Beispiel #1
 function init()
     // forbit access if the user is not an administrator
     if (!$this->grant->manager && !$this->grant->is_admin) {
         return $this->stop("msg_is_not_administrator");
     // change into administration layout
     Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/cympusadmin/lang/');
     if ($this->grant->is_admin) {
         // parse admin menu
         $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
         $xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile('./modules/cympusadmin/conf/' . _CYMPUSADMIN_MENU_);
         $admin_menu = cympusadmin::getMenu($xml_obj->menu->item);
         Context::set('cympusadmin_menu', $admin_menu);
     } else {
         $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('cympusadmin.getManagerMenu', 'before', $manager_menu);
         if (!$output->toBool()) {
             return $output;
         Context::set('cympusadmin_menu', $manager_menu);
     $news = getNewsFromAgency();
     Context::set('news', $news);
     Context::set('admin_bar', 'false');
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoXml('cympusadmin');
     Context::set('cympus_modinfo', $module_info);
     return new Object();
Beispiel #2
  * @brief getInstance
 function &getInstance()
     static $instance = null;
     if (!$instance) {
         $browserType = mobileXE::getBrowserType();
         if (!$browserType) {
         $class_file = sprintf('%saddons/mobile/classes/%s.class.php', _XE_PATH_, $browserType);
         require_once $class_file;
         // 모바일 언어설정 로드(쿠키가 안되어 생각해낸 방법...-캐시파일 재생성을 클릭하면 초기화된다..)
         $this->lang = FileHandler::readFile('./files/cache/addons/mobile/setLangType/personal_settings/' . md5(trim($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) . trim($_SERVER['HTTP_PHONE_NUMBER']) . trim($_SERVER['HTTP_HTTP_PHONE_NUMBER'])) . '.php');
         if ($this->lang) {
             $lang_supported = Context::get('lang_supported');
             $this->lang = str_replace(array('<?php /**', '**/ ?>'), array('', ''), $this->lang);
             if (isset($lang_supported[$this->lang])) {
         Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'addons/mobile/lang');
         $instance = new wap();
         $mobilePage = (int) Context::get('mpage');
         if (!$mobilePage) {
             $mobilePage = 1;
     return $instance;
Beispiel #3
  * @brief getInstance
 function &getInstance()
     static $instance = null;
     if (!$instance) {
         $browserType = mobileXE::getBrowserType();
         if (!$browserType) {
         $class_file = sprintf('%saddons/mobile/classes/%s.class.php', _XE_PATH_, $browserType);
         require_once $class_file;
         // Download mobile language settings (cookies, not willing to come up when you click create cache file ...- is initialized ..)
         $this->lang = FileHandler::readFile('./files/cache/addons/mobile/setLangType/personal_settings/' . md5(trim($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) . trim($_SERVER['HTTP_PHONE_NUMBER']) . trim($_SERVER['HTTP_HTTP_PHONE_NUMBER'])) . '.php');
         if ($this->lang) {
             $lang_supported = Context::get('lang_supported');
             $this->lang = str_replace(array('<?php /**', '**/ ?>'), array('', ''), $this->lang);
             if (isset($lang_supported[$this->lang])) {
         Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'addons/mobile/lang');
         $instance = new wap();
         $mobilePage = (int) Context::get('mpage');
         if (!$mobilePage) {
             $mobilePage = 1;
     return $instance;
 function _compileInfo($skin)
     $oSocialxeModel =& getModel('socialxe');
     // 언어 로드
     Context::loadLang($this->widget_path . 'lang');
     // 서비스 목록
     $provider_list = $oSocialxeModel->getProviderList();
     Context::set('provider_list', $provider_list);
     // 서비스 로그인 상태
     $logged_provider = $oSocialxeModel->loggedProviderList();
     $logged_count = count($logged_provider);
     foreach ($provider_list as $provider) {
         $provider_is_logged[$provider] = $oSocialxeModel->isLogged($provider);
     if (!isset($provider_is_logged)) {
         $provider_is_logged = array();
     Context::set('provider_is_logged', $provider_is_logged);
     Context::set('logged_provider', $logged_provider);
     Context::set('logged_count', $logged_count);
     // 로그인한 서비스의 닉네임들
     foreach ($logged_provider as $provider) {
         $nick_names[$provider] = $oSocialxeModel->getProviderNickName($provider);
     Context::set('nick_names', $nick_names);
     // 대표 계정
     $master_provider = $oSocialxeModel->getMasterProvider();
     Context::set('master_provider', $master_provider);
     // 대표 계정의 프로필 이미지
     $profile_image = $oSocialxeModel->getProfileImage();
     Context::set('profile_image', $profile_image);
     // 대표 계정의 닉네임
     $nick_name = $oSocialxeModel->getNickName();
     Context::set('nick_name', $nick_name);
     // 부계정
     $slave_provider = $oSocialxeModel->getSlaveProvider();
     Context::set('slave_provider', $slave_provider);
     // 부계정의 프로필 이미지
     $slave_profile_image = $oSocialxeModel->getSlaveProfileImage();
     Context::set('slave_profile_image', $slave_profile_image);
     // 부계정의 닉네임
     $slave_nick_name = $oSocialxeModel->getSlaveNickName();
     Context::set('slave_nick_name', $slave_nick_name);
     // 자동 로그인 키
     $auto_login_key = $oSocialxeModel->getAutoLoginKey();
     Context::set('auto_login_key', $auto_login_key);
     // 자동 로그인 키 요청 주소
     $auto_login_key_url = $oSocialxeModel->getAutoLoginKeyUrl();
     Context::set('auto_login_key_url', $auto_login_key_url);
     // 템플릿의 스킨 경로를 지정 (skin, colorset에 따른 값을 설정)
     $tpl_path = sprintf('%sskins/%s', $this->widget_path, $skin);
     Context::set('skin', $skin);
     // 템플릿 파일을 지정
     $tpl_file = 'info';
     // 템플릿 컴파일
     $oTemplate =& TemplateHandler::getInstance();
     return $oTemplate->compile($tpl_path, $tpl_file);
  * @brief 에디터 컴포넌트가 별도의 고유 코드를 이용한다면 그 코드를 html로 변경하여 주는 method
  * 이미지나 멀티미디어, 설문등 고유 코드가 필요한 에디터 컴포넌트는 고유코드를 내용에 추가하고 나서
  * DocumentModule::transContent() 에서 해당 컴포넌트의 transHtml() method를 호출하여 고유코드를 html로 변경
 function transHTML($xml_obj)
     // 지정된 옵션을 구함
     $ccl_title = $xml_obj->attrs->ccl_title;
     $ccl_use_mark = $xml_obj->attrs->ccl_use_mark;
     $ccl_allow_commercial = $xml_obj->attrs->ccl_allow_commercial;
     $ccl_allow_modification = $xml_obj->attrs->ccl_allow_modification;
     // 가로/ 세로 크기를 구함
     preg_match_all('/(width|height)([^[:digit:]]+)([^;^"^\']*)/i', $xml_obj->attrs->style, $matches);
     $width = trim($matches[3][0]);
     if (!$width) {
         $width = "90%";
     $height = trim($matches[3][1]);
     if (!$height) {
         $height = "50";
     // 언어파일을 읽음
     Context::loadLang($this->component_path . '/lang');
     $default_title = Context::getLang('ccl_default_title');
     if (!$ccl_title) {
         $ccl_title = $default_title;
     $default_message = Context::getLang('ccl_default_message');
     $option = Context::getLang('ccl_options');
     // 영리 이용 체크
     if ($ccl_allow_commercial == 'N') {
         $opt1 = '-nc';
     } else {
         $opt1 = '';
     // 수정 표시 체크
     if ($ccl_allow_modification == 'N') {
         $opt2 = '-nd';
     } elseif ($ccl_allow_modification == 'SA') {
         $opt2 = '-sa';
     } else {
         $opt2 = '';
     // 버전
     $version = '/3.0';
     // 언어에 따른 설정
     $lang_type = Context::getLangType();
     if ($lang_type != 'en') {
         $lang_file = 'deed.' . strtolower($lang_file);
     // 마크 이용시
     $ccl_image = '';
     if ($ccl_use_mark == "Y") {
         $ccl_image = sprintf('
                     <a rel="license" href="" onclick="; return false;"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" style="margin-bottom:5px;border:0;" /></a><br />', $opt1, $opt2, $version, $opt1, $opt2, $version);
     // 결과물 생성
     $text = $ccl_image . sprintf($default_message, $opt1, $opt2, $version, '', $ccl_title, $option['ccl_allow_commercial'][$ccl_allow_commercial], $option['ccl_allow_modification'][$ccl_allow_modification], $version);
     $style = sprintf('<style type="text/css">.cc_license { clear:both; margin:20px auto 20px auto; padding:8px; width:%s;border:1px solid #c0c0c0; color:#808080; text-align:center; } .cc_license legend { font-weight:bold; } .cc_license a { color:#404040; text-decoration:none; } .cc_license a:hover { text-decoration:underline; </style>', $width);
     $output = sprintf('%s<fieldset class="cc_license"><legend>%s</legend>%s</fieldset>', $style, $ccl_title, $text);
     return $output;
  * @brief naver map open api에서 주소를 찾는 함수
 function search_address()
     $address = Context::get('address');
     if (!$address) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_exists_addr');
     Context::loadLang($this->component_path . "lang");
     // 지정된 서버에 요청을 시도한다
     $address = urlencode(iconv("UTF-8", "EUC-KR", $address));
     $query_string = sprintf('/api/geocode.php?key=%s&query=%s', $this->api_key, $address);
     $fp = fsockopen('', 80, $errno, $errstr);
     if (!$fp) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_fail_to_socket_open');
     fputs($fp, "GET {$query_string} HTTP/1.0\r\n");
     fputs($fp, "Host:\r\n\r\n");
     $buff = '';
     while (!feof($fp)) {
         $str = fgets($fp, 1024);
         if (trim($str) == '') {
             $start = true;
         if ($start) {
             $buff .= trim($str);
     $buff = trim(iconv("EUC-KR", "UTF-8", $buff));
     $buff = str_replace('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>', '', $buff);
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $xml_doc = $oXmlParser->parse($buff);
     //If a Naver OpenApi Error message exists.
