  * Start server
  * @param   string[] args
 public static function main(array $args)
     $stor = new TestingStorage();
     $stor->add(new TestingCollection('/', $stor));
     $stor->add(new TestingCollection('/.trash', $stor));
     $stor->add(new TestingElement('/.trash/do-not-remove.txt', $stor));
     $stor->add(new TestingCollection('/htdocs', $stor));
     $stor->add(new TestingElement('/htdocs/file with whitespaces.html', $stor));
     $stor->add(new TestingElement('/htdocs/index.html', $stor, "<html/>\n"));
     $stor->add(new TestingCollection('/outer', $stor));
     $stor->add(new TestingCollection('/outer/inner', $stor));
     $stor->add(new TestingElement('/outer/inner/index.html', $stor));
     $auth = newinstance('lang.Object', array(), '{
     public function authenticate($user, $password) {
       return ("testtest" == $user.$password);
     $protocol = newinstance('peer.ftp.server.FtpProtocol', array($stor, $auth), '{
     public function onShutdown($socket, $params) {
       $this->answer($socket, 200, "Shutting down");
       $this->server->terminate= TRUE;
     isset($args[0]) && $protocol->setTrace(Logger::getInstance()->getCategory()->withAppender(new FileAppender($args[0])));
     $s = new Server('', 0);
     try {
         Console::writeLinef('+ Service %s:%d', $s->socket->host, $s->socket->port);
         Console::writeLine('+ Done');
     } catch (Throwable $e) {
         Console::writeLine('- ', $e->getMessage());
 public function getPageResults()
     file_put_contents(Yii::app()->basePath . '/reports/pagehtml.html', $this->pageHtml);
     CVarDumper::dump($this->response, 10, false);
     die('Debug Point');
Beispiel #3
  * Main
  * @param   string[] args
  * @return  int
 public static function main(array $args)
     Console::writeLinef('XP %s { PHP %s & ZE %s } @ %s', xp::version(), phpversion(), zend_version(), php_uname());
     Console::writeLine('Copyright (c) 2001-2013 the XP group');
     foreach (ClassLoader::getLoaders() as $delegate) {
     return 1;
  * Display some information
  * Annotate this method w/ @test to retrieve debug information.
 public function classLoaderInformation()
     with($p = Package::forName('net.xp_framework.unittest.reflection.classes'));
     Console::writeLine('Object     : ', XPClass::forName('lang.Object')->getClassLoader());
     Console::writeLine('This       : ', $this->getClass()->getClassLoader());
     Console::writeLine('ClassOne   : ', $p->loadClass('ClassOne')->getClassLoader());
     Console::writeLine('ClassTwo   : ', $p->loadClass('ClassTwo')->getClassLoader());
     Console::writeLine('ClassThree : ', $p->loadClass('ClassThree')->getClassLoader());
     Console::writeLine('ClassFour  : ', $p->loadClass('ClassFour')->getClassLoader());
     Console::writeLine('ClassFive  : ', $p->loadClass('ClassFive')->getClassLoader());
 public function visit($Object)
     if (is('org.dia.DiaObject', $Object)) {
         Console::writeLine("DiaObject: " . $Object->getName());
     if (is('org.dia.DiaComposite', $Object)) {
         $name = $Object->getName();
         if (isset($name)) {
             Console::writeLine("DiaComposite: {$name}");
  * Start server
  * @param   string[] args
 public static function main(array $args)
     $s = new Server('', 0);
     try {
         Console::writeLinef('+ Service %s:%d', $s->socket->host, $s->socket->port);
         Console::writeLine('+ Done');
     } catch (Throwable $e) {
         Console::writeLine('- ', $e->getMessage());
Beispiel #7
  * Entry point method. Gets passed the following arguments from "xpws -i":
  * <ol>
  *   <li>The web root - defaults to $CWD</li>
  *   <li>The configuration directory - defaults to "etc"</li>
  *   <li>The server profile - default to "dev"</li>
  *   <li>The server address - default to "localhost:8080"</li>
  * </ol>
  * @param   string[] args
 public static function main(array $args)
     $webroot = isset($args[0]) ? realpath($args[0]) : getcwd();
     $configd = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : 'etc';
     $profile = isset($args[2]) ? $args[2] : 'dev';
     $address = isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : 'localhost:8080';
     Console::writeLine('xpws-', $profile, ' @ ', $address, ', ', $webroot, ' {');
     // Dump configured applications
     $conf = new xp·scriptlet·WebConfiguration(new Properties($configd . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'web.ini'));
     foreach ($conf->mappedApplications($profile) as $url => $app) {
         Console::writeLine('  Route<', $url, '*> => ', xp::stringOf($app, '  '));
  * @param   array classnames List of fully qualified class names
  * @param   int recurse default 0
  * @param   bool depend default FALSE
  * @return  &org.dia.DiaDiagram
 public function marshal($classnames, $recurse = 0, $depend = FALSE)
     // create new DiaDiagram
     $Dia = new DiaDiagram();
     // check classnames?
