Beispiel #1

// Call Cliprz\Loader\Autoload class file
include realpath('../../Autoload.php');
// Set base path
// Set classes core path
$coreClassesPath = $baseDir . 'Classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
 * Create Cliprz\Loader\Autoload instance
 * and set the core path that's search for classes in first place
$autoload = new Cliprz\Loader\Autoload($coreClassesPath);
// Add a single map
$autoload->addMap('Foo', $coreClassesPath . 'Foo.php');
// Add a multi map
$autoload->addMap(['Bar' => $coreClassesPath . 'Bar.php', 'Abc' => $coreClassesPath . 'Abc.php', 'Xyz' => $coreClassesPath . 'Xyz.php']);
// Install our autoloader on the SPL autoload stack
// Call classes from class map
$Foo = new Foo();
$Bar = new Bar();
$Abc = new Abc();
$Xyz = new Xyz();
echo '<pre>';
echo $Foo;
echo $Bar;
echo $Abc;
echo $Xyz;
echo '</pre>';
// Dump classes map
Beispiel #2

// Call Cliprz\Loader\Autoload class file
include realpath('../../Autoload.php');
// Set base path
// Set classes core path
$coreClassesPath = $baseDir . 'Classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
 * Create Cliprz\Loader\Autoload instance
 * and set the core path that's search for classes in first place
$autoload = new Cliprz\Loader\Autoload($coreClassesPath);
 * Set fallback paths if classes not founded in core path
 * this setting will search in fallback paths
$autoload->setFallback([$baseDir . 'Includes']);
// Install our autoloader on the SPL autoload stack
// Call classes from class map
$Foo = new Foo();
$Bar = new Bar();
$Abc = new Abc();
$Xyz = new Xyz();
echo '<pre>';
echo $Foo;
echo $Bar;
echo $Abc;
echo $Xyz;
echo '</pre>';
Beispiel #3

// Call Cliprz\Loader\Autoload class file
include realpath('../../Autoload.php');
// Set base path
// Set classes core path
$coreClassesPath = $baseDir . 'Classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
 * Create Cliprz\Loader\Autoload instance
 * and set the core path that's search for classes in first place
$autoload = new Cliprz\Loader\Autoload($coreClassesPath);
// Install our autoloader on the SPL autoload stack
// Call classes from core path
$Foo = new Foo();
$Bar = new Bar();
echo '<pre>';
echo $Foo;
echo $Bar;
echo '</pre>';
// Dump classes map
// Uninstall our autoloader from the SPL autoload stack
Beispiel #4

// Call Cliprz\Loader\Autoload class file
include realpath('../../Autoload.php');
// Set base path
// Set classes core path
$coreClassesPath = $baseDir . 'Classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
 * Create Cliprz\Loader\Autoload instance
 * and set the core path that's search for classes in first place
$autoload = new Cliprz\Loader\Autoload($coreClassesPath);
// Install our autoloader on the SPL autoload stack
// Call namespacing classes as PSR-0 autoload and create a Alias for the long names
$autoload->namespaceAlias('Project\\Library\\Foo', 'MyFoo');
$Foo = new MyFoo();
// Calling Bar object as Project\Library\Bar
$autoload->namespaceAlias('Project\\Library\\Bar', 'Bar');
$Bar = new Bar();
// Calling Alias with array
$alias = ['Project\\Library\\Abc' => 'Abc', 'Project\\Library\\Xyz' => 'Xyz'];
// Loop aliases
foreach ($alias as $o => $a) {
    $autoload->namespaceAlias($o, $a);
$Abc = new Abc();
$Xyz = new Xyz();
// Here i will set alias with third parameter as true
$autoload->namespaceAlias('Project\\Library\\SimpleClass', 'simple', true);