Beispiel #1
  * Verify setOptions can merge a Cpanel_Core_Object into itself without overwriting
  * @depends testSetOptions
  * @depends testGetAllDataRecursively
 public function testSetOptionsCanMergeCpanelObjectWithoutOverwritting()
     $arr1 = array('a' => 1, 'b' => array('bb' => 2));
     $arr2 = array('a' => '11', 'b' => array('bb' => 22, 'BB' => 22), 'c' => 3);
     $expected = array('a' => 11, 'b' => array('bb' => 22, 'BB' => 22), 'c' => 3);
     $cpObj = new Cpanel_Core_Object($arr2);
     $cpObj->setOptions(new Cpanel_Core_Object($arr1), false);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $cpObj->getAllDataRecursively());
Beispiel #2
  * Constructor
  * @param array $optsArray Option configuration data
  * @return Cpanel_Service_Abstract
 public function __construct($optsArray = array())
     if (!$this->listner) {
         Cpanel_Listner_Observer_GenericLogger::initLogger($this, 1, array('level' => 'std'));
     return $this;
Beispiel #3
  * Constructor
  * By default, Cpanel_Parser_LiveJSON::CONDENSED_MODE will be set
  * @param arrays $optsArray Optional configuration data
  * @return Cpanel_Parser_LiveJSON
 public function __construct($optsArray = array())
     $mode = $this->getOption('mode');
     if ($mode) {
     return $this;
Beispiel #4
  * Retrieve the Service namespace from given array or config, if one exists
  * If the Cpanel config convention is utilized, a successful return will
  * provide a Cpanel_Core_Object which should have a key/namespace
  * 'config'. If the $type is not found, the general service namespace will 
  * be returned (which may also have the 'config' namespace).
  * @param string             $type      The named service type to retrieve
  * @param Cpanel_Core_Object $optsArray Cpanel config to search within
  * @return Cpanel_Core_Object|array Emtpy array if $type or $optsArray is
  *  empty, otherwise the expected configuration data 
 public static function getServiceConfig($type, $optsArray)
     $opts = $optsArray;
     // return empty array if called without 'blank' $type or $optsArray
     // due to inherent complexity with configs, this makes customized configs
     //  easier to deal with
     if (empty($type) || empty($opts)) {
         return array();
     //convert to Cpanel_Core_Object if not already
     if (!$opts instanceof Cpanel_Core_Object) {
         $opts = new Cpanel_Core_Object($opts);
     //traverse into 'cpanel' namespace if present
     $base = $opts->getOption('cpanel');
     if (!empty($base)) {
         $opts = $base;
     // traverse into 'service' namespace if present
     $base = $opts->getOption('service');
     if (!empty($base)) {
         $opts = $base;
     //source out requested $type namespace
     $base = $opts->getOption($type);
     // if requested $type wasn't found, return the default service namespace
     if (!empty($base)) {
         $opts = $base;
     return $opts;
Beispiel #5
  * Cosntructor
  * @param Cpanel_Query_Object $rObj Response object
  * @return Cpanel_Query_Http_Abstract
  * @throws Exception If $rObj is an invalid query/response object
 public function __construct($rObj = '')
     if ($rObj) {
         if (!$rObj instanceof Cpanel_Query_Object) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid QueryObject');
     return $this;
Beispiel #6
  * Constructor
  * By default, Cpanel_Parser_XML::DOM_MODE will be set.  As well,
  * all errors warnings generated by LibXML will be suppressed.  This errors
  * well be collected later, in the event of a decode error.
  * @param arrays $optsArray Optional configuration data
  * @return Cpanel_Parser_XML
 public function __construct($optsArray = array())
     $libErrMode = (bool) (!$this->disableSuppressLibXML);
     $mode = $this->mode;
     if ($mode) {
     return $this;
Beispiel #7
  * Constructor
  * This constructor will define a shutdown function.  This helps ensure the
  * cpsrvd receives the proper shutdown notification and the socket file is 
  * properly closed. See {@link closeCpanelHandle()}
  * @param Cpanel_Query_Object $rObj Optionally attach the response
  *  object at instantiation.
  * @return Cpanel_Query_Live_Abstract
 public function __construct($rObj = '')
     if ($rObj) {
         if (!$rObj instanceof Cpanel_Query_Object) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid QueryObject');
     if (!$this->socketTimeout) {
         $this->socketTimeout = self::SOCKET_TIMEOUT;
     register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'closeCpanelHandle'));
     return $this;
Beispiel #8
  * Constructor
  * @param arrays $optsArray Optional configuration data
  * @return Cpanel_Query_Object
 public function __construct($optsArray = array())
     $this->_query = new Cpanel_Core_Object();
     //TODO: make response an arrayobject with magic accessors?
     $this->_response = new Cpanel_Core_Object();
     //@todo make meths of this?
     $this->_pinterface = 'Cpanel_Parser_Interface';
     $this->_outputFormat = $this->_defaultOutputFormat;
     return $this;
  * Constructor
  * Passing 'level'=>$value in configuration data array will set the logger's
  * verbosity level.  Verbosity levels response to specific types of logged
  * messages generated by the log listner. Valid verbosity levels are:
  *   'loud'    - will response to any logged message
  *   'verbose' - will response to 'info', 'warn' and 'die' messages 
  *   'std'     - will only response to 'warn' and 'die' messages
  *   'quiet'   - will only response to 'die' messages
  *   'silent'  - will never log any messages
  * @param array $optArray Optional configuration data
  * @return Cpanel_Listner_Observer_GenericLogger
 public function __construct($optArray = array())
     //TODO: break this out into methods
     $this->_levelkey = array('loud' => array('debug', 'info', 'warn', 'die'), 'verbose' => array('info', 'warn', 'die'), 'std' => array('warn', 'die'), 'quiet' => array('die'), 'silent' => array());
     if (!array_key_exists('level', $optArray)) {
         $optArray['level'] = 'std';
     $tz = ini_get('date.timezone') ? ini_get('date.timezone') : 'UTC';
     return $this;