Beispiel #1
  * 返回所有大洲
  * @return array
 public static function getContinentAll()
     $continent_models = Continent::model()->findAll();
     $continentArray = array();
     foreach ($continent_models as $v) {
         $continentArray[$v['ID']] = $v['NameCn'];
     return $continentArray;
Beispiel #2
 public function embed($server_slug, $continent_slug)
     // Is valid server?
     if (!isset($this->servers[$server_slug])) {
         return App::abort('404');
     $server = $this->servers[$server_slug];
     $continent = Continent::where('slug', '=', $continent_slug)->remember(1440)->first();
     if (is_null($continent)) {
         return App::abort('404');
     return View::make('server/embed', compact('server', 'continent'));
Beispiel #3
 public function actionRoute()
     $area = Area::model()->findAll();
     $continent = Continent::model()->findAll();
     $boat = Boat::model()->findAll();
     $this->g_area = $area;
     $this->g_continent = $continent;
     $company = Company::model()->findAll();
     $this->g_company = $company;
     $s_data = $_GET['d'];
     $s_company = $_GET['c'];
     $s_area = $_GET['a'];
     $s_days = $_GET['days'];
     if (strstr($s_data, '请选择')) {
         $s_data = '全部';
     if (strstr($s_company, '请选择')) {
         $s_company = '全部';
     if (strstr($s_area, '请选择')) {
         $s_area = '全部';
     $year = date("Y");
     $month = date('n');
     $arr = array();
     for ($i = $month; $i <= 12; $i++) {
         array_push($arr, $year . '年' . $i . '月');
     $year += 1;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
         array_push($arr, $year . '年' . $i . '月');
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     if ($s_company != '全部') {
         $criteria->addCondition("company = '{$s_company}' ", 'AND');
     if ($s_data != '全部') {
         $d = str_replace('年', '-', $s_data);
         $d = str_replace('月', '', $d);
         $criteria->addCondition(" start_time >= '{$d}' and start_time < " . '"' . $d . '-40"', 'AND');
     if ($s_area != '全部') {
         $criteria->addCondition("area = '{$s_area}' or continent = '{$s_area}' ", 'AND');
     if ($s_days != '全部') {
         if ($s_days == 3) {
             $criteria->addCondition("days <= {$s_days}", 'AND');
         } else {
             if ($s_days == 11) {
                 $criteria->addCondition("days >= {$s_days}", 'AND');
             } else {
                 $criteria->addCondition("days = {$s_days}", 'AND');
     $page = 0;
     if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
         $page = $_GET['page'];
     $count = Route::model()->count($criteria);
     $criteria->limit = 10;
     $criteria->offset = $page * $criteria->limit;
     $result = Route::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $schedule = array();
     #		$item = str_replace(',', ' and id = ', $item);
     #		$item = ' id = '.$item;
     #		$c = new CDbCriteria;
     #		$c->condition = $item;
     #		$c->order = 'day asc';
     #		$c->select = 'title';
     #		$r = Schedule::model()->findAll($c);
     #		array_push($schedule, $r);
     //echo '<meta charset="UTF-8">';
     //echo $criteria->condition;
     $this->render('index', array('s_data' => $s_data, 's_company' => $s_company, 's_area' => $s_area, 'area' => $area, 'continent' => $continent, 'company' => $company, 'data' => $arr, 'result' => $result, 'count' => $count, 'page' => $page, 'limit' => $criteria->limit, 's_days' => $s_days, 'schedule' => $schedule));
  * 管理图片
 public function ActionAdminPicture()
     //搜索条件处理 [E]
     $searchType = Yii::app()->request->getParam('searchType');
     if ($searchType === 'page') {
         $search = Yii::app()->request->getParam('search');
         $search = unserialize(base64_decode($search));
     } else {
         $search = Yii::app()->request->getParam('search');
     $search_continentid = '';
     $search_countryid = '';
     $search_cityids = '';
     $search_picture_category_id = '';
     $search_pic_name = '';
     $continent = array();
     $country = array();
     $city = array();
     if (isset($search) && !empty($search['continent'])) {
         $search_continentid = intval($search['continent']);
         if ($search['country']) {
             $search_countryid = intval($search['country']);
             if (empty($search['city'])) {
                 $search_cityids = AreaManage::getCityIdStrByCountryId($search_countryid);
             } else {
                 $search_cityids = intval($search['city']);
         } else {
             $search_countryid = AreaManage::getCountryStrByContinentId($search_continentid);
             if (empty($search['city'])) {
                 $search_cityids = AreaManage::getCityIdStrByCountryId($search_countryid);
             } else {
                 $search_cityids = trim($search['city']);
