public function writeToTable($tableName, $type = 'MyISAM', $temporary = false)
     $fieldDefs = array_map(function ($cn) {
         return sprintf('`%s` varchar(255) default NULL', $cn);
     }, $this->_columnNames);
     // trim blank last column
     $trimLast = false;
     if (!end($this->_columnNames)) {
         $trimLast = true;
     // create table
     DB::nonQuery('CREATE TABLE `%s` (%s) ENGINE=%s DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;', array($tableName, join(',', $fieldDefs), $type));
     // write rows
     $count = 0;
     while ($row = $this->getNextRow(false)) {
         if ($trimLast) {
         DB::nonQuery('INSERT INTO `%s` VALUES ("%s")', array($tableName, implode('","', array_map(array('DB', 'escape'), $row))));
     return $count;

$tableName = Gatekeeper\Endpoints\Endpoint::$tableName;
// skip conditions
$skipped = true;
if (!static::tableExists($tableName)) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `%s` does not exist yet\n", $tableName);
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
if (!static::columnExists($tableName, 'GlobalBandwidthCount')) {
    printf("Adding column `%s`.`%s`\n", $tableName, 'GlobalBandwidthCount');
    DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `GlobalBandwidthCount` int unsigned NULL default NULL', $tableName);
    $skipped = false;
if (!static::columnExists($tableName, 'GlobalBandwidthPeriod')) {
    printf("Adding column `%s`.`%s`\n", $tableName, 'GlobalBandwidthPeriod');
    DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `GlobalBandwidthPeriod` int unsigned NULL default NULL', $tableName);
    $skipped = false;
// done
return $skipped ? static::STATUS_SKIPPED : static::STATUS_EXECUTED;
Beispiel #3
 public static function synchronize(Job $Job, $pretend = true)
     if ($Job->Status != 'Pending' && $Job->Status != 'Completed') {
         return static::throwError('Cannot execute job, status is not Pending or Complete');
     // update job status
     $Job->Status = 'Pending';
     if (!$pretend) {
     // init results struct
     $results = array('events' => array('analyzed' => 0, 'created' => 0, 'updated' => 0, 'deleted' => 0, 'skipped' => 0));
     // uncap execution time
     $now = time();
     $nowString = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $now);
     // compile course upload data
     foreach (Feed::getAll() as $Feed) {
         $ics = new iCal($Feed->Link);
         foreach ($ics->getEvents() as $icsEvent) {
             if ($Feed->MinimumDate && $Feed->MinimumDate > $icsEvent->getStart()) {
             $icsId = $icsEvent->getUID();
             if ($recurrenceId = $icsEvent->getProperty('recurrence-id')) {
                 $icsId .= '+' . $recurrenceId;
             // try to get existing
             if (!($Event = FeedEvent::getByUID($icsId))) {
                 $Event = FeedEvent::create(array('UID' => $icsId));
             $description = trim($icsEvent->getDescription());
             $location = trim($icsEvent->getLocation());
             $Event->setFields(array('Title' => $icsEvent->getSummary(), 'Description' => $description ? $description : null, 'Location' => $location ? $location : null, 'StartTime' => $icsEvent->getStart(), 'EndTime' => $icsEvent->getEnd(), 'FeedID' => $Feed->ID, 'Imported' => $now));
             $logEntry = $Job->logRecordDelta($Event, array('messageRenderer' => function ($logEntry) {
                 if ($logEntry['action'] == 'create') {
                     return "Created new event: {$logEntry[record]->Title}";
                 } else {
                     return "Updated event #{$logEntry[record]->ID}: {$logEntry[record]->Title}";
             }, 'ignoreFields' => array('Imported'), 'valueRenderers' => array('StartTime' => function ($value) {
                 return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value);
             }, 'EndTime' => function ($value) {
                 return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value);
             if ($logEntry['action'] == 'create') {
             } elseif ($logEntry['action'] == 'update') {
             if (!$pretend) {
         if (!$pretend) {
             // delete events that came from this feed but weren't included this time
             \DB::nonQuery('DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE FeedID = %u AND Imported != "%s"', array(FeedEvent::$tableName, $Feed->ID, $nowString));
         $results['events']['deleted'] += \DB::affectedRows();
     // save job results
     $Job->Status = 'Completed';
     $Job->Results = $results;
     if (!$pretend) {
     return true;
 public function destroy()
     DB::nonQuery('DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE ContextClass = "%s" AND ContextID = %u AND CategoryID = %u', array(static::$tableName, DB::escape($ContextClass), $ContextID, $CategoryID));
     return DB::affectedRows() > 0;
Beispiel #5
  * Clear all the files from a given collection's tree
  * Warning: this method is designed to be called from SiteCollection::delete and will leave stale cache entries if called
  * on its own
 public static function deleteTree(SiteCollection $Collection)
     DB::nonQuery('LOCK TABLES ' . static::$tableName . ' WRITE, ' . static::$tableName . ' AS f1 READ, ' . static::$tableName . ' AS f2 READ, ' . SiteCollection::$tableName . ' AS collections READ');
     $positions = DB::oneRecord('SELECT PosLeft, PosRight FROM `%s` collections WHERE ID = %u', array(SiteCollection::$tableName, $Collection->ID));
     DB::nonQuery('INSERT INTO `%1$s` (CollectionID, Handle, Status, AuthorID, AncestorID) SELECT f2.CollectionID, f2.Handle, "Deleted", %5$s, f2.ID FROM (SELECT MAX(f1.ID) AS ID FROM `%1$s` f1 WHERE CollectionID IN (SELECT collections.ID FROM `%2$s` collections WHERE PosLeft BETWEEN %3$u AND %4$u) AND Status != "Phantom" GROUP BY f1.Handle) AS lastestFiles LEFT JOIN `%1$s` f2 ON (f2.ID = lastestFiles.ID) WHERE f2.Status != "Deleted"', array(static::$tableName, SiteCollection::$tableName, $positions['PosLeft'], $positions['PosRight'], !empty($GLOBALS['Session']) && $GLOBALS['Session']->PersonID ? $GLOBALS['Session']->PersonID : 'NULL'));
     DB::nonQuery('UNLOCK TABLES');