     if ($xml_doc->error->error_code->body || $xml_doc->error->message->body) {
         return new Object(-1, 'NAVER OpenAPI Error' . "\n" . 'Code : ' . $xml_doc->error->error_code->body . "\n" . 'Message : ' . $xml_doc->error->message->body);
     if ($xml_doc->geocode->total->body == 0) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_no_result');
     $addrs = $xml_doc->geocode->item;
     if (!is_array($addrs)) {
         $addrs = array($addrs);
     $addrs_count = count($addrs);
     $address_list = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $addrs_count; $i++) {
         $item = $addrs[$i];
         $address_list[] = sprintf("%s,%s,%s", $item->point->x->body, $item->point->y->body, $item->address->body);
     $this->add("address_list", implode("\n", $address_list));
Beispiel #7
 function init($module = null)
     // change into administration layout
     $config = getModel('cympusadmin')->getConfig();
     $args = new stdClass();
     $args->module = 'cympusadmin';
     $module_list = getModel('module')->getModuleSrlList($args);
     if (!empty($module_list)) {
         foreach ($module_list as $module_info) {
             $cympus_module_info = $module_info;
     $module_path = './modules/cympusadmin/';
     $template_path = sprintf("%sskins/%s/", $module_path, $cympus_module_info->skin);
     if (!is_dir($template_path) || !$cympus_module_info->skin) {
         $config->admin_skins = 'default';
         $template_path = sprintf("%sskins/%s/", $module_path, $cympus_module_info->skin);
     if ($module) {
     } else {
     Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/cympusadmin/lang/');
     $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
     if ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y') {
         // parse admin menu
         $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
         $xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile('./modules/cympusadmin/conf/' . _CYMPUSADMIN_MENU_);
         $admin_menu = cympusadmin::getMenu($xml_obj->menu->item);
         Context::set('cympusadmin_menu', $admin_menu);
     } else {
         $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('cympusadmin.getManagerMenu', 'before', $manager_menu);
         if (!$output->toBool()) {
             return $output;
         Context::set('cympusadmin_menu', $manager_menu);
     $news = getNewsFromAgency();
     Context::set('news', $news);
     Context::set('admin_bar', 'false');
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoXml('cympusadmin');
     Context::set('cympus_modinfo', $module_info);
     return new Object();
Beispiel #8
  * Add file list to Object after ftp connect
  * @return void|Object
 function getAdminFTPList()
     require_once _XE_PATH_ . 'libs/ftp.class.php';
     $ftp_info = Context::getRequestVars();
     if (!$ftp_info->ftp_user || !$ftp_info->ftp_password) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_invalid_auth_info');
     $this->pwd = $ftp_info->ftp_root_path;
     if (!$ftp_info->ftp_host) {
         $ftp_info->ftp_host = "";
     if (!$ftp_info->ftp_port || !is_numeric($ftp_info->ftp_port)) {
         $ftp_info->ftp_port = "21";
     if ($ftp_info->sftp == 'Y') {
         if (!function_exists(ssh2_sftp)) {
             return new Object(-1, 'disable_sftp_support');
         return $this->getSFTPList();
     $oFtp = new ftp();
     if ($oFtp->ftp_connect($ftp_info->ftp_host, $ftp_info->ftp_port)) {
         if ($oFtp->ftp_login($ftp_info->ftp_user, $ftp_info->ftp_password)) {
             $_list = $oFtp->ftp_rawlist($this->pwd);
         } else {
             return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_invalid_auth_info');
     $list = array();
     if ($_list) {
         foreach ($_list as $k => $v) {
             $src = null;
             $src->data = $v;
             $res = Context::convertEncoding($src);
             $v = $res->data;
             if (strpos($v, 'd') === 0 || strpos($v, '<DIR>')) {
                 $list[] = substr(strrchr($v, ' '), 1) . '/';
     } else {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_ftp_no_directory');
     $this->add('list', $list);
  * @brief initialization
  * board_extend module can be divided into general use and admin use.\n
 function init()
     Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/board/lang');
     // module_srl이 있으면 미리 체크하여 존재하는 모듈이면 module_info 세팅
     $module_srl = Context::get('module_srl');
     if (!$module_srl && $this->module_srl) {
         $module_srl = $this->module_srl;
         Context::set('module_srl', $module_srl);
     // module model 객체 생성
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     // module_srl이 넘어오면 해당 모듈의 정보를 미리 구해 놓음
     if ($module_srl) {
         $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByModuleSrl($module_srl);
         if (!$module_info) {
             Context::set('module_srl', '');
             $this->act = 'list';
         } else {
             $this->module_info = $module_info;
             Context::set('module_info', $module_info);
     if ($module_info && $module_info->module != 'board') {
         return $this->stop("msg_invalid_request");
     // 모듈 카테고리 목록을 구함
     $module_category = $oModuleModel->getModuleCategories();
     Context::set('module_category', $module_category);
     // 템플릿 경로 지정 (board의 경우 tpl에 관리자용 템플릿 모아놓음)
     $template_path = sprintf("%stpl/", $this->module_path);
     // 정렬 옵션을 세팅
     foreach ($this->order_target as $key) {
         $order_target[$key] = Context::getLang($key);
     $order_target['list_order'] = Context::getLang('document_srl');
     $order_target['update_order'] = Context::getLang('last_update');
     Context::set('order_target', $order_target);
Beispiel #10
  * @brief when menu add in sitemap, select module list
  * this menu showing with trigger
  * @param int $site_srl
  * @return array
 function getModuleListInSitemap($site_srl = 0)
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $moduleList = array('page');
     $output = $oModuleModel->getModuleListByInstance($site_srl);
     if (is_array($output->data)) {
         foreach ($output->data as $value) {
             if ($value->instanceCount > 1) {
                 $moduleList[] = $value->module;
     // after trigger
     $output = ModuleHandler::triggerCall('menu.getModuleListInSitemap', 'after', $moduleList);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         return $output;
     $localModuleList = array_unique($moduleList);
     $oAutoinstallModel = getModel('autoinstall');
     // get have instance
     $remotePackageList = $oAutoinstallModel->getHaveInstance(array('path'));
     $remoteModuleList = array();
     foreach ($remotePackageList as $package) {
         if (strpos($package->path, './modules/') !== 0) {
         $pathInfo = explode('/', $package->path);
         $remoteModuleList[] = $pathInfo[2];
     // all module list
     $allModuleList = FileHandler::readDir('./modules', '/^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$/');
     // union have instance and all module list
     $haveInstance = array_intersect($remoteModuleList, $allModuleList);
     $haveDirectory = array_intersect($localModuleList, $allModuleList);
     // union
     $moduleList = array_unique(array_merge($haveDirectory, $haveInstance));
     $moduleInfoList = array();
     if (is_array($moduleList)) {
         foreach ($moduleList as $value) {
             $moduleInfo = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoXml($value);
             if ($value == 'page') {
                 $pageTypeName = Context::getLang('page_type_name');
                 $moduleInfo->title = $pageTypeName['ARTICLE'];
                 $moduleInfoList['ARTICLE'] = $moduleInfo;
                 $wModuleInfo = clone $moduleInfo;
                 unset($wModuleInfo->default_skin, $wModuleInfo->default_mskin);
                 $wModuleInfo->title = $pageTypeName['WIDGET'];
                 $wModuleInfo->no_skin = 'Y';
