Beispiel #1
 function definition()
     global $CFG, $USER;
     $form =& $this->_form;
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     $courses = $user->getCoursesAsTeacher();
     // Course-specific settings
     $form->addElement('header', 'course_settings', get_string('materials_courses', 'block_courseprefs'));
     $form->setHelpButton('course_settings', array('materials_courses', get_string('materials_courses_help', 'block_courseprefs'), 'block_courseprefs', true));
     // Remove courses to be generated if they have been created already; i.e. create_flag isn't set
     $materials = $user->getMaterials();
     foreach ($materials as $material) {
         if (!$material->getCreateFlag()) {
     // Generate checkboxes for courses that haven't had a materials courses created yet
     foreach ($courses as $course) {
         $form->addElement('checkbox', MATERIAL_COURSE_FIELD . $course->getId(), NULL, $course->getDepartment() . ' ' . $course->getCourseNumber());
     $buttonarray = array();
     $buttonarray[] =& $form->createElement('submit', 'submitbutton', get_string('savechanges'));
     $buttonarray[] =& $form->createElement('cancel');
     $form->addGroup($buttonarray, 'buttonar', '', array(' '), false);
  * Content generation method of block; list of page links
 function get_content()
     if ($this->content !== NULL) {
         return $this->content;
     global $CFG, $USER;
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     $this->content->icons = array();
     $this->content->footer = '';
     $this->content->items = array();
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
     $mentor = has_capability('block/student_gradeviewer:viewgrades', $context) || has_capability('block/student_gradeviewer:sportsviewgrades', $context);
     $admin = has_capability('block/student_gradeviewer:academicadmin', $context) || has_capability('block/student_gradeviewer:sportsadmin', $context);
     // If they can't view the grades, then they can't query
     if ($mentor) {
         $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/student_gradeviewer/viewgrades.php">' . get_string('view_grades', 'block_student_gradeviewer') . '</a>';
     // This is solely for the admins of the systems, or the Moodle admins
     if ($admin) {
         $admin = get_string('admin', 'block_student_gradeviewer');
         $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/student_gradeviewer/admin.php">' . $admin . '</a>' . helpbutton('admin', $admin, 'block_student_gradeviewer', true, false, '', true);
     if ($mentor || $admin) {
         $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/student_gradeviewer/analysis.php">
                               ' . get_string('analysis', 'block_student_gradeviewer') . '</a>';
     // Primary instructors can configure their digest options
     $cps_user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     if (!empty($CFG->cas_email) and $cps_user and $cps_user->getSectionsInfoAsTeacher()) {
         $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/student_gradeviewer/options.php">' . get_string('options', 'block_student_gradeviewer') . '</a>';
     return $this->content;
Beispiel #3
 function create_obj($id)
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($id);
     $this->primary_sections = $user->getSectionsInfoAsPrimaryTeacher(true);
     $this->sections = $user->getSectionsInfoAsTeacher(false, null, true);
     return $user;
Beispiel #4
 function validation($data)
     global $USER;
     $errorlog = array();
     $form_errorlog = $this->_form->_errors;
     // Lookup necessary objects related to the user and his/her courses ans sections
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     $sections = $user->getSectionsInfoAsPrimaryTeacher();
     // Parse form submission and glean necessary information
     $this->selected_sections = array();
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $matches = array();
         if (preg_match(UNWANTED_SECTION_PATTERN, $key, $matches)) {
             $sectionsid = $matches[1];
             $coursesid = $matches[2];
             $section = $sections[$sectionsid];
             // Associated section with its course
             if (!$this->selected_sections[$coursesid]) {
                 $this->selected_sections[$coursesid] = array();
             $this->selected_sections[$coursesid][$section->id] = $section;
     // Iterate over new unwanted courses and remove new unwanted sections
     if (!empty($this->selected_courses)) {
         foreach ($this->selected_courses as $coursesid => $boolean) {
             if (isset($this->selected_sections[$coursesid])) {
Beispiel #5
 function definition()
     global $USER;
     $form =& $this->_form;
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     $teamteaches = $user->getRequestedTeamTeaches();
     // Pending team teaching invitations header
     $form->addElement('header', 'pending_teamteach', get_string('header_teamteach_pending', 'block_courseprefs'));
     $form->setHelpButton('pending_teamteach', array('teamteach_pending', get_string('teamteach_pending_help', 'block_courseprefs'), 'block_courseprefs', true));
     // Generate a listing of team teaching invitation the user has made of other teachers which
     // need to be approved or rejected
     $display = array();
     foreach ($teamteaches as $teamteach) {
         // Skip the team teaching invitation if it doesn't need to be approved
         if (!$teamteach->getApprovalFlag()) {
         // Lookup information about the requesting user and user's section
         $teamteach_user = $teamteach->getTtUser();
