/** * Function to render video player. * * @param $matches - input arguments. * @return player code. * @author Praveen Rajan */ function CVGVideo_Render($matches) { global $post, $wpdb; $output = ''; $thumbexists = false; $setathumb = false; preg_match_all('/([\\.\\w]*)=(.*?) /i', $matches[1], $attributes); $arguments = array(); $arguments = CoolVideoGallery::splitargs($matches[1]); $video_details = videoDB::find_video($arguments['videoId']); if (!is_array($video_details)) { return __('[Video not found]'); } $video = array(); $video['filename'] = site_url() . '/' . $video_details[0]->path . '/' . $video_details[0]->filename; $video['thumb_filename'] = $video_details[0]->path . '/thumbs/' . $video_details[0]->thumb_filename; $video['title'] = $video_details[0]->description; $video['name'] = $video_details[0]->name; if (!array_key_exists('filename', $video)) { return '<div style="background-color:#f99; padding:10px;">Error: Required parameter "filename" is missing!</div>'; exit; } if (file_exists($video['thumb_filename'])) { $thumbexists = true; } else { $thumbexists = false; } $options_player = get_option('cvg_player_settings'); $options = get_option('cvg_settings'); $thumb_width = $options['cvg_preview_width']; $thumb_height = $options['cvg_preview_height']; $cv_zc = $options['cvg_zc']; $thumb_quality = $options['cvg_preview_quality']; if (isset($arguments['width'])) { $player_width = $arguments['width']; } else { $player_width = $options_player['cvgplayer_width']; } if (isset($arguments['height'])) { $player_height = $arguments['height']; } else { $player_height = $options_player['cvgplayer_height']; } if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . '/' . $video['thumb_filename'])) { $video['thumb_filename'] = WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/images/default_video.png'; } else { $video['thumb_filename'] = site_url() . '/' . $video['thumb_filename']; } if (isset($arguments['mode'])) { $video_preview = $video_details[0]->path . '/thumbs/thumbs_' . $video_details[0]->alttext . '_preview.png'; if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . '/' . $video_preview)) { $video_preview = WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/images/default_video.png'; } else { $video_preview = site_url() . '/' . $video_preview; } if ($options_player['cvgplayer_autoplay'] == 1) { $autoplay = "true"; } else { $autoplay = "false"; } if ($options_player['cvgplayer_fullscreen'] == 1) { $full_screen = "true"; } else { $full_screen = "false"; } if ($options_player['cvgplayer_mute'] == 1) { $mute = "true"; } else { $mute = "false"; } ?> <script type='text/javascript' src='<?php echo $this->plugin_url; ?> cvg-player/swfobject.js'></script> <div> <?php $video_display = '<div id="mediaplayer_vid_' . $arguments['videoId'] . '"><object width="' . $options_player['cvgplayer_width'] . '" height="' . $options_player['cvgplayer_height'] . '" style="" id="playerID_Video' . $arguments['videoId'] . '" data="' . $this->plugin_url . 'cvg-player/player.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">'; $video_display .= '<param value="' . $full_screen . '" name="allowfullscreen">'; $video_display .= '<param value="transparent" name="wmode">'; $video_display .= '<param value="file=' . $video['filename'] . '&image=' . $video_preview . '&height=' . $options_player['cvgplayer_height'] . '&width=' . $options_player['cvgplayer_width'] . '&autostart=' . $autoplay . '&controlbar=' . $options_player['cvgplayer_controlbar'] . '&backcolor=0x000000&frontcolor=0xCCCCCC&lightcolor=0x557722&skin=' . $this->video_player_url . 'skins/' . $options_player['cvgplayer_skin'] . '.swf' . '&volume=' . $options_player['cvgplayer_volume'] . '&mute=' . $mute . '&stretching=' . $options_player['cvgplayer_stretching'] . '" name="flashvars">'; $video_display .= '<embed width="' . $options_player['cvgplayer_width'] . '" height="' . $options_player['cvgplayer_height'] . '" flashvars="file=' . $video['filename'] . '&image=' . $video_preview . '&skin=' . $this->video_player_url . 