                 $moduleInfoList['WIDGET'] = $wModuleInfo;
                 $oModuleInfo = clone $moduleInfo;
                 unset($oModuleInfo->default_skin, $oModuleInfo->default_mskin);
                 $oModuleInfo->title = $pageTypeName['OUTSIDE'];
                 $oModuleInfo->no_skin = 'Y';
                 $moduleInfoList['OUTSIDE'] = $oModuleInfo;
             } else {
                 $moduleInfoList[$value] = $moduleInfo;
     return $moduleInfoList;

if (!defined("__XE__")) {
$__tmp = array('modules/admin/tpl/js/config.js', '', '', '');
$__tmp = array('modules/session/tpl/js/session.js', '', '', '');
<div class="x_page-header">
echo $__Context->lang->menu_gnb_sub['adminConfigurationFtp'];
 <a class="x_icon-question-sign" href="./admin/help/index.html#UMAN_config_ftp" target="_blank"><?php 
echo $__Context->lang->help;
if ($__Context->XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE && $__Context->XE_VALIDATOR_ID == 'modules/admin/tpl/config_ftp/1') {
<div class="message <?php 
    echo $__Context->XE_VALIDATOR_MESSAGE_TYPE;

/* Copyright (C) NAVER <> */
 * @file exchange_content.addon.php
 * @brief Addon for change content matched pattern's
 * @author [NAVER]( (<
if (!defined('__XE__')) {
if ($called_position == "before_display_content") {
if ($called_position == "before_module_proc" && Context::get('download_wanna_reply') != "") {
    Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'addons/download_wanna_reply/lang');
    $oModuleHandler = new ModuleHandler();
    $oModuleHandler->error = Context::getLang('msg_download_wanna_reply');
if ($called_position == "after_module_proc") {
    $oDocument = Context::get('oDocument');
    // 글이 없는 경우 처리하지 않음
    if (!$oDocument) {
    $logged_info = Context::get('logged_info');
    if ($logged_info) {
        // 본인이 작성한 글은 다운로드 가능
        if ($logged_info->member_srl == $oDocument->variables['member_srl']) {
Beispiel #13

if(!defined('__DEBUG__')) define('__DEBUG__', 1);
if(!defined('__XE__')) define('__XE__', TRUE);
if(!defined('__ZBXE__')) define('__ZBXE__', TRUE);
if(!defined('_XE_PATH_')) define('_XE_PATH_', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../') . '/');

require_once(_XE_PATH_ . 'config/');
require_once(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/shop/libs/autoload/autoload.php');

// Delete any cache files
FileHandler::removeFilesInDir(_XE_PATH_ . 'files/cache');

$oContext = Context::getInstance();

// Load common language files, for the error messages to be displayed

/* End of file Bootstrap.php */
/* Location: ./modules/shop/tests/lib/Bootstrap.php */
  * @brief file upload
 function mobileFileUpload()
     $oFileModel =& getModel('file');
     $oFileController =& getController('file');
     $oMobileexModel =& getModel('mobileex');
     $mobileex_config = $oMobileexModel->getMobileexConfig($this->module_srl);
     // after upload set template
     $this->setTemplatePath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
     // file lang load
     $module_srl = $this->module_srl;
     $file_info = Context::get('Filedata');
     $upload_type = Context::get('upload_type');
     $upload_target_srl = intval(Context::get('uploadTargetSrl'));
     if (!$upload_target_srl) {
         $upload_target_srl = intval(Context::get('upload_target_srl'));
     // mobile document check
     if ($upload_target_srl && Context::get('document_srl')) {
         $mobile_check = $oMobileexModel->getMobileDocument($upload_target_srl);
         if (!$mobile_check->data) {
             Context::set('msg', Context::getLang('msg_not_mobile_document'));
     if (!$upload_target_srl) {
         $upload_target_srl = getNextSequence();
     // file exist check
     if (!$file_info['tmp_name'] || !is_uploaded_file($file_info['tmp_name'])) {
         Context::set('msg', Context::getLang('msg_no_file'));
     // grant check
     $allow_fileupload = $oMobileexModel->getUploadGrant($module_srl, $upload_type);
     if (!$allow_fileupload) {
         Context::set('msg', Context::getLang('msg_not_fileupload_grant'));
     // file ext check
     $allow_filetype = $oMobileexModel->getAllowedFileType($file_info, $module_srl);
     if (!$allow_filetype->allowed) {
         $msg = strtoupper(str_replace('.', '', $allow_filetype->file_ext)) . " " . Context::getLang('msg_not_allowed_filetype');
         Context::set('msg', $msg);
     // get file type
     $imglist = "GIF|PNG|JPG|JPEG";
     if (!eregi(strtoupper(str_replace('.', '', $allow_filetype->file_ext)), $imglist)) {
         $is_img = 'N';
     } else {
         $is_img = 'Y';
     $img_resize_width = (int) $mobileex_config->img_resize_width;
     $img_resize_height = (int) $mobileex_config->img_resize_height;
     if ($img_resize_width > 0 || $img_resize_height > 0) {
         $img_resize_use = true;
     } else {
         $img_resize_use = false;
     if ($is_img == 'N' || $is_img == 'Y' && !$img_resize_use) {
         // file size check
         $allow_filesize = $oMobileexModel->getAllowedFileSize(filesize($file_info['tmp_name']), $module_srl, $upload_target_srl, $upload_type);
         if (!$allow_filesize->allowed_filesize || !$allow_filesize->allowed_attach_size) {
             if (!$allow_filesize->allowed_filesize) {
                 Context::set('msg', Context::getLang('msg_not_allowed_filesize'));
             } else {
                 if (!$allow_filesize->allowed_attach_size) {
                     Context::set('msg', Context::getLang('msg_not_allowed_attach_size'));
     //insert file
     // A workaround for Firefox upload bug
     if (preg_match('/^=\\?UTF-8\\?B\\?(.+)\\?=$/i', $file_info['name'], $match)) {
         $file_info['name'] = base64_decode(strtr($match[1], ':', '/'));
     // upload path
     if (preg_match("/\\.(jpe?g|gif|png|wm[va]|mpe?g|avi|swf|flv|mp[1-4]|as[fx]|wav|midi?|moo?v|qt|r[am]{1,2}|m4v)\$/i", $file_info['name'])) {
         // direct 파일에 해킹을 의심할 수 있는 확장자가 포함되어 있으면 바로 삭제함
         $file_info['name'] = preg_replace('/\\.(php|phtm|html?|cgi|pl|exe|jsp|asp|inc)/i', '$0-x', $file_info['name']);
         $file_info['name'] = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('%3C', '%3E'), $file_info['name']);
         $path = sprintf("./files/attach/images/%s/%s", $module_srl, getNumberingPath($upload_target_srl, 3));
         // special character to '_'
         // change to md5 file name. because window php bug. window php is not recognize unicode character file name - by cherryfilter
         $ext = substr(strrchr($file_info['name'], '.'), 1);
         //$_filename = preg_replace('/[#$&*?+%"\']/', '_', $file_info['name']);
         $_filename = md5(crypt(rand(1000000, 900000), rand(0, 100))) . '.' . $ext;
         $filename = $path . $_filename;
         $idx = 1;
         while (file_exists($filename)) {
             $filename = $path . preg_replace('/\\.([a-z0-9]+)$/i', '_' . $idx . '.$1', $_filename);
         $direct_download = 'Y';
     } else {
         $path = sprintf("./files/attach/binaries/%s/%s", $module_srl, getNumberingPath($upload_target_srl, 3));
         $filename = $path . md5(crypt(rand(1000000, 900000), rand(0, 100)));
         $direct_download = 'N';
     // make dir
     if (!FileHandler::makeDir($path)) {
         Context::set('msg', Context::getLang('msg_not_permitted_create'));
     // move file
     if (!@move_uploaded_file($file_info['tmp_name'], $filename)) {
         $re_name = md5(crypt(rand(1000000, 900000) . $file_info['name']));
         $filename = $path . $re_name . '.' . $ext;
         if (!@move_uploaded_file($file_info['tmp_name'], $filename)) {
             Context::set('msg', Context::getLang('msg_file_upload_error'));
     // image resize
     if ($is_img == 'Y' && $img_resize_use) {
         $resizeimg = $oMobileexModel->getImgResizeValue($filename, $img_resize_width, $img_resize_height);
         if ($resizeimg->width || $resizeimg->height) {
             $resize_target_width = $resizeimg->width;