         $display[$teamteach->getId()] = CoursePrefsSection::generateFullnameById($teamteach->getTtSectionsId()) . ' with ' . $teamteach_user->getLastname() . ' ' . $teamteach_user->getFirstname();
     // Skip the remaining form definition if no invitations were found and display a message to the user
     if (!$display) {
         $form->addElement('static', null, null, get_string('no_requests', 'block_courseprefs'));
     // Sort listing of invitations by semesters
     uasort($display, "cmpSemester");
     // Add static elements for each team teach invitiation that hasn't been accepted or rejected yet
     foreach ($display as $key => $teamteach) {
         $form->addElement('static', null, null, $teamteach);
Beispiel #6
  * Content generation method of block; list of page links
 function get_content()
     if ($this->content !== NULL) {
         return $this->content;
     global $CFG, $USER;
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     $this->content->icons = array();
     $this->content->footer = '';
     $this->content->items = array();
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
     if (has_capability('block/courseprefs:viewdata', $context)) {
         $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/courseprefs/content_viewer.php">' . get_string('content_viewer', 'block_courseprefs') . '</a>';
     if (!$user || !$user->isTeacher()) {
         $this->content->items[] = get_string('block_request_link', 'block_courseprefs') . " <a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/blocks/courseprefs/request.php\">here</a> to" . ' request a course';
         return $this->content;
     // Removing Links that might break current courses
     $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/courseprefs/creation_enrol.php">' . get_string('creation_link', 'block_courseprefs') . '</a>';
     $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/courseprefs/split.php">' . get_string('split_link', 'block_courseprefs') . '</a>';
     $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/courseprefs/crosslist.php">' . get_string('crosslist_link', 'block_courseprefs') . '</a>';
     $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/courseprefs/teamteach.php">' . get_string('teamteach_link', 'block_courseprefs') . '</a>';
     $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/courseprefs/materials.php">' . get_string('materials_link', 'block_courseprefs') . '</a>';
     $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/courseprefs/unwanted.php">' . get_string('unwanted_link', 'block_courseprefs') . '</a>';
     return $this->content;
 function get_content()
     if ($this->content !== NULL) {
         return $this->content;
     global $CFG, $COURSE, $USER;
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     $this->content->icons = array();
     $this->content->items = array();
     $this->content->footer = '';
     list($source, $cap) = $this->permissions($COURSE);
     if (!$cap) {
         return $this->content;
     //We're in a global section, so we change our links
     $global = $source == 'system';
     $cps_user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     // If the cps user is valid, and they are in the teaching role in their course
     $can_report = ($cps_user and $cps_user->getSectionsForMoodleCourse($COURSE) or is_siteadmin($USER->id));
     if (!$global and $can_report) {
         $this->content->icons[] = '<img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/i/email.gif"/>';
         $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/student_reporting/select.php?id=' . $COURSE->id . '">' . get_string('select', 'block_student_reporting') . '</a>';
     $this->content->icons[] = '';
     $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/student_gradeviewer/analysis.php' . ($global ? '' : '?id=' . $COURSE->id) . '">' . get_string('analysis', 'block_student_gradeviewer') . '</a>';
     if (!empty($CFG->cas_email) and $cps_user and $cps_user->getSectionsInfoAsTeacher()) {
         $this->content->items[] = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/student_gradeviewer/options.php?id=' . $COURSE->id . '">' . get_string('options', 'block_student_gradeviewer') . '</a>';
     return $this->content;
Beispiel #8
 function validation($data)
     global $USER;
     $errorlog = array();
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     $crosslists = $user->getCrosslists();
     // Parse form submission and glean necessary information
     $this->selected_crosslists = array();
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $matches = array();
         // Add the ID of the cross list entry to the list of selections if the user owns it
         if (preg_match(CROSSLIST_DELETE_PATTERN, $key, $matches) && $crosslists[$matches[1]]) {
             $this->selected_crosslists[] = $matches[1];
     return $errorlog;
Beispiel #9
 function validation($data)
     global $USER;
     $errorlog = array();
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     $teamteaches = $user->getDecisionTeamTeaches();
     // Parse form submission and glean necessary information
     $this->selected_teamteaches = array();
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $matches = array();
         // Add the ID of the team teach entry to the list of selections if the user owns it
         if (preg_match(PENDING_CHECKBOX_PATTERN, $key, $matches) && $teamteaches[$matches[1]]) {
             $this->selected_teamteaches[] = $matches[1];
     return $errorlog;
 function get_content()
     if ($this->content !== NULL) {
         return $this->content;
     global $CFG, $COURSE, $USER;
     $this->content = new stdClass();
     $this->content->text = '';
     $this->content->footer = '';
     // Does the user have the right capability?