     if (is_numeric(trim($search['picture_category_id']))) {
         $search_picture_category_id = trim($search['picture_category_id']);
     if (trim($search['pic_name'])) {
         $search_pic_name = trim($search['pic_name']);
     $picture_category = PictureCategory::model()->findAll();
     $picture_category_list = array();
     if (!empty($picture_category)) {
         foreach ($picture_category as $v) {
             $picture_category_list[$v['ID']] = $v;
     $continent = Continent::model()->findAll();
     if (!empty($search_continentid)) {
         $country = AreaManage::getCountryByContinentId($search_continentid);
     if (!empty($search_countryid)) {
         $city = AreaManage::getCityByCountryId($search_countryid);
     $picture_category = PictureCategory::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('ParentId' => 0));
     // 图片二级类别列表
     if (!empty($search['picture_parent_id'])) {
         // 如果选择了一级图片类别则根据一级类别ID 查询二级类别
         $picture_children_category = PictureCategory::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('ParentId' => $search['picture_parent_id']));
     } else {
         $picture_children_category = array();
     //搜索条件处理 [E]
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->order = 'ID DESC';
     // 增加搜索条件 [S]
     $cityIdArr = !empty($search_cityids) ? explode(',', $search_cityids) : array();
     $criteria->compare('Valid', '0');
     if (count($cityIdArr) > 0) {
         $criteria->addInCondition('CityId', $cityIdArr);
     if (!empty($search_picture_category_id)) {
         $criteria->compare('CategoryId', $search_picture_category_id);
     if (!empty($search_pic_name)) {
         $criteria->addSearchCondition('Title', $search_pic_name);
     //增加搜索条件 [E]
     $count = Picture::model()->count($criteria);
     $pager = new CPagination($count);
     if (!empty($search)) {
         $pager->params = array('search' => base64_encode(serialize($search)), 'searchType' => 'page');
     $pager->pageSize = 20;
     $picture_list = Picture::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $picIdStr = '';
     $cityIDStr = '';
     if (!empty($picture_list)) {
         foreach ($picture_list as $val) {
             $picIdStr .= $val['ID'] . ',';
             $cityIDStr .= $val['CityId'] . ',';
     $picture_source = PictureSourceManage::getPicSourceArrByPicIdStr($picIdStr);
     $area = AreaManage::getAreaByCityid($cityIDStr);
     $this->render('list_picture', array('picture_list' => $picture_list, 'picture_category_list' => $picture_category_list, 'picture_source' => $picture_source, 'pages' => $pager, 'area' => $area, 'continent' => $continent, 'picture_category' => $picture_category, 'picture_children_category' => $picture_children_category, 'search' => $search, 'country' => $country, 'city' => $city));
Beispiel #5
 public function actionAdd()
     $boat = Boat::model()->findAll();
     $area = Area::model()->findAll();
     $company = Company::model()->findAll();
     $port = Port::model()->findAll();
     $continent = Continent::model()->findAll();
     $this->render('add', array('boat' => $boat, 'area' => $area, 'port' => $port, 'company' => $company, 'continent' => $continent));
  * 修改酒店
 public function ActionModifyHotel()
     $hotel_id = trim(Yii::app()->request->getParam('hotel_id'));
     // 获取酒店ID
     if (!empty($hotel_id) && intval($hotel_id) > 0) {
         // 根据酒店ID 获取要修改的酒店数据
         $hotel_obj = Hotel::model()->findByPk($hotel_id);
         // 获取所有 大洲/国家/城市 数据
         $continent = Continent::model()->findAll();
         $country = AreaManage::getCountryByContinentId($hotel_obj['ContinentId']);
         $city = AreaManage::getCityByCountryId($hotel_obj['CountryId']);
         // 判断是执行修改 还是跳转至修改页
         if (Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) {
             // 获取提交的表单数据
             $hotel_obj->attributes = Yii::app()->request->getParam('Hotel');
             $hotel_obj->HotelIntroduction = $_POST['Hotel']['HotelIntroduction'];
             $hotel_obj->DecorationTime = $_POST['Hotel']['DecorationTime'];
             // 执行修改操作
             if ($hotel_obj->save()) {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('message', '修改成功');
             } else {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('message', '修改失败');
                 $this->render('modify_hotel', array('hotel_obj' => $hotel_obj, 'continent' => $continent, 'country' => $country, 'city' => $city));
         } else {
             // 跳转至修改酒店页
             $this->render('modify_hotel', array('hotel_obj' => $hotel_obj, 'continent' => $continent, 'country' => $country, 'city' => $city));
Beispiel #7
| which may be used to do any work before or after a request into your
| application. Here you may also register your custom route filters.