             $resize_target_height = $resizeimg->height;
             $img_ext = '.' . $ext;
             $resize_path = str_replace($img_ext, "", $filename);
             $resize_file = $resize_path . '.' . $ext;
             $resize_url = Context::getRequestUri() . $resize_file;
             // resize
             $source_file = $filename;
             $resize_img = FileHandler::createImageFile($source_file, $resize_file, $resize_target_width, $resize_target_height, $ext, 'ratio');
             $allow_filesize = $oMobileexModel->getAllowedFileSize(@filesize($filename), $module_srl, $upload_target_srl, $upload_type);
             if (!$allow_filesize->allowed_filesize || !$allow_filesize->allowed_attach_size) {
                 if (!$allow_filesize->allowed_filesize) {
                     Context::set('msg', Context::getLang('msg_not_allowed_filesize'));
                 } else {
                     if (!$allow_filesize->allowed_attach_size) {
                         Context::set('msg', Context::getLang('msg_not_allowed_attach_size'));
     // get member info
     $oMemberModel =& getModel('member');
     $member_srl = $oMemberModel->getLoggedMemberSrl();
     // file info
     $args->file_srl = getNextSequence();
     $args->upload_target_srl = $upload_target_srl;
     $args->module_srl = $module_srl;
     $args->direct_download = $direct_download;
     $args->source_filename = $file_info['name'];
     $args->uploaded_filename = $filename;
     $args->download_count = $download_count;
     $args->file_size = @filesize($filename);
     $args->comment = NULL;
     $args->member_srl = $member_srl;
     $args->sid = md5(rand(rand(1111111, 4444444), rand(4444445, 9999999)));
     $output = executeQuery('file.insertFile', $args);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
         Context::set('msg', Context::getLang('msg_file_upload_error'));
     $_SESSION['__XE_UPLOADING_FILES_INFO__'][$args->file_srl] = true;
     $output->add('file_srl', $args->file_srl);
     $output->add('file_size', $args->file_size);
     $output->add('sid', $args->sid);
     $output->add('direct_download', $args->direct_download);
     $output->add('source_filename', $args->source_filename);
     $output->add('upload_target_srl', $upload_target_srl);
     $output->add('uploaded_filename', $args->uploaded_filename);
     // add file insert
     if ($mobileex_config->addfile_auto == 'Y' && $is_img == 'Y') {
         $args->module_srl = $module_srl;
         $args->upload_target_srl = $output->get('upload_target_srl');
         $args->file_srl = $output->get('file_srl');
         executeQuery('mobileex.insertMobileAddFile', $args);
     if ($is_img != 'Y') {
         $img_href = './modules/editor/tpl/images/files.gif';
     } else {
         $img_href = $output->get('uploaded_filename');
         // create thumb
         $preview_thumb = $oMobileexModel->getFileThumbnail($output->get('file_srl'), $width = 100, $height = 100, $thumbnail_type = 'crop');
         if (!$preview_thumb) {
             $preview_thumb = './modules/editor/tpl/images/files.gif';
         $img_href = $preview_thumb;
         if ($mobileex_config->addfile_thumb_use == 'Y') {
             $addfile_max_size = (int) $mobileex_config->addfile_max_size;
             // max_thumb
             $max_thumb = $oMobileexModel->getFileThumbnail($value->file_srl, $width = $addfile_max_size, $height = '', $thumbnail_type = '');
             if (!$max_thumb) {
                 $max_thumb = './modules/editor/tpl/images/files.gif';
     // get file size convert for kb
     $file_size = (int) $output->get('file_size') / 1024;
     $file_size = round($file_size, 1);
     // set uploaded file info
     Context::set('module_srl', $module_srl);
     Context::set('file_srl', $output->get('file_srl'));
     Context::set('upload_target_srl', $output->get('upload_target_srl'));
     // if temp document
     Context::set('source_filename', $output->get('source_filename'));
     Context::set('file_size', $file_size);
     Context::set('is_img', $is_img);
     Context::set('img_href', $img_href);
  * Spammer manage popup
  * @return void
 function dispMemberSpammer()
     if (!Context::get('is_logged')) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     $member_srl = Context::get('member_srl');
     $module_srl = Context::get('module_srl');
     // check grant
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $columnList = array('module_srl', 'module');
     $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByModuleSrl($module_srl, $columnList);
     $grant = $oModuleModel->getGrant($module_info, Context::get('logged_info'));
     if (!$grant->manager) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_not_permitted');
     $oMemberModel = getModel('member');
     Context::set('spammer_info', $oMemberModel->getMemberInfoByMemberSrl($member_srl));
     Context::set('module_srl', $module_srl);
     // Select Pop-up layout
     $this->setTemplatePath($this->module_path . 'tpl');
Beispiel #16
 if ($addon_info->target != 'all' && Context::get('is_logged')) {
 $target_acts = array('procBoardInsertDocument', 'procBoardInsertComment', 'procIssuetrackerInsertIssue', 'procIssuetrackerInsertHistory');
 if ($addon_info->apply_find_account == 'apply') {
     $target_acts[] = 'procMemberFindAccount';
 if ($addon_info->apply_resend_auth_mail == 'apply') {
     $target_acts[] = 'procMemberResendAuthMail';
 Context::addHtmlHeader('<script type="text/javascript"> var captchaTargetAct = new Array("' . implode('","', $target_acts) . '"); </script>');
 // 캡챠 인증이 되지 않은 세션이면 실행 시작
 if (!$_SESSION['captcha_authed']) {
     // 언어파일 로드
     Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'addons/captcha/lang');
     // 캡챠 세션 세팅
     if (Context::get('act') == 'setCaptchaSession') {
         $f = FileHandler::readDir('./addons/captcha/icon');
         $key = rand(0, count($f) - 1);
         $keyword = str_replace('.gif', '', $f[$key]);
         $_SESSION['captcha_keyword'] = $keyword;
         $target = Context::getLang('target_captcha');
         header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
         header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
         header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
         header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
         header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
         header("Pragma: no-cache");
         printf("<response>\r\n<error>0</error>\r\n<message>success</message>\r\n<about><![CDATA[%s]]></about>\r\n<keyword><![CDATA[%s]]></keyword>\r\n</response>", Context::getLang('about_captcha'), $target[$keyword]);
Beispiel #17
  * @brief Return the editor template
  * You can call upload_target_srl when modifying content
  * The upload_target_srl is used for a routine to check if an attachment exists
 function getEditor($upload_target_srl = 0, $option = null)
      * Editor's default options
     // Option setting to allow file upload
     if ($upload_target_srl) {
         $option->editor_sequence = $upload_target_srl;
     if (!$option->allow_fileupload) {
         $allow_fileupload = false;
     } else {
         $allow_fileupload = true;
     // content_style setting
     if (!$option->content_style) {
         $option->content_style = 'ckeditor_light';
     Context::set('content_style', $option->content_style);
     Context::set('content_style_path', $this->module_path . 'styles/' . $option->content_style);
     // Default font setting
     Context::set('content_font', $option->content_font);
     Context::set('content_font_size', $option->content_font_size);
     Context::set('content_line_height', $option->content_line_height);
     Context::set('content_paragraph_spacing', $option->content_paragraph_spacing);
     Context::set('content_word_break', $option->content_word_break);
     Context::set('editor_additional_css', $option->additional_css);
     // Option setting to allow auto-save
     if (!$option->enable_autosave) {
