 * The CSV file is parsed here so validation errors can be returned to the
 * user. The data from a successful parsing is stored in the <var>$CVSDATA</var>
 * array so it can be accessed by the submit function
 * @param Pieform  $form   The form to validate
 * @param array    $values The values submitted
function uploadcsv_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    // Don't even start attempting to parse if there are previous errors
    if ($form->has_errors()) {
    if ($values['file']['size'] == 0) {
        $form->set_error('file', $form->i18n('rule', 'required', 'required', array()));
    require_once 'csvfile.php';
    $authinstance = (int) $values['authinstance'];
    $institution = get_field('auth_instance', 'institution', 'id', $authinstance);
    if (!$USER->can_edit_institution($institution)) {
        $form->set_error('authinstance', get_string('notadminforinstitution', 'admin'));
    $usernames = array();
    $emails = array();
    $csvusers = new CsvFile($values['file']['tmp_name']);
    $csvusers->set('allowedkeys', $ALLOWEDKEYS);
    // Now we know all of the field names are valid, we need to make
    // sure that the required fields are included
    $mandatoryfields = array('username', 'password');
    $mandatoryfields = array_merge($mandatoryfields, array_keys(ArtefactTypeProfile::get_mandatory_fields()));
    if ($lockedprofilefields = get_column('institution_locked_profile_field', 'profilefield', 'name', $institution)) {
        $mandatoryfields = array_merge($mandatoryfields, $lockedprofilefields);
    $csvusers->set('mandatoryfields', $mandatoryfields);
    $csvdata = $csvusers->get_data();
    if (!empty($csvdata->errors['file'])) {
        $form->set_error('file', $csvdata->errors['file']);
    foreach ($csvdata->data as $key => $line) {
        // If headers exists, increment i = key + 2 for actual line number
        $i = $csvusers->get('headerExists') ? $key + 2 : $key + 1;
        // Trim non-breaking spaces -- they get left in place by File_CSV
        foreach ($line as &$field) {
            $field = preg_replace('/^(\\s|\\xc2\\xa0)*(.*?)(\\s|\\xc2\\xa0)*$/', '$2', $field);
        // We have a line with the correct number of fields, but should validate these fields
        // Note: This validation should really be methods on each profile class, that way
        // it can be used in the profile screen as well.
        $formatkeylookup = array_flip($csvdata->format);
        $username = $line[$formatkeylookup['username']];
        $password = $line[$formatkeylookup['password']];
        $email = $line[$formatkeylookup['email']];
        $authobj = AuthFactory::create($authinstance);
        if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_username_valid') && !$authobj->is_username_valid($username)) {
            $CSVERRORS[] = get_string('uploadcsverrorinvalidusername', 'admin', $i);
        if (record_exists_select('usr', 'LOWER(username) = ?', strtolower($username)) || isset($usernames[strtolower($username)])) {
            $CSVERRORS[] = get_string('uploadcsverroruseralreadyexists', 'admin', $i, $username);
        if (record_exists('usr', 'email', $email) || record_exists('artefact_internal_profile_email', 'email', $email) || isset($emails[$email])) {
            $CSVERRORS[] = get_string('uploadcsverroremailaddresstaken', 'admin', $i, $email);
        // Note: only checks for valid form are done here, none of the checks
        // like whether the password is too easy. The user is going to have to
        // change their password on first login anyway.