     // Line 4354 of lib/weblib.php suggests that a teacher
     // is defined by one being able to view details of other users
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $COURSE->id);
     if (!has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $context)) {
         return $this->content;
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     // No Atheletes in the course means this block is hidden
     if (get_athelete_count($COURSE) == 0) {
         // If in Edit mode: display the no athletes text
         $edit = optional_param('edit', 0, PARAM_INT);
         if ($edit) {
             $this->content->text = '<span>' . get_string('no_atheletes', 'block_athelete_reporting') . '</span>';
         return $this->content;
     // Check course's grade to pass
     $this->courseitem = grade_item::fetch_course_item($COURSE->id);
     if (is_siteadmin($USER->id)) {
         $sections = cps_sections($COURSE);
     } else {
         if ($user) {
             $sections = $user->getSectionsForMoodleCourse($COURSE);
         } else {
             return $this->content;
     $out = '<div class="block_athelete_reporting_body">
              <form method="POST" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/athelete_reporting/report.php">';
     foreach ($sections as $section) {
         $atheletes = get_atheletes($section);
         if (!$atheletes) {
         $id = 'block_athelete_reporting_section_' . $section->id;
         $out .= '<div class="block_athelete_reporting_header">
                     <input type="image" src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/switch_plus.gif"
                      onclick="elementToggleHide(this, true, function(el) { 
           return document.getElementById(\'' . $id . '\');}, \'Show Section\', \'Hide Section\'); return false;">
                 ' . get_string('format_section', 'block_courseprefs', $section) . '
                  <div id="' . $id . '"
                       class="block_athelete_reporting_section_body hidden">
                     ' . array_reduce($atheletes, array($this, 'reduce_athelete')) . '
     if (!empty($sections)) {
         $out .= '       <input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $COURSE->id . '">
           <input type="submit" value="' . get_string('report', 'block_athelete_reporting') . '">
     $out .= '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/student_gradeviewer/analysis.php?id=' . $COURSE->id . '">' . get_string('analysis', 'block_student_gradeviewer') . '</a>';
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     if (!empty($CFG->cas_email) and $user and $user->getSectionsInfoAsTeacher(false, null, true)) {
         $out .= '<br/><span class="athlete_small_text">
                     <a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blocks/student_gradeviewer/options.php?id=' . $COURSE->id . '">' . get_string('options', 'block_student_gradeviewer') . '</a>
     $out .= '</div>';
     $this->content->text = $out;
     return $this->content;
Beispiel #11
  * Expects a file of format: Semester|Student PawsID|Campus|Department|Course #|Section #|Status Code|HRS|Real Date|EFFECTIVE DATE|FERP
 function parse_enrollfile($now, $line)
     $fields = array_map('addslashes', array_map('trim', explode('|', $line)));
     // Process only if we have the correct number of fields
     if (count($fields) != 11) {
         $a->file = $this->files['enrollfile'];
         $a->line = $line;
         $this->errorlog[] = get_string('malformed', 'block_courseprefs', $a);
     // Lookup necessary foreign keys for enrollment lookup; throw exception if any are missing
     list($year, $semester_name) = $this->parse_semester($fields[0]);
     $semester = CoursePrefsSemester::findByUnique($year, $semester_name, $fields[2]);
     if (!$semester) {
         $this->errorlog[] = 'Unable to lookup semester entry for enrollment in ' . $this->files['enrollfile'] . ': ' . $line;
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($fields[1]);
     if (!$user) {
         $this->errorlog[] = 'Unable to lookup user entry for enrollment in ' . $this->files['enrollfile'] . ': ' . $line;
