public static function getIso3Flag($iso_code_3)
     $iso2 = Countries::convertIso3to2($iso_code_3);
     if ($iso2) {
         $path = JURI::root() . 'media/com_joomleague/flags/' . strtolower($iso2) . '.png';
         return $path;
     return null;
    function getTournamentMatches($rounds)
        $option = 'com_joomleague';
        $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        $round_matches = array();
        $round_matches[1] = 1;
        $round_matches[2] = 2;
        $round_matches[4] = 4;
        $round_matches[8] = 8;
        $round_matches[16] = 16;
        $round_matches[32] = 32;
        $round_matches[64] = 64;
        $round_matches[128] = 128;
        $round_matches[256] = 256;
        $round_matches[512] = 512;
        $round_matches[1024] = 1024;
        $round_matches[2048] = 2048;
        $query_SELECT = "\n\t\tSELECT\,\n\t\tm.round_id,\n\t\tm.projectteam1_id,\n\t\tm.projectteam2_id,\n\t\tm.team1_result,\n\t\tm.team2_result,\n\t\tt1." . $this->request['tree_name'] . " as firstname,\n\t\tt2." . $this->request['tree_name'] . " as secondname,\n\t\ as firstcountry,\n\t\ as secondcountry,\n        c1.logo_big as firstlogo,\n        c2.logo_big as secondlogo\n    ";
        $query_FROM = '
		FROM #__joomleague_match AS m
		INNER JOIN #__joomleague_round AS r ON m.round_id =
		LEFT JOIN #__joomleague_project_team AS tt1 ON m.projectteam1_id =
		LEFT JOIN #__joomleague_project_team AS tt2 ON m.projectteam2_id =
		LEFT JOIN #__joomleague_team AS t1 ON = tt1.team_id
		LEFT JOIN #__joomleague_team AS t2 ON = tt2.team_id
		LEFT JOIN #__joomleague_club AS c1 ON = t1.club_id
		LEFT JOIN #__joomleague_club AS c2 ON = t2.club_id
		LEFT JOIN #__joomleague_playground AS playground ON = m.playground_id';
        $query_END = ' GROUP BY ORDER BY m.match_date ASC,m.match_number';
        $matches = array();
        $durchlauf = count($rounds);
        $zaehler = 1;
        $roundcode = '';
        foreach ($rounds as $round) {
            switch ($zaehler) {
                case 1:
                    $query_WHERE = ' WHERE m.published = 1 
			  AND = ' . $round->id . ' 
			  AND r.project_id = ' . $this->projectid;
                    $query = $query_SELECT . $query_FROM . $query_WHERE . $query_END;
                    $result = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
                    //$result = $this->_db->loadObjectList('id');
                    //$result = $this->_db->loadAssocList('round_id');
                    //echo 'round-id -> '.$round->id.'<br /><pre>~'.print_r($result,true).'~</pre><br />';
                    //$matches[$round->id] = $result;
                    if ($this->debug_info) {
                        echo '1.) result -> <br /><pre>~' . print_r($result, true) . '~</pre><br />';
                    foreach ($result as $row) {
                        if ($this->debug_info) {
                            echo 'bild heim -> ' . JURI::base() . $row->firstlogo . '<br />';
                        if( !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT.'/'.$row->firstlogo) )
                        $row->firstlogo = $this->club_logo;
                        if( !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT.'/'.$row->secondlogo) )
                        $row->secondlogo = $this->club_logo;
                        if (!JFile::exists(JURI::base() . $row->firstlogo)) {
                            $row->firstlogo = JURI::base() . $this->club_logo;
                        } else {
                            $row->firstlogo = JURI::base() . $row->firstlogo;
                        if (!JFile::exists(JURI::base() . $row->secondlogo)) {
                            $row->secondlogo = JURI::base() . $this->club_logo;
                        } else {
                            $row->secondlogo = JURI::base() . $row->secondlogo;
                        // prüfen ob die ergebnisse in der runde schon gesetzt sind
                        // die runde kann ja auch hin- und rückspiel beinhalten
                        if (array_key_exists($round->roundcode, $this->bracket) && count($result) > 1) {
                            //echo '1.) this->bracket -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r($this->bracket,true).'~</pre><br />';
                            //echo '1.) laenge bracket -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r(sizeof($this->bracket[$round->roundcode]),true).'~</pre><br />';
                            $finished = true;
                            //foreach ( $this->bracket[$round->roundcode] as $value )
                            foreach ($this->bracket[$round->roundcode] as $key => $value) {
                                //$value = $this->bracket[$round->roundcode][$a];
                                //echo '<b>1 value -> '.$value.'</b><br />';
                                //echo '1.) result bracket value -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r($value,true).'~</pre><br />';