        if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_password_valid') && !$authobj->is_password_valid($password)) {
            $CSVERRORS[] = get_string('uploadcsverrorinvalidpassword', 'admin', $i);
        $usernames[strtolower($username)] = 1;
        $emails[$email] = 1;
    if (!empty($CSVERRORS)) {
        $form->set_error('file', implode("<br />\n", $CSVERRORS));
    $FORMAT = $csvdata->format;
    $CSVDATA = $csvdata->data;
Beispiel #2
 * The CSV file is parsed here so validation errors can be returned to the
 * user. The data from a successful parsing is stored in the <var>$CVSDATA</var>
 * array so it can be accessed by the submit function
 * @param Pieform  $form   The form to validate
 * @param array    $values The values submitted
function uploadcsv_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    // Don't even start attempting to parse if there are previous errors
    if ($form->has_errors()) {
    $steps_done = 0;
    $steps_total = $values['updateusers'] ? 5 : 4;
    if ($values['file']['size'] == 0) {
        $form->set_error('file', $form->i18n('rule', 'required', 'required', array()));
    if ($USER->get('admin') || get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'institutionaloverride')) {
        $maxquotaenabled = get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'maxquotaenabled');
        $maxquota = get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'maxquota');
        if ($maxquotaenabled && $values['quota'] > $maxquota) {
            $form->set_error('quota', get_string('maxquotaexceededform', 'artefact.file', display_size($maxquota)));
    require_once 'csvfile.php';
    $authinstance = (int) $values['authinstance'];
    $institution = get_field('auth_instance', 'institution', 'id', $authinstance);
    if (!$USER->can_edit_institution($institution)) {
        $form->set_error('authinstance', get_string('notadminforinstitution', 'admin'));
    $authobj = AuthFactory::create($authinstance);
    $csvusers = new CsvFile($values['file']['tmp_name']);
    $csvusers->set('allowedkeys', $ALLOWEDKEYS);
    // Now we know all of the field names are valid, we need to make
    // sure that the required fields are included
    $mandatoryfields = array('username', 'email', 'firstname', 'lastname');
    if (!$values['updateusers']) {
        $mandatoryfields[] = 'password';
    $csvusers->set('mandatoryfields', $mandatoryfields);
    $csvdata = $csvusers->get_data();
    if (!empty($csvdata->errors['file'])) {
        $form->set_error('file', $csvdata->errors['file']);
    $csverrors = new CSVErrors();
    $formatkeylookup = array_flip($csvdata->format);
    // First pass validates usernames & passwords in the file, and builds
    // up a list indexed by username.
    $emails = array();
    if (isset($formatkeylookup['remoteuser'])) {
        $remoteusers = array();
    $num_lines = count($csvdata->data);
    $maxcsvlines = get_config('maxusercsvlines');
    if ($maxcsvlines && $maxcsvlines < $num_lines) {
        $form->set_error('file', get_string('uploadcsverrortoomanyusers', 'admin', get_string('nusers', 'mahara', $maxcsvlines)));
    $existing_usernames = get_records_menu('usr', '', NULL, '', 'LOWER(username) AS username, 1 AS key2');
    $existing_usr_email_addresses = get_records_menu('usr', '', NULL, '', 'email, 1 AS key2');
    $existing_internal_email_addresses = get_records_menu('artefact_internal_profile_email', 'verified', 1, '', 'email, 1 AS key2');
    foreach ($csvdata->data as $key => $line) {
        // If headers exists, increment i = key + 2 for actual line number
        $i = $csvusers->get('headerExists') ? $key + 2 : $key + 1;
        if (!($key % 25)) {
            set_progress_info('uploaduserscsv', $key, $num_lines * $steps_total, get_string('validating', 'admin'));
        // Trim non-breaking spaces -- they get left in place by File_CSV
        foreach ($line as &$field) {
            $field = preg_replace('/^(\\s|\\xc2\\xa0)*(.*?)(\\s|\\xc2\\xa0)*$/', '$2', $field);
        if (count($line) != count($csvdata->format)) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadcsverrorwrongnumberoffields', 'admin', $i));
        // We have a line with the correct number of fields, but should validate these fields
        // Note: This validation should really be methods on each profile class, that way
        // it can be used in the profile screen as well.