    DB::nonQuery('DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE CollectionID IN (SELECT ID FROM `%s` WHERE Site != "Local")', array(SiteFile::$tableName, SiteCollection::$tableName));
    die('Cleared ' . DB::affectedRows() . ' cached files');
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Clear Parent Site Cache</title>
        * {
            font-size: xx-large;
            text-align: center;

        input {
            cursor: pointer;
            margin: 1em;

        em strong {
            color: #c00;
 public static function findFiles($filename, $useRegexp = false, $scope = null, $localOnly = false)
     $collections = array();
     if ($scope) {
         if (!is_array($scope)) {
             $scope = array($scope);
         foreach ($scope as $scopeItem) {
             if (is_string($scopeItem)) {
                 foreach (static::getCollectionLayers($scopeItem, $localOnly) as $collection) {
                     $collections[] = $collection;
             } elseif (is_a($scopeItem, 'SiteCollection')) {
                 $collections[] = $scopeItem;
     DB::nonQuery('LOCK TABLES ' . SiteFile::$tableName . ' f1 READ, ' . SiteFile::$tableName . ' f2 READ, ' . SiteCollection::$tableName . ' collections READ');
     $collectionsQuery = sprintf('SELECT collections.ID FROM `%s` collections WHERE Status != "Deleted"', SiteCollection::$tableName);
     if (count($collections)) {
         $collectionsQuery .= sprintf(' AND ((%s))', implode(') OR (', array_map(function ($collection) {
             $positions = DB::oneRecord('SELECT PosLeft, PosRight FROM `%s` collections WHERE ID = %u', array(SiteCollection::$tableName, $collection->ID));
             return sprintf('PosLeft BETWEEN %u AND %u', $positions['PosLeft'], $positions['PosRight']);
         }, $collections)));
     $fileResults = DB::query('SELECT f2.* FROM (SELECT MAX(f1.ID) AS ID FROM `%1$s` f1 WHERE CollectionID IN (%2$s) AND Status != "Phantom" GROUP BY f1.Handle) AS lastestFiles LEFT JOIN `%1$s` f2 ON (f2.ID = lastestFiles.ID) WHERE f2.Status != "Deleted" AND f2.Handle %3$s "%4$s"', array(SiteFile::$tableName, $collectionsQuery, $useRegexp ? 'REGEXP' : '=', DB::escape($filename)));
     DB::nonQuery('UNLOCK TABLES');
     $results = array();
     while ($record = $fileResults->fetch_assoc()) {
         $fileNode = new SiteFile($record['Handle'], $record);
         $results[join('/', $fileNode->getFullPath(null, false))] = $fileNode;
     return $results;