                                //echo '1.) result bracket value -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r($this->bracket[$round->roundcode][$a],true).'~</pre><br />';
                                //echo '1.) laenge bracket value -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r(sizeof($key),true).'~</pre><br />';
                                //foreach ( $key as $value )
                                if ($value->projectteam1_id == $row->projectteam1_id && $value->projectteam2_id == $row->projectteam2_id) {
                                    //echo '1 a.) paarung gefunden -> '.$row->firstname.' - '.$row->secondname.'<br />';
                                    $value->team1_result += $row->team1_result;
                                    $value->team2_result += $row->team2_result;
                                    $finished = true;
                                } elseif ($value->projectteam1_id == $row->projectteam2_id && $value->projectteam2_id == $row->projectteam1_id) {
                                    //echo '1 b.) paarung gefunden -> '.$row->firstname.' - '.$row->secondname.'<br />';
                                    $value->team1_result += $row->team2_result;
                                    $value->team2_result += $row->team1_result;
                                    $finished = true;
                                } else {
                                    //echo '1 c.) paarung nicht gefunden -> '.$row->firstname.' - '.$row->secondname.'<br />';
                                    //echo '1 c.) row id ->   '.$row->projectteam1_id.' - '.$row->projectteam2_id.'<br />';
                                    //echo '1 c.) value id -> '.$value->projectteam1_id.' - '.$value->projectteam2_id.'<br />';
                                    $finished = false;
                            if (!$finished) {
                                $temp = new stdClass();
                                $temp->projectteam1_id = $row->projectteam1_id;
                                $temp->projectteam2_id = $row->projectteam2_id;
                                $temp->team1_result = $row->team1_result;
                                $temp->team2_result = $row->team2_result;
                                $temp->firstname = $row->firstname;
                                $temp->secondname = $row->secondname;
                                $temp->firstcountry = $row->firstcountry;
                                $temp->secondcountry = $row->secondcountry;
                                $temp->firstlogo = $row->firstlogo;
                                $temp->secondlogo = $row->secondlogo;
                                $export[] = $temp;
                                $this->bracket[$round->roundcode] = array_merge($export);
                                if (strlen($row->firstname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                    $this->team_strlen = strlen($row->firstname);
                                if (strlen($row->secondname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                    $this->team_strlen = strlen($row->secondname);
                        } else {
                            $temp = new stdClass();
                            $temp->projectteam1_id = $row->projectteam1_id;
                            $temp->projectteam2_id = $row->projectteam2_id;
                            $temp->team1_result = $row->team1_result;
                            $temp->team2_result = $row->team2_result;
                            $temp->firstname = $row->firstname;
                            $temp->secondname = $row->secondname;
                            $temp->firstcountry = $row->firstcountry;
                            $temp->secondcountry = $row->secondcountry;
                            $temp->firstlogo = $row->firstlogo;
                            $temp->secondlogo = $row->secondlogo;
                            $export[] = $temp;
                            $this->bracket[$round->roundcode] = array_merge($export);
                            $this->exist_result[$round->roundcode] = true;
                            if (strlen($row->firstname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                $this->team_strlen = strlen($row->firstname);
                            if (strlen($row->secondname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                $this->team_strlen = strlen($row->secondname);
                    $roundcode = $round->roundcode;
                    if ($this->debug_info) {
                        echo '1.) this->bracket -> <br /><pre>~' . print_r($this->bracket, true) . '~</pre><br />';
                        echo '1.) this->exist_result -> <br /><pre>~' . print_r($this->exist_result, true) . '~</pre><br />';
                        echo '1.) Roundcode gesetzt -> <br /><pre>~' . print_r($roundcode, true) . '~</pre><br />';
                    // passt die erste gewählte runde zu einem turnierbaum ?
