Beispiel #1
  * Constructor
  * @access  public
  * @return  shopmanager
 function __construct()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $objTemplate;
     \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::init('Shop', 'config');
     $cx = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate();
     self::$defaultImage = file_exists($cx->getWebsiteImagesShopPath() . '/' . ShopLibrary::noPictureName) ? $cx->getWebsiteImagesShopWebPath() . '/' . ShopLibrary::noPictureName : $cx->getCodeBaseOffsetPath() . '/images/Shop/' . ShopLibrary::noPictureName;
     self::$objTemplate = new \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma($cx->getCodeBaseModulePath() . '/Shop/View/Template/Backend');
     //DBG::log("ARRAYLANG: ".var_export($_ARRAYLANG, true));
     self::$objTemplate->setGlobalVariable($_ARRAYLANG + array('SHOP_CURRENCY' => Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol(), 'CSRF_PARAM' => \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::param()));
Beispiel #2
  * Returns an array of two HTML representations of the Attributes and
  * their respective options specified by the array given
  * One of these representation may be used anywhere the matching Product
  * is viewed.  The first (at index 0) is the long form best used in the
  * cart view, the second (at index 1) is suitable for the JSCart in the
  * sidebar.
  * Attributes with an empty list of option IDs will not be included in
  * the string produced.  Invalid IDs are silently skipped.
  * Note that the format of the string can be easily customized by editing
  * the following language entries:
  * The array parameter must have the form
  *  array(
  *    Attribute ID => array(
  *      option ID,
  *      [...]
  *    ),
  *    [...],
  *  )
  * @global  array   $_ARRAYLANG
  * @param   array   $arrAttributesOptions   The array of Attribute and
  *                                          option IDs
  * @param   float   $options_price          The sum of all option prices,
  *                                          by reference
  * @return  array                           The array of two HTML
  *                                          representations of
  *                                          the Attributes and options
  *                                          present in the parameter array
 static function getAsStrings($arrAttributesOptions, &$options_price = NULL)
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     //DBG::log("Attributes::getAsStrings(".var_export($arrAttributesOptions, true).", $options_price)");
     $options_price = 0;
     if (!is_array($arrAttributesOptions) || empty($arrAttributesOptions)) {
         return array('', '');
     $attributes_long = $attributes_cart = array();
     foreach ($arrAttributesOptions as $attribute_id => $arrOptionIds) {
         //DBG::log("Attributes::getAsStrings(): Attribute ID $attribute_id");
         if (empty($arrOptionIds)) {
         $objAttribute = Attribute::getById($attribute_id);
         if (!$objAttribute) {
         //DBG::log("Attributes::getAsStrings(): Attribute ".var_export($objAttribute, true));
         $options_long = $options_cart = array();
         $arrOptions = $objAttribute->getOptionArray();
         foreach ($arrOptionIds as $option_id) {
             //DBG::log("Attributes::getAsStrings(): Option ID $option_id");
             $option_name = '';
             // Valid indices are: 'value', 'price', 'order'
             $option_price = $arrOptions[$option_id]['price'];
             // Note that this *MUST NOT* test for is_integer()
             // (which $option_id isn't -- it's either an arbitrary
             // string, or one that represents a positive integer),
             // but for a *string matching a valid ID*.
             // intval() doesn't do the job properly, as it also
             // converts "1 but true" to 1.
             // A good match would be done by is_numeric(); however,
             // this would also accept floats and scientific
             // notation...
             if (preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]*$/', $option_id) && in_array($objAttribute->getType(), array(Attribute::TYPE_MENU_OPTIONAL, Attribute::TYPE_MENU_MANDATORY, Attribute::TYPE_RADIOBUTTON, Attribute::TYPE_CHECKBOX))) {
                 $option_name = $arrOptions[$option_id]['value'];
             } else {
                 $option_name = ShopLibrary::stripUniqidFromFilename($option_id);
                 $path = Order::UPLOAD_FOLDER . $option_id;
                 if ($option_name != $option_id && file_exists($path)) {
                     $option_name = \Html::getLink('/' . $path, $option_name, 'uploadimage');
             $options_long[] = sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_OPTION_LONG_FORMAT'], $option_name, $option_price, Currency::getActiveCurrencyCode(), Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol());
             $options_cart[] = sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_OPTION_CART_FORMAT'], $option_name, $option_price, Currency::getActiveCurrencyCode(), Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol());
             $options_price += $option_price;
             //DBG::log("Attributes::getAsStrings(): Price + $option_price = $options_price");
         if ($options_long) {
             $options_long = join($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_OPTION_LONG_FORMAT_JOINER'], $options_long);
             $attributes_long[] = sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_ATTRIBUTE_LONG_FORMAT'], $objAttribute->getName(), $options_long);
             $options_cart = join($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_OPTION_CART_FORMAT_JOINER'], $options_cart);
             $attributes_cart[] = sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_ATTRIBUTE_CART_FORMAT'], $objAttribute->getName(), $options_cart);
     if ($attributes_long) {
         $attributes_long = join($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_ATTRIBUTE_LONG_FORMAT_JOINER'], $attributes_long);
         $attributes_cart = join($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_ATTRIBUTE_CART_FORMAT_JOINER'], $attributes_cart);
     return array($attributes_long, $attributes_cart);
Beispiel #3
  * Set up the template block with the shipment terms and conditions
  * Please *DO NOT* remove this method, despite the site terms and
  * conditions have been removed from the Shop!
