Beispiel #1
    if ($owed != 0) {
        $students[] = $s->student;
        echo '<tr><td>' . CHtml::encode($s->student->summary) . "</td><td>" . $s->status . "</td><td>" . Yii::app()->format->currencyZero($s->owed) . "</td></tr>";


foreach ($students as $st) {
    echo '<span class="span-11">';
    echo CHTML::link(CHtml::encode("Add New Check for " . $st->full_name) . '<br />', array("CheckIncome/multiEntry", 'student_id' => $st->id, 'class_id' => $model->id, 'company_id' => $model->company_id, 'returnTo' => Yii::app()->request->requestUri));
    echo "</span><span class=\"span-9 last\">";
    $un = CheckIncome::underAssignedChecks(null, $st->id);
    if (count($un) > 0) {
        echo "Or pick from one of these checks:<br />";
    foreach ($un as $check) {
        echo CHTML::link($check->summary, array("Income/create", 'check_id' => $check->id, 'student_id' => $st->id, 'class_id' => $model->id, 'returnTo' => Yii::app()->request->requestUri));
        echo CHtml::encode(': ' . Yii::app()->format->currency($check->unassigned) . ' available');
        echo '<br />';
    echo "</span><br />";

<div class="clear"></div>

Beispiel #2
$attributes = array('student.full_name:text:Student', 'amount:currency:Amount Assigned', 'check.check_num:ntext:Check #', 'check.payer:text:Payer', 'check.amount:currency:Total Check Amount', 'check.check_date:date:Check Date');
if ($model->is_company) {
    $attributes[] = 'check.delivered:date:Delivered to Company';
} else {
    $attributes[] = 'check.deposit.deposited_date:date:Deposited';
$attributes[] = array('class' => 'CompositeButtonColumn', 'modelClassName' => 'Income', 'template' => '{update}{delete}', 'returnTo' => Yii::app()->request->requestUri);
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('id' => 'income-grid', 'selectionChanged' => ZHtml::clickableRow('CheckIncome/view', 'join'), 'dataProvider' => new KArrayDataProvider($model->incomes), 'columns' => $attributes));

echo '<span class="span-11">';
echo CHTML::link(CHtml::encode("Add Check for " . $model->summary), array("CheckIncome/create", 'class_id' => $model->id, 'company_id' => $model->company_id));
echo "</span><span class=\"span-9 last\">";
$un = CheckIncome::underAssignedChecks(null);
if (count($un) > 0) {
    echo "Or pick from one of these checks:<br />";
foreach ($un as $check) {
    echo CHTML::link($check->summary, array("Income/create", 'class_id' => $model->id, 'check_id' => $check->id, 'company_id' => $model->company_id, 'returnTo' => Yii::app()->request->requestUri));
    echo CHtml::encode(': ' . Yii::app()->format->currency($check->unassigned) . ' available');
    echo '<br />';
echo "</span><br />";

<div class="clear"></div>