                    $count_matches = sizeof($this->bracket[$round->roundcode]);
                    //echo '1.) size bracket -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r(sizeof( $this->bracket[$round->roundcode] ),true).'~</pre><br />';
                    $i = $count_matches;
                    if ($count_matches > 4) {
                        if (!array_key_exists($count_matches, $round_matches)) {
                            //echo '1.) spiele in runde -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r('nicht gefunden',true).'~</pre><br />';
                            $finished = false;
                            while (!$finished) {
                                if (array_key_exists($i, $round_matches)) {
                                    //echo '1.) schleife ende-> <br /><pre>~'.print_r($i,true).'~</pre><br />';
                                    $finished = true;
                                } else {
                                    //echo '1.) schleife -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r($i,true).'~</pre><br />';
                        } else {
                            //echo '1.) spiele in runde -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r('gefunden',true).'~</pre><br />';
                    $new_matches = $i - $count_matches;
                    //echo '1.) neue spiele in runde -> <br /><pre>~'.print_r($new_matches,true).'~</pre><br />';
                    for ($a = 1; $a <= $new_matches; $a++) {
                        $temp = new stdClass();
                        $temp->projectteam1_id = '';
                        $temp->projectteam2_id = '';
                        $temp->team1_result = '';
                        $temp->team2_result = '';
                        $temp->firstname = 'FREI';
                        $temp->secondname = 'FREI';
                        $temp->firstcountry = 'DEU';
                        $temp->secondcountry = 'DEU';
                        $temp->firstlogo = JURI::base() . $this->club_logo;
                        $temp->secondlogo = JURI::base() . $this->club_logo;
                        $export[] = $temp;
                        $this->bracket[$round->roundcode] = array_merge($export);
                        if (strlen($temp->firstname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                            $this->team_strlen = strlen($temp->firstname);
                        if (strlen($temp->secondname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                            $this->team_strlen = strlen($temp->secondname);
                    //case 2:
                    //case 3:
                //case 2:
                //case 3:
                    if ($this->debug_info) {
                        echo '2.) Roundcode &uuml;bernommen -> <br /><pre>~' . print_r($roundcode, true) . '~</pre><br />';
                    foreach ($this->bracket[$roundcode] as $key) {
                        $query_WHERE = ' WHERE m.published = 1 
			  AND = ' . $round->id . '
              and (m.projectteam1_id = ' . $key->projectteam1_id . ' or m.projectteam2_id = ' . $key->projectteam1_id . ' ) 
			  AND r.project_id = ' . $this->projectid;
                        $query = $query_SELECT . $query_FROM . $query_WHERE . $query_END;
                        $result = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
                        if ($this->debug_info) {
                            echo '2.) result 1.Mannschaft -> <br /><pre>~' . print_r($result, true) . '~</pre><br />';
                        if ($result) {
                            if (count($result) > 1) {
                                $durchlauf = 1;
                                $temp = new stdClass();
                                foreach ($result as $rowresult) {
                                    if( !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT.'/'.$rowresult->firstlogo) )
                                    $rowresult->firstlogo = $this->club_logo;
                                    if( !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT.'/'.$rowresult->secondlogo) )
                                    $rowresult->secondlogo = $this->club_logo;
                                    if (!JFile::exists(JURI::base() . $rowresult->firstlogo)) {
                                        $rowresult->firstlogo = JURI::base() . $this->club_logo;
                                    } else {
                                        $rowresult->firstlogo = JURI::base() . $rowresult->firstlogo;
                                    if (!JFile::exists(JURI::base() . $rowresult->secondlogo)) {
                                        $rowresult->secondlogo = JURI::base() . $this->club_logo;
                                    } else {
                                        $rowresult->secondlogo = JURI::base() . $rowresult->secondlogo;
                                    switch ($durchlauf) {
                                        case 1:
                                            $temp->projectteam1_id = $rowresult->projectteam1_id;
                                            $temp->projectteam2_id = $rowresult->projectteam2_id;
                                            $temp->team1_result = $rowresult->team1_result;
                                            $temp->team2_result = $rowresult->team2_result;
                                            $temp->firstname = $rowresult->firstname;
                                            $temp->secondname = $rowresult->secondname;
                                            $temp->firstcountry = $rowresult->firstcountry;
                                            $temp->secondcountry = $rowresult->secondcountry;
                                            $temp->firstlogo = $rowresult->firstlogo;
                                            $temp->secondlogo = $rowresult->secondlogo;
                                            if (strlen($rowresult->firstname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                                $this->team_strlen = strlen($rowresult->firstname);