     foreach ($classnames as $classname) {
         try {
             $Class = XPClass::forName($Classname);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Console::writeLine("CLASS NOT FOUND: {$classname}!");
     return TestMarshaller::recurse($Dia, $classnames, $recurse, $depend);
     * Start server
     * @param   string[] args
    public static function main(array $args)
        // Add shutdown message handler
        EascMessageFactory::setHandler(61, newinstance('remote.server.message.EascMessage', array(), '{
        public function getType() { 
          return 61; 
        public function handle($protocol, $data) {
          Logger::getInstance()->getCategory()->debug("Shutting down");
          $protocol->server->terminate= TRUE; 
        $s = new Server('', 0);
        try {
            $protocol = new EascProtocol(newinstance('remote.server.deploy.scan.DeploymentScanner', array(), '{
          private $changed= TRUE;

          public function scanDeployments() {
            $changed= $this->changed;
            $this->changed= FALSE;
            return $changed;

          public function getDeployments() {
            $res= "net/xp_framework/unittest/remote/deploy/beans.test.CalculatorBean.xar";

            with ($d= new Deployment($res)); {
              $d->setClassLoader(new ArchiveClassLoader(new Archive(ClassLoader::getDefault()->getResourceAsStream($res))));

              return array($d);
            Console::writeLinef('+ Service %s:%d', $s->socket->host, $s->socket->port);
            Console::writeLine('+ Done');
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            Console::writeLine('- ', $e->getMessage());
  * Interactive database setup.
  * @param  boolean $overwrite Overwrite existing config
  * @return string
 public function setup($overwrite = false)
      * Output console usage
     if (!$this->console) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('You can only use this action from a console!');
     $this->console->writeLine("ZF2 Phinx Module - Interactive Setup", self::GREEN);
      * Check for existing config
     $zfConfig = $this->config['phinx-module']['zf2-config'];
     $phinxConfig = $this->config['phinx-module']['phinx-config'];
     if (!$overwrite && (file_exists($zfConfig) || file_exists($phinxConfig))) {
         if (file_exists($zfConfig) && !file_exists($phinxConfig)) {
             $this->console->writeLine("ZF2 Config found but Phinx config missing => Config Synced.");
         } else {
             $this->console->writeLine("Existing config file(s) found, unable to continue!", self::LIGHT_RED);
             $this->console->writeLine("Use the --overwrite flag to replace existing config.", self::LIGHT_RED);
      * Ask questions
     $loop = true;
     while ($loop) {
         $this->console->writeLine("MySQL Database connection details:");
         $host = Prompt\Line::prompt("Hostname? [localhost] ", true) ?: 'localhost';
         $port = Prompt\Line::prompt("Port? [3306] ", true) ?: 3306;
         $user = Prompt\Line::prompt("Username? ");
         $pass = Prompt\Line::prompt("Password? ");
         $dbname = Prompt\Line::prompt("Database name? ");
         $loop = !Prompt\Confirm::prompt("Save these details? [y/n]");
      * Build config
     $config = new Config(array('db' => array('dsn' => "mysql:host={$host};dbname={$dbname}", 'username' => $user, 'password' => $pass, 'port' => $port)));
     $writer = new PhpArray();
     $writer->toFile($zfConfig, $config);
     $this->console->writeLine("ZF2 Config file written: {$zfConfig}");
      * Write Phinx config
     $migrations = $this->config['phinx-module']['migrations'];
     $this->writePhinxConfig('mysql', $host, $user, $pass, $dbname, $port, $migrations);
     $this->console->writeLine("Phinx Config file written: {$phinxConfig}");
  * Extract a ".ar" file into a given target directory
  * @param   string base
  * @param   string ar
  * @param   io.Folder target
  * @throws  lang.IllegalStateException in case the target is not found
  * @throws  lang.FormatException in case the .ar-file is not parseable
 protected function extract($base, $ar, Folder $target)
     // Open a HTTP connection
     $url = new URL($base . $ar . '.ar');
     $r = create(new HttpConnection($url))->get();
     if (HttpConstants::STATUS_OK != $r->getStatusCode()) {