        $username = $line[$formatkeylookup['username']];
        $password = isset($formatkeylookup['password']) ? $line[$formatkeylookup['password']] : null;
        $email = $line[$formatkeylookup['email']];
        if (isset($remoteusers)) {
            $remoteuser = strlen($line[$formatkeylookup['remoteuser']]) ? $line[$formatkeylookup['remoteuser']] : null;
        if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_username_valid_admin')) {
            if (!$authobj->is_username_valid_admin($username)) {
                $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadcsverrorinvalidusername', 'admin', $i));
        } else {
            if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_username_valid')) {
                if (!$authobj->is_username_valid($username)) {
                    $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadcsverrorinvalidusername', 'admin', $i));
        if (!$values['updateusers']) {
            // Note: only checks for valid form are done here, none of the checks
            // like whether the password is too easy. The user is going to have to
            // change their password on first login anyway.
            if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_password_valid') && !$authobj->is_password_valid($password)) {
                $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadcsverrorinvalidpassword', 'admin', $i));
        if (isset($emails[$email])) {
            // Duplicate email within this file.
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadcsverroremailaddresstaken', 'admin', $i, $email));
        } else {
            if (!PHPMailer::ValidateAddress($email)) {
                $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadcsverrorinvalidemail', 'admin', $i, $email));
            } else {
                if (!$values['updateusers']) {
                    // The email address must be new
                    if (array_key_exists($email, $existing_usr_email_addresses) || array_key_exists($email, $existing_internal_email_addresses)) {
                        $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadcsverroremailaddresstaken', 'admin', $i, $email));
        $emails[$email] = 1;
        if (isset($remoteusers) && $remoteuser) {
            if (isset($remoteusers[$remoteuser])) {
                $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadcsverrorduplicateremoteuser', 'admin', $i, $remoteuser));
            } else {
                if (!$values['updateusers']) {
                    if ($remoteuserowner = get_record_sql('
                    SELECT u.username
                    FROM {auth_remote_user} aru JOIN {usr} u ON aru.localusr = u.id
                    WHERE aru.remoteusername = ? AND aru.authinstance = ?', array($remoteuser, $authinstance))) {
                        $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadcsverrorremoteusertaken', 'admin', $i, $remoteuser, $remoteuserowner->username));
            $remoteusers[$remoteuser] = true;
        // If we didn't even get a username, we can't check for duplicates, so move on.
        if (strlen($username) < 1) {
        if (isset($usernames[strtolower($username)])) {
            // Duplicate username within this file.
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadcsverroruseralreadyexists', 'admin', $i, $username));
        } else {
            if (!$values['updateusers'] && array_key_exists(strtolower($username), $existing_usernames)) {
                $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadcsverroruseralreadyexists', 'admin', $i, $username));
            $usernames[strtolower($username)] = array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $email, 'lineno' => $i, 'raw' => $line);
            if (!empty($remoteuser) && !empty($remoteusers[$remoteuser])) {
                $usernames[strtolower($username)]['remoteuser'] = $remoteuser;
    // If the admin is trying to overwrite existing users, identified by username,
    // this second pass performs some additional checks
    if ($values['updateusers']) {
        $key = 0;
        foreach ($usernames as $lowerusername => $data) {
            if (!($key % 25)) {
                set_progress_info('uploaduserscsv', $num_lines + $key, $num_lines * $steps_total, get_string('checkingupdates', 'admin'));
            $line = $data['lineno'];
            $username = $data['username'];
            $password = $data['password'];
            $email = $data['email'];
            // If the user already exists, they must already be in this institution.