  * This has been requested by some shopkeepers and may be used at will.
  * @global    array   $_ARRAYLANG     Language array
  * @author    Reto Kohli <*****@*****.**>
 static function showShipmentTerms()
     if (self::$objTemplate->blockExists('shopShipper')) {
         // TODO: Should be set by the calling view, if any
         global $_ARRAYLANG;
         self::$objTemplate->setGlobalVariable($_ARRAYLANG + array('SHOP_CURRENCY_SYMBOL' => Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol(), 'SHOP_CURRENCY_CODE' => Currency::getActiveCurrencyCode()));
         $arrShipment = Shipment::getShipmentConditions();
         foreach ($arrShipment as $strShipperName => $arrContent) {
             $strCountries = join(', ', $arrContent['countries']);
             $arrConditions = $arrContent['conditions'];
             foreach ($arrConditions as $arrData) {
                 self::$objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_MAX_WEIGHT' => $arrData['max_weight'], 'SHOP_COST_FREE' => $arrData['free_from'], 'SHOP_COST' => $arrData['fee']));
             self::$objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_SHIPPER' => $strShipperName, 'SHOP_COUNTRIES' => $strCountries));
Beispiel #4
  * The Cart view
  * Mind that the Cart needs to be {@see update()}d before calling this
  * method.
  * @global  array $_ARRAYLANG   Language array
  * @param   \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma $objTemplate  The optional Template
 static function view($objTemplate = null)
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     if (!$objTemplate) {
         // TODO: Handle missing or empty Template, load one
         die("Cart::view(): ERROR: No template");
         //            return false;
     $i = 0;
     if (count(self::$products)) {
         foreach (self::$products as $arrProduct) {
             $groupCountId = $arrProduct['group_id'];
             $groupArticleId = $arrProduct['article_id'];
             $groupCustomerId = 0;
             if (Shop::customer()) {
                 $groupCustomerId = Shop::customer()->group_id();
             Shop::showDiscountInfo($groupCustomerId, $groupArticleId, $groupCountId, $arrProduct['quantity']);
             // product image
             $arrProductImg = Products::get_image_array_from_base64($arrProduct['product_images']);
             $shopImagesWebPath = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getWebsiteImagesWebPath() . '/Shop/';
             $thumbnailPath = $shopImagesWebPath . ShopLibrary::noPictureName;
             foreach ($arrProductImg as $productImg) {
                 if (!empty($productImg['img']) && $productImg['img'] != ShopLibrary::noPictureName) {
                     $thumbnailPath = $shopImagesWebPath . \ImageManager::getThumbnailFilename($productImg['img']);
             /* UNUSED (and possibly obsolete, too)
                             if (isset($arrProduct['discount_string'])) {
             //DBG::log("Shop::view_cart(): Product ID ".$arrProduct['id'].": ".$arrProduct['discount_string']);
             // The fields that don't apply have been set to ''
             // (empty string) already -- see update().
