  * Initialize the export
  * @throws Exception
  * @param Connection $connection - the connection to be used
  * @param string     $collection - the collection to export
  * @param array      $data       - export options
 public function __construct(Connection $connection, $collection, array $data = array())
     $this->_connection = $connection;
     if (!$collection instanceof Collection) {
         $collectionHandler = new CollectionHandler($this->_connection);
         $collection = $collectionHandler->get($collection);
     $this->_collection = $collection;
     // check if we're working with an edge collection or not
     $this->_type = $this->_collection->getType();
     if (isset($data[self::ENTRY_FLUSH])) {
         // set a default value
         $this->_flush = $data[self::ENTRY_FLUSH];
     if (isset($data[self::ENTRY_BATCHSIZE])) {
     if (isset($data[self::ENTRY_LIMIT])) {
         $this->_limit = (int) $data[self::ENTRY_LIMIT];
     if (isset($data[self::ENTRY_RESTRICT]) && is_array($data[self::ENTRY_RESTRICT])) {
         $restrictions = $data[self::ENTRY_RESTRICT];
         if (!isset($restrictions["type"]) || !in_array($restrictions["type"], array("include", "exclude"), true)) {
             // validate restrictions.type
             throw new ClientException('Invalid restrictions type definition');
         if (!isset($restrictions["fields"]) || !is_array($restrictions["fields"])) {
             // validate restrictions.fields
             throw new ClientException('Invalid restrictions fields definition');
         // all valid
         $this->_restrictions = $restrictions;
     if (isset($data[ExportCursor::ENTRY_FLAT])) {
         $this->_flat = (bool) $data[ExportCursor::ENTRY_FLAT];

namespace triagens\ArangoDb;

require dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'init.php';
try {
    $connection = new Connection($connectionOptions);
    $handler = new CollectionHandler($connection);
    if ($handler->has('example')) {
    $col = new Collection();
    $result = $handler->add($col);
    // create a statement to insert 100 example documents
    $statement = new Statement($connection, array('query' => 'FOR i IN 1..100 INSERT { _key: CONCAT("example", i) } IN example'));
    // print number of documents
    // later on, we can assemble a list of document keys
    $keys = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; ++$i) {
        $keys[] = 'example' . $i;
    // and fetch all the documents at once by their keys
    $documents = $handler->lookupByKeys('example', $keys);
    // we can also bulk-remove them:
    $result = $handler->removeByKeys('example', $keys);
    // print number of documents after bulk removal
Beispiel #3
    $v = new Document();
    $v->set("name", $id + 1);
    $v->set("component", $id);
    $v->set("distance", -1);
    $v->set("pr", 1.0 / $nv);
    $documents->add("vertices", $v);
    return $v->getHandle();
if (count($argv) < 3) {
    $prog = $argv[0];
    print "Usage {$prog} graphfile actionsfile";
print "Setting up DB connection...\n";
$connection = new Connection($connectionOptions);
$collections = new CollectionHandler($connection);
$documents = new DocumentHandler($connection);
$edges = new EdgeHandler($connection);
/* drop vertex if it exists */
try {
    $vertex = $collections->get("vertices");
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // do nothing
/* drop edge if it exists */
try {
    $edge = $collections->get("edges");
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // do nothing
 public function testCreateMixedBatchWithPartIds()
     $edgeCollection = $this->edgeCollection;
     $batch = new Batch($this->connection);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\triagens\\ArangoDb\\Batch', $batch);
     // Create collection
     $connection = $this->connection;
     $collection = new Collection();
     $collectionHandler = new CollectionHandler($connection);
     $name = 'ArangoDB_PHP_TestSuite_TestCollection_02';
     $response = $collectionHandler->add($collection);
     $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($response), 'Did not return a fake numeric id!');
     $resultingCollectionId = $batch->getProcessedPartResponse('testCollection1');
     $testCollection1Part = $batch->getPart('testCollection1');
     $this->assertTrue($testCollection1Part->getHttpCode() == 200, 'Did not return an HttpCode 200!');
     $resultingCollection = $collectionHandler->get($batch->getProcessedPartResponse('testCollection1'));
     $resultingAttribute = $resultingCollection->getName();
     $this->assertTrue($name === $resultingAttribute, 'The created collection name and resulting collection name do not match!');
     $this->assertEquals(Collection::getDefaultType(), $resultingCollection->getType());
     $batch = new Batch($this->connection);
     // Create documents
     $documentHandler = $this->documentHandler;
     $document = Document::createFromArray(array('someAttribute' => 'someValue', 'someOtherAttribute' => 'someOtherValue'));
     $documentId = $documentHandler->add($resultingCollectionId, $document);
     $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($documentId), 'Did not return a fake numeric id!');
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; ++$i) {
         $document = Document::createFromArray(array('someAttribute' => 'someValue' . $i, 'someOtherAttribute' => 'someOtherValue2' . $i));
         $documentId = $documentHandler->add($resultingCollectionId, $document);
     $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($documentId), 'Did not return a fake numeric id!');
     // try getting processed response through batchpart
     $testDocument1PartResponse = $batch->getPart('doc1')->getProcessedResponse();
     // try getting it from batch
     $testDocument2PartResponse = $batch->getProcessedPartResponse(1);
     $batch = new Batch($this->connection);
     $docId1 = explode('/', $testDocument1PartResponse);
     $docId2 = explode('/', $testDocument2PartResponse);
     $documentHandler->getById($resultingCollectionId, $docId1[1]);
     $documentHandler->getById($resultingCollectionId, $docId2[1]);
     $document1 = $batch->getProcessedPartResponse(0);
     $document2 = $batch->getProcessedPartResponse(1);
     $batch = new Batch($this->connection);
     // test edge creation
     $edgeDocument = new Edge();
     $edgeDocumentHandler = new EdgeHandler($connection);
     $edgeDocument->set('label', 'knows');
     $edgeDocumentHandler->saveEdge($edgeCollection->getName(), $document1->getHandle(), $document2->getHandle(), $edgeDocument);
     $edge = $batch->getProcessedPartResponse(0);
     $this->assertFalse(is_a($edge, 'triagens\\ArangoDb\\HttpResponse'), 'Edge batch creation did return an error: ' . print_r($edge, true));
     $this->assertTrue($edge == !'', 'Edge batch creation did return empty string: ' . print_r($edge, true));
     $batch = new Batch($this->connection);
     $document = new Document();
     $documentHandler = new DocumentHandler($connection);
     $document->someAttribute = 'someValue';
     $documentHandler->add($resultingCollection->getId(), $document);
     // set the next batchpart id
     // set cursor options for the next batchpart
     $batch->nextBatchPartCursorOptions(array("sanitize" => true));
     // set batchsize to 10, so we can test if an additional http request is done when we getAll() a bit later
     $statement = new Statement($connection, array("query" => '', "count" => true, "batchSize" => 10, "sanitize" => true));
     $statement->setQuery('FOR a IN `ArangoDB_PHP_TestSuite_TestCollection_02` RETURN a');
     $documentHandler->removeById($resultingCollectionId, $docId1[1]);
     $documentHandler->removeById($resultingCollectionId, $docId2[1]);
     $stmtCursor = $batch->getProcessedPartResponse('myBatchPart');
     $this->assertTrue(count($stmtCursor->getAll()) == 13, 'At the time of statement execution there should be 13 documents found! Found: ' . count($stmtCursor->getAll()));
     // This fails but we'll just make a note because such a query is not needed to be batched.
     // $docsAfterRemoval=$batch->getProcessedPartResponse('docsAfterRemoval');
     // $this->assertTrue(count($docsAfterRemoval) == 1, 'At the time of statement execution there should be 3 documents found! Found: '.count($stmtCursor->getAll()));
     // Get previously created collection and delete it, from inside a batch
     $batch = new Batch($this->connection);