         $enable_autosave = false;
     } elseif (Context::get($option->primary_key_name)) {
         $enable_autosave = false;
     } else {
         $enable_autosave = true;
     // Option setting to allow the default editor component
     if (!$option->enable_default_component) {
         $enable_default_component = false;
     } else {
         $enable_default_component = true;
     // Option setting to allow other extended components
     if (!$option->enable_component) {
         $enable_component = false;
     } else {
         $enable_component = true;
     // Setting for html-mode
     if ($option->disable_html) {
         $html_mode = false;
     } else {
         $html_mode = true;
     // Set Height
     if (!$option->height) {
         $editor_height = 300;
     } else {
         $editor_height = $option->height;
     // Skin Setting
     $skin = $option->skin;
     if (!$skin) {
         $skin = 'ckeditor';
     $colorset = $option->colorset;
     if (!$colorset) {
         $colorset = 'moono';
     Context::set('colorset', $colorset);
     Context::set('skin', $skin);
     Context::set('module_type', $option->module_type);
     if ($skin == 'dreditor') {
      * Check the automatic backup feature (do not use if the post is edited)
     if ($enable_autosave) {
         // Extract auto-saved data
         $saved_doc = $this->getSavedDoc($upload_target_srl);
         // Context setting auto-saved data
         Context::set('saved_doc', $saved_doc);
     Context::set('enable_autosave', $enable_autosave);
      * Extract editor's unique number (in order to display multiple editors on a single page)
     if ($option->editor_sequence) {
         $editor_sequence = $option->editor_sequence;
     } else {
         if (!$_SESSION['_editor_sequence_']) {
             $_SESSION['_editor_sequence_'] = 1;
         $editor_sequence = $_SESSION['_editor_sequence_']++;
      * Upload setting by using configuration of the file module internally
     $files_count = 0;
     if ($allow_fileupload) {
         $oFileModel = getModel('file');
         // Get upload configuration to set on SWFUploader
         $file_config = $oFileModel->getUploadConfig();
         $file_config->allowed_attach_size = $file_config->allowed_attach_size * 1024 * 1024;
         $file_config->allowed_filesize = $file_config->allowed_filesize * 1024 * 1024;
         Context::set('file_config', $file_config);
         // Configure upload status such as file size
         $upload_status = $oFileModel->getUploadStatus();
         Context::set('upload_status', $upload_status);
         // Upload enabled (internally caching)
         $oFileController = getController('file');
         $oFileController->setUploadInfo($editor_sequence, $upload_target_srl);
         // Check if the file already exists
         if ($upload_target_srl) {
             $files_count = $oFileModel->getFilesCount($upload_target_srl);
     Context::set('files_count', (int) $files_count);
     Context::set('allow_fileupload', $allow_fileupload);
     // Set editor_sequence value
     Context::set('editor_sequence', $editor_sequence);
     // Set the document number to upload_target_srl for file attachments
     // If a new document, upload_target_srl = 0. The value becomes changed when file attachment is requested
     Context::set('upload_target_srl', $upload_target_srl);
     // Set the primary key valueof the document or comments
     Context::set('editor_primary_key_name', $option->primary_key_name);
     // Set content column name to sync contents
     Context::set('editor_content_key_name', $option->content_key_name);
      * Check editor component
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     $site_srl = (int) $site_module_info->site_srl;
     if ($enable_component) {
         if (!Context::get('component_list')) {
             $component_list = $this->getComponentList(true, $site_srl);
             Context::set('component_list', $component_list);
     Context::set('enable_component', $enable_component);
     Context::set('enable_default_component', $enable_default_component);
      * Variable setting if html_mode is available
     Context::set('html_mode', $html_mode);
      * Set a height of editor
     Context::set('editor_height', $editor_height);
     // Check an option whether to start the editor manually
     Context::set('editor_manual_start', $option->manual_start);
      * Set a skin path to pre-compile the template
     $tpl_path = sprintf('%sskins/%s/', $this->module_path, $skin);
     $tpl_file = 'editor.html';
     if (!file_exists($tpl_path . $tpl_file)) {
         $skin = 'ckeditor';
         $tpl_path = sprintf('%sskins/%s/', $this->module_path, $skin);
     Context::set('editor_path', $tpl_path);
     // load editor skin lang
     Context::loadLang($tpl_path . 'lang');
     // Return the compiled result from tpl file
     $oTemplate = TemplateHandler::getInstance();
     return $oTemplate->compile($tpl_path, $tpl_file);
 * 기능 수행 : 팝업 및 회원정보 보기에서 쪽지/친구 메뉴 추가. 시작할때 새쪽지가 왔는지 검사
if ($called_position == 'before_module_init' && $this->module != 'member') {
    // 커뮤니케이션 모듈의 언어파일을 읽음
    // 회원 로그인 정보중에서 쪽지등의 메뉴를 추가
    $oMemberController =& getController('member');
    $oMemberController->addMemberMenu('dispCommunicationFriend', 'cmd_view_friend');
    $oMemberController->addMemberMenu('dispCommunicationMessages', 'cmd_view_message_box');
    // 새로운 쪽지에 대한 플래그가 있으면 쪽지 보기 팝업 띄움
    $flag_path = './files/member_extra_info/new_message_flags/' . getNumberingPath($logged_info->member_srl);
    $flag_file = sprintf('%s%s', $flag_path, $logged_info->member_srl);
    if (file_exists($flag_file)) {
        $new_message_count = FileHandler::readFile($flag_file);
        $script = sprintf('<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function() { if(confirm("%s")) { popopen("%s"); } }); </script>', sprintf(Context::getLang('alert_new_message_arrived'), $new_message_count), Context::getRequestUri() . '?module=communication&act=dispCommunicationNewMessage');
     * 기능 수행 : 사용자 이름을 클릭시 요청되는 팝업메뉴의 메뉴에 쪽지 발송, 친구추가등의 링크 추가
} elseif ($called_position == 'before_module_proc' && $this->act == 'getMemberMenu') {
    $oMemberController =& getController('member');
    $member_srl = Context::get('target_srl');
    $mid = Context::get('cur_mid');
    // communication 모델 객체 생성
    $oCommunicationModel =& getModel('communication');
    // 자신이라면 쪽지함 보기 기능 추가
    if ($logged_info->member_srl == $member_srl) {
        // 자신의 쪽지함 보기 기능 추가
Beispiel #19
 function before_module_init_setCaptchaSession()
     if ($_SESSION['captcha_authed']) {
         return false;
     // Load language files
     Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'addons/captcha/lang');
     // Generate keywords
     $target = Context::getLang('target_captcha');
     header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
     header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
     header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
     header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
     header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
     printf("<response>\r\n <error>0</error>\r\n <message>success</message>\r\n <about_captcha><![CDATA[%s]]></about_captcha>\r\n <captcha_reload><![CDATA[%s]]></captcha_reload>\r\n <captcha_play><![CDATA[%s]]></captcha_play>\r\n <cmd_input><![CDATA[%s]]></cmd_input>\r\n <cmd_cancel><![CDATA[%s]]></cmd_cancel>\r\n </response>", Context::getLang('about_captcha'), Context::getLang('captcha_reload'), Context::getLang('captcha_play'), Context::getLang('cmd_input'), Context::getLang('cmd_cancel'));
  * It creates a module instance
  * @param string $module module name
  * @param string $type instance type, (e.g., view, controller, model)
  * @param string $kind admin or svc
  * @return ModuleObject module instance (if failed it returns null)
  * @remarks if there exists a module instance created before, returns it.