             $objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_PRODUCT_ROW' => 'row' . (++$i % 2 + 1), 'SHOP_PRODUCT_ID' => $arrProduct['id'], 'SHOP_PRODUCT_CODE' => $arrProduct['product_id'], 'SHOP_PRODUCT_THUMBNAIL' => $thumbnailPath, 'SHOP_PRODUCT_CART_ID' => $arrProduct['cart_id'], 'SHOP_PRODUCT_TITLE' => str_replace('"', '&quot;', contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrProduct['title'])), 'SHOP_PRODUCT_PRICE' => $arrProduct['price'], 'SHOP_PRODUCT_PRICE_UNIT' => Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol(), 'SHOP_PRODUCT_QUANTITY' => $arrProduct['quantity'], 'SHOP_PRODUCT_ITEMPRICE' => $arrProduct['itemprice'], 'SHOP_PRODUCT_ITEMPRICE_UNIT' => Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol(), 'SHOP_REMOVE_PRODUCT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_REMOVE_ITEM']));
             //DBG::log("Attributes String: {$arrProduct['options_long']}");
             if ($arrProduct['options_long']) {
                 $objTemplate->setVariable('SHOP_PRODUCT_OPTIONS', $arrProduct['options_long']);
             if (\Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('weight_enable', 'Shop')) {
                 $objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_PRODUCT_WEIGHT' => Weight::getWeightString($arrProduct['weight']), 'TXT_WEIGHT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_TOTAL_WEIGHT']));
             if (Vat::isEnabled()) {
                 $objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_PRODUCT_TAX_RATE' => $arrProduct['vat_rate'] ? Vat::format($arrProduct['vat_rate']) : '', 'SHOP_PRODUCT_TAX_AMOUNT' => $arrProduct['vat_amount'] . '&nbsp;' . Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol()));
             if (intval($arrProduct['minimum_order_quantity']) > 0) {
                 $objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_PRODUCT_MINIMUM_ORDER_QUANTITY' => $arrProduct['minimum_order_quantity']));
             } else {
                 if ($objTemplate->blockExists('orderQuantity')) {
                 if ($objTemplate->blockExists('minimumOrderQuantity')) {
     } else {
         if ($objTemplate->blockExists('shopCartEmpty')) {
         if ($_SESSION['shop']['previous_product_ids']) {
             $ids = $_SESSION['shop']['previous_product_ids']->toArray();
     $objTemplate->setGlobalVariable(array('TXT_PRODUCT_ID' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_ID'], 'SHOP_PRODUCT_TOTALITEM' => self::get_item_count(), 'SHOP_PRODUCT_TOTALPRICE' => Currency::formatPrice(self::get_price()), 'SHOP_PRODUCT_TOTALPRICE_PLUS_VAT' => Currency::formatPrice(self::get_price() + (Vat::isEnabled() && !Vat::isIncluded() ? self::get_vat_amount() : 0)), 'SHOP_PRODUCT_TOTALPRICE_UNIT' => Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol(), 'SHOP_TOTAL_WEIGHT' => Weight::getWeightString(self::get_weight()), 'SHOP_PRICE_UNIT' => Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol()));
     // Show the Coupon code field only if there is at least one defined
     if (Coupon::count_available()) {
         //DBG::log("Coupons available");
         $objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_DISCOUNT_COUPON_CODE' => isset($_SESSION['shop']['coupon_code']) ? $_SESSION['shop']['coupon_code'] : ''));
         if ($objTemplate->blockExists('shopCoupon')) {
         if (self::get_discount_amount()) {
             $total_discount_amount = self::get_discount_amount();
             //DBG::log("Shop::view_cart(): Total: Amount $total_discount_amount");
             $objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_DISCOUNT_COUPON_TOTAL' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_DISCOUNT_COUPON_AMOUNT_TOTAL'], 'SHOP_DISCOUNT_COUPON_TOTAL_AMOUNT' => Currency::formatPrice(-$total_discount_amount)));
     if (Vat::isEnabled()) {
         $objTemplate->setVariable(array('TXT_TAX_PREFIX' => Vat::isIncluded() ? $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_VAT_PREFIX_INCL'] : $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_VAT_PREFIX_EXCL'], 'SHOP_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT' => self::get_vat_amount() . '&nbsp;' . Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol()));
         if (Vat::isIncluded()) {
             $objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_GRAND_TOTAL_EXCL_TAX' => Currency::formatPrice(self::get_price() - self::get_vat_amount()) . '&nbsp;' . Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol()));
     if (self::needs_shipment()) {
         $objTemplate->setVariable(array('TXT_SHIP_COUNTRY' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHIP_COUNTRY'], 'SHOP_COUNTRIES_MENU' => \Cx\Core\Country\Controller\Country::getMenu('countryId2', $_SESSION['shop']['countryId2'], true, "document.forms['shopForm'].submit()"), 'SHOP_COUNTRIES_MENUOPTIONS' => \Cx\Core\Country\Controller\Country::getMenuoptions($_SESSION['shop']['countryId2'])));
     if (\Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('orderitems_amount_min', 'Shop') > 0 && \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('orderitems_amount_min', 'Shop') > self::get_price()) {
         $objTemplate->setVariable('MESSAGE_TEXT', sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_ORDERITEMS_AMOUNT_MIN'], Currency::formatPrice(\Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('orderitems_amount_min', 'Shop')), Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol()));
     } elseif (\Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('orderitems_amount_max', 'Shop') > 0 && \Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('orderitems_amount_max', 'Shop') < self::get_price()) {
         $objTemplate->setVariable('MESSAGE_TEXT', sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_ORDERITEMS_AMOUNT_MAX'], Currency::formatPrice(\Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('orderitems_amount_max', 'Shop')), Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol()));
     } else {
         $objTemplate->setVariable('TXT_NEXT', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEXT']);
Beispiel #5
  * Creates a PDF document and sends this pricelist to the client
  * Unfortunately, ezpdf does not return anything after printing the
  * document, so there's no way to tell whether it has succeeded.