$newGroupRollType = 'enum(\'Member\',\'Administrator\',\'Owner\',\'Founder\')';
// skip conditions
if (!static::tableExists('group_members')) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `group_members` does not exist yet\n");
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
if (static::getColumnType('group_members', 'Role') == $newGroupRollType) {
    printf("Skipping migration because `Role` column already has correct type\n");
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `group_members` CHANGE `Role` `Role` ' . $newGroupRollType . ' NOT NULL');
// done
return static::STATUS_EXECUTED;

    DB::nonQuery('DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE CollectionID IN (SELECT ID FROM `%s` WHERE Site != "Local")', array(SiteFile::$tableName, SiteCollection::$tableName));
    print 'Cleared ' . DB::affectedRows() . ' cached files<br>' . PHP_EOL;
    DB::nonQuery('DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE Site != "Local"', array(SiteCollection::$tableName));
    die('Cleared ' . DB::affectedRows() . ' cached collections');
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Clear Parent Site Cache + Nuke Collections</title>
        * {
            font-size: xx-large;
            text-align: center;

        input {
            cursor: pointer;
            margin: 1em;

        em strong {
            color: #c00;

$newClassType = "enum('Media','PhotoMedia','AudioMedia','VideoMedia','PDFMedia')";
// skip conditions
$skipped = true;
if (!static::tableExists('media')) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `media` does not exist yet\n");
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
if (static::getColumnType('media', 'Class') != $newClassType) {
    print "Updating `Class` enum\n";
    DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `media` CHANGE `Class` `Class` ' . $newClassType . ' NOT NULL');
    $skipped = false;
if (static::getColumnType('media', 'ContextClass') != 'varchar(255)') {
    print "Changing `ContextClass` to varchar\n";
    DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `media` CHANGE `ContextClass` `ContextClass` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL');
    $skipped = false;
if (static::getColumnType('media', 'MIMEType') != 'varchar(255)') {
    print "Changing `MIMEType` to varchar\n";
    DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `media` CHANGE `MIMEType` `MIMEType` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL');
    $skipped = false;
// done
return $skipped ? static::STATUS_SKIPPED : static::STATUS_EXECUTED;
 public static function handleRequest()
     // TODO: try global handle lookup?
     // resolve URL in root
     $resolvedNode = false;
     $rootNode = static::getRootCollection('site-root');
     // handle root request - default page
     if (empty(static::$pathStack[0]) && static::$defaultPage) {
         static::$pathStack[0] = static::$defaultPage;
     // route request
     if (static::$pathStack[0] == 'emergence') {
         return Emergence::handleRequest();
     } elseif (static::$pathStack[0] == 'parent-refresh' && $_REQUEST['key'] == static::$controlKey) {
         DB::nonQuery('DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE CollectionID IN (SELECT ID FROM `%s` WHERE SiteID != %u)', array(SiteFile::$tableName, SiteCollection::$tableName, Site::getSiteID()));
         die('Cleared ' . DB::affectedRows() . ' cached files');
     } else {
         $resolvedNode = $rootNode;
         $resolvedPath = array();
         while ($handle = array_shift(static::$pathStack)) {
             $scriptHandle = substr($handle, -4) == '.php' ? $handle : $handle . '.php';
             //printf('%s: (%s)/(%s) - %s<br>', $resolvedNode->Handle, $handle, implode('/',static::$pathStack), $scriptHandle);
             if ($resolvedNode && method_exists($resolvedNode, 'getChild') && (($childNode = $resolvedNode->getChild($handle)) || $scriptHandle && ($childNode = $resolvedNode->getChild($scriptHandle))) || ($childNode = Emergence::resolveFileFromParent('site-root', array_merge($resolvedPath, array($handle)))) || $scriptHandle && ($childNode = Emergence::resolveFileFromParent('site-root', array_merge($resolvedPath, array($scriptHandle))))) {
                 $resolvedNode = $childNode;
                 if (is_a($resolvedNode, 'SiteFile')) {
             } else {
                 $resolvedNode = false;
             $resolvedPath[] = $handle;
     if ($resolvedNode) {
         // create session
         if (static::$autoCreateSession && $resolvedNode->MIMEType == 'application/php') {
             $GLOBALS['Session'] = UserSession::getFromRequest();
         if (is_callable(static::$onRequestMapped)) {
             call_user_func(static::$onRequestMapped, $resolvedNode);
         if ($resolvedNode->MIMEType == 'application/php') {
             require $resolvedNode->RealPath;
         } elseif (!is_callable(array($resolvedNode, 'outputAsResponse'))) {
             //throw new Exception('Node does not support rendering');
         } else {
     } else {
 public static function delete($id)
     DB::nonQuery('DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE CategoryID = %u', array(CategoryItem::$tableName, $id));
     return parent::delete($id);
 public function delete()
     // mark collection and all subcollections as deleted
     DB::nonQuery('UPDATE `%s` SET Status = "Deleted" WHERE PosLeft BETWEEN %u AND %u', array(static::$tableName, $this->PosLeft, $this->PosRight));
     // TODO: mark files and all subfiles as deleted