     $course = CoursePrefsCourse::findByUnique($fields[3], $fields[4]);
     if (!$course) {
         $this->errorlog[] = 'Unable to lookup course entry for enrollment in ' . $this->files['enrollfile'] . ': ' . $line;
     $section = CoursePrefsSection::findByUnique($semester->getId(), $course->getId(), $fields[5]);
     if (!$section) {
         $this->errorlog[] = 'Unable to lookup section entry for enrollment in ' . $this->files['enrollfile'] . ': ' . $line;
     try {
         $new_fields = array(1, $fields[6], $fields[8], $fields[9], $fields[7]);
         $this->process_enrollment($user, $section, $new_fields);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->errorlog[] = $e->getMessage() . ' from ' . $this->files['enrollfile'] . ': ' . $line;
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->errorlog[] = $e->getMessage() . ' from ' . $this->files['enrollfile'] . ': ' . $line;
Beispiel #12
 function validation($data)
     global $USER;
     $errorlog = array();
     $form_errorlog = $this->_form->_errors;
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     $courses = $user->getCoursesAsTeacher();
     $this->course_create = array();
     $this->course_enroll = array();
     $enroll_default = CoursePrefsConfig::getNamedValue('course_enroll_days');
     $create_default = CoursePrefsConfig::getNamedValue('course_create_days');
     // Parse form submission and glean necessary information
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $matches = array();
         if (preg_match(CREATE_DAYS_PATTERN, $key, $matches) && $courses[$matches[2]]) {
             if (!$this->course_create[$matches[1]]) {
                 $this->course_create[$matches[1]] = array();
             $this->course_create[$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = $value;
         } else {
             if (preg_match(ENROLL_DAYS_PATTERN, $key, $matches) && $courses[$matches[2]]) {
                 if (!$this->course_enroll[$matches[1]]) {
                     $this->course_enroll[$matches[1]] = array();
                 $this->course_enroll[$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = $value;
     // Iterate over semesters and check course-specific settings are valid
     foreach ($this->course_create as $semestersid => $courses) {
         // Check whether the courses' creation value is greater than or equal to its enrollment value
         foreach ($courses as $coursesid => $value) {
             /*// Skip course if either of its create or enroll fields weren't submitted properly
               if ($form_errorlog[$semestersid . CREATE_DAYS_FIELD . $coursesid] ||
                   $form_errorlog[$semestersid . ENROLL_DAYS_FIELD . $coursesid]) {
             $course_create_days = $this->course_create[$semestersid][$coursesid];
             $course_enroll_days = $this->course_enroll[$semestersid][$coursesid];
             if ($course_create_days === '0' || $course_enroll_days === '0') {
                 $errorlog[$semestersid . COURSE_GROUP . $coursesid] = get_string('err_negative_number', 'block_courseprefs');
             if ($course_create_days == '') {
                 $this->course_create[$semestersid][$coursesid] = $create_default;
             if ($course_enroll_days == '') {
                 $this->course_enroll[$semestersid][$coursesid] = $enroll_default;
             if ($course_create_days == '' && $course_enroll_days != '') {
                 $a->name = 'Create';
                 $errorlog[$semestersid . COURSE_GROUP . $coursesid] = get_string('err_days_invalid', 'block_courseprefs', $a);
             } else if ($course_enroll_days == '' && $course_create_days!='') {
                 $a->name = 'Enroll';
                 $errorlog[$semestersid . COURSE_GROUP . $coursesid] = get_string('err_days_invalid', 'block_courseprefs', $a);
             // Log an error if the course's enrollment value is greater than the creation value
             if ($course_create_days < $course_enroll_days) {
                 $errorlog[$semestersid . COURSE_GROUP . $coursesid] = get_string('err_create_enroll_compare', 'block_courseprefs');
     return $errorlog;
Beispiel #13
 function validation($data)
     global $USER;