         throw new IllegalStateException(sprintf('Unexpected response %d:%s for %s', $r->getStatusCode(), $r->getMessage(), $url->getURL()));
     $in = new BufferedInputStream($r->getInputStream());
     do {
         // Seach for first section header, --[LENGTH]:[FILENAME]-- and parse it
         do {
             $line = $this->readLine($in);
             if (!$in->available()) {
                 throw new FormatException('Cannot locate section header');
         } while (2 !== sscanf($line, '--%d:%[^:]--', $length, $filename));
         // Calculate target file
         $file = new File($target, $filename);
         $folder = new Folder($file->getPath());
         $folder->exists() || $folder->create();
         Console::writef('     >> [%-10s] %s (%.2f kB) [%s]%s', $ar, $filename, $length / 1024, str_repeat('.', self::PROGRESS_INDICATOR_WIDTH), str_repeat("", self::PROGRESS_INDICATOR_WIDTH + 1));
         // Transfer length bytes into file
         $c = 0;
         $out = $file->getOutputStream();
         $size = 0;
         while ($size < $length) {
             $chunk = $in->read(min(0x1000, $length - $size));
             $size += strlen($chunk);
             // Update progress
             $d = ceil($size / $length * self::PROGRESS_INDICATOR_WIDTH);
             if ($d == $c) {
             Console::write(str_repeat('#', $d - $c));
             $c = $d;
     } while ($in->available() > 0);
Beispiel #12
  * Main
  * @param   string[] args
 public static function main(array $args)
     $way = array_shift($args);
     // Read sourcecode from STDIN if no further argument is given
     if (0 === sizeof($args)) {
         $src = file_get_contents('php://stdin');
     } else {
         $src = $args[0];
     $src = trim($src, ' ;') . ';';
     // Extract uses() and load classes
     if (0 === strncmp($src, 'uses', 4)) {
         $p = strpos($src, ');');
         $uses = substr($src, 5, $p - 5);
         // "uses("
         $src = substr($src, $p + 2);
         // ");"
         foreach (explode(',', $uses) as $class) {
             uses(trim($class, '" '));
     // Allow missing return
     strstr($src, 'return ') || strstr($src, 'return;') || ($src = 'return ' . $src);
     // Rewrite argc, argv
     $argv = array(xp::nameOf(__CLASS__)) + $args;
     $argc = sizeof($argv);
     // Perform
     $return = eval($src);
     switch ($way) {
         case '-w':
         case '-d':
  * Perform this action
  * @param   string[] args
 public function perform(array $args)
     $installation = new Installation();
     $installation->setBase(new Folder(isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : dirname(Runtime::getInstance()->bootstrapScript()) . '/..'));
     $force = in_array('-f', $args);
     with($version = $installation->getVersion());
     Console::writeLine('===> Local version ', $version, ' @ ', $installation->getBase());
     if (strstr($version, '-dev')) {
         Console::writeLine('*** Cannot update development checkouts');
         return 2;
     // Query releases website for newer versions
     $c = new HttpConnection(self::UPGRADE_URL);
     $r = $c->get(new RequestData($version));
     switch ($r->getStatusCode()) {
         case HttpConstants::STATUS_OK:
         case HttpConstants::STATUS_NOT_EXTENDED:
             Console::writeLine('*** ', $this->readLine($r->getInputStream()));
             return 2;
         case HttpConstants::STATUS_SEE_OTHER:
             $upgrade = $r->getHeader('X-Upgrade-To');
             $base = $r->getHeader('Location');
             Console::writeLine('---> Upgrading to ', $upgrade, ' (', $base, ')');
             $target = new Folder($installation->getBase(), $upgrade);
             $target->exists() || $target->create();
             // Verify dependencies
             $this->extract($base, 'depend', $target);
             with($p = new Properties($target->getURI() . 'depend.ini'));
             $verify = 1;
             $rtversion = phpversion();
             $extensions = array_flip(array_map('strtolower', get_loaded_extensions()));
             foreach ($p->readSection('php') as $op => $compare) {
                 if (!version_compare(phpversion(), $compare, $op)) {
                     $verify &= $this->error('PHP version ' . $op . ' ' . $compare . ' required, have ' . $rtversion);