App::before(function ($request) {
    // Get all servers
    $servers = Config::get('ps2maps.servers');
    View::share('servers', $servers);
    // Get the current session server, default to Connery
    // $server = Session::get('server', function(){
    // 	return $servers['briggs'];
    // });
    $server = $servers['briggs'];
    View::share('sessionServer', $server);
    // Get all enabled continents
    $continents = Continent::orderBy('name')->whereEnabled('yes')->where('slug', '!=', 'vRTraining')->remember(1440)->get();
    View::share('continents', $continents);
    // Get all servers
    // $servers = Server::whereEnabled('yes')
    // 	->orderBy('name')
    // 	->remember(1440)
    // 	->get();
    // Faction Colors
    $factionColors = Session::get('faction-colors', Config::get('ps2maps.faction-colors'));
    View::share('factionColors', $factionColors);
App::after(function ($request, $response) {
Beispiel #8
 protected function getOptions()
     $options[] = ['all', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Generate scripts for all continents.', null];
     if (Schema::hasTable('continents')) {
         foreach (Continent::where('enabled', '=', 'yes')->orderBy('name')->get() as $continent) {
             $options[] = [$continent->slug, null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Generate script for ' . $continent->name . '.', null];
     return $options;
 public function ActionRtrip2()
     $continent = Continent::model()->findAll();
     $this->renderPartial('rtrip2', array('continent' => $continent));
  * 修改购物中心
  * @param $shopping_mall_id 购物中心ID
  * @return bool
 public function ActionModifyShoppingMall($shopping_mall_id)
     $shopping_mall_model = ShoppingMall::model();
     $shopping_mall_info = $shopping_mall_model->findByPk($shopping_mall_id);
     // 根据ID查询出对应的购物中心数据
     $old_shopping_mall_info = $shopping_mall_info;
     // 保存购物中心的旧数据,作为日志的新旧数据对比用
     // 获取全部品牌
     $brand_criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $brand_criteria->select = array('Id', 'BrandName');
     $brand = IconvEncode::ObjArrChangeArray(Brand::model()->findAll($brand_criteria), 'BrandName');
     // 获取全部餐厅
     $restaurant_criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $restaurant_criteria->select = array('Id', 'RestaurantName');
     $restaurant = IconvEncode::ObjArrChangeArray(Restaurant::model()->findAll($restaurant_criteria), 'RestaurantName');
     // 获取全部优惠卡/券
     $discount_criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $discount_criteria->select = array('Id', 'DiscountCardName');
     $discount_card = IconvEncode::ObjArrChangeArray(DiscountCard::model()->findAll($discount_criteria), 'DiscountCardName');
     // 获取所有 大洲/国家/城市
     $continent = Continent::model()->findAll();
     $country = AreaManage::getCountryByContinentId($shopping_mall_info['ContinentId']);
     $city = AreaManage::getCityByCountryId($shopping_mall_info['CountryId']);
     // 将 品牌/餐厅/优惠卡 ID串转为ID数组
     $card_ids = explode(',', $shopping_mall_info['CardIds']);
     $brand_ids = explode(',', $shopping_mall_info['BrandIds']);
     $restaurant_ids = explode(',', $shopping_mall_info['RestaurantIds']);
     // 有表单提交则更新
     if (isset($_POST['ShoppingMall']) && !empty($shopping_mall_id)) {
         $is_modify = false;
         // 保存时判断是否做过任意修改
         $log = Yii::app()->user->name . '于 ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . ' 修改了 【' . $old_shopping_mall_info['Name_Cn'] . '】 购物中心,';
         // 日志描述
         // 替换表单数据中的值
         $_POST['ShoppingMall']['BusinessTime'] = trim($_POST['ShoppingMall']['StartTime']) . '~' . trim($_POST['ShoppingMall']['EndTime']);
         // 整合起始与结束时间
         // 移除StartTime
         // 移除EndTime
         $_POST['ShoppingMall']['CardIds'] = !empty($_POST['ShoppingMall']['CardIds']) ? implode(',', $_POST['ShoppingMall']['CardIds']) : '';
         // 将优惠卡ID数组转成ID字符串
         $_POST['ShoppingMall']['BrandIds'] = !empty($_POST['ShoppingMall']['BrandIds']) ? implode(',', $_POST['ShoppingMall']['BrandIds']) : '';
         // 将品牌ID数组转成ID字符串
         $_POST['ShoppingMall']['RestaurantIds'] = !empty($_POST['ShoppingMall']['RestaurantIds']) ? implode(',', $_POST['ShoppingMall']['RestaurantIds']) : '';
