function run_import_marc_vocabulary($task, $args)

    //check the argument counts
    if (count($args) < 1) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide a vocabulary type.');

    if (count($args) < 2) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide a file name.');

    if (count($args) < 3) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide a vocabulary id.');

    //set the arguments
    $type          = strtolower($args[0]);
    $filePath      = $args[1];
    $id            = $args[2];
    $deleteMissing = (isset($args[3]) && ("-d" == $args[3]));

    //do some basic validity checks

    if (! in_array($type, array("schema", "vocab", "vocabulary"))) {
        throw new Exception('You must import into a schema or a vocab');

    if ("vocabulary" == $type) {
        $type = "vocab";

    if (! is_numeric($id)) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide a valid ID');

    //does the file exist?
    if (! file_exists($filePath)) {
        throw new Exception('You must supply a valid file to import: ' . $filePath);

    //is the file a valid type?
    if (preg_match('/^.+\.([[:alpha:]]{2,4})$/', $filePath, $matches)) {
        if (! in_array(strtolower($matches[1]), array("json", "rdf", "csv", "xml"))) {
            throw new Exception('You must provide a valid file type based on the extension');
    } else {
        throw new Exception("File type cannot be determined from the file extension");

    $fileType = $matches[1];

    //is the object a valid object?
    if ('vocab' == $type) {
        $vocabObj = VocabularyPeer::retrieveByPK($id);
        if (is_null($vocabObj)) {
            throw new Exception('Invalid vocabulary ID');

        //set some defaults
        $baseDomain = $vocabObj->getBaseDomain();
        $language   = $vocabObj->getLanguage();
        $statusId   = $vocabObj->getStatusId();

        //get a skos property id map
        $skosMap = SkosPropertyPeer::getPropertyNames();

        //there has to be a hash or a slash
        $tSlash = preg_match('@(/$)@i', $vocabObj->getUri()) ? '' : '/';
        $tSlash = preg_match('/#$/', $vocabObj->getUri()) ? '' : $tSlash;
    } else {
        $schemaObj = SchemaPeer::retrieveByPK($id);
        if (is_null($schemaObj)) {
            throw new Exception('Invalid schema ID');

        //set some defaults
        $baseDomain = $schemaObj->getUri();
        $language   = $schemaObj->getLanguage();
        $statusId   = $schemaObj->getStatusId();

        //get a element set property id map
        $profileId  = 1;
        $profile    = ProfilePeer::retrieveByPK($profileId);
        $elementMap = $profile->getAllProperties();

        //there has to be a hash or a slash
        $tSlash = preg_match('@(/$)@i', $baseDomain) ? '' : '/';
        $tSlash = preg_match('/#$/', $baseDomain) ? '' : $tSlash;

    //     insert jon's user id
    $userId = 36;

    /* From here on the process is the same regardless of UI */

    //     parse file to get the fields/columns and data
    $file = fopen($filePath, "r");
    if (! $file) {
        throw new Exception("Can't read supplied file");

    //     check to see if file has been uploaded before
    //          check import history for file name
    $importHistory = FileImportHistoryPeer::retrieveByLastFilePath($filePath);
    //          if reimport
    //               get last import history for filename
    //               unserialize column map
    //               match column names to AP based on map
    //     look for matches in unmatched field/column names to AP (ideal)
    //     csv table of data --
    //          row1: parsed field names/column headers
    //          row2: select dropdown with available fields from object AP (pre-select known matches)
    //                each select identified by column number
    //          row3: display datatype of selected field (updated dynamically when field selected)
    //          row4-13: first 10 rows of parsed data from file
    //     require a column that can match to 'URI' (maybe we'll allow an algorithm later)
    //     require columns that are required by AP
    //     on reimport there should be a flag to 'delete missing properties' from the current data
    //     note: at some point there will be a reimport process that allows URI changing
    //          this will require that there be an OMR identifier embedded in the incoming data

    switch ($fileType) {
        case "csv":
            try {
                $reader = new aCsvReader($filePath);
            } catch(Exception $e) {
                throw new Exception("Not a happy CSV file!");

            if ('vocab' == $type) {
                // Get array of heading names found
                $headings = $reader->getHeadings();
                $fields   = ConceptPeer::getFieldNames();