  * */
 function &getModuleInstance($module, $type = 'view', $kind = '')
     if (__DEBUG__ == 3) {
         $start_time = getMicroTime();
     $parent_module = $module;
     $kind = strtolower($kind);
     $type = strtolower($type);
     $kinds = array('svc' => 1, 'admin' => 1);
     if (!isset($kinds[$kind])) {
         $kind = 'svc';
     $key = $module . '.' . ($kind != 'admin' ? '' : 'admin') . '.' . $type;
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['__MODULE_EXTEND__']) && array_key_exists($key, $GLOBALS['__MODULE_EXTEND__'])) {
         $module = $extend_module = $GLOBALS['__MODULE_EXTEND__'][$key];
     // if there is no instance of the module in global variable, create a new one
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['_loaded_module'][$module][$type][$kind])) {
         ModuleHandler::_getModuleFilePath($module, $type, $kind, $class_path, $high_class_file, $class_file, $instance_name);
         if ($extend_module && (!is_readable($high_class_file) || !is_readable($class_file))) {
             $module = $parent_module;
             ModuleHandler::_getModuleFilePath($module, $type, $kind, $class_path, $high_class_file, $class_file, $instance_name);
         // Check if the base class and instance class exist
         if (!class_exists($module, true)) {
             return NULL;
         if (!class_exists($instance_name, true)) {
             return NULL;
         // Create an instance
         $oModule = new $instance_name();
         if (!is_object($oModule)) {
             return NULL;
         // Load language files for the class
         Context::loadLang($class_path . 'lang');
         if ($extend_module) {
             Context::loadLang(ModuleHandler::getModulePath($parent_module) . 'lang');
         // Set variables to the instance
         // If the module has a constructor, run it.
         if (!isset($GLOBALS['_called_constructor'][$instance_name])) {
             $GLOBALS['_called_constructor'][$instance_name] = TRUE;
             if (@method_exists($oModule, $instance_name)) {
         // Store the created instance into GLOBALS variable
         $GLOBALS['_loaded_module'][$module][$type][$kind] = $oModule;
     if (__DEBUG__ == 3) {
         $GLOBALS['__elapsed_class_load__'] += getMicroTime() - $start_time;
     // return the instance
     return $GLOBALS['_loaded_module'][$module][$type][$kind];
 * Message/Friend munus are added on the pop-up window and member profile. Check if a new message is received
 * */
if ($this->module != 'member' && $called_position == 'before_module_init') {
    // Load a language file from the communication module
    Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/communication/lang');
    // Add menus on the member login information
    $oMemberController = getController('member');
    $oMemberController->addMemberMenu('dispCommunicationFriend', 'cmd_view_friend');
    $oMemberController->addMemberMenu('dispCommunicationMessages', 'cmd_view_message_box');
    $flag_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/member_extra_info/new_message_flags/' . getNumberingPath($logged_info->member_srl) . $logged_info->member_srl;
    if ($addon_info->use_alarm != 'N' && file_exists($flag_file)) {
        // Pop-up to display messages if a flag on new message is set
        $new_message_count = (int) trim(FileHandler::readFile($flag_file));
        Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'addons/member_communication/lang');
        Context::loadFile(array('./addons/member_communication/tpl/member_communication.js'), true);
        $text = preg_replace('@\\r?\\n@', '\\n', addslashes(Context::getLang('alert_new_message_arrived')));
        Context::addHtmlFooter("<script type=\"text/javascript\">jQuery(function(){ xeNotifyMessage('{$text}','{$new_message_count}'); });</script>");
} elseif ($this->act == 'getMemberMenu' && $called_position == 'before_module_proc') {
    $member_srl = Context::get('target_srl');
    $oCommunicationModel = getModel('communication');
    // Add a feature to display own message box.
    if ($logged_info->member_srl == $member_srl) {
        $mid = Context::get('cur_mid');
        $oMemberController = getController('member');
        // Add your own viewing Note Template
        $oMemberController->addMemberPopupMenu(getUrl('', 'mid', $mid, 'act', 'dispCommunicationMessages'), 'cmd_view_message_box', '', 'self');
        // Display a list of friends
        $oMemberController->addMemberPopupMenu(getUrl('', 'mid', $mid, 'act', 'dispCommunicationFriend'), 'cmd_view_friend', '', 'self');
  * return module searcher html
 function getModuleAdminModuleSearcherHtml()
     Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/admin/lang');
     $oTemplate = TemplateHandler::getInstance();
     $tpl = $oTemplate->compile(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/module/tpl', 'module_searcher_v17.html');
     $this->add('html', $tpl);

if (!defined("__XE__")) {
$__tpl = TemplateHandler::getInstance();
echo $__tpl->compile('modules/authentication/tpl', 'header.html');
<form class="x_form-horizontal" action="./" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="error_return_url" value="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars(getRequestUriByServerEnviroment(), ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8', false);
" /><input type="hidden" name="mid" value="<?php 
echo $__Context->mid;
" /><input type="hidden" name="vid" value="<?php 
echo $__Context->vid;
" />
	<input type="hidden" name="act" value="procAuthenticationAdminDesignConfig" />
	<input type="hidden" name="module" value="<?php 
echo $__Context->module;
" />
	<input type="hidden" name="module_srl" value=<?php 
echo $__Context->module_srl;
	<section class="section">
		<h1>디자인 설정</h1>
		<div class="x_control-group">

if (!defined("__XE__")) {
echo Context::addHtmlHeader('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=yes">');
$__Context->_is_indexmodule = $__Context->site_module_info->module_srl === $__Context->current_module_info->module_srl;
$__Context->_body_class = array();
$__Context->_container_class = array();
$__Context->_visual_class = array();
$__Context->_selected_menu = null;
$__Context->_magazine_header = false;
$__Context->_onepage_header = false;
$__Context->sub_header_title = $__Context->module_info->browser_title;

if (!defined("__XE__")) {
Context::addJsFile("./common/js/jquery.js", true, '', -100000);
Context::addJsFile("./common/js/js_app.js", true, '', -100000);
Context::addJsFile("./common/js/common.js", true, '', -100000);
Context::addJsFile("./common/js/xml_handler.js", true, '', -100000);
Context::addJsFile("./common/js/xml_js_filter.js", true, '', -100000);
$__tpl = TemplateHandler::getInstance();
echo $__tpl->compile('modules/board/m.skins/dgiBoard', '_header.html');
if ($__Context->oDocument->isExists()) {
    $__tpl = TemplateHandler::getInstance();
    echo $__tpl->compile('modules/board/m.skins/dgiBoard', 'read.html');
} else {
    if ($__Context->mi->board_type == 'news') {
        $__tpl = TemplateHandler::getInstance();
        echo $__tpl->compile('modules/board/m.skins/dgiBoard', '_list_news.html');
    } elseif ($__Context->mi->board_type == 'webzine') {
        $__tpl = TemplateHandler::getInstance();
        echo $__tpl->compile('modules/board/m.skins/dgiBoard', '_list_webzine.html');
Beispiel #26
  * It creates a module instance
  * @param string $module module name
  * @param string $type instance type, (e.g., view, controller, model)
  * @param string $kind admin or svc
  * @return ModuleObject module instance (if failed it returns null)
  * @remarks if there exists a module instance created before, returns it.