         // 将餐厅ID数组转成ID字符串
         // 生成日志记录
         $attribute = ShoppingMall::model()->attributeLabels();
         foreach ($_POST['ShoppingMall'] as $_k => $_v) {
             // 新旧数据不一致 则生成日志
             if ($old_shopping_mall_info[$_k] != $_v) {
                 $is_modify = true;
                 // 赋为true 表示有数据被修改
                 $old_shopping_mall_info[$_k] = empty($old_shopping_mall_info[$_k]) ? '未填写' : $old_shopping_mall_info[$_k];
                 // 判断被修改的数据原值是否为空
                 $log .= '将【' . $attribute[$_k] . '】 由 【' . $old_shopping_mall_info[$_k] . '】 修改为 【' . $_v . '】,';
                 // 拼接日志描述
         // 填充模型
         $shopping_mall_info->attributes = $_POST['ShoppingMall'];
         // 执行更新
         if ($shopping_mall_info->save()) {
             $is_modify ? OperationLogManage::AddOperationLog(trim($log, ',')) : '';
             // 添加日志
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('save_sign', '修改成功');
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('save_sign', '修改失败');
             // 替换 品牌/餐厅/优惠卡 ID
             $shopping_mall_info['CardIds'] = $card_ids;
             $shopping_mall_info['BrandIds'] = $brand_ids;
             $shopping_mall_info['RestaurantIds'] = $restaurant_ids;
             // 跳转至购物中心修改页
             $this->render('modify_shopping_mall', array('shopping_mall_info' => $shopping_mall_info, 'continent' => $continent, 'country' => $country, 'city' => $city, 'brand' => $brand, 'restaurant' => $restaurant, 'discount_card' => $discount_card));
     } else {
         // 替换 品牌/餐厅/优惠卡 ID
         $shopping_mall_info['CardIds'] = $card_ids;
         $shopping_mall_info['BrandIds'] = $brand_ids;
         $shopping_mall_info['RestaurantIds'] = $restaurant_ids;
         // 跳转至购物中心修改页
         $this->render('modify_shopping_mall', array('shopping_mall_info' => $shopping_mall_info, 'continent' => $continent, 'country' => $country, 'city' => $city, 'brand' => $brand, 'restaurant' => $restaurant, 'discount_card' => $discount_card));
Beispiel #11
 private function continents()
     $class = get_class(new Continent());
     $this->log($this->verb . ' Continents');
     $url = $this->baseUrl . "zone?c:limit=100";
     $data = $this->getCensusData($url);
     if (!$data) {
         return false;
     // Collection of Eloquent objects from API
     $apiCollection = new Collection();
     foreach ($data->zone_list as $continent) {
         $values = [];
         $values['id'] = isset($continent->zone_id) ? $continent->zone_id : null;
         $values['name'] = isset($continent->name->en) ? $continent->name->en : null;
         $values['slug'] = isset($continent->name->en) ? Str::camel($continent->name->en) : null;
         $values['description'] = isset($continent->description->en) ? $continent->description->en : null;
         $apiCollection->add(new Continent($values));
     $servers = Continent::all();
     $this->addModels($class, $servers, $apiCollection);
     $this->deleteModels($class, $servers, $apiCollection);
     $this->updateModels($class, Continent::all(), $apiCollection, ['name', 'slug']);
Beispiel #12
 public function actionAdd()
     $continent = Continent::model()->findAll();
     $this->render('add', array('continent' => $continent));
Beispiel #13
 public function actionGet_area()
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->limit = 8;
     $continent = Continent::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $html = '';
     for ($j = 0; $j < count($continent); $j++) {
         if ($j) {
             $html .= '<ul class="local_trip_pro" data-content="ma' . $j . '" data-blockid="recommend_mustactive"  style="display:none;"> <li class="local_trip_pro_li wq_clearfix"> ';
         } else {
             $html .= '<ul class="local_trip_pro" data-content="ma' . $j . '" data-blockid="recommend_mustactive"  style="display:block;">   <li class="local_trip_pro_li wq_clearfix">';
         $connection = Yii::app()->db;
         $sql = "SELECT, p.source, p.thumb FROM  g_port p, g_area a where a.continent = '{$continent[$j]->name}' and p.area = ";
         $command = $connection->createCommand($sql);
         $result = $command->queryAll();
         //$criteria1 = new CDbCriteria;