            $userinstitutions = get_records_sql_assoc("\n                SELECT COALESCE(ui.institution, 'mahara') AS institution, u.id\n                FROM {usr} u LEFT JOIN {usr_institution} ui ON u.id = ui.usr\n                WHERE LOWER(u.username) = ?", array($lowerusername));
            if ($userinstitutions) {
                if (!isset($userinstitutions[$institution])) {
                    if ($institution == 'mahara') {
                        $institutiondisplay = array();
                        foreach ($userinstitutions as $i) {
                            $institutiondisplay[] = $INSTITUTIONNAME[$i->institution];
                        $institutiondisplay = join(', ', $institutiondisplay);
                        $message = get_string('uploadcsverroruserinaninstitution', 'admin', $line, $username, $institutiondisplay);
                    } else {
                        $message = get_string('uploadcsverrorusernotininstitution', 'admin', $line, $username, $INSTITUTIONNAME[$institution]);
                    $csverrors->add($line, $message);
                } else {
                    // Remember that this user is being updated
                    $UPDATES[$username] = 1;
            } else {
                // New user, check the password
                if (method_exists($authobj, 'is_password_valid') && !$authobj->is_password_valid($password)) {
                    $csverrors->add($line, get_string('uploadcsverrorinvalidpassword', 'admin', $line));
            // Check if the email already exists and if it's owned by this user.  This query can return more
            // than one row when there are duplicate emails already on the site.  If that happens, things are
            // already a bit out of hand, and we'll just allow an update if this user is one of the users who
            // owns the email.
            $emailowned = get_records_sql_assoc('
                SELECT LOWER(u.username) AS lowerusername, ae.principal FROM {usr} u
                LEFT JOIN {artefact_internal_profile_email} ae ON u.id = ae.owner AND ae.verified = 1 AND ae.email = ?
                WHERE ae.owner IS NOT NULL OR u.email = ?', array($email, $email));
            // If the email is owned by someone else, it could still be okay provided
            // that other user's email is also being changed in this csv file.
            if ($emailowned && !isset($emailowned[$lowerusername])) {
                foreach ($emailowned as $e) {
                    // Only primary emails can be set in uploadcsv, so it's an error when someone else
                    // owns the email as a secondary.
                    if (!$e->principal) {
                        $csverrors->add($line, get_string('uploadcsverroremailaddresstaken', 'admin', $line, $email));
                    // It's also an error if the email owner is not being updated in this file
                    if (!isset($usernames[$e->lowerusername])) {
                        $csverrors->add($line, get_string('uploadcsverroremailaddresstaken', 'admin', $line, $email));
                    // If the other user is being updated in this file, but isn't changing their
                    // email address, it's ok, we've already notified duplicate emails within the file.
            if (isset($remoteusers) && !empty($data['remoteuser'])) {
                $remoteuser = $data['remoteuser'];
                $remoteuserowner = get_field_sql('
                    SELECT LOWER(u.username)
                    FROM {usr} u JOIN {auth_remote_user} aru ON u.id = aru.localusr
                    WHERE aru.remoteusername = ? AND aru.authinstance = ?', array($remoteuser, $authinstance));
                if ($remoteuserowner && $remoteuserowner != $lowerusername && !isset($usernames[$remoteuserowner])) {
                    // The remote username is owned by some other user who is not being updated in this file
                    $csverrors->add($line, get_string('uploadcsverrorremoteusertaken', 'admin', $line, $remoteuser, $remoteuserowner));
    if ($errors = $csverrors->process()) {
        $form->set_error('file', clean_html($errors), false);
    $FORMAT = $csvdata->format;
    $CSVDATA = $csvdata->data;
Beispiel #3
 * The CSV file is parsed here so validation errors can be returned to the
 * user. The data from a successful parsing is stored in the <var>$CVSDATA</var>
 * array so it can be accessed by the submit function
 * @param Pieform  $form   The form to validate
 * @param array    $values The values submitted
function uploadcsv_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    // Don't even start attempting to parse if there are previous errors
    if ($form->has_errors()) {
    if ($values['file']['size'] == 0) {
        $form->set_error('file', $form->i18n('rule', 'required', 'required', array()));
    $institution = $values['institution'];
    if (!$USER->can_edit_institution($institution)) {
        $form->set_error('institution', get_string('notadminforinstitution', 'admin'));
    require_once 'csvfile.php';
    $csvgroups = new CsvFile($values['file']['tmp_name']);
    $csvgroups->set('allowedkeys', $ALLOWEDKEYS);
    $csvgroups->set('mandatoryfields', $MANDATORYFIELDS);
    $csvdata = $csvgroups->get_data();
    if (!empty($csvdata->errors['file'])) {
        $form->set_error('file', $csvdata->errors['file']);
    $csverrors = new CSVErrors();
    $formatkeylookup = array_flip($csvdata->format);
    $shortnames = array();
    $hadadmin = array();
    $num_lines = count($csvdata->data);
    foreach ($csvdata->data as $key => $line) {
        // If headers exists, increment i = key + 2 for actual line number
        $i = $csvgroups->get('headerExists') ? $key + 2 : $key + 1;
        // In adding 5000 groups, this part was approx 8% of the wall time.