     $errorlog = array();
     $form_errorlog = $this->_form->_errors;
     // Skip processing group if there were errors with any of the related group fields
     if ($form_errorlog[TEXTBOX_GROUP] || $form_errorlog[SECTIONSID_FIELD]) {
         return $errorlog;
     // Parse form submission and glean necessary information
     $section_id = $data[SECTIONSID_FIELD];
     $department = $data[DEPARTMENT_FIELD];
     $course_number = $data[COURSE_NUMBER_FIELD];
     $section_number = $data[SECTION_NUMBER_FIELD];
     // Build sections ID to courses ID lookup for data validation
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     $sections = $user->getSectionsAsTeacher();
     // Log an error if the user isn't the primary teacher of the section selected
     if (!($sections[$section_id] && $user->isPrimaryTeacher($sections[$section_id]))) {
         $errorlog[TEXTBOX_GROUP] = get_string('err_not_primary', 'block_courseprefs');
         return $errorlog;
     // Log an error if the section selected doesn't exist
     $users_section = $sections[$section_id];
     if (!$users_section) {
         $errorlog[TEXTBOX_GROUP] = get_string('err_unknown_section', 'block_courseprefs');
         return $errorlog;
     // Retrieve course related to critera and log an error if course doesn't exist
     $course = CoursePrefsCourse::findByUnique($department, $course_number);
     if (!$course) {
         $errorlog[TEXTBOX_GROUP] = get_string('err_unknown_course', 'block_courseprefs');
         return $errorlog;
     // Retrieve section related to critera and log an error if course doesn't exist
     $section = CoursePrefsSection::findByUnique($users_section->getSemestersId(), $course->getId(), $section_number);
     if (!$section) {
         $errorlog[TEXTBOX_GROUP] = get_string('err_unknown_section', 'block_courseprefs');
         return $errorlog;
     // Log an error if the user has already selected these sections to be team taught
     if (CoursePrefsTeamTeach::findByUnique($user->getId(), $users_section->getId(), $section->getId())) {
         $errorlog[TEXTBOX_GROUP] = get_string('err_same_teamteach', 'block_courseprefs');
         return $errorlog;
     // Determine the primary teacher of the foreign section
     $teachers = CoursePrefsTeacher::findBySectionId($section->getId());
     $teacher_primary = null;
     foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
         // Skip if teacher is not the primary teacher
         if (!$teacher->getPrimaryFlag()) {
         $teacher_primary = $teacher;
     // Log an error if there isn't a primary teacher to notify or if the user teaches both courses.
     // Otherwise, store the ids of the sections selected for team teaching
     if (!$teacher_primary) {
         $errorlog[TEXTBOX_GROUP] = get_string('no_instructor', 'block_courseprefs');
     } else {
         if ($teacher_primary->getUsersId() == $user->getId()) {
             $errorlog[TEXTBOX_GROUP] = get_string('same_teacher', 'block_courseprefs');
         } else {
             $this->section_selections = $section_id;
             $this->secondary_teamteaches = $section->getId();
     return $errorlog;
Beispiel #14
  * Deprecated
 static function findByUsername($username)
     return CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($username);
Beispiel #15
 function define_cps_user()
     global $USER;
     $this->cps_user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
Beispiel #16
require_once 'classes/CoursePrefsUser.php';
require_once 'classes/CoursePrefsSplit.php';
require_once 'classes/CoursePrefsSection.php';
require_once 'classes/CoursePrefsLog.php';
require_once 'lib.php';
require_once 'split_form.php';
$selected = required_param('selected');
$number = required_param('number', PARAM_INT);
$submit = required_param('submit');
// They want to go back, so take them back
if ($submit == "Back") {
list($semestersid, $courseid) = split_selected($selected);
$user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
// Oops, we don't know this fella
if (!$user) {
// Validation comes first
$splittable = $user->getSplittableCourses();
// Hmm, selected entry is not splittable...? Hacker?