         //$criteria1->condition = "(style & 4) !=0";
         // $criteria1->addCondition('continent ="'.$continent[$j]->name.'"');
         // $criteria1->limit = 3;
         // $area = Area::model()->findAll($criteria1);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
             $html .= '<a class="trip_play_list img_slide_animte_wrapper" href="';
             $html .= '#" target="_blank"> <img class="trip_play_img img_slide_animte first_page"  src="' . $result[$i]['source'] . '" data-original="' . $result[$i]['source'] . '" alt="" style="display: block;"> <span class="trip_play_txt" title="' . $result[$i]['name'] . '">' . $result[$i]['name'] . '</span></a>';
         $html .= '</li></ul>';
     echo $html;
Beispiel #14
 public function actionSave_continent()
     $source = '';
     $thumb = '';
     if (isset($_POST['source'])) {
         $source = $_POST['source'];
     if (isset($_POST['thumb'])) {
         $thumb = $_POST['thumb'];
     Continent::model()->updateByPk($_POST['id'], array('name' => $_POST['title'], 'description' => $_POST['content'], 'source' => $source, 'thumb' => $thumb));
     echo 1;
  * 景点管理
 public function actionListViewSpot()
     //搜索条件处理 [E]
     $searchType = Yii::app()->request->getParam('searchType');
     if ($searchType === 'page') {
         $search = Yii::app()->request->getParam('search');
         $search = unserialize(base64_decode($search));
     } else {
         $search = Yii::app()->request->getParam('search');
     $search_continentid = '';
     $search_countryid = '';
     $search_cityids = '';
     $search_name = '';
     $continent = array();
     $country = array();
     $city = array();
     if (isset($search) && !empty($search['continent'])) {
         $search_continentid = intval($search['continent']);
         if ($search['country']) {
             $search_countryid = intval($search['country']);
             if (empty($search['city'])) {
                 $search_cityids = AreaManage::getCityIdStrByCountryId($search_countryid);
             } else {
                 $search_cityids = intval($search['city']);
         } else {
             $search_countryid = AreaManage::getCountryStrByContinentId($search_continentid);
             if (empty($search['city'])) {
                 $search_cityids = AreaManage::getCityIdStrByCountryId($search_countryid);
             } else {
                 $search_cityids = trim($search['city']);
     if (trim($search['name'])) {
         $search_name = trim($search['name']);
     $picture_category = PictureCategory::model()->findAll();
     $picture_category_list = array();
     if (!empty($picture_category)) {
         foreach ($picture_category as $v) {
             $picture_category_list[$v['ID']] = $v;
     $continent = Continent::model()->findAll();
     if (!empty($search_continentid)) {
         $country = AreaManage::getCountryByContinentId($search_continentid);
     if (!empty($search_countryid)) {
         $city = AreaManage::getCityByCountryId($search_countryid);
     //搜索条件处理 [E]
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->order = 'ID desc';
     $criteria->compare('Valid', '0', true);
     //增加搜索条件 [S]
     $cityIdArr = !empty($search_cityids) ? explode(',', $search_cityids) : array();
     if (count($cityIdArr) > 0) {
         $criteria->addInCondition('CityID', $cityIdArr);
     if (!empty($search_name)) {
         $criteria->addSearchCondition('NameCn', $search_name);
     //增加搜索条件 [E]
     $view_spot_count = ViewSpot::model()->count($criteria);
     $pager = new CPagination($view_spot_count);
     if (!empty($search)) {
         $pager->params = array('search' => base64_encode(serialize($search)), 'searchType' => 'page');
     $pager->pageSize = 20;
     $view_spot_models = ViewSpot::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $cityIDStr = '';
     if (!empty($view_spot_models)) {
         foreach ($view_spot_models as $val) {
             $cityIDStr .= $val['CityID'] . ',';
     $area = AreaManage::getAreaByCityid($cityIDStr);
     $this->render('list_view_spot', array('view_spot_models' => $view_spot_models, 'pager' => $pager, 'country' => $country, 'continent' => $continent, 'city' => $city, 'search' => $search, 'area' => $area));