  * Thus, you should not rely on the return value, except when it is
  * false -- in that case, loading of some data failed.
  * @return  boolean           False on failure, true on supposed success
 function send_as_pdf()
     global $objInit, $_ARRAYLANG;
     if (!$this->load()) {
         return \Message::error($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRICELIST_ERROR_LOADING']);
     $objPdf = new \Cezpdf('A4');
     $objPdf->setEncryption('', '', array('print'));
     $objPdf->selectFont(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getCodeBaseLibraryPath() . '/ezpdf/fonts/' . $this->font);
     $objPdf->ezSetMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
     // Reset margins
     $marginTop = 30;
     $biggerCountTop = $biggerCountBottom = 0;
     $arrHeaderLeft = $arrHeaderRight = $arrFooterLeft = $arrFooterRight = array();
     if ($this->header) {
         // header should be shown
         $arrHeaderLeft = explode("\n", $this->header_left);
         $arrHeaderRight = explode("\n", $this->header_right);
         $countLeft = count($arrHeaderLeft);
         $countRight = count($arrHeaderRight);
         $biggerCountTop = $countLeft > $countRight ? $countLeft : $countRight;
         $marginTop = $biggerCountTop * 14 + 36;
     // Bottom margin
     $marginBottom = 20;
     $arrFooterRight = array();
     if ($this->footer) {
         // footer should be shown
         // Old, obsolete:
         $this->footer_left = str_replace('<--DATE-->', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_left);
         $this->footer_right = str_replace('<--DATE-->', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_right);
         // New:
         $this->footer_left = str_replace('[DATE]', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_left);
         $this->footer_right = str_replace('[DATE]', date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, time()), $this->footer_right);
         $arrFooterLeft = explode("\n", $this->footer_left);
         $arrFooterRight = explode("\n", $this->footer_right);
         $countLeft = count($arrFooterLeft);
         $countRight = count($arrFooterRight);
         $biggerCountBottom = $countLeft > $countRight ? $countLeft : $countRight;
         $marginBottom = $biggerCountBottom * 20 + 20;
     // Borders
     if ($this->border) {
         $linesForAllPages = $objPdf->openObject();
         $objPdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
         $objPdf->rectangle(10, 10, 575.28, 821.89);
         $objPdf->addObject($linesForAllPages, 'all');
     // Header
     $headerArray = array();
     $startpointY = 0;
     if ($this->header) {
         $headerForAllPages = $objPdf->openObject();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $biggerCountTop; ++$i) {
             $headerArray[$i] = array('left' => isset($arrHeaderLeft[$i]) ? $arrHeaderLeft[$i] : '', 'right' => isset($arrHeaderRight[$i]) ? $arrHeaderRight[$i] : '');
         $tempY = $objPdf->ezTable($headerArray, '', '', array('showHeadings' => 0, 'fontSize' => $this->font_size_header, 'shaded' => 0, 'width' => 540, 'showLines' => 0, 'xPos' => 'center', 'xOrientation' => 'center', 'cols' => array('right' => array('justification' => 'right'))));
         $tempY -= 5;
         if ($this->border) {
             $objPdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0);
             $objPdf->line(10, $tempY, 585.28, $tempY);
         $startpointY = $tempY - 5;
         $objPdf->addObject($headerForAllPages, 'all');
     // Footer
     $pageNumbersX = $pageNumbersY = $pageNumbersFont = 0;
     if ($this->footer) {
         $footerForAllPages = $objPdf->openObject();
         $tempY = $marginBottom - 5;
         if ($this->border) {
             $objPdf->setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0);
             $objPdf->line(10, $tempY, 585.28, $tempY);
         // length of the longest word
         $longestWord = 0;
         foreach ($arrFooterRight as $line) {
             if ($longestWord < strlen($line)) {
                 $longestWord = strlen($line);
         for ($i = $biggerCountBottom - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) {
             if (empty($arrFooterLeft[$i])) {
                 $arrFooterLeft[$i] = '';