             foreach ($p->readSection('ext.required') as $ext => $usage) {
                 if (!isset($extensions[$ext])) {
                     $verify &= $this->error('PHP Extension ' . $ext . ' required for ' . $usage);
             foreach ($p->readSection('ext.conflict') as $ext => $usage) {
                 if (isset($extensions[$ext])) {
                     $verify &= $this->error('PHP Extension ' . $ext . ' conflicts (' . $usage . ')');
             foreach ($p->readSection('ext.optional') as $ext => $usage) {
                 if (!isset($extensions[$ext])) {
                     $verify &= $this->error('PHP Extension ' . $ext . ' not found, needed for ' . $usage . ' (ignoring)');
             foreach ($p->readSection('ini') as $setting => $match) {
                 $value = ini_get($setting);
                 if (!preg_match($match, $value)) {
                     $verify &= $this->error('PHP .ini setting ' . $setting . ' needs to match ' . $match . ' (but is ' . $value . ')');
             // Remove depend.ini, finally check if we should continue
             create(new File($p->getFilename()))->unlink();
             if (!$verify) {
                 if (!$force) {
                     return 3;
                 Console::writeLine('!!! Ignoring errors because -f was passed');
             // Download base, tools, libraries and meta information
             $this->extract($base, 'base', $target);
             $this->extract($base, 'tools', $target);
             $this->extract($base, 'lib', $target);
             $this->extract($base, 'meta-inf', $target);
             // Verify it works by running the XP Framework core unittests
             $tests = array('net.xp_framework.unittest.core.**');
             Console::writeLine('---> Running tests with [USE_XP=', $upgrade, ']:');
             $rt = Runtime::getInstance();
             set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(rtrim($target->getURI(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), '', $target->getURI() . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'xp-net.xp_framework-' . $upgrade . '.xar')));
             with($p = $rt->newInstance($rt->startupOptions(), 'class', 'xp.unittest.Runner', $tests));
             while (!$p->out->eof()) {
             while (!$p->err->eof()) {
             $exit = $p->close();
             // Nonzero exit means failure
             if (0 !== $exit) {
                 Console::writeLine('*** Test run failed, please consult above error messsages');
                 return 2;
             Console::writeLine('===> Done, installed @ ', $target);
             return 0;
             throw new IllegalStateException('Unexpected response ' . xp::stringOf($r));
  * Main method
  * @param   string[] args
 public static function main($args)
     $sorted = ArrayList::newInstance($args)->sorted();
     Console::writeLine('create(new ArrayList(array(', implode(', ', $args), ')))->sorted()= ', $sorted);
Beispiel #15
  * Main runner method
  * @param   string[] args
 public static function main(array $args)
     if (!$args) {
     // Parse arguments
     $output = '-';
     for ($i = 0, $s = sizeof($args); $i < $s; $i++) {
         if ('-O' == $args[$i]) {
             $output = $args[++$i];
         } else {
             if ('-?' == $args[$i] || '--help' == $args[$i]) {
             } else {
                 $package = $args[$i];
     // Load generator class
     try {
         $class = Package::forName('xp.codegen')->getPackage($package)->loadClass('Generator');
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         Console::$err->writeLine('*** No generator named "' . $package . '"');
     $params = new ParamString(array_slice($args, $i + 1));
     if ($params->exists('help', '?')) {
     // Instantiate generator
     $generator = $class->newInstance($params);
     $generator->storage = new FileSystemStorage(System::tempDir());
     // Output
     if ('-' === $output) {
         $generator->output = new ConsoleOutput(Console::$err);
     } else {
         if (strstr($output, '.xar')) {
             $generator->output = new ArchiveOutput($output);
         } else {
             $generator->output = new FileSystemOutput($output);
     $generator->output->addObserver(newinstance('util.Observer', array(), '{
