/** * Import zKillboard kills for the selected systems and alliances. */ public function getZkillboard($systems = '') { // If this is the initial call to the function, retrieve the list of systems from the DB. if ($systems == '') { $systems_object = Setting::where('key', 'systems')->firstOrFail(); $systems = $systems_object->value; } // Convert the comma-seperated string into an array. $systems_array = explode(',', $systems); // If there are more systems in the list than we want to pull at once, chop off the first X and call this function again. while (count($systems_array) > $this->api_system_limit) { $this->getZkillboard(implode(',', array_splice($systems_array, 0, $this->api_system_limit))); } // Retrieve the selected alliances from the database. $alliances = Setting::where('key', 'alliances')->firstOrFail(); // Build the API URL. $url = 'https://zkillboard.com/api/xml/losses/no-attackers/' . 'allianceID/' . preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $alliances->value) . '/' . 'solarSystemID/' . preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $systems) . '/'; // Send the request. $response = Request::get($url)->addHeader('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip')->addHeader('User-Agent', 'Eve Traders Handbook')->send(); if (isset($response->body) && strlen($response->body) > 0) { $body = simplexml_load_string(gzdecode($response->body)); $insert_count = 0; // Parse the response, inserting the losses into the database. foreach ($body->result->rowset->row as $row) { // First check whether this kill has not already been recorded. $kill = Kill::find($row['killID']); if (!isset($kill->killID)) { // Create and save the new kill record. $kill = new Kill(); $kill->killID = $row['killID']; $kill->solarSystemID = $row['solarSystemID']; $kill->characterID = $row->victim['characterID']; $kill->characterName = $row->victim['characterName']; $kill->allianceID = $row->victim['allianceID']; $kill->corporationID = $row->victim['corporationID']; $kill->shipTypeID = $row->victim['shipTypeID']; $kill->killTime = $row['killTime']; $kill->save(); $insert_count++; // Insert the alliance information into the database unless it already exists. $alliance = Alliance::find($kill->allianceID); if (!isset($alliance->id)) { $alliance = new Alliance(); $alliance->id = $kill->allianceID; $alliance->allianceName = $row->victim['allianceName']; $alliance->save(); } // Insert the corporation information into the database unless it already exists. $corporation = Corporation::find($kill->corporationID); if (!isset($corporation->id)) { $corporation = new Corporation(); $corporation->id = $kill->corporationID; $corporation->corporationName = $row->victim['corporationName']; $corporation->save(); } // Insert the ship type that was lost into the database unless it already exists. $ship = Ship::find($kill->shipTypeID); $type = Type::find($kill->shipTypeID); if (!isset($ship->id)) { $ship = new Ship(); $ship->id = $kill->shipTypeID; $ship->shipName = $type->typeName; $ship->save(); } // Insert the ship loss into the items database as well. if (stristr($ship->shipName, 'Capsule') === FALSE) { $item = new Item(); $item->killID = $row['killID']; $item->typeID = $kill->shipTypeID; $item->typeName = $type->typeName; $item->categoryName = $type->group->category['categoryName']; $item->metaGroupName = isset($type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName']) ? $type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName'] : ''; $item->allowManufacture = 1; $item->qty = 1; $item->save(); } // Add the category to the list of filters available on the site. $filter = Filter::find($type->group->category['categoryID']); if (!isset($filter->categoryID)) { $filter = new Filter(); $filter->categoryID = $type->group->category['categoryID']; $filter->categoryName = $type->group->category['categoryName']; $filter->iconID = $type->group->category['iconID']; $filter->save(); } // Loop through the items lost in the kill. Insert each one into the items table. if (isset($row->rowset->row)) { foreach ($row->rowset->row as $loss) { $typeID = (int) $loss['typeID']; $item = Item::where('typeID', '=', $typeID)->first(); // If this item already exists in the items table, we don't need to re-query all the additional // information, we can just copy it from an existing row. if (isset($item)) { // This type has already been seen. Duplicate the record and save the new instance. $clone = new Item(); $clone = $item->replicate(); // Update the right killID and quantity, and unset the primary key and date columns. $clone->killID = $row['killID']; $clone->qty = $loss['qtyDropped'] + $loss['qtyDestroyed']; unset($clone->id); unset($clone->created_at); unset($clone->updated_at); // Save the cloned row. $clone->save(); } else { // This is a never-before-seen lost item. Create a new row and look up all the related details. $item = new Item(); $type = Type::find($typeID); $item->killID = (int) $row['killID']; $item->typeID = $typeID; $item->typeName = $type->typeName; $item->categoryName = $type->group->category['categoryName']; $metaGroupName = isset($type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName']) ? $type->metaType->metaGroup['metaGroupName'] : ''; if ($metaGroupName == 'Tech I' || $metaGroupName == '') { $metaLevel = DB::table('dgmTypeAttributes')->where('typeID', $typeID)->where('attributeID', 633)->first(); if (isset($metaLevel)) { $metaGroupName = 'Meta '; $metaGroupName .= isset($metaLevel->valueInt) ? $metaLevel->valueInt : $metaLevel->valueFloat; } } $item->metaGroupName = $metaGroupName; $blueprint = Type::where('typeName', $type->typeName . ' Blueprint')->count(); if ($blueprint > 0) { $item->allowManufacture = 1; } $item->qty = $loss['qtyDropped'] + $loss['qtyDestroyed']; $item->save(); // Add the category to the list of filters available on the site. $filter = Filter::find($type->group->category['categoryID']); if (!isset($filter->categoryID)) { $filter = new Filter(); $filter->categoryID = $type->group->category['categoryID']; $filter->categoryName = $type->group->category['categoryName']; $filter->iconID = $type->group->category['iconID']; $filter->save(); } } } } } } echo "Inserted {$insert_count} new kills! "; } else { echo "No response received from zKillboard API."; } }