        if (!($key % 25)) {
            set_progress_info('uploadgroupmemberscsv', $key, $num_lines * 10, get_string('validating', 'admin'));
        // Trim non-breaking spaces -- they get left in place by File_CSV
        foreach ($line as &$field) {
            $field = preg_replace('/^(\\s|\\xc2\\xa0)*(.*?)(\\s|\\xc2\\xa0)*$/', '$2', $field);
        $shortname = $line[$formatkeylookup['shortname']];
        $username = $line[$formatkeylookup['username']];
        $role = $line[$formatkeylookup['role']];
        $gid = get_field('group', 'id', 'shortname', $shortname, 'institution', $institution);
        if (!$gid) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupmemberscsverrornosuchshortname', 'admin', $i, $shortname, $institution));
        $uid = get_field_sql('SELECT id FROM {usr} WHERE LOWER(username) = ?', array(strtolower($username)));
        if (!$uid) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupmemberscsverrornosuchusername', 'admin', $i, $username));
        if ($institution != 'mahara' && !record_exists('usr_institution', 'usr', $uid, 'institution', $institution)) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupmemberscsverrorusernotininstitution', 'admin', $i, $username, $institution));
        if (!in_array($role, array_keys(group_get_role_info($gid)))) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupmemberscsverrorinvalidrole', 'admin', $i, $role));
        if (!isset($MEMBERS[$gid])) {
            $MEMBERS[$gid] = array();
        if (isset($MEMBERS[$gid][$uid])) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupmemberscsverrorduplicateusername', 'admin', $i, $shortname, $username));
        $MEMBERS[$gid][$uid] = $role;
        $GROUPS[$gid] = $shortname;
        if ($role == 'admin') {
            $hasadmin[$shortname] = 1;
    foreach ($GROUPS as $shortname) {
        if (!isset($hasadmin[$shortname])) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupmemberscsverrornoadminlisted', 'admin', $i, $shortname));
    if ($errors = $csverrors->process()) {
        $form->set_error('file', clean_html($errors));
    $FORMAT = $csvdata->format;
    $CSVDATA = $csvdata->data;
 * The CSV file is parsed here so validation errors can be returned to the
 * user. The data from a successful parsing is stored in the <var>$CVSDATA</var>
 * array so it can be accessed by the submit function
 * @param Pieform  $form   The form to validate
 * @param array    $values The values submitted
function uploadcsv_validate(Pieform $form, $values)
    // Don't even start attempting to parse if there are previous errors
    if ($form->has_errors()) {
    if ($values['file']['size'] == 0) {
        $form->set_error('file', $form->i18n('rule', 'required', 'required', array()));
    $institution = $values['institution'];
    if (!$USER->can_edit_institution($institution)) {
        $form->set_error('institution', get_string('notadminforinstitution', 'admin'));
    require_once 'csvfile.php';
    $csvgroups = new CsvFile($values['file']['tmp_name']);
    $csvgroups->set('allowedkeys', $ALLOWEDKEYS);
    $csvgroups->set('mandatoryfields', $MANDATORYFIELDS);
    $csvdata = $csvgroups->get_data();
    if (!empty($csvdata->errors['file'])) {
        $form->set_error('file', $csvdata->errors['file']);
    $csverrors = new CSVErrors();
    $formatkeylookup = array_flip($csvdata->format);
    $shortnames = array();
    $displaynames = array();
    foreach ($csvdata->data as $key => $line) {
        // If headers exists, increment i = key + 2 for actual line number
        $i = $csvgroups->get('headerExists') ? $key + 2 : $key + 1;
        // Trim non-breaking spaces -- they get left in place by File_CSV
        foreach ($line as &$field) {
            $field = preg_replace('/^(\\s|\\xc2\\xa0)*(.*?)(\\s|\\xc2\\xa0)*$/', '$2', $field);
        if (count($line) != count($csvdata->format)) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadcsverrorwrongnumberoffields', 'admin', $i));
        $shortname = $line[$formatkeylookup['shortname']];