     public function update($obs, $arg= NULL) { Console::writeLine("     >> ", $arg); }
     Console::writeLine('===> Starting ', $generator);
     // Compile target chain
     $empty = new ArrayList();
     $targets = create('new util.collections.HashTable<lang.reflect.Method, util.collections.HashTable<string, lang.Generic>>()');
     foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) {
         if (!$method->hasAnnotation('target')) {
         $target = create('new util.collections.HashTable<string, lang.Generic>()');
         // Fetch dependencies
         if ($method->hasAnnotation('target', 'depends')) {
             $depends = create('new util.collections.Vector<lang.reflect.Method>()');
             foreach ((array) $method->getAnnotation('target', 'depends') as $dependency) {
                 $depends[] = $class->getMethod($dependency);
             $target['depends'] = $depends;
         // Fetch input
         if ($method->hasAnnotation('target', 'input')) {
             $arguments = create('new util.collections.Vector<lang.reflect.Method>()');
             foreach ((array) $method->getAnnotation('target', 'input') as $input) {
                 $arguments[] = $class->getMethod($input);
             $target['arguments'] = $arguments;
         $targets->put($method, $target);
     // Invoke
     try {
         foreach ($targets->keys() as $method) {
             self::invoke($generator, $method, $targets);
     } catch (TargetInvocationException $e) {
         Console::$err->writeLine('*** ', $e->getCause());
     Console::writeLine('===> Done');
Beispiel #16
  * Main
  * @param   string[] args
 public static function main(array $args)
     if (sizeof($args) < 1 || '' == $args[0]) {
         Console::$err->writeLine('*** No class or package name given');
         return 2;
     // Check whether a file, class or a package directory or name is given
     $cl = ClassLoader::getDefault();
     if (strstr($args[0], xp::CLASS_FILE_EXT)) {
         $class = self::findClassBy(new File($args[0]));
     } else {
         if ($cl->providesClass($args[0])) {
             $class = XPClass::forName($args[0], $cl);
         } else {
             if (strcspn($args[0], '\\/') < strlen($args[0])) {
                 $package = self::findPackageBy(new Folder($args[0]));
             } else {
                 $package = $args[0];
             $provided = FALSE;
             foreach (ClassLoader::getLoaders() as $loader) {
                 if (!$loader->providesPackage($package)) {
                 Console::writeLine('@', $loader);
                 $provided = TRUE;
             if ($provided) {
                 return 0;
             // Not found
             Console::$err->writeLine('*** Failed to locate either a class or a package named "', $args[0], '", tried all of {');
             foreach (ClassLoader::getLoaders() as $loader) {
                 Console::$err->writeLine('  ', $loader);
             return 1;
     Console::writeLine('@', $class->getClassLoader());
     if ($class->isInterface()) {
     } else {
         if ($class->isEnum()) {
         } else {
     return 0;
  * Return XML representation of DiaComposite
  * @return  xml.Node
 public function getNode()
     $node = parent::getNode();
     if (isset($this->type)) {
         $node->setAttribute('type', $this->type);
     } elseif (!is('org.dia.DiaRole', $this)) {
         // DiaRole has no type...
         Console::writeLine("Composite 'type' is not set!");
     return $node;
Beispiel #18
        $Dia->saveTo($file, FALSE);
    } else {
        // else: update diagram
        Console::writeLine('Diagram file found: updating classes...');
        // initialize objects
        try {
            // Visitor checks if the given classes exist
            $Visitor = new UpdateVisitor($classes, TRUE, TRUE);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
        Console::writeLine('Parsing XML diagram file...');
        try {
            $Dia = DiaUnmarshaller::unmarshal($file);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
        // do the updates
        Console::writeLine('Running visitor...');
        Console::writeLine('Finalize visitor...');
        // write changes back to file if the visitor has changed something
        if ($Visitor->changedClasses()) {
            Console::writeLine('Writing changes back to diagram file...');
