// for example, you can set a DIC in the context that then becomes available to event handlers through $event->getContext()['container']
// i.e. prototypic to inject a symfony container and event dispatcher in the context:
// <?php
// $context = T24\Context\ExecutionContext::create();
// $context['container'] = $app->getContainer();
// $context->setEventDispatcher($app->getContainer()->get['event_dispatcher']);
// require('run-agent.php');
$context = isset($context) ? $context : ExecutionContext::create();
if (!$context instanceof ExecutionContext) {
    throw new RuntimeException('Execution context is not an instance of T24\\Handler\\ExecutionContext but ' . get_class($context));
// php file.php ./assets/example.txt
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$cmd = new Commando\Command();
$cmd->setHelp('sqs agent')->option('ttl')->describedAs('sets the ttl / runtime of the script. Defaults to 45 (in seconds)')->option('sleep')->defaultsTo(null)->describedAs('sets the time to rest between two message retrievals. Defaults to 3 (in seconds)')->option('config')->defaultsTo(null)->describedAs('configuration file');
$run = function () use($cmd, $context) {
    $_options = $cmd->getOptions();
    $options = [];
    foreach ($_options as $key => $option) {
        $options[$key] = $option->getValue();
    $options['base_dir'] = __DIR__ . '/../';
    // for this binary, subscribe to some configuration events to load config files etc.
    // first, load the configuration file
    $context->getEventDispatcher()->addListener(SqsEvents::EVENT_SQSAGENT_CONFIGURE, function (ConfigEvent $event) use($options) {
        if ($options['config']) {
            $newCfg = json_decode(file_get_contents($options['config']), true);
            if (!$newCfg) {
                throw new RuntimeException('could not load config file ' . $options['config']);
Beispiel #2

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// Set Global Facade
class Graylogger extends \Graylogger\Graylogger
// Prevent CLI handling if loaded another way
if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') {
$cmd = new \Commando\Command();
$cmd->setHelp('A simple CLI executable for sending a message to a Graylog server using PHP.');
$cmd->option()->require()->referToAs('message')->description('The log message.');
$cmd->option('f')->aka('facility')->default(Graylogger::FACILITY)->description('The log facility. Default: ' . Graylogger::FACILITY);
$cmd->option('l')->aka('level')->default(Graylogger::LEVEL)->description('The log level, per PSR-7. Default: ' . Graylogger::LEVEL);
$cmd->option('h')->aka('host')->default(Graylogger::HOST)->description('The Graylog server host. Default: ' . Graylogger::HOST);
$cmd->option('p')->aka('port')->default(Graylogger::PORT)->description('The Graylog server port. Default: ' . Graylogger::PORT);
Graylogger::log($cmd[0], $cmd['host'], $cmd['port'], $cmd['facility'], $cmd['level']);
Beispiel #3
$cmd_options = new Commando\Command();
// Define option "--file"
$cmd_options->option('file')->file()->describedAs('Input file with CSV data to be parced');
// Define flag "--create_table"
$cmd_options->flag('create_table')->boolean()->needs('u', 'p', 'h')->describedAs('Instructs to create table in MySQL DB with name "users"');
// Define flag "--dry_run"
$cmd_options->flag('dry_run')->boolean()->describedAs('No data will be added to DB. All other functions will be executed');
// Define option "u"
$cmd_options->option('u')->needs('p', 'h')->describedAs('MySQL username');
// Define option "-p"
$cmd_options->option('p')->needs('u', 'h')->describedAs('Password of MySQL user');
// Define option "-h"
$cmd_options->option('h')->needs('u', 'p')->describedAs('MySQL hostname or IP');
//Compose help message
$help = "Usage:\n\nCreating table:\n\tphp user_upload.php --create_table -u <MySQL user>\n\t\t-p <MySQL user password> -h <MySQL hostname>\n\t\t\nDry run, check CSV content and exit without importing to DB:\n\tphp user_upload.php --dru_run --file <CSV filename>\n\nImporting file:\n\tphp user_upload.php --file <CSV filename> -u <MySQL user> \n\t\t-p <MySQL user password> -h <MySQL hostname>\n\nIf invalid emails are found in CSV then no DB insert will be done.\n\t\t\nOnly above described sets of options could be used. E.g. you cannot use --create_table together with --dry_run  \n";
//Aligning options and flags to be either set or unset.