 function &getModuleInstance($module, $type = 'view', $kind = '')
     if (__DEBUG__ == 3) {
         $start_time = getMicroTime();
     $kind = strtolower($kind);
     $type = strtolower($type);
     $kinds = array('svc' => 1, 'admin' => 1);
     if (!isset($kinds[$kind])) {
         $kind = 'svc';
     $key = $module . '.' . ($kind != 'admin' ? '' : 'admin') . '.' . $type;
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['__MODULE_EXTEND__']) && array_key_exists($key, $GLOBALS['__MODULE_EXTEND__'])) {
         $module = $extend_module = $GLOBALS['__MODULE_EXTEND__'][$key];
     // if there is no instance of the module in global variable, create a new one
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['_loaded_module'][$module][$type][$kind])) {
         $parent_module = $module;
         $class_path = ModuleHandler::getModulePath($module);
         if (!is_dir(FileHandler::getRealPath($class_path))) {
             return NULL;
         // Get base class name and load the file contains it
         if (!class_exists($module)) {
             $high_class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.class.php', _XE_PATH_, $class_path, $module);
             if (!file_exists($high_class_file)) {
                 return NULL;
             require_once $high_class_file;
         // Get the object's name
         $types = explode(' ', 'view controller model api wap mobile class');
         if (!in_array($type, $types)) {
             $type = $types[0];
         if ($type == 'class') {
             $instance_name = '%s';
             $class_file = '%s%s.%s.php';
         } elseif ($kind == 'admin' && array_search($type, $types) < 3) {
             $instance_name = '%sAdmin%s';
             $class_file = '%s%s.admin.%s.php';
         } else {
             $instance_name = '%s%s';
             $class_file = '%s%s.%s.php';
         $instance_name = sprintf($instance_name, $module, ucfirst($type));
         $class_file = sprintf($class_file, $class_path, $module, $type);
         $class_file = FileHandler::getRealPath($class_file);
         // Get the name of the class file
         if (!is_readable($class_file)) {
             return NULL;
         // Create an instance with eval function
         require_once $class_file;
         if (!class_exists($instance_name)) {
             return NULL;
         $tmp_fn = create_function('', "return new {$instance_name}();");
         $oModule = $tmp_fn();
         if (!is_object($oModule)) {
             return NULL;
         // Load language files for the class
         Context::loadLang($class_path . 'lang');
         if ($extend_module) {
             Context::loadLang(ModuleHandler::getModulePath($parent_module) . 'lang');
         // Set variables to the instance
         // If the module has a constructor, run it.
         if (!isset($GLOBALS['_called_constructor'][$instance_name])) {
             $GLOBALS['_called_constructor'][$instance_name] = true;
             if (@method_exists($oModule, $instance_name)) {
         // Store the created instance into GLOBALS variable
         $GLOBALS['_loaded_module'][$module][$type][$kind] = $oModule;
     if (__DEBUG__ == 3) {
         $GLOBALS['__elapsed_class_load__'] += getMicroTime() - $start_time;
     // return the instance
     return $GLOBALS['_loaded_module'][$module][$type][$kind];
  * @brief 모듈 객체를 생성함
 function &getModuleInstance($module, $type = 'view', $kind = '')
     $class_path = ModuleHandler::getModulePath($module);
     if (!is_dir(_XE_PATH_ . $class_path)) {
         return NULL;
     if (__DEBUG__ == 3) {
         $start_time = getMicroTime();
     if ($kind != 'admin') {
         $kind = 'svc';
     // global 변수에 미리 생성해 둔 객체가 없으면 새로 생성
     if (!$GLOBALS['_loaded_module'][$module][$type][$kind]) {
          * 모듈의 위치를 파악
         // 상위 클래스명 구함
         if (!class_exists($module)) {
             $high_class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.class.php', _XE_PATH_, $class_path, $module);
             if (!file_exists($high_class_file)) {
                 return NULL;
             require_once $high_class_file;
         // 객체의 이름을 구함
         switch ($type) {
             case 'controller':
                 if ($kind == 'admin') {
                     $instance_name = sprintf("%sAdmin%s", $module, "Controller");
                     $class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.admin.%s.php', _XE_PATH_, $class_path, $module, $type);
                 } else {
                     $instance_name = sprintf("%s%s", $module, "Controller");
                     $class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.%s.php', _XE_PATH_, $class_path, $module, $type);
             case 'model':
                 if ($kind == 'admin') {
                     $instance_name = sprintf("%sAdmin%s", $module, "Model");
                     $class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.admin.%s.php', _XE_PATH_, $class_path, $module, $type);
                 } else {
                     $instance_name = sprintf("%s%s", $module, "Model");
                     $class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.%s.php', _XE_PATH_, $class_path, $module, $type);
             case 'api':
                 $instance_name = sprintf("%s%s", $module, "API");
                 $class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.api.php', _XE_PATH_, $class_path, $module);
             case 'wap':
                 $instance_name = sprintf("%s%s", $module, "WAP");
                 $class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.wap.php', _XE_PATH_, $class_path, $module);
             case 'smartphone':
                 $instance_name = sprintf("%s%s", $module, "SPhone");
                 $class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.smartphone.php', _XE_PATH_, $class_path, $module);
             case 'class':
                 $instance_name = $module;
                 $class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.class.php', _XE_PATH_, $class_path, $module);
                 $type = 'view';
                 if ($kind == 'admin') {
                     $instance_name = sprintf("%sAdmin%s", $module, "View");
                     $class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.admin.view.php', _XE_PATH_, $class_path, $module, $type);
                 } else {
                     $instance_name = sprintf("%s%s", $module, "View");
                     $class_file = sprintf('%s%s%s.view.php', _XE_PATH_, $class_path, $module, $type);
         // 클래스 파일의 이름을 구함
         if (!file_exists($class_file)) {
             return NULL;
         // eval로 객체 생성
         require_once $class_file;
         $eval_str = sprintf('$oModule = new %s();', $instance_name);
         if (!is_object($oModule)) {
             return NULL;
         // 해당 위치에 속한 lang 파일을 읽음
         Context::loadLang($class_path . 'lang');
         // 생성된 객체에 자신이 호출된 위치를 세팅해줌
         // 요청된 module에 constructor가 있으면 실행
         if (!isset($GLOBALS['_called_constructor'][$instance_name])) {
             $GLOBALS['_called_constructor'][$instance_name] = true;
             if (@method_exists($oModule, $instance_name)) {
         // GLOBALS 변수에 생성된 객체 저장
         $GLOBALS['_loaded_module'][$module][$type][$kind] = $oModule;
     if (__DEBUG__ == 3) {
         $GLOBALS['__elapsed_class_load__'] += getMicroTime() - $start_time;
     // 객체 리턴
     return $GLOBALS['_loaded_module'][$module][$type][$kind];
Beispiel #28
  * @brief 에디터 template을 return
  * upload_target_srl은 글의 수정시 호출하면 됨.