            $Dia->saveTo($file, FALSE);
Beispiel #19
 public static function writeTitle($title, $color = null)
     Console::writeLine("---------------------------", $color);
     Console::writeLine($title, $color);
     Console::writeLine("---------------------------", $color);
  * Accepts a Visitor object
  * @param   lang.Visitor Visitor
 public function accept($Visitor)
     $children = $this->getChildren();
     foreach (array_keys($children) as $key) {
         if (!is_object($children[$key])) {
             Console::writeLine("NON-object: {$key}=" . xp::typeOf($children[$key]));
             if (is_array($children[$key])) {
             Console::writeLine('Parent: ' . $this->getName() . '=' . xp::typeOf($this));
         } else {
 public function afterAction($action, $params, $exitCode = 0)
     Console::writeLine('Command ended');
     return parent::afterAction($action, $params, $exitCode);
Beispiel #22
  * Entry point
  * @param   text.doclet.RootDoc root
  * @return  var
 public function start(RootDoc $root)
     $this->processor = new MarkupBuilder();
     // Option: API (will be used in title, default: none)
     $this->api = $this->option('api');
     // Option: Gen (will be used in footer)
     $this->gen = $this->option('gen');
     // Option: CSS to embed (filename, default: none)
     if ($css = $this->option('css')) {
         $this->css = FileUtil::getContents(new File($css));
     // Option: Output folder (default: Current directory, created if non-existant)
     $target = new Folder($this->option('output', '.'));
     $target->exists() || $target->create();
     // Compute hierarchy
     $this->hierarchy = array();
     $seen = array();
     while ($this->classes->hasNext()) {
         $class = $this->classes->next();
         if (isset($seen[$class->qualifiedName()])) {
         $seen[$class->qualifiedName()] = TRUE;
         $key = $class->containingPackage()->name();
         if (!isset($this->hierarchy[$key])) {
             $sub = new Folder($target, strtr($key, '.', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
             $sub->exists() || $sub->create();
             $this->hierarchy[$key] = array('target' => $sub, 'doc' => $class->containingPackage(), 'contents' => array(INTERFACE_CLASS => array(), ORDINARY_CLASS => array(), ENUM_CLASS => array(), EXCEPTION_CLASS => array(), ERROR_CLASS => array()));
         $this->hierarchy[$key]['contents'][$class->classType()][] = $class;
     // Generate HTML files
     $this->writeOverview($this->hierarchy, $target)->close();
     Console::writeLine($target, ']');
Beispiel #23
 public function start()
     $this->requests_count = 0;
     Console::writeTitle('Welcome to Brutor!');
     for ($i = 0; $this->opt['times'] === 'forever' ? true : $i < $this->opt['times']; $i++) {
         $wait_per_ip = false;
         Console::writeLine("\nProcessing new request (" . ++$this->requests_count . ")", ConsoleColor::purple);
         try {
             Console::write("New IP is: ");
             $this->ip = $this->getIP();
             Console::writeLine($this->ip, ConsoleColor::brown);
             for ($j = 0; $j < $this->opt['times_per_ip']; $j++) {
                 Console::write("Making CURL request... ");
                 $response = $this->curlRequest($this->opt['curl_request']);
                 Console::writeLine("OK!", ConsoleColor::green);
                 $continue = @call_user_func($this->opt['curl_continue'], $response) ?: false;
                 if ($continue == false) {
                     Console::writeLine("Breaking (globally) caused by 'curl_continue' callback.", ConsoleColor::cyan);
                     break 2;
                 $continue_per_ip = false;
                 $continue_per_ip = @call_user_func($this->opt['curl_continue_per_ip'], $response) ?: false;
                 if ($continue_per_ip == false) {
                     Console::writeLine("Breaking (per IP) caused by 'curl_continue_per_ip' callback.", ConsoleColor::cyan);
                     break 1;
                 $wait_per_ip = true;
             if ($wait_per_ip) {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Console::writeLine("\n" . $e->getMessage(), ConsoleColor::red);
Beispiel #24

require 'lang.base.php';
uses('org.dia.DiaUnmarshaller', 'org.dia.UpdateVisitor');
// TODO: => unittest...