                                            if (strlen($rowresult->secondname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                                $this->team_strlen = strlen($rowresult->secondname);
                                            $temp->team1_result += $rowresult->team2_result;
                                            $temp->team2_result += $rowresult->team1_result;
                                $export[] = $temp;
                                $this->bracket[$round->roundcode] = array_merge($export);
                            } else {
                                foreach ($result as $rowresult) {
                                    if( !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT.'/'.$rowresult->firstlogo) )
                                    $rowresult->firstlogo = $this->club_logo;
                                    if( !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT.'/'.$rowresult->secondlogo) )
                                    $rowresult->secondlogo = $this->club_logo;
                                    if (!JFile::exists(JURI::base() . $rowresult->firstlogo)) {
                                        $rowresult->firstlogo = JURI::base() . $this->club_logo;
                                    } else {
                                        $rowresult->firstlogo = JURI::base() . $rowresult->firstlogo;
                                    if (!JFile::exists(JURI::base() . $rowresult->secondlogo)) {
                                        $rowresult->secondlogo = JURI::base() . $this->club_logo;
                                    } else {
                                        $rowresult->secondlogo = JURI::base() . $rowresult->secondlogo;
                                    $temp = new stdClass();
                                    $temp->projectteam1_id = $rowresult->projectteam1_id;
                                    $temp->projectteam2_id = $rowresult->projectteam2_id;
                                    $temp->team1_result = $rowresult->team1_result;
                                    $temp->team2_result = $rowresult->team2_result;
                                    $temp->firstname = $rowresult->firstname;
                                    $temp->secondname = $rowresult->secondname;
                                    $temp->firstcountry = $rowresult->firstcountry;
                                    $temp->secondcountry = $rowresult->secondcountry;
                                    $temp->firstlogo = $rowresult->firstlogo;
                                    $temp->secondlogo = $rowresult->secondlogo;
                                    $export[] = $temp;
                                    $this->bracket[$round->roundcode] = array_merge($export);
                                    if (strlen($rowresult->firstname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                        $this->team_strlen = strlen($rowresult->firstname);
                                    if (strlen($rowresult->secondname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                        $this->team_strlen = strlen($rowresult->secondname);
                        } else {
                            if (count($this->bracket[$roundcode]) > 1) {
                                $temp = new stdClass();
                                $temp->projectteam1_id = $key->projectteam1_id;
                                $temp->projectteam2_id = '';
                                $temp->team1_result = '1';
                                $temp->team2_result = '0';
                                $temp->firstname = $key->firstname;
                                $temp->secondname = 'FREILOS';
                                $temp->firstcountry = $key->firstcountry;
                                $temp->secondcountry = 'DEU';
                                $temp->firstlogo = $key->firstlogo;
                                $temp->secondlogo = JURI::base() . 'media/com_joomleague/placeholders/placeholder_150.png';
                                $export[] = $temp;
                                $this->bracket[$round->roundcode] = array_merge($export);
                                if (strlen($temp->firstname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                    $this->team_strlen = strlen($temp->firstname);
                                if (strlen($temp->secondname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                    $this->team_strlen = strlen($temp->secondname);
                        $query_WHERE = ' WHERE m.published = 1 
			  AND = ' . $round->id . '
              and (m.projectteam1_id = ' . $key->projectteam2_id . ' or m.projectteam2_id = ' . $key->projectteam2_id . ' ) 
			  AND r.project_id = ' . $this->projectid;
                        $query = $query_SELECT . $query_FROM . $query_WHERE . $query_END;
                        $result = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
                        if ($this->debug_info) {
                            echo '2.) result 2.Mannschaft -> <br /><pre>~' . print_r($result, true) . '~</pre><br />';
                        if ($result) {
                            if (count($result) > 1) {
                                $durchlauf = 1;
                                $temp = new stdClass();
                                foreach ($result as $rowresult) {
                                    if( !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT.'/'.$rowresult->firstlogo) )
                                    $rowresult->firstlogo = $this->club_logo;
                                    if( !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT.'/'.$rowresult->secondlogo) )
                                    $rowresult->secondlogo = $this->club_logo;
                                    if (!JFile::exists(JURI::base() . $rowresult->firstlogo)) {
                                        $rowresult->firstlogo = JURI::base() . $this->club_logo;
                                    } else {
                                        $rowresult->firstlogo = JURI::base() . $rowresult->firstlogo;