  * 이 upload_target_srl은 첨부파일의 유무를 체크하기 위한 루틴을 구현하는데 사용됨.
 function getEditor($upload_target_srl = 0, $option = null)
      * 기본적인 에디터의 옵션을 정리
     // 파일 업로드 유무 옵션 설정
     if (!$option->allow_fileupload) {
         $allow_fileupload = false;
     } else {
         $allow_fileupload = true;
     // content_style 세팅
     if (!$option->content_style) {
         $option->content_style = 'default';
     Context::set('content_style', $option->content_style);
     // 기본 글꼴 지정
     Context::set('content_font', $option->content_font);
     Context::set('content_font_size', $option->content_font_size);
     // 자동 저장 유무 옵션 설정 글 수정시는 사용 안함
     if (!$option->enable_autosave) {
         $enable_autosave = false;
     } elseif (Context::get($option->primary_key_name)) {
         $enable_autosave = false;
     } else {
         $enable_autosave = true;
     // 기본 에디터 컴포넌트 사용 설정
     if (!$option->enable_default_component) {
         $enable_default_component = false;
     } else {
         $enable_default_component = true;
     // 확장 컴포넌트 사용 설정
     if (!$option->enable_component) {
         $enable_component = false;
     } else {
         $enable_component = true;
     // html 모드 조절
     if ($option->disable_html) {
         $html_mode = false;
     } else {
         $html_mode = true;
     // 높이 설정
     if (!$option->height) {
         $editor_height = 400;
     } else {
         $editor_height = $option->height;
     // 스킨 설정
     $skin = $option->skin;
     if (!$skin) {
         $skin = 'xpresseditor';
     $colorset = $option->colorset;
     Context::set('colorset', $colorset);
     Context::set('skin', $skin);
      * 자동백업 기능 체크 (글 수정일 경우는 사용하지 않음)
     if ($enable_autosave) {
         // 자동 저장된 데이터를 추출
         $saved_doc = $this->getSavedDoc($upload_target_srl);
         // 자동 저장 데이터를 context setting
         Context::set('saved_doc', $saved_doc);
     Context::set('enable_autosave', $enable_autosave);
      * 에디터의 고유 번호 추출 (한 페이지에 여러개의 에디터를 출력하는 경우를 대비)
     if ($option->editor_sequence) {
         $editor_sequence = $option->editor_sequence;
     } else {
         if (!$GLOBALS['_editor_sequence_']) {
             $GLOBALS['_editor_sequence_'] = 1;
         $editor_sequence = $GLOBALS['_editor_sequence_']++;
      * 업로드 활성화시 내부적으로 file 모듈의 환경설정을 이용하여 설정
     $files_count = 0;
     if ($allow_fileupload) {
         $oFileModel =& getModel('file');
         // SWFUploader에 세팅할 업로드 설정 구함
         $file_config = $oFileModel->getUploadConfig();
         $file_config->allowed_attach_size = $file_config->allowed_attach_size * 1024 * 1024;
         $file_config->allowed_filesize = $file_config->allowed_filesize * 1024 * 1024;
         Context::set('file_config', $file_config);
         // 업로드 가능 용량등에 대한 정보를 세팅
         $upload_status = $oFileModel->getUploadStatus();
         Context::set('upload_status', $upload_status);
         // upload가능하다고 설정 (내부적으로 캐싱하여 처리)
         $oFileController =& getController('file');
         $oFileController->setUploadInfo($editor_sequence, $upload_target_srl);
         // 이미 등록된 파일이 있는지 검사
         if ($upload_target_srl) {
             $files_count = $oFileModel->getFilesCount($upload_target_srl);
     Context::set('files_count', (int) $files_count);
     Context::set('allow_fileupload', $allow_fileupload);
     // 에디터 동작을 위한 editor_sequence값 설정
     Context::set('editor_sequence', $editor_sequence);
     // 파일 첨부 관련 행동을 하기 위해 문서 번호를 upload_target_srl로 설정
     // 신규문서일 경우 upload_target_srl=0 이고 첨부파일 관련 동작이 요청될때 이 값이 변경됨
     Context::set('upload_target_srl', $upload_target_srl);
     // 문서 혹은 댓글의 primary key값을 세팅한다.
     Context::set('editor_primary_key_name', $option->primary_key_name);
     // 내용을 sync 맞추기 위한 content column name을 세팅한다
     Context::set('editor_content_key_name', $option->content_key_name);
      * 에디터 컴포넌트 체크
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     $site_srl = (int) $site_module_info->site_srl;
     if ($enable_component) {
         if (!Context::get('component_list')) {
             $component_list = $this->getComponentList(true, $site_srl);
             Context::set('component_list', $component_list);
     Context::set('enable_component', $enable_component);
     Context::set('enable_default_component', $enable_default_component);
      * html_mode 가능한지 변수 설정
     Context::set('html_mode', $html_mode);
      * 에디터 세로 크기 설정
     Context::set('editor_height', $editor_height);
     // 에디터의 초기화를 수동으로하는 것에 대한 값 체크
     Context::set('editor_manual_start', $option->manual_start);
      * 템플릿을 미리 컴파일해서 컴파일된 소스를 하기 위해 스킨의 경로를 설정
     $tpl_path = sprintf('%sskins/%s/', $this->module_path, $skin);
     $tpl_file = 'editor.html';
     if (!file_exists($tpl_path . $tpl_file)) {
         $skin = 'xpresseditor';
         $tpl_path = sprintf('%sskins/%s/', $this->module_path, $skin);
     Context::set('editor_path', $tpl_path);
     // load editor skin lang
     Context::loadLang($tpl_path . 'lang');
     // tpl 파일을 compile한 결과를 return
     $oTemplate = new TemplateHandler();
     return $oTemplate->compile($tpl_path, $tpl_file);
Beispiel #29
  * Display FTP Configuration(settings) page
  * @return void
 function dispAdminConfigFtp()
     $ftp_info = Context::getFTPInfo();
     Context::set('ftp_info', $ftp_info);
     Context::set('sftp_support', function_exists(ssh2_sftp));
     //$security = new Security();
Beispiel #30
  * Site map admin menu index page
  * @return void
 function dispMenuAdminSiteMap()
     Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/document/lang/');
     Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/layout/lang/');
     Context::loadLang(_XE_PATH_ . 'modules/autoinstall/lang/');
     $site_srl = Context::get('site_srl');
     $site_module_info = Context::get('site_module_info');
     if (!$site_srl) {
         if ($logged_info->is_admin == 'Y' && !$site_keyword) {
             $site_srl = 0;
         } else {
             $site_srl = (int) $site_module_info->site_srl;
     // process for unlinked modules
     if ($site_srl == 0) {
         $oMenuController = getAdminController('menu');
     $oAdmin = getClass('admin');
     $oMenuAdminModel = getAdminModel('menu');
     $menuListFromDB = $oMenuAdminModel->getMenus();
     if (is_array($menuListFromDB)) {
         $output = array_reverse($menuListFromDB);
     $menuList = array();
     if (is_array($output)) {
         $menuItems = array();
         foreach ($output as $key => $value) {
             if ($value->title == $oAdmin->getAdminMenuName()) {
             } else {
                 unset($menu, $menuItems);
                 //$value->xml_file = sprintf('./files/cache/menu/%s.xml.php',$value->menu_srl);
                 $value->php_file = sprintf(_XE_PATH_ . 'files/cache/menu/%s.php', $value->menu_srl);
                 if (file_exists($value->php_file)) {
                     include $value->php_file;
                 if (count($menu->list) > 0) {
                     foreach ($menu->list as $key2 => $value2) {
                 //array_push($menuList, $value->xml_file);
                 $menuItems = new stdClass();
                 $menuItems->menuSrl = $value->menu_srl;
                 $menuItems->title = $value->title;
                 $menuItems->desc = $value->desc;
                 $menuItems->menuItems = $menu;
                 $menuList[] = $menuItems;
     Context::set('menu_list', $menuList);
     // get installed module list
     $oPageController = getController('page');
     //for lang
     $resultModuleList = $oMenuAdminModel->getModuleListInSitemap($site_srl);
     Context::set('module_list', $resultModuleList);
     $oLayoutModel = getModel('layout');
     $layoutList = $oLayoutModel->getLayoutList();
     Context::set('layout_list', $layoutList);
     // choice theme file
     $theme_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/theme/theme_info.php';
     if (is_readable($theme_file)) {
         include $theme_file;
         Context::set('current_layout', $theme_info->layout);
     } else {
         $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
         $default_mid = $oModuleModel->getDefaultMid();
         Context::set('current_layout', $default_mid->layout_srl);
     // get default group list
     $oMemberModel = getModel('member');
     $output = $oMemberModel->getGroups();
     if (is_array($output)) {
         $groupList = array();
         foreach ($output as $value) {
             $groupList[$value->group_srl] = new stdClass();
             $groupList[$value->group_srl]->group_srl = $value->group_srl;
             $groupList[$value->group_srl]->title = $value->title;
     Context::set('group_list', $groupList);