Console::writeLine('============= Unmarshaller ==========');
$Dia = DiaUnmarshaller::unmarshal('DiaClasses.dia');
$Dia->saveTo('DiaClasses_parsed.dia', FALSE);
Console::writeLine('============= Visitor ===============');
$Visitor = new UpdateVisitor(array(), FALSE, TRUE);
$Dia->saveTo('DiaClasses_updated.dia', FALSE);
  * Start server
  * @param   string[] args
 public static function main(array $args)
     $protocol = newinstance('peer.server.ServerProtocol', array(), '{
     public function initialize() { }
     public function handleDisconnect($socket) { }
     public function handleError($socket, $e) { }
     public function handleConnect($socket) { }
     public function handleData($socket) {
       $cmd= $socket->readLine();
       switch (substr($cmd, 0, 4)) {
         case "ECHO": {
           $socket->write("+ECHO ".substr($cmd, 5)."\\n"); 
         case "LINE": {
           sscanf(substr($cmd, 5), "%d %s", $l, $sep);
           for ($i= 0, $sbytes= urldecode($sep); $i < $l; $i++) {
             $socket->write("+LINE ".$i.$sbytes); 
           $socket->write("+LINE .\\n");
         case "CLOS": {
         case "HALT": {
           $this->server->terminate= TRUE; 
     $s = new Server('', 0);
     try {
         Console::writeLinef('+ Service %s:%d', $s->socket->host, $s->socket->port);
         Console::writeLine('+ Done');
     } catch (Throwable $e) {
         Console::writeLine('- ', $e->getMessage());
Beispiel #26
 * $Id$
require 'lang.base.php';
uses('util.cmd.ParamString', 'org.dia.DiaUnmarshaller', 'org.dia.UpdateVisitor');
$P = new ParamString();
$diagram = $P->value(1);
if (!file_exists($diagram)) {
    Console::writeLine("You need to specify an existing dia diagram file as first parameter!");
// parse diagram
try {
    $Dia = DiaUnmarshaller::unmarshal($diagram);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// visitor that updates all existing classes in the diagram
try {
    $V = new UpdateVisitor(array(), FALSE, TRUE);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// only needed when adding classes...
// save back to diagram file (uncompressed)
$Dia->saveTo($diagram, FALSE);
Console::writeLine("Successfully updated the diagram: '{$diagram}' :)");
Beispiel #27
require 'lang.base.php';
uses('util.cmd.Console', 'io.File', 'io.ZipFile', 'xml.dom.Document', 'org.dia.DiaDiagram', 'org.dia.DiaText', 'org.dia.DiaMarshaller', 'org.dia.DiaUnmarshaller');
// create new empty diagram:
$Dia = new DiaDiagram();
$BgLayer = $Dia->getChild('Background');
$BgLayer->addObject(new DiaText());
//$Dia= &DiaMarshaller::marshal(array('object.TdocVertrag'), $recurse= 1, $depend= FALSE);
// read an existing diagram
$file = getcwd() . '/test-read.dia';
Console::writeLine("Using file: {$file}");
DiaUnmarshaller::unmarshal($file, array('org.dia.DiaDiagram', 'lang.Object'));
// try opening (zipped) file
// hint: ZipFile also handles unzipped files...
/*  try (); {
    $dia_file= &new ZipFile($file) &&
  } if (catch('Exception', $e)) {

  // get the encoding from file
  //$xml_encoding= $dia_file->readLine();
  $dia_xml= $dia_file->read($dia_file->size());
  * Adds the given class to the 'Background' layer of the diagram
  * @param   &text.doclet.ClassDoc ClassDoc
 protected function _addClass($ClassDoc)
     // check for DiaDiagram instance
     if (!isset($this->Dia)) {
         Console::writeLine('DiaDiagram object not defined!');
     // get background layer
     $Layer = $this->Dia->getLayer('Background');
     // create new (empty) UMLClass and update it
     $Class = new DiaUMLClass();
     $this->_updateClass($Class, $ClassDoc);
     // add the class to the background layer
     $this->added_classes[] = $ClassDoc->qualifiedName();
 public function writeLine()
     $this->assertEquals(".\n", $this->streams[1]->getBytes());
  * Process XML with the annotated methods of the given class
  * @param   xml.XPath XPath Instance of xml.XPath
  * @param   php.DomNode Context The XML node to recurse from
  * @param   string classname Fully qualified class name
 public static function recurse($XPath, $Context, $classname)
     if (DIA_UNM_DEBUG) {
         Console::writeLine('recurse: ' . $Context->tagname() . "-> {$classname}");
     $Class = XPClass::forName($classname);
     $Instance = $Class->newInstance();
     if (DIA_UNM_DEBUG) {
         Console::writeLine('Instance: ' . $Instance->getClassName());
     // loop over class methods with annotation 'fromDia'
     $methods = $Class->getMethods();
     foreach (array_keys($methods) as $key) {
         $Method = $methods[$key];
         if (!$Method->hasAnnotation('fromDia', 'xpath')) {
         $name = $Method->getName();
         $xpath = $Method->getAnnotation('fromDia', 'xpath');
         if (DIA_UNM_DEBUG) {
             Console::writeLine("--> Method: {$name} Xpath: {$xpath}");
         // continue if this fails: some expressions don't work on WRONG nodes...