                                    if (!JFile::exists(JURI::base() . $rowresult->secondlogo)) {
                                        $rowresult->secondlogo = JURI::base() . $this->club_logo;
                                    } else {
                                        $rowresult->secondlogo = JURI::base() . $rowresult->secondlogo;
                                    switch ($durchlauf) {
                                        case 1:
                                            $temp->projectteam1_id = $rowresult->projectteam1_id;
                                            $temp->projectteam2_id = $rowresult->projectteam2_id;
                                            $temp->team1_result = $rowresult->team1_result;
                                            $temp->team2_result = $rowresult->team2_result;
                                            $temp->firstname = $rowresult->firstname;
                                            $temp->secondname = $rowresult->secondname;
                                            $temp->firstcountry = $rowresult->firstcountry;
                                            $temp->secondcountry = $rowresult->secondcountry;
                                            $temp->firstlogo = $rowresult->firstlogo;
                                            $temp->secondlogo = $rowresult->secondlogo;
                                            if (strlen($rowresult->firstname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                                $this->team_strlen = strlen($rowresult->firstname);
                                            if (strlen($rowresult->secondname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                                $this->team_strlen = strlen($rowresult->secondname);
                                            $temp->team1_result += $rowresult->team2_result;
                                            $temp->team2_result += $rowresult->team1_result;
                                $export[] = $temp;
                                $this->bracket[$round->roundcode] = array_merge($export);
                            } else {
                                foreach ($result as $rowresult) {
                                    if( !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT.'/'.$rowresult->firstlogo) )
                                    $rowresult->firstlogo = $this->club_logo;
                                    if( !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT.'/'.$rowresult->secondlogo) )
                                    $rowresult->secondlogo = $this->club_logo;
                                    if (!JFile::exists(JURI::base() . $rowresult->firstlogo)) {
                                        $rowresult->firstlogo = JURI::base() . $this->club_logo;
                                    } else {
                                        $rowresult->firstlogo = JURI::base() . $rowresult->firstlogo;
                                    if (!JFile::exists(JURI::base() . $rowresult->secondlogo)) {
                                        $rowresult->secondlogo = JURI::base() . $this->club_logo;
                                    } else {
                                        $rowresult->secondlogo = JURI::base() . $rowresult->secondlogo;
                                    $temp = new stdClass();
                                    $temp->projectteam1_id = $rowresult->projectteam1_id;
                                    $temp->projectteam2_id = $rowresult->projectteam2_id;
                                    $temp->team1_result = $rowresult->team1_result;
                                    $temp->team2_result = $rowresult->team2_result;
                                    $temp->firstname = $rowresult->firstname;
                                    $temp->secondname = $rowresult->secondname;
                                    $temp->firstcountry = $rowresult->firstcountry;
                                    $temp->secondcountry = $rowresult->secondcountry;
                                    $temp->firstlogo = $rowresult->firstlogo;
                                    $temp->secondlogo = $rowresult->secondlogo;
                                    $export[] = $temp;
                                    $this->bracket[$round->roundcode] = array_merge($export);
                                    if (strlen($rowresult->firstname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                        $this->team_strlen = strlen($rowresult->firstname);
                                    if (strlen($rowresult->secondname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                        $this->team_strlen = strlen($rowresult->secondname);
                        } else {
                            if (count($this->bracket[$roundcode]) > 1) {
                                $temp = new stdClass();
                                $temp->projectteam1_id = '';
                                $temp->projectteam2_id = $key->projectteam2_id;
                                $temp->team1_result = '0';
                                $temp->team2_result = '1';
                                $temp->firstname = 'FREILOS';
                                $temp->secondname = $key->secondname;
                                $temp->firstcountry = 'DEU';
                                $temp->secondcountry = $key->secondcountry;
                                $temp->firstlogo = JURI::base() . 'media/com_joomleague/placeholders/placeholder_150.png';
                                $temp->secondlogo = $key->secondlogo;
                                $export[] = $temp;
                                $this->bracket[$round->roundcode] = array_merge($export);
                                if (strlen($temp->firstname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                    $this->team_strlen = strlen($temp->firstname);
                                if (strlen($temp->secondname) > $this->team_strlen) {
                                    $this->team_strlen = strlen($temp->secondname);
                                $result = true;
                    // müssen freilose angelegt werden ?