namespace triagens\ArangoDb;

require dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'init.php';
try {
    $connection = new Connection($connectionOptions);
    $handler = new CollectionHandler($connection);
    // create a new collection
    $col = new Collection();
    $result = $handler->add($col);
    // check if a collection exists
    $result = $handler->has("foobar");
    // get an existing collection
    $result = $handler->get("hihi");
    // get an existing collection
    $result = $handler->get("hihi");
    // get number of documents from an existing collection
    $result = $handler->getCount("hihi");
    // get figures for an existing collection
    $result = $handler->getFigures("hihi");
    // delete the collection
    $result = $handler->delete("hihi");
  * Try to create and delete an edge collection not using an edge object
 public function testCreateAndDeleteSystemCollectionWithoutCreatingObject()
     $connection = $this->connection;
     $collectionHandler = new CollectionHandler($connection);
     $name = '_ArangoDB_PHP_TestSuite_TestCollection_02';
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //Silence the exception
     $options = array('isSystem' => true, 'waitForSync' => true);
     $collectionHandler->create($name, $options);
     $resultingCollection = $collectionHandler->get($name);
     $resultingAttribute = $resultingCollection->getName();
     $this->assertTrue($name === $resultingAttribute, 'The created collection name and resulting collection name do not match!');
     $resultingCollectionProperties = $collectionHandler->getProperties($name);

namespace triagens\ArangoDb;

require dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'init.php';
try {
    $connection = new Connection($connectionOptions);
    $collectionHandler = new CollectionHandler($connection);
    $documentHandler = new DocumentHandler($connection);
    $edgeHandler = new EdgeHandler($connection);
    // set up two document collections
    $collection = new Collection("employees");
    try {
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // collection may already exist - ignore this error for now
    $collection = new Collection("departments");
    try {
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // collection may already exist - ignore this error for now
    // set up an edge collection to link the two previous collections
    $collection = new Collection("worksFor");
    try {
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // collection may already exist - ignore this error for now