         try {
             $result = $XPath->query($xpath, $Context);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if (DIA_UNM_DEBUG) {
             $nodename = $Context->tagname();
             if ($Context->has_attribute('type')) {
                 $type = $Context->get_attribute('type');
             } else {
                 $type = '<unknown>';
             if (DIA_UNM_DEBUG) {
                 Console::writeLine("Warn: XPath= '{$xpath}' failed on Node= '{$nodename}' Type= '{$type}'");
             // skip this method/expression
         if (DIA_UNM_DEBUG) {
             Console::writeLine('  + Size of nodeset: ' . sizeof($result->nodeset));
         // loop over nodeset
         foreach (array_keys($result->nodeset) as $key) {
             $Node = $result->nodeset[$key];
             // key 'value' (simple value)
             if ($Method->hasAnnotation('fromDia', 'value')) {
                 $type = $Method->getAnnotation('fromDia', 'value');
                 if (DIA_UNM_DEBUG) {
                     Console::writeLine("  + Value-type: '{$type}'");
                 // get node value depending on nod type
                 if (is('domattribute', $Node)) {
                     $nodevalue = $Node->value();
                 } elseif (is('domelement', $Node)) {
                     // remove whitespace and leading/trailing '#' character
                     $content = $Node->get_content();
                     if (isset($content) and $content !== '') {
                         $nodevalue = substr(trim($Node->get_content()), 1, -1);
                     } else {
                         $nodevalue = '';
                 } elseif (is('domnamespace', $Node)) {
                     $nodevalue = array($Node->prefix() => $Node->namespace_uri());
                 } else {
                     Console::writeLine('Unknown node class: ' . xp::stringOf($Node));
                 switch ($type) {
                     case 'namespace':
                         if (!is_array($nodevalue) or empty($nodevalue)) {
                             Console::writeLine("Nodevalue is no array or is empty: {$nodevalue}");
                         $value = $nodevalue;
                     case 'enum':
                     case 'int':
                         $nodevalue = cast($nodevalue, 'int');
                         if (!is_int($nodevalue)) {
                             Console::writeLine("Nodevalue is no integer: {$nodevalue}");
                         $value = $nodevalue;
                     case 'real':
                         $nodevalue = cast($nodevalue, 'float');
                         if (!is_real($nodevalue) and !is_int($nodevalue)) {
                             Console::writeLine("Nodevalue is no float/integer: {$nodevalue}");
                         $value = $nodevalue;
                     case 'string':
                         $nodevalue = cast($nodevalue, 'string');
                         if (!is_string($nodevalue)) {
                             Console::writeLine("Nodevalue is no string: {$nodevalue}");
                         $value = $nodevalue;
                     case 'boolean':
                         $value = NULL;
                         if ($nodevalue === 'false') {
                             $value = FALSE;
                         if ($nodevalue === 'true') {
                             $value = TRUE;
                         if (!is_bool($value)) {
                             Console::writeLine("Nodevalue is no boolean: {$nodevalue}");
                     case 'point':
                     case 'array':
                         // comma separated list of values
                         $value = explode(',', $nodevalue);
                     case 'rectangle':
                     case 'arrayarray':
                         // semicolon and comma separated list of values
                         $points = explode(';', $nodevalue);
                         $value = array();
                         foreach ($points as $point) {
                             $value[] = explode(',', $point);
                     case 'font':
                         if (is('domelement', $Node)) {
                             $value = array();
                             $value['family'] = $Node->get_attribute('family');
                             $value['style'] = $Node->get_attribute('style');
                             $value['name'] = $Node->get_attribute('name');
                         } else {
                             Console::writeLine('Wrong font node: ' . xp::stringOf($Node));
                         Console::writeLine("!!!Unknown 'value' type: '{$type}'!");
                 $Method->invoke($Instance, array($value));
             // key 'class'
             if ($Method->hasAnnotation('fromDia', 'class')) {
                 $classname = $Method->getAnnotation('fromDia', 'class');
                 if (DIA_UNM_DEBUG) {
                     Console::writeLine("  + Class: {$classname}");
                 // recurse with given classname
                 $Obj = DiaUnmarshaller::recurse($XPath, $Node, $classname);
                 // hand results over to the method
                 $Method->invoke($Instance, array($Obj));
     return $Instance;