$tableName = Gatekeeper\Transactions\PingTransaction::$tableName;
// skip conditions
if (!static::tableExists($tableName)) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `%s` does not exist yet\n", $tableName);
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
if (static::columnExists($tableName, 'TestPassed')) {
    printf("Skipping migration because column `%s`.`TestPassed` already exists\n", $tableName);
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
printf("Adding column `%s`.`%s`\n", $tableName, 'TestPassed');
DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `TestPassed` boolean NULL default NULL', $tableName);
// done
return static::STATUS_EXECUTED;

use Laddr\MemberCheckin;
$columnName = 'MeetupID';
$newType = 'varchar(255)';
// skip conditions
if (!static::tableExists(MemberCheckin::$tableName)) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `%s` does not exist yet\n", MemberCheckin::$tableName);
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
if (static::getColumnType(MemberCheckin::$tableName, $columnName) == $newType) {
    printf("Column `%s`.`%s` is already type %s\n", MemberCheckin::$tableName, $columnName, $newType);
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
printf("Changing column `%s`.`%s` to type %s\n", MemberCheckin::$tableName, $columnName, $newType);
DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%1$s` CHANGE `%2$s` `%2$s` %3$s NULL default NULL', [MemberCheckin::$tableName, $columnName, $newType]);
// done
return static::STATUS_EXECUTED;

// skip conditions
if (!static::tableExists('groups')) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `groups` does not exist yet\n");
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
if (static::getColumnKey('groups', 'Left') == 'UNI') {
    print "Skipping because column `Left` in table `groups` is already unique\n";
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE groups ADD UNIQUE `Left` (`Left`)');
// done
return static::STATUS_EXECUTED;
 public static function deleteTree(SiteCollection $Collection)
     DB::nonQuery('INSERT INTO `%1$s` (CollectionID, Handle, Status, AuthorID, AncestorID) SELECT f2.CollectionID, f2.Handle, "Deleted", %5$u, f2.ID FROM (SELECT MAX(f1.ID) AS ID FROM `%1$s` f1 WHERE CollectionID IN (SELECT collections.ID FROM `%2$s` collections WHERE PosLeft BETWEEN %3$u AND %4$u) AND Status != "Phantom" GROUP BY f1.Handle) AS lastestFiles LEFT JOIN `%1$s` f2 ON (f2.ID = lastestFiles.ID) WHERE f2.Status != "Deleted"', array(static::$tableName, SiteCollection::$tableName, $Collection->PosLeft, $Collection->PosRight, $GLOBALS['Session']->PersonID));

// skip conditions
if (!static::tableExists('tags')) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `tags` does not exist yet\n");
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
if (static::columnExists('tags', 'Class')) {
    printf("Skipping migration because column `Class` in table `tags` already exists\n");
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
print "Adding `Class` column to `tags` table\n";
DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `tags` ADD `Class` ENUM("Tag") NOT NULL AFTER `ID`;');
// done
return static::STATUS_EXECUTED;

$tableName = Gatekeeper\Endpoints\Endpoint::$tableName;
// skip conditions
$skipped = true;
if (!static::tableExists($tableName)) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `%s` does not exist yet\n", $tableName);
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
if (static::columnExists($tableName, 'KeySelfRegistration')) {
    printf("Skipping migration because column `%s`.`KeySelfRegistration` already exists\n", $tableName);
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
printf("Adding column `%s`.`%s`\n", $tableName, 'KeySelfRegistration');
DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `KeySelfRegistration` boolean NOT NULL default 0 AFTER KeyRequired', $tableName);
// done
return static::STATUS_EXECUTED;

