5,
 *      'just_testing'=>false)
function revive_players($params = array())
    // Previous min/max was 2-4% always, ~3000 players, so 60-120 each time.
    // In: full_max, default 80%
    $full_max = isset($params['full_max']) ? $params['full_max'] : 80;
    // minor_revive_to, default 100
    $minor_revive_to = isset($params['minor_revive_to']) ? $params['minor_revive_to'] : 100;
    // major_revive_percent, default 5%
    $major_revive_percent = isset($params['major_revive_percent']) ? $params['major_revive_percent'] : 5;
    $just_testing = isset($params['just_testing']) ? 'true' : 'false';
    $major_hour = 3;
    // Hour for the major revive.
    $revive_amount = 0;
    // Initial.
    /* New schedule should be:
       1: revive to 100
       2: revive to 100 (probably 0)
       3: revive 150, (250 total) to a max of 80% of total, ~2500.
       4: revive to 100 (almost certainly no more)
       5: revive to 100 (almost certainly no more)
       6: revive 150, (400 total) to a max of 80% of total, ~2500
       7: ...etc.
    // SQL pulls.
    $db = new DBAccess();
    // Determine the total dead (& confirmed).
    $sel_dead = 'select count(*) from players where health<1 and confirmed=1';
    $dead_count = $db->QueryItem($sel_dead);
    // If none dead, return false.
    if (!$dead_count) {
        return array(0, 0);
    // Determine the total confirmed.
    $sel_total_active = 'select count(*) from players where confirmed=1';
    $total_active = $db->QueryItem($sel_total_active);
    // Calc the total alive.
    $total_alive = $total_active - $dead_count;
    // Determine major or minor based on the hour.
    $sel_current_time = "SELECT amount from time where time_label='hours'";
    $current_time = $db->QueryItem($sel_current_time);
    $major = false;
    if ($current_time % $major_hour == 0) {
        $major = true;
    // If minor, and total_alive is more than minor_revive_to-1, return 0/total.
    if (!$major) {
        // minor
        if ($total_alive > $minor_revive_to - 1) {
            // minor_revive_to already met.
            return array(0, $dead_count);
        } else {
            // else revive minor_revive_to - total_alive.
            $revive_amount = floor($minor_revive_to - $total_alive);
    } else {
        // major.
        $percent_int = floor($major_revive_percent / 100 * $total_active);
        if ($dead_count < $percent_int) {
            // If major, and total_dead is less than target_num (major_revive_percent*total, floored)
            // just revive those that are dead.
            $revive_amount = $dead_count;
        } else {
            // Else revive target_num (major_revive_percent*total, floored)
            $revive_amount = $percent_int;
    // Actually perform the revive on those integers.
    // Use the order by clause to determine who revives, by time, days and then by level, using the limit set previously.
    //select uname, player_id, level,floor(($major_revive_percent/100)*$total_active) days, resurrection_time from players where confirmed = 1 AND health < 1 ORDER BY abs(8 - resurrection_time) asc, level desc, days asc
    $select = "select player_id from players where confirmed = 1 AND health < 1 ORDER BY abs(" . intval($current_time) . "\n        \t- resurrection_time) asc, level desc, days asc limit " . $revive_amount;
    $up_revive_players = "UPDATE players\n                    SET status = 0,\n                    health =\n                    \tCASE WHEN " . $just_testing . "\n                    \tTHEN health\n                    \tELSE\n                    \t\t(\n                    \t\tCASE WHEN class='White'\n                    \t\tTHEN (150+(level*3))\n                    \t\tELSE (100+(level*3)) END\n                    \t\t)\n                    \tEND\n                    WHERE\n                    player_id IN (" . $select . ")\n                  ";
    $truly_revived = $db->getAffectedRows();
    // Return the 'revived/total' actually revived.
    return array($truly_revived, $dead_count);