        $displayname = $line[$formatkeylookup['displayname']];
        $grouptype = $line[$formatkeylookup['roles']];
        $open = isset($formatkeylookup['open']) && !empty($line[$formatkeylookup['open']]);
        $controlled = isset($formatkeylookup['controlled']) && !empty($line[$formatkeylookup['controlled']]);
        $request = isset($formatkeylookup['request']) && !empty($line[$formatkeylookup['request']]);
        $submitpages = isset($formatkeylookup['submitpages']) && !empty($line[$formatkeylookup['submitpages']]);
        if (isset($formatkeylookup['editroles'])) {
            $editroles = $line[$formatkeylookup['editroles']];
        if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{2,255}$/', $shortname)) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupcsverrorinvalidshortname', 'admin', $i, $shortname));
        if (isset($shortnames[$shortname])) {
            // Duplicate shortname within this file.
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupcsverrorshortnamealreadytaken', 'admin', $i, $shortname));
        } else {
            if (!$values['updategroups']) {
                // The groupname must be new
                if (record_exists('group', 'shortname', $shortname, 'institution', $institution)) {
                    $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupcsverrorshortnamealreadytaken', 'admin', $i, $shortname));
            } else {
                if ($values['updategroups']) {
                    // The groupname needs to exist
                    if (!record_exists('group', 'shortname', $shortname, 'institution', $institution)) {
                        $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupcsverrorshortnamemissing', 'admin', $i, $shortname));
        $shortnames[$shortname] = array('shortname' => $shortname, 'displayname' => $displayname, 'roles' => $grouptype, 'lineno' => $i, 'raw' => $line);
        if (isset($displaynames[strtolower($displayname)])) {
            // Duplicate displayname within this file
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupcsverrorsgroupnamealreadyexists', 'admin', $i, $displayname));
        } else {
            if (!$values['updategroups']) {
                // The displayname must be new
                if (get_records_sql_array('SELECT id FROM {group} WHERE LOWER(TRIM(name)) = ?', array(strtolower(trim($displayname))))) {
                    $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupcsverrorgroupnamealreadyexists', 'admin', $i, $displayname));
            } else {
                // This displayname must be new if not our shortname/institution
                if (get_records_sql_array('
                    SELECT id FROM {group}
                    WHERE LOWER(TRIM(name)) = ?
                        AND NOT (shortname = ? AND institution = ?)', array(strtolower(trim($displayname)), $shortname, $institution))) {
                    $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupcsverrorgroupnamealreadyexists', 'admin', $i, $displayname));
        $displaynames[strtolower($displayname)] = 1;
        if (!isset($GROUPTYPES[$grouptype])) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupcsverrorinvalidgrouptype', 'admin', $i, $grouptype));
        if (isset($editroles) && !isset($EDITROLES[$editroles])) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupcsverrorinvalideditroles', 'admin', $i, $editroles));
        if ($open && $controlled) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupcsverroropencontrolled', 'admin', $i));
        if ($open && $request) {
            $csverrors->add($i, get_string('uploadgroupcsverroropenrequest', 'admin', $i));
        if ($values['updategroups']) {
            foreach ($shortnames as $shortname => $data) {
                // TODO: Any other checks we have to do for updated groups
                $UPDATES[$shortname] = 1;
    if ($errors = $csverrors->process()) {
        $form->set_error('file', clean_html($errors));
    $FORMAT = $csvdata->format;
    $CSVDATA = $csvdata->data;