$tableName = Gatekeeper\Endpoints\Endpoint::$tableName;
// skip conditions
$skipped = true;
if (!static::tableExists($tableName)) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `%s` does not exist yet\n", $tableName);
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
if (static::columnExists($tableName, 'Public')) {
    printf("Skipping migration because column `%s`.`Public` already exists\n", $tableName);
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
printf("Adding column `%s`.`%s`\n", $tableName, 'Public');
DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `Public` boolean NOT NULL default 0 AFTER AdminEmail', $tableName);
// done
return static::STATUS_EXECUTED;

// skip conditions
if (!static::tableExists(Tag::$tableName)) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `%s` does not exist yet\n", Tag::$tableName);
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
printf("Removing prefixes from tag titles\n");
DB::nonQuery('UPDATE `%s` SET Title = SUBSTRING(Title, LOCATE(".", Title) + 1) WHERE Handle LIKE "%%.%%" AND Title LIKE "%%.%%" AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(Handle, ".", 1) = SUBSTRING_INDEX(Title, ".", 1)', [Tag::$tableName]);
// done
return static::STATUS_EXECUTED;

$tableName = Gatekeeper\Endpoints\Endpoint::$tableName;
// skip conditions
$skipped = true;
if (!static::tableExists($tableName)) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `%s` does not exist yet\n", $tableName);
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
if (!static::columnExists($tableName, 'PingFrequency')) {
    printf("Adding column `%s`.`%s`\n", $tableName, 'PingFrequency');
    DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `PingFrequency` int unsigned NULL default NULL', $tableName);
    $skipped = false;
if (!static::columnExists($tableName, 'PingURI')) {
    printf("Adding column `%s`.`%s`\n", $tableName, 'PingURI');
    DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `PingURI` varchar(255) NULL default NULL', $tableName);
    $skipped = false;
if (!static::columnExists($tableName, 'PingTestPattern')) {
    printf("Adding column `%s`.`%s`\n", $tableName, 'PingTestPattern');
    DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `PingTestPattern` varchar(255) NULL default NULL', $tableName);
    $skipped = false;
// done
return $skipped ? static::STATUS_SKIPPED : static::STATUS_EXECUTED;

header('Content-Type: text/plain');
// delete orphan collections
DB::nonQuery('DELETE c3 FROM (SELECT c1.* FROM _e_file_collections c1 LEFT JOIN _e_file_collections c2 ON c2.ID = c1.ParentID WHERE c1.ParentID IS NOT NULL AND c2.ID IS NULL) orphan JOIN _e_file_collections c3 ON (c3.PosLeft BETWEEN orphan.PosLeft AND orphan.PosRight)');
printf("Deleted %u orphan collections\n", DB::affectedRows());
// delete orphan files
DB::nonQuery('DELETE f FROM _e_files f LEFT JOIN _e_file_collections c ON c.ID = f.CollectionID WHERE c.ID IS NULL');
printf("Deleted %u orphan files\n", DB::affectedRows());
 public static function delete($id)
     DB::nonQuery('DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = %u', array(static::$tableName, static::_cn('ID'), $id));
     return DB::affectedRows() > 0;
 public function destroy()
     DB::nonQuery('DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = \'%s\' AND `%s` = %u AND `%s` = %u', array(static::$tableName, static::_cn('ContextClass'), $this->ContextClass, static::_cn('ContextID'), $this->ContextID, static::_cn('TagID'), $this->TagID));
     return DB::affectedRows() > 0;
 public function delete()
     // FIXME: check if status/handle unique combo already exists
     DB::nonQuery('LOCK TABLES ' . static::$tableName . ' WRITE');
     $positions = DB::oneRecord('SELECT PosLeft, PosRight FROM `%s` WHERE ID = %u', array(static::$tableName, $this->ID));
     // mark collection and all subcollections as deleted
     DB::nonQuery('UPDATE `%s` SET Status = "Deleted" WHERE PosLeft BETWEEN %u AND %u', array(static::$tableName, $positions['PosLeft'], $positions['PosRight']));
     DB::nonQuery('UNLOCK TABLES');
     // delete all files
     // clear caches

namespace Slate\CBL;