                //set the map
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "Uri", "column" => "URILocal");
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "prefLabel", "column" => "skos:prefLabel");
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "definition", "column" => "skos:definition");
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "notation", "column" => "skos:notation");
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "scopeNote", "column" => "skos:scopeNote");

                $map = array(
                  "uri"        => "URILocal",
                  "prefLabel"  => "skos:prefLabel",
                  "definition" => "skos:definition",
                  "notation"   => "skos:notation",
                  "scopeNote"  => "skos:scopeNote"

                $rows = 0;


                //    serialize the column map
                try {
                    while ($row = $reader->getRow()) {
                        $rows ++;
                        //        lookup the URI (or the OMR ID if available) for a match
                        $uri        = $baseDomain . $row[$map["uri"]];
                        $concept    = ConceptPeer::getConceptByUri($uri);
                        $updateTime = time();
                        $language   = (isset($map['language'])) ? $row[$map['language']] : $vocabObj->getLanguage();

                        if (! $concept) {
                            //          create a new concept or element
                            $concept = new Concept();
                             * @todo Need to handle updates for topconcept here, just like language
                        } //don't update the concept if the preflabel matches
                        else if ($row[$map['prefLabel']] != $concept->getPrefLabel()) {
                            $concept->updateFromRequest($userId, fixMarcEncoding(rtrim($row[$map['prefLabel']])));

                        //there needs to be a language to lookup the properties unless it's an objectProperty
                        $rowLanguage = (isset($map['language'])) ? $row[$map['language']] : $concept->getLanguage();

                        foreach ($map as $key => $value) {
                            //we skip because we already did them
                            if (! in_array($key, array('uri', 'prefLabel', 'language'))) {
                                $skosId = $skosMap[$key];
                                //check to see if the property already exists
                                $property =
                                  ConceptPropertyPeer::lookupProperty($concept->getId(), $skosId, $rowLanguage);

                                //create a new property for each unmatched column
                                if (! empty($row[$value])) {
                                    if (! $property) {
                                        $property = new ConceptProperty();

                                    if (($row[$value] != $property->getObject()) ||
                                        ($rowLanguage != $property->getLanguage())
                                    ) {
                                         * @todo We need a check here for skos objectproperties and handle differently
                                        if ($rowLanguage != $property->getLanguage()) {
                                        if ($row[$value] != $property->getObject()) {
                                } //the row value is empty
                                else if ($deleteMissing && $property) {

                        //          else
                        //               lookup and update concept or element
                        //               lookup and update each property
                        //          update the history for each property, action is 'import', should be a single timestamp for all (this should be automatic)
                        //          if 'delete missing properties' is true
                        //               delete each existing, non-required property that wasn't updated by the import
                } catch(Exception $e) {
                    //          catch
                    //            if there's an error of any kind, write to error log and continue
                    echo "Error on row: " . $rows . ", " . $uri . "\n" . $e . "\n";
                $objects = $vocabObj->countConcepts();
            } else //it's an element set
                $map  = array(
                  "uri"        => "uriLocalPart",
                  "name"       => "reg:name",
                  "definition" => "skos:definition",
                  "label"      => "rdfs:label",
                  "note"       => array("tag" => "tagCap", "ind1" => "ind1Cap", "ind2" => "ind2Cap", "sub" => "subCap")
                $rows = 0;

                //    serialize the column map
                try {
                    while ($row = $reader->getRow()) {
                        //        lookup the URI (or the OMR ID if available) for a match

                        //There always has to be a URI on either update or create
                        if (! isset($row[$map["uri"]])) {
                            throw new Exception('Missing URI for row: ' . $reader->getRowCount());

                        $rows ++;
                        $uri         = $baseDomain . $tSlash . $row[$map["uri"]];
                        $property    = SchemaPropertyPeer::retrieveByUri($uri);
                        $updateTime  = time();
                        $rowLanguage = (isset($map['language'])) ? $row[$map['language']] : $language;
                        $rowStatusId = (isset($map['status'])) ? $row[$map['status']] : $statusId;