             if (empty($arrFooterRight[$i])) {
                 $arrFooterRight[$i] = '';
             if ($arrFooterLeft[$i] == '<--PAGENUMBER-->' || $arrFooterLeft[$i] == '[PAGENUMBER]') {
                 $pageNumbersX = 65;
                 $pageNumbersY = $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer;
                 $pageNumbersFont = $this->font_size_list;
             } else {
                 $objPdf->addText(25, $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer, $this->font_size_footer, $arrFooterLeft[$i]);
             if ($arrFooterRight[$i] == '<--PAGENUMBER-->' || $arrFooterRight[$i] == '[PAGENUMBER]') {
                 $pageNumbersX = 595.28 - 25;
                 $pageNumbersY = $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer;
                 $pageNumbersFont = $this->font_size_list;
             } else {
                 // Properly align right
                 $width = $objPdf->getTextWidth($this->font_size_footer, $arrFooterRight[$i]);
                 $objPdf->addText(595.28 - $width - 25, $tempY - 18 - $i * $this->font_size_footer, $this->font_size_footer, $arrFooterRight[$i]);
         $objPdf->addObject($footerForAllPages, 'all');
     // Page numbers
     if (isset($pageNumbersX)) {
         $objPdf->ezStartPageNumbers($pageNumbersX, $pageNumbersY, $pageNumbersFont, '', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRICELIST_FORMAT_PAGENUMBER'], 1);
     // Margins
     $objPdf->ezSetMargins($marginTop, $marginBottom, 30, 30);
     // Product table
     if (isset($startpointY)) {
     $objInit->backendLangId = $this->lang_id;
     $_ARRAYLANG = $objInit->loadLanguageData('Shop');
     $currency_symbol = Currency::getActiveCurrencySymbol();
     $category_ids = $this->category_ids();
     if ($category_ids == '*') {
         $category_ids = null;
     $count = 1000;
     // Be sensible!
     // Pattern is "%" because all-empty parameters will result in an
     // empty array!
     $arrProduct = Products::getByShopParams($count, 0, null, $category_ids, null, '%', null, null, '`category_id` ASC, `name` ASC');
     $arrCategoryName = ShopCategories::getNameArray();
     $arrOutput = array();
     foreach ($arrProduct as $product_id => $objProduct) {
         $categoryIds = explode(',', $objProduct->category_id());
         $arrCategoryNames = array();
         foreach ($categoryIds as $categoryId) {
             $arrCategoryNames[] = $arrCategoryName[$categoryId];
         //$objProduct = new Product();
         $arrOutput[$product_id] = array('product_name' => self::decode($objProduct->name()), 'category_name' => self::decode(implode(', ', $arrCategoryNames)), 'product_code' => self::decode($objProduct->code()), 'product_id' => self::decode($objProduct->id()), 'price' => ($objProduct->discount_active() ? "S " . Currency::formatPrice($objProduct->discountprice()) : Currency::formatPrice($objProduct->price())) . ' ' . $currency_symbol);
     $objPdf->ezTable($arrOutput, array('product_name' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRODUCT_NAME']) . '</b>', 'category_name' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_CATEGORY_NAME']) . '</b>', 'product_code' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRODUCT_CODE']) . '</b>', 'product_id' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_ID']) . '</b>', 'price' => '<b>' . self::decode($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_PRICE']) . '</b>'), '', array('showHeadings' => 1, 'fontSize' => $this->font_size_list, 'width' => 530, 'innerLineThickness' => 0.5, 'outerLineThickness' => 0.5, 'shaded' => 2, 'shadeCol' => array(hexdec(substr($this->row_color_1, 0, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_1, 2, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_1, 4, 2)) / 255), 'shadeCol2' => array(hexdec(substr($this->row_color_2, 0, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_2, 2, 2)) / 255, hexdec(substr($this->row_color_2, 4, 2)) / 255), 'cols' => array('product_name' => array('width' => 255), 'category_name' => array('width' => 130), 'product_code' => array('width' => 50), 'product_id' => array('width' => 40, 'justification' => 'right'), 'price' => array('width' => 55, 'justification' => 'right'))));
     // Never reached
     return true;