if (!$splittable || !array_key_exists($courseid, $splittable[$semestersid])) {
$sections = $user->getSectionsInfoAsPrimaryTeacher();
if ($number < 2 || $number > count($sections)) {
    // error: number does not match the split citerion
    // user tried to hack post data
    redirect('split.php?selected=' . $selected);
Beispiel #17
 function validation($data)
     global $USER;
     $form_errorlog = $this->_form->_errors;
     $errorlog = array();
     // Prematurely end form submission validation if any errors were encountered during submission
     if (array_key_exists(SECTIONSID_FIELD, $form_errorlog) || array_key_exists(CR_SECTIONSID_FIELD, $form_errorlog)) {
         return $errorlog;
     $user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     $sections = $user->getSectionsAsPrimaryTeacher();
     // Lookup selected sections from lookup of sections the user teaches
     $sectionsid = $data[SECTIONSID_FIELD];
     $cr_sectionsid = $data[CR_SECTIONSID_FIELD];
     $section = $sections[$sectionsid];
     $cr_section = $sections[$cr_sectionsid];
     // Log an error if the user isn't the primary instructor of the selected section
     if (!($section && $user->isPrimaryTeacher($section))) {
         $errorlog[SECTIONSID_FIELD] = get_string('err_crosslist_not_primary', 'block_courseprefs');
     // Log an error if the user isn't the primary instructor of the selected section to be cross listed
     if (!($cr_section && $user->isPrimaryTeacher($cr_section))) {
         $errorlog[CR_SECTIONSID_FIELD] = get_string('err_crosslist_not_primary', 'block_courseprefs');
     // Prematurely end form submission validation if any errors were encountered so far
     if ($errorlog) {
         return $errorlog;
     // Log an error if the selected sections are the same
     // Log an error if the selected sections are not part of the same semester
     if ($sectionsid == $cr_sectionsid) {
         $errorlog[CR_SECTIONSID_FIELD] = get_string('err_crosslist_same_section', 'block_courseprefs');
     } else {
         if ($section->getSemestersId() != $cr_section->getSemestersId()) {
             $errorlog[CR_SECTIONSID_FIELD] = get_string('err_crosslist_different_semester', 'block_courseprefs');
     // Prematurely end form submission validation if any errors were encountered so far
     if ($errorlog) {
         return $errorlog;
     // Validate form submission against existing cross listing entries
     $crosslists = $user->getCrosslists();
     foreach ($crosslists as $id => $crosslist) {
         // Log an error if the primary section selected is already cross listed as a secondary section
         if ($sectionsid == $crosslist->getCrSectionsId()) {
             $errorlog[SECTIONSID_FIELD] = get_string('err_crosslist_section_is_a_secondary', 'block_courseprefs');
         // Log an error if the secondary section selected is already cross listed as a primary section
         if ($cr_sectionsid == $crosslist->getSectionsId()) {
             $errorlog[CR_SECTIONSID_FIELD] = get_string('err_crosslist_section_is_a_primary', 'block_courseprefs');
         // Log an error if the user has previously selected the primary and secondary sections
         // Log an error if the secondary section selected is already cross listed as a secondary section
         if ($sectionsid == $crosslist->getSectionsId() && $cr_sectionsid == $crosslist->getCrSectionsId()) {
             $errorlog[CR_SECTIONSID_FIELD] = get_string('err_crosslist_not_unique', 'block_courseprefs');
         } else {
             if ($cr_sectionsid == $crosslist->getCrSectionsId()) {
                 $errorlog[CR_SECTIONSID_FIELD] = get_string('err_crosslist_section_is_a_secondary', 'block_courseprefs');
     return $errorlog;
Beispiel #18
 public function get_options()
     global $CFG, $USER, $COURSE;
     if (!isset($this->user)) {
         require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/blocks/courseprefs/classes/CoursePrefsUser.php';
         $this->user = CoursePrefsUser::findByUnique($USER->username);
     if (!isset($this->course)) {
         $this->course = $COURSE->id == 1 ? null : $COURSE;
     if (isset($this->callback)) {
         $sections = call_user_func($this->callback, $this);
     if (empty($sections) and is_siteadmin($USER->id) and $this->course) {
         $sections = cps_sections($this->course);
     if (empty($sections) and $this->user) {
         $sections = $this->user->getSectionsForMoodleCourse($this->course, false);
     $this->sections = $sections;
     return $sections ? array_map(array($this, 'transform_section'), $sections) : array();