  * Control the main setup process
  * @param array $data
  * $data['data'] Data (array or ...) to store
  * $data['file'] File to store
  * $data['var_name'] Name of the data array or ...
  * $data['type'] Data type
 function perform($data = FALSE)
     // include PEAR Config class
     include_once SF_BASE_DIR . 'modules/common/PEAR/Config.php';
     $c = new Config();
     $root =& $c->parseConfig($data['data'], $data['type']);
     // save the modified config array
     $c->writeConfig($data['file'], $data['type'], array('name' => $data['var_name']));
  * Control the main setup process
  * @param array $data
 function perform($data)
     // include PEAR Config class
     include_once SF_BASE_DIR . 'modules/common/PEAR/Config.php';
     $c = new Config();
     $root =& $c->parseConfig($data, 'PHPArray');
     // save the modified config array
     $c->writeConfig(SF_BASE_DIR . 'modules/common/config/config.php', 'PHPArray', array('name' => 'this->B->sys'));
Beispiel #3
 public function WriteSettings($configFilePath, $mergedSettings)
     if (!array_key_exists(Configuration::SETTINGS, $mergedSettings)) {
         $mergedSettings = array(Configuration::SETTINGS => $mergedSettings);
     $config = new Config();
     $config->parseConfig($mergedSettings, 'PHPArray');
     $config->writeConfig($configFilePath, 'PHPArray', $mergedSettings);
 function configureTestFromArray($aConfigurationEntries, $configFilename)
     $config = new Config();
     $configContainer =& $config->parseConfig(CONFIG_TEMPLATE, 'inifile');
     foreach ($aConfigurationEntries as $configurationEntry) {
         $aConfigurationEntry = explode("=", $configurationEntry);
         list($configurationKey, $configurationValue) = $aConfigurationEntry;
         list($sectionName, $variableName) = explode('.', $configurationKey);
         $section =& $configContainer->getItem('section', $sectionName);
         $section->setDirective($variableName, $configurationValue);
     $config->writeConfig($configFilename, 'inifile');
Beispiel #5
 function config()
     if ($_POST) {
         // Use the config lib to convert $_POST into something writable
         $conf = Config::prepareConfigToWrite($_POST);
         // Update config
         // Set flash message
         Application::flash('success', 'App config updated!');
         // Force redirect to reload app with new config
         header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
     $this->loadView('admin/config', null, 'admin');
  * Control the main setup process
  * @param array $data
  * $data['data'] Data (array or ...) to store
  * $data['file'] File to store
  * $data['var_name'] Name of the data array or ...
  * $data['type'] Data type
  * $data['reload'] Reload page if true
  * @param array $data
 function perform(&$data)
     // include PEAR Config class
     include_once SF_BASE_DIR . 'modules/common/PEAR/Config.php';
     $c = new Config();
     $root =& $c->parseConfig($data['data'], $data['type']);
     // save the modified config array
     $c->writeConfig($data['file'], $data['type'], array('name' => $data['var_name']));
     if ($data['reload'] == TRUE) {
         // reload page
         @header('Location: ' . SF_BASE_LOCATION . '/' . SF_CONTROLLER . '?' . SF_ADMIN_CODE . '=1');
     return SF_IS_VALID_ACTION;
  * test to ensure that special characters
  * are written and read correctly
  * IniCommented config class should quote all special chars
  * except backslash and single quote
  * note: parse_ini_file() will break array on double quote
 function test_iniFile()
     $min = 32;
     $max = 126;
     for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) {
         if ($i == 34 || $i == 36) {
             // '"' (any version) and '$' (5.3) break the test
         $aIni = array();
         $aIni['test1'][$i] = 'test' . chr($i);
         $aIni['test2'][$i] = chr($i) . 'test';
         $aIni['test3'][$i] = 'te' . chr($i) . 'st';
         $ini = MAX_PATH . '/var/test_' . $i . '.ini';
         $oConfig = new Config();
         $oConfig->parseConfig($aIni, 'phpArray');
         $this->assertTrue($oConfig->writeConfig($ini, 'IniCommented'));
         $aResult = @parse_ini_file($ini, true);
         $this->assertEqual($aResult['test1'][$i], $aIni['test1'][$i], 'ERROR:' . $i);
         $this->assertEqual($aResult['test2'][$i], $aIni['test2'][$i], 'ERROR:' . $i);
         $this->assertEqual($aResult['test3'][$i], $aIni['test3'][$i], 'ERROR:' . $i);
  * A method to write the configuration file for plugin. Also creates "fake"
  * configuration files when required by multi-host installations.
  * @static
  * @param array $aConfig The configuration array to save as a configuration file.
  * @param string $module The plugin module name (i.e. /plugins/module directory).
  * @param string $package An optional plugin package name (i.e. /plugins/module/package
  *                        directory). If not given, writes the module level
  *                        configuration file path.
  * @param string $name An optional plugin name (i.e. /plugins/module/package/plugin.plugin.php).
  *                     If not given, writes the package level configuration file, or
  *                     the module level configuration file, depending on the $package
  *                     parameter.
  * @return boolean True on success, false otherwise.
 function writePluginConfig($aConfig, $module, $package = null, $name = null)
     $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     // Prepare the config file for writing, using the delivery engine
     // host as the hostname for the "real" config file
     $url = @parse_url('http://' . $conf['webpath']['delivery']);
     if (!isset($url['host'])) {
         return false;
     $deliveryHost = $url['host'];
     $configFileName = MAX_Plugin::getConfigFileName($module, $package, $name, false, $deliveryHost);
     if (!file_exists($configFileName)) {
         MAX_Plugin::copyDefaultConfig($module, $package, $name);
     // Create a new config class, parse the config array, and write to disk
     $oConfig = new Config();
     $oConfig->parseConfig($aConfig, 'phpArray');
     $result = $oConfig->writeConfig($configFileName, 'inifile');
     if ($result == false || PEAR::isError($result)) {
         return false;
     // Check the other possible host names, and write out the fake
     // configuration files if different
     $url = @parse_url('http://' . $conf['webpath']['admin']);
     if (isset($url['host'])) {
         $adminHost = $url['host'];
         if ($adminHost != $deliveryHost) {
             // Create fake file for this host
             $configFileName = MAX_Plugin::getConfigFileName($module, $package, $name, false, $adminHost);
             $aConfig = array('realConfig' => $deliveryHost);
             $oConfig = new Config();
             $oConfig->parseConfig($aConfig, 'phpArray');
             if (!$oConfig->writeConfig($configFileName, 'inifile')) {
                 return false;
     $url = @parse_url('http://' . $conf['webpath']['deliverySSL']);
     if (isset($url['host'])) {
         $deliverySslHost = $url['host'];
         if ($deliverySslHost != $deliveryHost) {
             // Create fake file for this host
             $configFileName = MAX_Plugin::getConfigFileName($module, $package, $name, false, $deliverySslHost);
             $aConfig = array('realConfig' => $deliveryHost);
             $oConfig = new Config();
             $oConfig->parseConfig($aConfig, 'phpArray');
             if (!$oConfig->writeConfig($configFileName, 'inifile')) {
                 return false;
     return true;
if (!empty($_POST)) {
    require_once 'includes/config.php';
    require_once 'includes/database.php';
    $config = new Config();
    $db = new Database();
    if ($config->checkPostData($_POST)) {
        //        if (!$db->createDatabase($_POST)) {
        //            $error = "The database could not be created, please verify your settings.";
        //        } else
        if (!$db->createTable($_POST)) {
            $error = "The database tables could not be created, please verify your settings.";
        } else {
            if (!$db->createAdmin($_POST)) {
                $error = "The admin details could not be saved. Please verify.";
            } else {
                if (!$config->writeConfig($_POST)) {
                    $error = "The configuration file could not be written, \n                    please chmod the files to 0777";
                } else {
                    if (!$config->createExtraction($_POST['base_url'])) {
                        $error = "The extraction js file could not be written, \n                    please chmod the files to 0777";
        if (!isset($error)) {
            header('Location: ' . $redirect_url . 'status.php?status=1');
    } else {
        $error = "Please fill out all the fields";
// Parses and writes an existing php array $conf
$conf['storage']['driver'] = 'sql';
$conf['storage']['params']['phptype'] = 'mysql';
$conf['storage']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
$conf['storage']['params']['username'] = '******';
$conf['storage']['params']['password'] = '******';
$conf['menu']['apps'] = array('imp', 'turba');
$conf['stdcontent']['para'][0] = 'This is really cool !';
$conf['stdcontent']['para'][1] = 'It just rocks...';
$c = new Config();
$root =& $c->parseConfig($conf, 'phparray');
$storage =& $root->getItem('section', 'storage');
echo '<pre>' . $root->toString('phparray', array('name' => 'test')) . '</pre>';
if ($c->writeConfig('/tmp/Config_Test.php', 'phparray', array('name' => 'test')) === true) {
    echo 'Config written into /tmp/Config_Test.php';
// Making a php ini file with $storage only
$ini = new Config();
$iniRoot =& $ini->getRoot();
$comment =& new Config_Container('comment', null, 'This is the php ini version of storage');
$iniRoot->addItem($comment, 'top');
$iniRoot->createBlank('after', $comment);
echo '<pre>' . $iniRoot->toString('inicommented') . '</pre>';
// Gonna make an array with it
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
// Now, I'll parse you php.ini file and make it a php array
Beispiel #11
 function writeDefaultConfigFile($configPath, $configFile, $newHost)
     $file = $configPath . '/default' . $configFile . '.conf.php';
     if (!OA_Admin_Settings::isConfigWritable($file)) {
         return false;
     $aConfig = array('realConfig' => $newHost);
     $oConfig = new Config();
     $oConfigContainer =& $oConfig->parseConfig($aConfig, 'phpArray');
     $oConfigContainer->createComment('*** DO NOT REMOVE THE LINE ABOVE ***', 'top');
     $oConfigContainer->createComment('<' . '?php exit; ?>', 'top');
     return $oConfig->writeConfig($file, 'IniCommented');
Beispiel #12
  * Creating the config file
  * @param array $answers The $answers passed over from the run() method.