                        if (! $property) {
                            //          create a new property
                            /** @var SchemaProperty * */
                            $property = new SchemaProperty();


                        if (isset($row[$map["label"]])) {

                        if (isset($row[$map["name"]])) {

                        if (isset($row[$map["definition"]])) {

                        if (is_array($map["note"])) {
                            $note = '';
                            foreach ($map["note"] as $key => $value) {
                                $caption = ! empty($row[$value]) ? " (" . $row[$value] . ")" : ' (no caption)';
                                $note .= ! empty($row[$key]) ? $key . ": " . $row[$key] . $caption . "<br />" : "";
                        } else {
                            if (isset($row[$map["note"]])) {

                         * @todo Need to handle domain and range

                        foreach ($map as $key => $value) {
                            //we skip because we already did them
                            if (! in_array(
                              array('uri', 'status', 'language', 'label', 'name', 'definition', 'comment', 'note')
                            ) {
                                $elementId = $elementMap[$key];
                                //check to see if the property already exists
                                //note that this also checks the object value as well, so there's no way to update or delete an existing triple
                                //the sheet would have to conatin the identifier for the triple
                                $element = SchemaPropertyElementPeer::lookupElement(

                                //create a new property for each unmatched column
                                if (! empty($row[$value])) {
                                    if (! $element) {
                                        $element = new SchemaPropertyElement();

                                    if (($row[$value] != $element->getObject()) ||
                                        ($rowLanguage != $element->getLanguage())
                                    ) {
                                         * @todo We need a check here for objectproperties and handle differently
                                        if ($rowLanguage != $element->getLanguage()) {
                                        if ($row[$value] != $element->getObject()) {
                                } //the row value is empty
                                else if ($deleteMissing && $element) {

                        //          else
                        //               lookup and update concept or element
                        //               lookup and update each property
                        //          update the history for each property, action is 'import', should be a single timestamp for all (this should be automatic)
                        //          if 'delete missing properties' is true
                        //               delete each existing, non-required property that wasn't updated by the import
                } catch(Exception $e) {
                    //          catch
                    //            if there's an error of any kind, write to error log and continue
                    echo "Error on row: " . $rows . ", " . $uri . "\n" . $e . "\n";
                $objects = $schemaObj->countSchemaPropertys();
            //     save the import history file (match timestamp to history entries)
        case "json":
        case "rdf":
        case "xml":

    /* output to stdout*/
    //          number of objects imported (link to history, filtered on timestamp of import)
    echo "File:" . $filePath . ";\n     Objects imported: " . $objects . "; Rows read: " . $rows . "\n";
    //          number of errors (link to error log)

 * @param $task
 * @param $args
 * Arg[0] is one of "schema" (element set), "vocab" or "vocabulary"
 * arg[1] is the vocabulary name.
 *        The file type is determined by the extension and must be one of "json", "rdf", "csv", "xml"
 * arg[2] is the vocabulary id
 * arg[3] is the batch id
 * arg[4] [optional] is -d
 * @throws Exception
function run_import_vocabulary($task, $args)

    //check the argument counts
    if (count($args) < 1) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide a vocabulary type.');

    if (count($args) < 2) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide a file name.');

    if (count($args) < 3) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide a vocabulary id.');

    //set the arguments
    $type          = strtolower($args[0]);
    $filePath      = $args[1];
    $vocabId       = $args[2];
    $batchId       = isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : "";
    $deleteMissing = (isset($args[4]) && ("-d" == $args[4]));

    //do some basic validity checks

    if (! in_array(
    ) {
        throw new Exception('You must import into a schema or a vocab');

    if ("vocabulary" == $type) {
        $type = "vocab";

    if (! is_numeric($vocabId)) {
        throw new Exception('You must provide a valid ID');

    //does the file exist?
    if (! file_exists($filePath)) {
        //default to the site upload path
        $filePath = $GLOBALS['uploadPath'] . $filePath;
        if (! file_exists($filePath)) {
        throw new Exception('You must supply a valid file to import: ' . $filePath);

    //is the file a valid type?
    if (preg_match('/^.+\.([[:alpha:]]{2,4})$/', $filePath, $matches)) {
        if (! in_array(
        ) {
            throw new Exception('You must provide a valid file type based on the extension');
    } else {
        throw new Exception("File type cannot be determined from the file extension");

    $fileType = $matches[1];

    //is the object a valid object?
    if ('vocab' == $type) {
        $vocabObj = VocabularyPeer::retrieveByPK($vocabId);
        if (is_null($vocabObj)) {
            throw new Exception('Invalid vocabulary ID');

        //set some defaults
        $baseDomain = $vocabObj->getBaseDomain();
        $language   = $vocabObj->getLanguage();
        $statusId   = $vocabObj->getStatusId();
        $userId     = $vocabObj->getCreatedUserId();
        $agentId    = $vocabObj->getAgentId();

        //get a skos property id map
        $skosMap = SkosPropertyPeer::getPropertyNames();

        //there has to be a hash or a slash
        $tSlash = preg_match('@(/$)@i', $vocabObj->getUri()) ? '' : '/';
        $tSlash = preg_match('/#$/', $vocabObj->getUri()) ? '' : $tSlash;
    } else {
        $import               = new ImportVocab($type, $filePath, $vocabId);

    /* From here on the process is the same regardless of UI */
    //     check to see if file has been uploaded before
    //          check import history for file name
    $importHistory = FileImportHistoryPeer::retrieveByLastFilePath($filePath);
    //          if reimport
    //               get last import history for filename
    //               unserialize column map
    //               match column names to AP based on map
    //     look for matches in unmatched field/column names to AP (ideal)
    //     csv table of data --
    //          row1: parsed field names/column headers
    //          row2: select dropdown with available fields from object AP (pre-select known matches)
    //                each select identified by column number
    //          row3: display datatype of selected field (updated dynamically when field selected)
    //          row4-13: first 10 rows of parsed data from file
    //     require a column that can match to 'URI' (maybe we'll allow an algorithm later)
    //     require columns that are required by AP
    //     on reimport there should be a flag to 'delete missing properties' from the current data
    //     note: at some point there will be a reimport process that allows URI changing
    //          this will require that there be an OMR identifier embedded in the incoming data

    switch ($fileType) {
        case "csv":
            if ('vocab' == $type) {
                // Get array of heading names found
                $headings = $reader->getHeadings();
                $fields   = ConceptPeer::getFieldNames();

                //set the map
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "Uri", "column" => "URILocal");
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "prefLabel", "column" => "skos:prefLabel");
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "definition", "column" => "skos:definition");
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "notation", "column" => "skos:notation");
                //      $map[] = array("property" => "scopeNote", "column" => "skos:scopeNote");

                $map = array(
                  "uri"        => "URILocal",
                  "prefLabel"  => "skos:prefLabel",
                  "definition" => "skos:definition",
                  "notation"   => "skos:notation",
                  "scopeNote"  => "skos:scopeNote"

                $rows = 0;


                //    serialize the column map
                try {
                    while ($row = $reader->getRow()) {
                        $rows ++;
                        //        lookup the URI (or the OMR ID if available) for a match
                        $uri        = $baseDomain . $row[$map["uri"]];
                        $concept    = ConceptPeer::getConceptByUri($uri);
                        $updateTime = time();
                        $language   = (isset($map['language'])) ? $row[$map['language']] : $vocabObj->getLanguage();

                        if (! $concept) {
                            //          create a new concept or element
                            $concept = new Concept();
                             * @todo Need to handle updates for topconcept here, just like language
                        } //don't update the concept if the preflabel matches
                        else if ($row[$map['prefLabel']] != $concept->getPrefLabel()) {
                            $concept->updateFromRequest($userId, fixEncoding(rtrim($row[$map['prefLabel']])));

                        //there needs to be a language to lookup the properties unless it's an objectProperty
                        $rowLanguage = (isset($map['language'])) ? $row[$map['language']] : $concept->getLanguage();

                        foreach ($map as $key => $value) {
                            //we skip because we already did them
                            if (! in_array(
                            ) {
                                $skosId = $skosMap[$key];
                                //check to see if the property already exists
                                $property =
                                  ConceptPropertyPeer::lookupProperty($concept->getId(), $skosId, $rowLanguage);

                                //create a new property for each unmatched column
                                if (! empty($row[$value])) {
                                    if (! $property) {
                                        $property = new ConceptProperty();

                                    if (($row[$value] != $property->getObject()) ||
                                        ($rowLanguage != $property->getLanguage())
                                    ) {
                                         * @todo We need a check here for skos objectproperties and handle differently
                                        if ($rowLanguage != $property->getLanguage()) {
                                        if ($row[$value] != $property->getObject()) {
                                } //the row value is empty
                                else if ($deleteMissing && $property) {

                        //          else
                        //               lookup and update concept or element
                        //               lookup and update each property
                        //          update the history for each property, action is 'import', should be a single timestamp for all (this should be automatic)
                        //          if 'delete missing properties' is true
                        //               delete each existing, non-required property that wasn't updated by the import
                } catch(Exception $e) {
                    //          catch
                    //            if there's an error of any kind, write to error log and continue
                    echo "Error on row: " . $rows . ", " . $uri . "\n" . $e . "\n";
                $objects = $vocabObj->countConcepts();
            } else //it's an element set
                //todo: $results should be a class
                $results[$vocabId] = $import->results;
                $bacthId = $import->saveResults($batchId);
        case "json":
        case "rdf":
        case "xml":

    /* output to stdout*/
    //          number of objects imported (link to history, filtered on timestamp of import)
    echo " Rows imported: " . count($results[$vocabId]['success']['rows']) . "\n From File:" . $filePath . "\nUse this ID for more in this batch: " . $bacthId;
    //          number of errors (link to error log)

  * Declares an association between this object and a ConceptProperty object.
  * @param      ConceptProperty $v
  * @return     void
  * @throws     PropelException
 public function setConceptProperty($v)
     if ($v === null) {
     } else {
     $this->aConceptProperty = $v;
  * Method called to associate a ConceptProperty object to this object
  * through the ConceptProperty foreign key attribute
  * @param      ConceptProperty $l ConceptProperty
  * @return     void
  * @throws     PropelException
 public function addConceptPropertyRelatedByRelatedConceptId(ConceptProperty $l)
     $this->collConceptPropertysRelatedByRelatedConceptId[] = $l;
  * description
  * @return return_type
  * @param  var_type $var
 public function updateFromRequest($userId, $prefLabel = null, $language = null, $statusId = null)
     //upsert the preflabel concept property
     /** @var ConceptProperty **/
     $conceptProperty = $this->getConceptProperty();
     $updatedAt = time();
     if (!$conceptProperty) {
         $conceptProperty = new ConceptProperty();
     if (isset($prefLabel)) {
     if (isset($language)) {
     if (isset($statusId)) {
     //now let's save the concept
     //if we're in create mode...
     if ($this->isNew()) {
     } else {
     //update the pref_label concept property
     * @param \ConceptProperty | \ConceptProperty[] $dbElement
     * @param                                       $value
     * @param                                       $rowStatus
     * @param \Concept                              $concept
     * @param \ProfileProperty                      $profileProperty
     * @param                                       $language
     * @param                                       $key
     * @return bool
     * @throws \PropelException
    private function upsertConceptFromRow(
    ) {
        //set the keys to skip, because concepts don't maintain uri and status separately
        $skipKeys = [ 59, 62 ];
        if (in_array($key, $skipKeys)) {
            return true;
        if ( ! is_array($dbElement)) {
            if (empty( $dbElement ) and $value) {
                $dbElement = new \ConceptProperty();

            if ($dbElement and $value !== $dbElement->getObject()) {
                if (empty( $value )) {
                } else {
                    $dbElement->importId = $this->importId;