                    $count_matches = sizeof($this->bracket[$round->roundcode]);
                    if ($this->debug_info) {
                        echo '3. anzahl paarungen -> <br /><pre>~' . print_r($count_matches, true) . '~</pre><br />';
                        echo '3. in roundcode -> <br /><pre>~' . print_r($round->roundcode, true) . '~</pre><br />';
                    if ($result) {
                        $roundcode = $round->roundcode;
                        $this->exist_result[$round->roundcode] = true;
                    } else {
                        $this->exist_result[$round->roundcode] = false;
        if ($this->debug_info) {
            echo 'Gesamt. this->bracket -> <br /><pre>~' . print_r($this->bracket, true) . '~</pre><br />';
            echo 'Gesamt. this->exist_result -> <br /><pre>~' . print_r($this->exist_result, true) . '~</pre><br />';
        // jetzt die teams und ergebnisse zusammenstellen
        $varteams = array();
        $varresults = array();
        if ($this->exist_result[$roundcode]) {
            // die mannschaften
            foreach ($this->bracket[$roundcode] as $key) {
                // mit flagge
                // [{name: "Tschechien", flag: 'cz'}, {name: "Portugal", flag: 'pt'}]
                switch ($this->request['tree_logo']) {
                    case 1:
                        //$varteams[] = '[{name: "'.substr($key->firstname,0,10).'", flag: "'.$key->firstlogo.'"}, {name: "'.substr($key->secondname,0,10).'", flag: "'.$key->secondlogo.'"}]';
                        $varteams[] = '[{name: "' . $key->firstname . '", flag: "' . $key->firstlogo . '"}, {name: "' . $key->secondname . '", flag: "' . $key->secondlogo . '"}]';
                    case 2:
                        //$varteams[] = '[{name: "'.substr($key->firstname,0,10).'", flag: "media/com_joomleague/flags/'.strtolower(Countries::convertIso3to2($key->firstcountry)).'.png"}, {name: "'.substr($key->secondname,0,10).'", flag: "media/com_joomleague/flags/'.strtolower(Countries::convertIso3to2($key->secondcountry)).'.png"}]';
                        $varteams[] = '[{name: "' . $key->firstname . '", flag: "' . JURI::base() . 'media/com_joomleague/flags/' . strtolower(Countries::convertIso3to2($key->firstcountry)) . '.png"}, {name: "' . $key->secondname . '", flag: "' . JURI::base() . 'media/com_joomleague/flags/' . strtolower(Countries::convertIso3to2($key->secondcountry)) . '.png"}]';
                // ohne flagge ist das
                // ["Tschechien", "Portugal"]
                //$varteams[] = '["'.$key->firstname.'", "'.$key->secondname.'"]';
        if ($this->debug_info) {
            echo 'Gesamt. varteams -> <br /><pre>~' . print_r($varteams, true) . '~</pre><br />';
        //$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('laengster mannschafts string -> '.$this->team_strlen),'Notice');
        return implode(",", $varteams);