$csv_file = $cmd_options['file'];
if ($cmd_options['create_table']) {
    $create_table = 1;
// otherwise it is unset
if ($cmd_options['dry_run']) {
    $dry_run = 1;
// otherwise it is unset
$mysql_user = $cmd_options['u'];
$mysql_user_password = $cmd_options['p'];
$mysql_host = $cmd_options['h'];
echo "USER INPUT SUMMARY:\n", "Using input csv_file: ", isset($csv_file) ? $csv_file : "No", PHP_EOL, "Create table: ", isset($create_table) ? "Yes" : "No", PHP_EOL, "If dry_run: ", isset($dry_run) ? "Yes" : "No", PHP_EOL, "MySQL DB username: "******"Not specified", PHP_EOL, "MySQL user password: "******"Not specified", PHP_EOL, "MySQL DB host: ", isset($mysql_host) ? $mysql_host : "Not specified", PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
function create_db_table($user, $password, $host)
Beispiel #4
#!/usr/bin/env php
$autoloads = array(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php', __DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php');
foreach ($autoloads as $autoload) {
    $autoload = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $autoload);
    if (file_exists($autoload)) {
        require_once $autoload;
/* define cli options */
$command = new \Commando\Command();
$command->setHelp("Usage: {$argv[0]} [OPTIONS] src dest\n\nChange directory structure or class name to fit the standard. \nThis tool scan src dir for class definations and put them to a new dir, other files are left.\nIt does not support namespace yet");
$command->argument()->require()->expectsFile()->title('src')->describedAs('src directory of your code');
$command->argument()->require()->title('dest')->describedAs('dest directory to generate code');
$command->option('s')->aka('standard')->describedAs('naming standard, avalible standards are: psr0, yaf_controller')->must(function ($standard) {
    $standards = array('psr0', 'yaf_controller');
    return in_array($standard, $standards);
$command->option('i')->aka('input')->describedAs("Regex to match input files, default is '/\\.php\$/'");
$command->option('t')->aka('target')->describedAs('if you want to rename class or method, specify target here: class, method')->must(function ($target) {
    $targets = array('class', 'method');
    return in_array($target, $targets);
$command->option('p')->aka('pattern')->describedAs('pattern to match your class name or method name');
$command->option('r')->aka('replace')->describedAs('replacement to replace your class or method name');
if ($command['t']) {
/* do process */

ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// FaceBook app config
$fb = new Facebook\Facebook(['app_id' => '', 'app_secret' => '', 'default_graph_version' => 'v2.5', 'default_access_token' => '']);
// === CLI TOOL SETUP ===
$cmd = new Commando\Command();
$cmd->setHelp('Gets comments for the latest posts on a Facebook page.' . PHP_EOL . 'Usage: CMD [getTargetPosts|processPosts] -i {FB page ID} -f {filename for results}');
$cmd->option()->require()->describedAs('Which function should I do')->must(function ($function) {
    $functions = array('getTargetPosts', 'processPosts');
    return in_array($function, $functions);
$cmd->option('i')->aka('fbpageid')->require()->describedAs('ID of the Facebook page');
$cmd->option('f')->aka('filename')->require()->describedAs('File name that the result will be saved in, no extension');
// === APP LOGIC ===
// Fetches post IDs that will be scraped for comments
function getTargetPosts($app, $FBPageID)
    $posts = [];
    $response = $app->get('/' . $FBPageID . '/posts?limit=100');
    $response = $response->getGraphEdge();
    for ($i = 0; $i < 50; $i++) {
        foreach ($response as $post) {
            $posts[] = $post->asArray()['id'];
        $response = $app->next($response);
    return $posts;
Beispiel #6
foreach (array(__DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php', __DIR__ . '/../../autoload.php', __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php', __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php') as $file) {
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        define('COMPOSER_AUTOLOADER', $file);
try {
    if (defined('COMPOSER_AUTOLOADER')) {
        require_once COMPOSER_AUTOLOADER;
    } else {
        throw new Exception('Composer autoloader not found!');
    $cmd = new Commando\Command();
    $cmd->setHelp('uptize-php cli v0.1.1')->flag('c')->aka('config')->describedAs('Configuration file')->flag('d')->aka('dryRun')->describedAs('Dry run (do not send check data to uptize.me)')->boolean()->flag('k')->aka('key')->describedAs('Machine Key to send check data to uptize.me')->flag('o')->aka('output')->describedAs('Output check data to a file')->flag('v')->aka('verbose')->describedAs('Verbose output')->boolean()->flag('l')->aka('log')->describedAs('Log output')->default(__DIR__ . '/uptize.log');
    if (empty($cmd['config'])) {
        $config = __DIR__ . '/uptize.json';
    } else {
        $config = $cmd['config'];
    if (!is_file($config)) {
        throw new Exception("Config file '{$config}' not found.");
    $settings = uptize\Common\Config::loadFile($config);
    if (empty($settings['checks'])) {
        throw new Exception('Empty check list on config file.');
    $report = uptize\Agent::run($settings['checks']);
    if ($cmd['dryRun']) {
        if (empty($cmd['output'])) {