'skins/' . $options_player['cvgplayer_skin'] . '.swf&volume=' . $options_player['cvgplayer_volume'] . '&mute=' . $mute . '&controlbar=' . $options_player['cvgplayer_controlbar'] . '&stretching=' . $options_player['cvgplayer_stretching'] . '" lightcolor="0x557722" frontcolor="0xCCCCCC" backcolor="0x000000" wmode="transparent" autostart="' . $autoplay . '" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="' . $full_screen . '" quality="high" name="playerID_Video' . $arguments['videoId'] . '" id="playerID_Video' . $arguments['videoId'] . '" style="" src="' . $this->plugin_url . 'cvg-player/player.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">'; $video_display .= '</object></div>'; echo $video_display; ?> <div style="float:left;width:<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_width']; ?> px;height:auto;margin-bottom:20px;" > <div style="float:left;"> <input type="image" src="<?php echo $this->plugin_url; ?> images/video-button-embed.png" onclick="generate_embed('<?php echo $arguments['videoId']; ?> ');"/> </div> <div id="embed_content_<?php echo $arguments['videoId']; ?> " style="float:left;display:none;padding-left:5px;padding-top: 3px;width: 85%;"> <textarea id="embed_text_<?php echo $arguments['videoId']; ?> " style="border:medium none;width:<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_width'] - 85; ?> px;"></textarea> </div> </div> </div> <br clear="all" /> <?php return; } $output .= '<a href="' . $video['filename'] . '" title="' . $video['title'] . '" rel="shadowbox[' . $video['name'] . '];height=' . $player_height . ';width=' . $player_width . '">'; $output .= '<img src="' . $video['thumb_filename'] . '" style="width:' . $thumb_width . 'px;height:' . $thumb_height . 'px;" '; $output .= 'alt="' . htmlspecialchars('Click to Watch Video') . '"/></a>'; return $output; }
</th> <th scope="row" style="width:3%;"> <span><?php echo $pid; ?> </span> <input type="hidden" name="pid[]" value="<?php echo $pid; ?> " /> </th> <td style="width:10%;"> <?php echo CoolVideoGallery::CVGVideo_Parse('[cvg-video videoId=' . $pid . ' /]'); ?> </td> <td style="width:20%;"> <strong> <?php echo $video->filename; ?> </strong> <br /><?php echo $date; ?> <br /> <?php if ($video_meta_data != '') {
<?php /** * Section to uninstall plugin * @author Praveen Rajan */ if (preg_match('#' . basename(__FILE__) . '#', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { die('You are not allowed to call this page directly.'); } $title = __('CVG Uninstall'); CvgCore::upgrade_plugin(); if (isset($_POST['uninstallplugin'])) { // wp_nonce_field('cvg_plugin_uninstall_nonce','cvg_plugin_uninstall_nonce_csrf'); if (check_admin_referer('cvg_plugin_uninstall_nonce', 'cvg_plugin_uninstall_nonce_csrf')) { CoolVideoGallery::cvg_uninstall(); require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; deactivate_plugins(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/cool-video-gallery.php'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> location.href= "<?php echo admin_url('plugins.php'); ?> ";</script> <?php } } ?> <style type="text/css"> #dashboard-widgets a { text-decoration: none; }
/** * Function to render video player. * * @param $matches - input arguments. * @return player code. * @author Praveen Rajan */ function CVGVideo_Render($matches) { global $post, $wpdb; $output = ''; preg_match_all('/([\\.\\w]*)=(.*?) /i', $matches[1], $attributes); $arguments = array(); $arguments = CoolVideoGallery::splitargs($matches[1]); $video_details = videoDB::find_video($arguments['videoId']); if (!is_array($video_details)) { return __('[Video not found]'); } $options = get_option('cvg_settings'); $video = array(); if ($video_details[0]->video_type == $this->video_type_upload) { // Upload file type $video['filename'] = site_url() . '/' . $video_details[0]->path . '/' . $video_details[0]->filename; $video['thumb_filename'] = $video_details[0]->path . '/thumbs/' . $video_details[0]->thumb_filename; if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . '/' . $video['thumb_filename'])) { $video['thumb_filename'] = WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/images/default_video.png'; } else { $video['thumb_filename'] = site_url() . '/' . $video['thumb_filename']; } } else { if ($video_details[0]->video_type == $this->video_type_youtube) { // Youtube