                if ($profileProperty->getIsInForm()) {
                    if (( $profileProperty->getHasLanguage() and $concept->getLanguage() == $dbElement->getLanguage() ) or ! $profileProperty->getHasLanguage()) {
                                               $profileProperty->getName(), ! $profileProperty->getIsObjectProp(),

                return true;
        } else {
            $foundOne = false;
            foreach ($dbElement as &$oneElement) {
                if ( ! $foundOne) {
                    $foundOne = $this->upsertConceptFromRow($oneElement,

        return true;
Beispiel #7
  * Iterates over all the properties of the concept and returns those in an array.
  * @return array
 public function getProperties()
     $properties = array();
     $narrowers_by_uri = array();
     $in_a_collection = array();
     $members_array = array();
     $long_uris = $this->resource->propertyUris();
     $duplicates = array();
     $ret = array();
     // looking for collections and linking those with their narrower concepts
     if ($this->vocab->getConfig()->getArrayClassURI() !== null) {
         $collections = $this->graph->allOfType($this->vocab->getConfig()->getArrayClassURI());
         if (sizeof($collections) > 0) {
             // indexing the narrowers once to avoid iterating all of them with every collection
             foreach ($this->resource->allResources('skos:narrower') as $narrower) {
                 $narrowers_by_uri[$narrower->getUri()] = $narrower;
             foreach ($collections as $coll) {
                 $curr_coll_members = $this->getCollectionMembers($coll, $narrowers_by_uri);
                 foreach ($curr_coll_members as $collection) {
                     if ($collection->getSubMembers()) {
                         $submembers = $collection->getSubMembers();
                         foreach ($submembers as $member) {
                             $in_a_collection[$member->getUri()] = true;
                 if (isset($collection) && $collection->getSubMembers()) {
                     $members_array = array_merge($curr_coll_members, $members_array);
             $properties['skos:narrower'] = $members_array;
     foreach ($long_uris as &$prop) {
         if (EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($prop) !== null) {
             // shortening property labels if possible
             $prop = $sprop = EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($prop);
         } else {
             $sprop = "<{$prop}>";
         // EasyRdf requires full URIs to be in angle brackets
         if (!in_array($prop, $this->DELETED_PROPERTIES)) {
             $propres = new EasyRdf_Resource($prop, $this->graph);
             $proplabel = $propres->label($this->getEnvLang()) ? $propres->label($this->getEnvLang()) : $propres->label();
             $propobj = new ConceptProperty($prop, $proplabel);
             if ($propobj->getLabel() !== null) {
                 // only display properties for which we have a label
                 $ret[$prop] = $propobj;
             // searching for subproperties of literals too
             foreach ($this->graph->allResources($prop, 'rdfs:subPropertyOf') as $subi) {
                 $suburi = EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($subi->getUri()) ? EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($subi->getUri()) : $subi->getUri();
                 $duplicates[$suburi] = $prop;
             // Iterating through every literal and adding these to the data object.
             foreach ($this->resource->allLiterals($sprop) as $val) {
                 $literal = new ConceptPropertyValueLiteral($val, $prop);
                 // only add literals when they match the content/hit language or have no language defined
                 if (isset($ret[$prop]) && ($literal->getLang() === $this->clang || $literal->getLang() === null)) {
             // Iterating through every resource and adding these to the data object.
             foreach ($this->resource->allResources($sprop) as $val) {
                 // skipping narrower concepts which are already shown in a collection
                 if ($sprop === 'skos:narrower' && array_key_exists($val->getUri(), $in_a_collection)) {
                 // hiding rdf:type property if it's just skos:Concept
                 if ($sprop === 'rdf:type' && $val->shorten() === 'skos:Concept') {
                 // handled by getMappingProperties()
                 if (in_array($sprop, $this->MAPPING_PROPERTIES)) {
                 if (isset($ret[$prop])) {
                     $ret[$prop]->addValue(new ConceptPropertyValue($this->model, $this->vocab, $val, $prop, $this->clang), $this->clang);
     // adding narrowers part of a collection
     foreach ($properties as $prop => $values) {
         foreach ($values as $value) {
             $ret[$prop]->addValue($value, $this->clang);
     foreach ($ret as $key => $prop) {
         if (sizeof($prop->getValues()) === 0) {
     $ret = $this->removeDuplicatePropertyValues($ret, $duplicates);
     // sorting the properties to the order preferred in the Skosmos concept page.
     $ret = $this->arbitrarySort($ret);
     return $ret;
  * Method called to associate a ConceptProperty object to this object
  * through the ConceptProperty foreign key attribute
  * @param      ConceptProperty $l ConceptProperty
  * @return     void
  * @throws     PropelException
 public function addConceptPropertyRelatedByUpdatedUserId(ConceptProperty $l)
     $this->collConceptPropertysRelatedByUpdatedUserId[] = $l;
 public function executeEdit()
     $this->setFlash('vocabID', $this->getVocabularyId());
     if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST) {
         //before the save...
         $concept_property = $this->getRequestParameter('concept_property');
          * @todo the list of skos property types that require a related concept should be in a master configuration array
          * this applies to the template too
         //check to see if the skosproperty requires a related concept
         if (!in_array($concept_property['skos_property_id'], array('3', '16', '21', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37'))) {
             $concept_property['related_concept_id'] = null;
             $concept_property['scheme_id'] = null;
         $conceptPropertyId = $this->getRequestParameter('id');
         $userId = $this->getUser()->getSubscriberId();
         //does the user have editorial rights to the reciprocal...
         $permission = false;
         if (isset($concept_property['related_concept_id']) and $concept_property['related_concept_id']) {
             //we want to lookup the URI of the related term
             $related_concept = ConceptPeer::retrieveByPK($concept_property['related_concept_id']);
             if ($related_concept) {
                 if ($this->getUser()->hasCredential(array(0 => 'administrator'))) {
                     $permission = true;
                 } else {
                     //get the maintainers of the reciprocal property
                     $maintainers = $related_concept->getVocabulary()->getVocabularyHasUsers();
                     /** @var VocabularyHasUser $maintainer */
                     foreach ($maintainers as $maintainer) {
                         if ($userId === $maintainer->getUserId() and $maintainer->getIsMaintainerFor()) {
                             $permission = true;
         if ($permission) {
             if (isset($conceptPropertyId) && $conceptPropertyId) {
                 $this->deleteReciprocalProperty($conceptPropertyId, $concept_property['related_concept_id']);
             if (isset($concept_property['related_concept_id']) and $concept_property['related_concept_id']) {
                 //we want to lookup the URI of the related term
                 $related_concept = ConceptPeer::retrieveByPK($concept_property['related_concept_id']);
                 if ($related_concept) {
                     //and overwrite whatever is in the current object TODO: move this into an javascript action in the user interface
                     $concept_property['object'] = $related_concept->getUri();
                     $this->getRequest()->getParameterHolder()->set('concept_property', $concept_property);
                 //lookup the inverse id
                 $InverseProfileId = ProfilePropertyPeer::retrieveBySkosID($concept_property['skos_property_id'])->getInverseProfilePropertyId();
                 $InverseSkosId = ProfilePropertyPeer::retrieveByPK($InverseProfileId)->getSkosId();
                 //then we create a new reciprocal property in the related term
                 $newProp = new ConceptProperty();
                 //TODO: make this the user's default language (actually the language is not relevant when defining relationships)
                 $concept_property['language'] = '';
         //save the array back to the request parameter
         $this->requestParameterHolder->set('concept_property', $concept_property);
  * Method called to associate a ConceptProperty object to this object
  * through the ConceptProperty foreign key attribute
  * @param      ConceptProperty $l ConceptProperty
  * @return     void
  * @throws     PropelException
 public function addConceptProperty(ConceptProperty $l)
     $this->collConceptPropertys[] = $l;
  * Method called to associate a ConceptProperty object to this object
  * through the ConceptProperty foreign key attribute
  * @param      ConceptProperty $l ConceptProperty
  * @return     void
  * @throws     PropelException
 public function addConceptProperty(ConceptProperty $l)
     $this->collConceptPropertys[] = $l;