function checkExpiration() { global $noahsHost, $noahsVersionCheckScript, $item_typ, $fatherCatList; $_S =& new Settings(); $timeBeforeExp = Date::add($_S->expNoticeBefore, Date_Day); $query = "SELECT id, cid FROM @item WHERE " . "expirationTime!=0 AND expEmailSent=0 AND status=1 AND expirationTime<'" . $timeBeforeExp->getDbFormat() . "' ORDER BY cid ASC"; G::load($items, $query); G::load($n, Notification_adExpired, "notification"); if ($n->active) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) { if ($i && $items[$i]->cid != $items[$i - 1]->cid) { include "item_typ.php"; $fatherCatList = 0; } $ownerEmail = $items[$i]->getEmailParams($params); $n->send($ownerEmail, $params); executeQuery("UPDATE @item SET expEmailSent=1 WHERE id=" . $items[$i]->id); } } $_GS = new GlobalStat(); if (!$_GS->reg) { $_GS->reg = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); modify($_GS); } $ck = new CheckConf(); $data = $ck->getTransferData($_GS); $ck->getVersionInfo($noahsHost, "POST", $noahsVersionCheckScript, $data); return count($items); }
function checkForUpdates() { global $noahsHost, $noahsVersionCheckScript, $now, $siteDemo; $_S =& new AppSettings(); if ($_S->updateCheckInterval && !$siteDemo) { $_GS = new GlobalStat(); if ($_GS->lastUpdateCheck->isEmpty() || $_GS->lastUpdateCheck->getDayDiff() >= $_S->updateCheckInterval) { $cc = new CheckConf(); if (($latestVersionInfo = $cc->getVersionInfo($noahsHost, "POST", $noahsVersionCheckScript, "")) === FALSE) { return; // connection error - we will try next time } else { // sets $response and $latestVersion: $latestVersionInfo = explode("Version-Info:", $latestVersionInfo); eval($latestVersionInfo[1]); if ($latestVersion != $_GS->instver) { $this->nextAction =& new AppController("checkconf/updates"); } $_GS->lastUpdateCheck = $now; modify($_GS); } } } }