  * @return bool True on success, otherwise false.
 function setupEnvironment($answers)
     $this->_ui->outputData('Writing config file');
     $config = new Config();
     $root = $config->getRoot();
     $root->createItem('directive', strtoupper('path_include'), '@php-dir@');
     foreach ($this->settings as $setting) {
         $root->createItem('directive', strtoupper($setting), $answers[$setting]);
     $error_check = $config->writeConfig($this->_config_file, 'phpconstants', array('name' => 'config'));
     if (PEAR::isError($error_check)) {
         return false;
     $this->_ui->outputData('Config file written: ' . $this->_config_file);
     return true;
Beispiel #13
  * A method to write a .links.ini file.
  * @param string $file_links The path to the .links.ini file.
  * @param array  $link_array An array of all the links
  * @return mixed PEAR_Error on error or true if ok.
  *  Array
  *  (
  *      [acls] => Array
  *          (
  *              [bannerid] => Array
  *                  (
  *                      [table] => banners
  *                      [field] => bannerid
  *                  )
  *          )
  *  )
  * or
  *  Array
  *  (
  *      [acls] => Array
  *          (
  *              [bannerid] => banners:bannerid
  *          )
  *  )
 function writeLinksDotIni($file_links, $link_array)
     $links = new Config();
     $root =& $links->parseConfig($file_links, 'inifile');
     $root = $root->toArray();
     $root = $root['root'];
     foreach ($link_array as $table => $array) {
         foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
             if (is_array($v)) {
                 $array[$k] = "{$v['table']}:{$v['field']}";
         if (count($array)) {
             $root[$table] = $array;
         } else {
     $links = new Config();
     $links->parseConfig($root, 'phparray');
     return $links->writeConfig($file_links, 'inifile');
Beispiel #14
  * Create config for adm
 public function createAdmConfig($servarray)
     //check for the directory structure
     if (!file_exists($this->objConfig->getcontentBasePath() . 'adm/')) {
         mkdir($this->objConfig->getcontentBasePath() . 'adm/', 0777);
     // write the server list file
     $cfile = $this->objConfig->getcontentBasePath() . 'adm/adm.xml';
     if (!file_exists($cfile)) {
         $conf = new Config_Container('section', 'adm');
         $conf_serv =& $conf->createSection($servarray['name']);
         $conf_serv->createDirective('servername', $servarray['name']);
         $conf_serv->createDirective('serverapiurl', $servarray['url']);
         $conf_serv->createDirective('serveremail', $servarray['email']);
         $conf_serv->createDirective('regtime', date('r'));
         $config = new Config();
         // write the container to an XML document
         $config->writeConfig($cfile, 'XML');
     } else {
         // update the xml with the new server
         $root =& $config->parseConfig($cfile, 'XML', array('name' => 'adm'));
         $conf_serv =& $root->createSection($servarray['name']);
         $conf_serv->createDirective('servername', $servarray['name']);
         $conf_serv->createDirective('serverapiurl', $servarray['url']);
         $conf_serv->createDirective('serveremail', $servarray['email']);
         $conf_serv->createDirective('regtime', date('r'));
         $config = new Config();
         // write the container to an XML document
         $config->writeConfig($cfile, 'XML');
  * Saves the folders into a config file that can be edited by hand.
  * If you don't specify the config file, it will be determined
  *  automatically.
  * Values that are NULL won't be saved.
  * @param string  $strFile          The file to save the data into
  *                                  (ini file)
  * @param boolean $bSaveAllSettings If all settings shall be saved
  *                         that can be loaded, or only that settings,
  *                         that have been retrieved by the user
  * @return mixed True on success, PEAR_Error on failure
  * @access public
 function saveToFile($strFile = null, $bSaveAllSettings = true)
     $conf =& new Config_Container('section', 'paths');
     if ($bSaveAllSettings) {
         foreach ($this->arSettings as $strSetting) {
             $strFunction = 'get' . $strSetting;
             $strValue = $this->{$strFunction}();
             $conf->createDirective(strtolower($strSetting), $strValue);
     } else {
         foreach ($this->arCache as $strId => $strValue) {
             $conf->createDirective($strId, $strValue);
     $config = new Config();
     return $config->writeConfig($this->getDefaultConfigFile(), 'inifile');