namespace triagens\ArangoDb;

require dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'init.php';
try {
    $connection = new Connection($connectionOptions);
    $collectionHandler = new CollectionHandler($connection);
    $handler = new DocumentHandler($connection);
    // set up a document collection "users"
    $collection = new Collection("users");
    try {
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // collection may already exist - ignore this error for now
    // create a new document
    $user = new Document();
    $user->set("name", "John");
    $user->age = 19;
    $id = $handler->save("users", $user);
    // get documents by example
    $cursor = $collectionHandler->byExample("users", array("name" => "John", "age" => 19));
    // get the ids of all documents in the collection
    $result = $handler->getAllIds("users");
    // create another new document
    $user = new Document();
    $user->set("name", "j-lo");
    $user->level = 1;
  * Get document(s) by specifying an example
  * This will throw if the list cannot be fetched from the server
  * @throws Exception
  * @param mixed      $collectionId - collection id as string or number
  * @param mixed      $document     - the example document as a Document object or an array
  * @param bool|array $options      - optional, prior to v1.0.0 this was a boolean value for sanitize, since v1.0.0 it's an array of options.
  *                                 <p>Options are :<br>
  *                                 <li>'_sanitize' - True to remove _id and _rev attributes from result documents. Defaults to false.</li>
  *                                 <li>'sanitize' - Deprecated, please use '_sanitize'.</li>
  *                                 <li>'_hiddenAttributes' - Set an array of hidden attributes for created documents.
  *                                 <li>'hiddenAttributes' - Deprecated, please use '_hiddenAttributes'.</li>
  *                                 <p>
  *                                 This is actually the same as setting hidden attributes using setHiddenAttributes() on a document. <br>
  *                                 The difference is, that if you're returning a resultset of documents, the getAll() is already called <br>
  *                                 and the hidden attributes would not be applied to the attributes.<br>
  *                                 </p>
  *                                 </li>
  *                                 <li>'batchSize' - can optionally be used to tell the server to limit the number of results to be transferred in one batch</li>
  *                                 <li>'skip' -  Optional, The number of documents to skip in the query.</li>
  *                                 <li>'limit' -  Optional, The maximal amount of documents to return. 'skip' is applied before the limit restriction.</li>
  *                                 </p>
  * @return cursor - Returns a cursor containing the result
  * @deprecated to be removed in version 2.0 - This function is being replaced by CollectionHandler::byExample()
 public function getByExample($collectionId, $document, $options = false)
     $collectionHandler = new CollectionHandler($this->getConnection());
     return $collectionHandler->byExample($collectionId, $document, $options);
  * Test the enhanced tracer
 public function testEnhancedTracer()
     $self = $this;
     //Hack for PHP 5.3 compatibility
     $enhancedTracer = function ($data) use($self) {
         $self->assertTrue($data instanceof TraceRequest || $data instanceof TraceResponse, '$data must be instance of TraceRequest or TraceResponse.');
         $self->assertInternalType('array', $data->getHeaders(), 'Headers should be an array!');
         $self->assertNotEmpty($data->getHeaders(), 'Headers should not be an empty array!');
         $self->assertInternalType('string', $data->getBody(), 'Body must be a string!');
         if ($data instanceof TraceRequest) {
             $self->assertContains($data->getMethod(), array(HttpHelper::METHOD_DELETE, HttpHelper::METHOD_GET, HttpHelper::METHOD_HEAD, HttpHelper::METHOD_PATCH, HttpHelper::METHOD_POST, HttpHelper::METHOD_PUT), 'Invalid http method!');
             $self->assertInternalType('string', $data->getRequestUrl(), 'Request url must be a string!');
             $self->assertEquals('request', $data->getType());
             foreach ($data->getHeaders() as $header => $value) {
                 $self->assertInternalType('string', $value, "The header value should be a string");
                 $self->assertInternalType('string', $header, "The header should be a string");
         } else {
             $self->assertInternalType('integer', $data->getHttpCode(), 'Http code must be an integer!');
             $self->assertInternalType('string', $data->getHttpCodeDefinition(), 'Http code definition must be a string!');
             $self->assertEquals('response', $data->getType());
             $self->assertInternalType('float', $data->getTimeTaken());
     $options = getConnectionOptions();
     $options[ConnectionOptions::OPTION_TRACE] = $enhancedTracer;
     $options[ConnectionOptions::OPTION_ENHANCED_TRACE] = true;
     $connection = new Connection($options);
     $collectionHandler = new CollectionHandler($connection);
     //Try creating a collection
     //Delete the collection
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {