public function render() { if ($this->callback) { $callback = Cogear::prepareCallback($this->callback); $this->setValues(call_user_func($callback)); } $this->setAttributes(); $code = array(); foreach ($this->values as $key => $value) { $attributes = $this->attributes; $attributes['value'] = $key; if ($key === $this->value) { $attributes['checked'] = 'checked'; } $code[] = HTML::tag('input', $attributes) . $value; } $code = implode("<br/>", $code); if ($this->wrapper) { $tpl = new Template($this->wrapper); $tpl->assign($this->attributes); $tpl->code = $code; $code = $tpl->render(); } return $code; }
/** * Initialize elements */ private function init() { if ($this->is_init) { return; } event('form.init', $this); event('form.init.' . $this->options->name, $this); if ($this->options->elements) { foreach ($this->options->elements as $name => $config) { $this->add($name, $config); } if ($this->callback && ($callback = Cogear::prepareCallback($this->callback))) { if ($this->result = $this->result()) { call_user_func_array($callback, array($this)); } } } $this->is_init = TRUE; }
/** * Get Gear name * * @return string */ protected function getGear() { return $this->gear ? $this->gear : ($this->gear = Cogear::prepareGearNameFromClass($this->reflection->getName())); }
/** * Get instance * * @return Cogear */ public static function getInstance() { return self::$_instance instanceof self ? self::$_instance : (self::$_instance = new self()); }
* * @param $class Class name. * @return boolean */ function autoload($class) { $filename = str_replace('_', DS, $class); if ($path = find($filename . EXT)) { include $path; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // Register with autoload spl_autoload_register('autoload'); $cogear = Cogear::getInstance(); // Some root classes are needed to be preloaded $cogear->request = new Request(); // Set host $host = $cogear->request->get('HTTP_HOST'); // Defince site folder // Check if main if (substr_count($host, '.') > 1) { if (!is_dir(SITES . DS . $host)) { list($subdomain, $host) = preg_split('#[\\.]+#', $host, 2, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); define('SUBDOMAIN', $subdomain); } } defined('SITE') or is_dir(SITES . DS . $host) && define('SITE', SITES . DS . $host) or define('SITE', DEFAULT_SITE); define('SITE_GEARS', SITE . DS . GEARS_FOLDER); $cogear->config = new Config(SITE . DS . 'settings' . EXT);
/** * Initialize elements */ public function init() { if ($this->initialized) { return; } event('form.init', $this); event('form.' . $this->name . '.init', $this); $this->is_ajaxed = isset($_REQUEST['form']) && $_REQUEST['form'] == $this->name; $elements = array(); foreach ($this->elements as $name => $config) { $this->addElement($name, $config); } $this->initialized = TRUE; if ($this->callback && ($callback = Cogear::prepareCallback($this->callback))) { if ($result = $this->result()) { call_user_func_array($callback, array($result)); } else { return $this->render(); } } }
/** * Generate hash for user * * @param object $user */ public function genHash() { return md5($this->password . Cogear::key()); }