file type $video['filename'] = $video_details[0]->filename; $video['thumb_filename'] = $video_details[0]->thumb_filename; } else { if ($video_details[0]->video_type == $this->video_type_media) { // Media file type $video['filename'] = $video_details[0]->filename; $video['thumb_filename'] = $video_details[0]->path . '/thumbs/' . $video_details[0]->thumb_filename; if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . '/' . $video['thumb_filename'])) { $video['thumb_filename'] = WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/images/default_video.png'; } else { $video['thumb_filename'] = site_url() . '/' . $video['thumb_filename']; } } else { // Upload file type $video['filename'] = site_url() . '/' . $video_details[0]->path . '/' . $video_details[0]->filename; $video['thumb_filename'] = $video_details[0]->path . '/thumbs/' . $video_details[0]->thumb_filename; if (!file_exists(ABSPATH . '/' . $video['thumb_filename'])) { $video['thumb_filename'] = WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/' . dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/images/default_video.png'; } else { $video['thumb_filename'] = site_url() . '/' . $video['thumb_filename']; } } } } if ($options['cvg_description'] == 1) { $video['title'] = $video_details[0]->description; } else { $video['title'] = ''; } $video['name'] = $video_details[0]->name; if (!array_key_exists('filename', $video)) { return '<div style="background-color:#f99; padding:10px;">Error: Required parameter "filename" is missing!</div>'; exit; } $options_player = get_option('cvg_player_settings'); $thumb_width = $options['cvg_preview_width']; $thumb_height = $options['cvg_preview_height']; if (isset($arguments['width'])) { $player_width = $arguments['width']; } else { $player_width = $options_player['cvgplayer_width']; } if (isset($arguments['height'])) { $player_height = $arguments['height']; } else { $player_height = $options_player['cvgplayer_height']; } if ($options_player['cvgplayer_autoplay'] == 1) { $autoplay = "true"; } else { $autoplay = "false"; } if ($options_player['cvgplayer_mute'] == 1) { $mute = "true"; } else { $mute = "false"; } if ($options_player['cvgplayer_share_option'] == 1) { $player_swf = "player-share.swf"; } else { $player_swf = "player.swf"; } //Embed section for a video if (isset($arguments['mode']) && $arguments['mode'] == "playlist") { $video_display = '<div id="mediaplayer_vid_' . $arguments['videoId'] . '">'; $video_display .= '</div>'; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jwplayer("<?php echo "mediaplayer_vid_" . $arguments['videoId']; ?> ").setup({ "autostart" : "<?php echo $autoplay; ?> ", "controlbar" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_controlbar']; ?> ", "file" : "<?php echo $video['filename']; ?> ", "flashplayer" : "<?php echo $this->plugin_url . "cvg-player/" . $player_swf; ?> ", "volume" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_volume']; ?> ", "width" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_width']; ?> ", "height" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_height']; ?> ", "image" : "<?php echo $video['thumb_filename']; ?> ", "mute" : "<?php echo $mute; ?> ", "stretching" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_stretching']; ?> ", "skin" : "<?php echo $this->video_player_url . 'skins/' . $options_player['cvgplayer_skin'] . '-skin/' . $options_player['cvgplayer_skin'] . '.xml'; ?> " }); }); </script> <?php $video_display .= '<div><br clear="all" /> </div>'; return $video_display; } else { if (isset($arguments['mode']) && $arguments['mode'] == "list_items") { //List of videos section for a gallery $videoDetails = videoDB::find_video($arguments["videoId"]); $gallery_id = $videoDetails[0]->galleryid; $output .= '<a href="' . $video['filename'] . '" title="' . stripslashes($video['title']) . '" rel="fancy_cvg_gallery_' . $gallery_id . '_' . $arguments['placeholder'] . '" style="float:left;height:' . $thumb_height . 'px !important;">'; $output .= '<img src="' . $video['thumb_filename'] . '" style="width:' . $thumb_width . 'px;height:' . $thumb_height . 'px;max-width:100% !important;" '; $output .