$newDemonstratedType = 'TIMESTAMP';
// skip conditions
$skipped = true;
if (!static::tableExists(Demonstration::$tableName)) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `demonstrations` does not exist yet\n");
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
if (static::getColumnType(Demonstration::$tableName, 'Demonstrated') != $newDemonstratedType) {
    print "Updating `Demonstrated` column type\n";
    \DB::nonQuery("ALTER TABLE " . Demonstration::$tableName . " CHANGE COLUMN `Demonstrated` `Demonstrated` {$newDemonstratedType} NOT NULL");
    $skipped = false;
// done
return $skipped ? static::STATUS_SKIPPED : static::STATUS_EXECUTED;

// skip conditions
$skipped = true;
if (!static::tableExists('groups')) {
    printf("Skipping migration because table `groups` does not exist yet\n");
    return static::STATUS_SKIPPED;
// migration
if (static::columnExists('groups', 'Data')) {
    print "Dropping `Data` column from `groups`\n";
    DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `groups` DROP `Data`');
    $skipped = false;
if (!static::columnExists('groups', 'About')) {
    print "Adding `About` column to `groups`\n";
    DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `groups` ADD `About` text NULL default NULL');
    $skipped = false;
// done
return $skipped ? static::STATUS_SKIPPED : static::STATUS_EXECUTED;
 public static function repairTable($tableName, $leftCol = 'Left', $rightCol = 'Right', $parentCol = 'ParentID')
     // check for orphan collections first
     $orphanCollections = DB::allValues('ID', 'SELECT c1.ID FROM _e_file_collections c1 LEFT JOIN _e_file_collections c2 ON c2.ID = c1.ParentID WHERE c1.ParentID IS NOT NULL AND c2.ID IS NULL');
     if (count($orphanCollections)) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot renest table, orphan collections found: ' . implode(',', $orphanCollections));
     // compile map
     $records = array();
     $backlog = array();
     $cursor = 1;
     $result = DB::query('SELECT ID, `%2$s` FROM `%1$s` ORDER BY `%2$s`, ID', array($tableName, $parentCol));
     while (($record = $result->fetch_assoc()) || ($record = array_shift($backlog))) {
         if ($record[$parentCol]) {
             if (!($parent =& $records[$record[$parentCol]])) {
                 // if parent not found yet, save to end of backlog and skip this record
                 $backlog[] = $record;
             $record[$leftCol] = $parent[$rightCol];
             $record[$rightCol] = $record[$leftCol] + 1;
             foreach ($records as &$bAccount) {
                 if ($bAccount[$leftCol] > $record[$leftCol]) {
                     $bAccount[$leftCol] += 2;
                 if ($bAccount[$rightCol] >= $record[$leftCol]) {
                     $bAccount[$rightCol] += 2;
             $cursor += 2;
         } else {
             $record[$leftCol] = $cursor++;
             $record[$rightCol] = $cursor++;
         $records[$record['ID']] = $record;
     // write results
     DB::nonQuery('UPDATE `%s` SET `%s` = NULL, `%s` = NULL', array($tableName, $leftCol, $rightCol));
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         DB::nonQuery('UPDATE `%s` SET `%s` = %u, `%s` = %u WHERE ID = %u', array($tableName, $leftCol, $record[$leftCol], $rightCol, $record[$rightCol], $record['ID']));
     return count($records);

// add columns to all history_ tables
$tableNames = DB::allValues('TABLE_NAME', 'SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = SCHEMA() AND TABLE_NAME LIKE "history_%%"');
foreach ($tableNames as $tableName) {
    if (!static::columnExists($tableName, 'Modified')) {
        printf("Adding `Modified` column to `%s` table\n", $tableName);
        DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `Modified` timestamp NULL default NULL AFTER `CreatorID`', $tableName);
    if (!static::columnExists($tableName, 'ModifierID')) {
        printf("Adding `ModifierID` column to `%s` table\n", $tableName);
        DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `ModifierID` int unsigned NULL default NULL AFTER `Modified`', $tableName);
    $tableName = substr($tableName, 8);
    if (!static::columnExists($tableName, 'Modified')) {
        printf("Adding `Modified` column to `%s` table\n", $tableName);
        DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `Modified` timestamp NULL default NULL AFTER `CreatorID`', $tableName);
    if (!static::columnExists($tableName, 'ModifierID')) {
        printf("Adding `ModifierID` column to `%s` table\n", $tableName);
        DB::nonQuery('ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD `ModifierID` int unsigned NULL default NULL AFTER `Modified`', $tableName);
// done
return static::STATUS_EXECUTED;