= 'alt="' . htmlspecialchars('Click to Watch Video') . '" /><div style="width:' . $thumb_width . 'px;"></div></a>'; } else { if (isset($arguments['mode']) && $arguments['mode'] == "slide_show") { //List of videos section for a gallery $videoDetails = videoDB::find_video($arguments["videoId"]); $gallery_id = $videoDetails[0]->galleryid; $output .= '<a href="' . $video['filename'] . '" title="' . stripslashes($video['title']) . '" rel="fancy_cvg_gallery_slide_' . $gallery_id . '_' . $arguments['placeholder'] . '">'; $output .= '<img src="' . $video['thumb_filename'] . '" style="width:' . $thumb_width . 'px;height:' . $thumb_height . 'px;max-width:100% !important;" '; $output .= 'alt="' . htmlspecialchars('Click to Watch Video') . '" /></a>'; } else { //Single video display $output .= '<a href="' . $video['filename'] . '" title="' . stripslashes($video['title']) . '" rel="fancy_cvg_video_' . $arguments['videoId'] . '">'; $output .= '<img src="' . $video['thumb_filename'] . '" style="width:' . $thumb_width . 'px;height:' . $thumb_height . 'px;" '; $output .= 'alt="' . htmlspecialchars('Click to Watch Video') . '" id="fancy_cvg_video_preview_' . $arguments["videoId"] . '" /><div style="width:' . $thumb_width . 'px;"></div></a>'; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("a[rel=fancy_cvg_video_<?php echo $arguments['videoId']; ?> ]").fancybox({ 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'transitionIn' : 'none', 'transitionOut' : 'none', 'autoScale' : true, 'titleFormat' : function(title, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts) { if(title.length != 0) return '<span id="fancybox-title-over">' + (title.length ? title : '') + '</span>'; else return ''; }, 'content' : '<div id="video_fancy_cvg_video_<?php echo $arguments['videoId']; ?> " style="overflow:hidden;"></div>', 'autoDimensions' : false, 'width' : parseInt("<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_width']; ?> "), 'height' : parseInt("<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_height']; ?> ") + 6, 'onComplete' : function() { jwplayer('video_fancy_cvg_video_<?php echo $arguments['videoId']; ?> ').setup({ 'file' : this.href, "autostart" : "<?php echo $autoplay; ?> ", "controlbar" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_controlbar']; ?> ", "flashplayer" : "<?php echo $this->plugin_url . "cvg-player/" . $player_swf; ?> ", "volume" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_volume']; ?> ", "width" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_width']; ?> ", "height" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_height']; ?> ", "image" : jQuery('#fancy_cvg_video_preview_<?php echo $arguments["videoId"]; ?> ').attr('src') , "mute" : "<?php echo $mute; ?> ", "stretching" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_stretching']; ?> ", "skin" : "<?php echo $this->video_player_url . 'skins/' . $options_player['cvgplayer_skin'] . '-skin/' . $options_player['cvgplayer_skin'] . '.xml'; ?> " }); jwplayer('video_fancy_cvg_video_<?php echo $arguments['videoId']; ?> ').onComplete(function() { <?php $options_player = get_option('cvg_player_settings'); if ($options_player['cvgplayer_auto_close_single']) { ?> jQuery.fancybox.close(); <?php } ?> }); } }); }); </script> <?php } } } return $output; }
/** * Build a gallery output * * @param array $videolist * @param bool $galleryID - gallery ID * @param string $template (optional) name for a template file * @param int $videos (optional) number of videos per page * @return the content * @author Praveen Rajan */ function videoCreateGallery($videolist, $galleryID = false, $slide_show = false) { if (!is_array($videolist)) { $videolist = array($videolist); } $video_gallery = videoDB::find_gallery($galleryID); $video_gallery_name = $video_gallery->name; $index = 0; $out = ''; $options = get_option('cvg_settings'); if ($slide_show) { $out .= ' <div class="video-gallery-thumbnail-box slide"><ul class="slideContent" id="slide_' . $galleryID . '">'; } else { if (!empty($video_gallery->galdesc)) { if ($options['cvg_description'] == 1) { $out .= '<div class="clear"></div><div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:12px;">Description: ' . $video_gallery->galdesc . '</div>'; } } } foreach ($videolist as $video) { $video_filename = $video->rel_path . $video_gallery_name . '/' . $video->filename; $new_target_filename = $video->alttext . '.png'; $new_target_file = $video->rel_path . $video_gallery_name . '/thumbs/thumbs_' . $new_target_filename; $cool_video_gallery = new CoolVideoGallery(); if ($slide_show) { $out .= '<li class="slideImage">'; $out .= $cool_video_gallery->CVGVideo_Parse('[cvg-video videoId=' . $video->pid . ' /]'); $out .= '<span class="bottom">Click to Play</span></li>'; } else { $out .= '<div style="float:left;margin-right:10px;"><div class="video-gallery-thumbnail-box" style="padding:0px;" id="vide-file-' . $index . '">'; $out .= '<div class="video-gallery-thumbnail">'; $out .= $cool_video_gallery->CVGVideo_Parse('[cvg-video videoId=' . $video->pid . ' /]'); $out .= '</div></div><div class="clear"></div>'; if ($options['cvg_description'] == 1) { $out .= '<div style="text-align:center;">' . $video->description . '</div>'; } $out .= '</div>'; } $index++; } if ($slide_show) { $out .= '<div class="clear slideImage"></div></ul></div><div class="clear"></div>'; if ($options['cvg_description'] == 1) { $out .= '<div>Description: ' . $video_gallery->galdesc . '</div>'; } $out .= '<div class="clear" style="min-height:10px;"></div>'; } else { $out .= '<div class="clear"></div>'; } return $out; }
/** * Build a gallery output * * @param array $videolist * @param bool $galleryID - gallery ID * @param string $template (optional) name for a template file * @param int $videos (optional) number of videos per page * @return the content * @author Praveen Rajan */ function videoCreateGallery($videolist, $galleryID = false, $slide_show = false, $place_holder = "main") { if (!is_array($videolist)) { $videolist = array($videolist); } $video_gallery = videoDB::find_gallery($galleryID); $video_gallery_name = $video_gallery->name; $index = 0; $out = ''; $options = get_option('cvg_settings'); $options_player = get_option('cvg_player_settings'); if ($options_player['cvgplayer_autoplay'] == 1) { $autoplay = "true"; } else { $autoplay = "false"; } if ($options_player['cvgplayer_mute'] == 1) { $mute = "true"; } else { $mute = "false"; } if ($options_player['cvgplayer_share_option'] == 1) { $player_swf = "player-share.swf"; } else { $player_swf = "player.swf"; } $cool_video_gallery = new CoolVideoGallery(); if ($slide_show) { $out .= ' <div class="video-gallery-thumbnail-box slide"><ul class="slideContent" id="slide_' . $galleryID . '_' . $place_holder . '">'; } else { if (!empty($video_gallery->galdesc)) { if ($options['cvg_description'] == 1) { $out .= '<div class="clear"></div><div><b>Description:</b> ' . $video_gallery->galdesc . '</div><br clear="all"/>'; } } } foreach ($videolist as $video) { if ($slide_show) { $out .= '<li class="slideImage">'; $out .= $cool_video_gallery->CVGVideo_Parse('[cvg-video videoId=' . $video->pid . ' mode="slide_show" placeholder="' . $place_holder . '" /]'); $out .= '<span class="bottom">Click to Play</span></li>'; } else { $out .= '<div style="float:left;margin-right:10px;"><div class="video-gallery-thumbnail-box" style="padding:0px;" id="vide-file-' . $index . '">'; $out .= '<div class="video-gallery-thumbnail">'; $out .= $cool_video_gallery->CVGVideo_Parse('[cvg-video videoId=' . $video->pid . ' mode="list_items" placeholder="' . $place_holder . '"/]'); $out .= '</div></div>'; $options = get_option('cvg_settings'); $thumb_width = $options['cvg_preview_width']; $thumb_height = $options['cvg_preview_height']; $current_video_title = isset($video->video_title) ? $video->video_title : ""; if ($options['cvg_description'] == 1) { $out .= '<br clear="all"/><div style="text-align:center;width:' . $thumb_width . 'px;">' . stripcslashes($current_video_title) . '</div><div class="clear"></div></div>'; } else { $out .= '<div class="clear"></div></div>'; } } $index++; } if ($slide_show) { $out .= '<div class="clear slideImage"></div></ul></div><div class="clear"></div>'; if ($options['cvg_description'] == 1) { $out .= '<div>Description: ' . $video_gallery->galdesc . '</div>'; } $out .= '<div class="clear" style="min-height:10px;"></div>'; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("a[rel=fancy_cvg_gallery_slide_<?php echo $galleryID . '_' . $place_holder; ?> ]").fancybox({ 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'transitionIn' : 'none', 'transitionOut' : 'none', 'autoScale' : true, 'titleFormat' : function(title, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts) { return '<span id="fancybox-title-over">Video ' + (currentIndex + 1) + ' / ' + currentArray.length + '</span><span class="fancybox-title-top">' + (title.length ? jQuery.stripslashes(title) : '') + '</span>'; }, 'content' : '<div id="video_fancy_cvg_slide_gallery_<?php echo $galleryID . "_" . $place_holder; ?> " style="overflow:hidden;"></div>', 'autoDimensions' : false, 'width' : parseInt("<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_width']; ?> "), 'height' : parseInt("<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_height']; ?> ") + 6, 'padding' : 10, 'onComplete' : function() { jwplayer('video_fancy_cvg_slide_gallery_<?php echo $galleryID . '_' . $place_holder; ?> ').setup({ 'file' : this.href, "autostart" : "<?php echo $autoplay; ?> ", "controlbar" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_controlbar']; ?> ", "flashplayer" : "<?php echo $cool_video_gallery->plugin_url . "cvg-player/" . $player_swf; ?> ", "volume" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_volume']; ?> ", "width" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_width']; ?> ", "height" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_height']; ?> ", "mute" : "<?php echo $mute; ?> ", "stretching" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_stretching']; ?> ", "skin" : "<?php echo $cool_video_gallery->video_player_url . 'skins/' . $options_player['cvgplayer_skin'] . '-skin/' . $options_player['cvgplayer_skin'] . '.xml'; ?> " }); jwplayer('video_fancy_cvg_slide_gallery_<?php echo $galleryID . '_' . $place_holder; ?> ').onComplete(function() { <?php if ($options_player['cvgplayer_autoplay']) { ?> jQuery.fancybox.next(); <?php } ?> }); } }); }); </script> <?php } else { $out .= '<div class="clear"></div>'; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("a[rel=fancy_cvg_gallery_<?php echo $galleryID . '_' . $place_holder; ?> ]").fancybox({ 'titlePosition' : 'outside', 'transitionIn' : 'none', 'transitionOut' : 'none', 'autoDimensions' : false, 'titleFormat' : function(title, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts) { return '<span id="fancybox-title-over">Video ' + (currentIndex + 1) + ' / ' + currentArray.length + '</span><span class="fancybox-title-top">' + (title.length ? jQuery.stripslashes(title) : '') + '</span>'; }, 'content' : '<div id="video_fancy_cvg_items_gallery_<?php echo $galleryID . '_' . $place_holder; ?> " style="overflow:hidden;"></div>', 'width' : parseInt("<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_width']; ?> ") , 'height' : parseInt("<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_height']; ?> ") + 6 , 'padding' : 10, 'onComplete' : function() { jwplayer('video_fancy_cvg_items_gallery_<?php echo $galleryID . '_' . $place_holder; ?> ').setup({ 'file' : this.href, "autostart" : "<?php echo $autoplay; ?> ", "controlbar" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_controlbar']; ?> ", "flashplayer" : "<?php echo $cool_video_gallery->plugin_url . "cvg-player/" . $player_swf; ?> ", "volume" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_volume']; ?> ", "width" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_width']; ?> ", "height" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_height']; ?> ", "mute" : "<?php echo $mute; ?> ", "stretching" : "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_stretching']; ?> ", "skin" : "<?php echo $cool_video_gallery->video_player_url . 'skins/' . $options_player['cvgplayer_skin'] . '-skin/' . $options_player['cvgplayer_skin'] . '.xml'; ?> " }); jwplayer('video_fancy_cvg_items_gallery_<?php echo $galleryID . '_' . $place_holder; ?> ').onComplete(function() { <?php if ($options_player['cvgplayer_autoplay']) { ?> jQuery.fancybox.next(); <?php } ?> }); } }); }); </script> <?php } return $out; }