Beispiel #1
		public function appendPreferences($context){
			// Import the db_sync.sql file when the cdi_import action is called
			// The import action is the only left to require a post-back because AJAX file upload is cumbersome
			if(isset($_POST["action"]["cdi_import"])) {
			} else if(isset($_POST["action"]["dumpdb_restore"])) {
			// Create the Preferences user-interface for the CDI extension
			$group = new XMLElement('fieldset');
			$group->setAttribute('class', 'cdi settings');
			$group->appendChild(new XMLElement('legend', 'Continuous Database Integration'));
			$group->appendChild(new XMLElement('div', '<span class="image">&#160;</span><span>Processing... please wait.</span>', array('class' => 'help cdiLoading cdiHidden')));
			Administration::instance()->Page->Form->setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
			if(CdiUtil::isCdi()) {
			} else if(CdiUtil::isCdiDBSync()) {

			// Append preferences
Beispiel #2

			$result["status"] = 'success';
			$result["result"] = htmlspecialchars(CdiPreferences::appendRestore()->generate());
		} catch(Exception $e) {
			$result["status"] = "error";
			$result["message"] = $e->getMessage();
			Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('[CDI] ' . $e->getMessage(), E_ERROR, true);

	// CDI Restore
	else if(isset($_POST["action"]["cdi_restore"])) {
		try {
			$result["status"] = 'success';
		} catch(Exception $e) {
			$result["status"] = "error";
			$result["message"] = $e->getMessage();
			Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('[CDI] ' . $e->getMessage(), E_NOTICE, true);
	// No action? Error!
	else {
	   	$result["status"] = "error";
	   	$result["message"] = "You can only execute actions if you actually post one!";
		Symphony::Log()->pushToLog('[CDI] You can only execute actions if you actually post one!', E_NOTICE, true);
Beispiel #3
		 * The executeQueries() function will try to execute all SQL statements that are available in the manifest folder.
		 * It will check the CDI log to see if the statement has already been executed based on the MD5 hash.
		 * This function can only be called by SLAVE instances
		public static function update() {
			// We should not be processing any queries when the extension is disabled or when we are the Master instance
			// Check also exists on content page, but just to be sure!
			if((!class_exists('Administration')) || !CdiUtil::isEnabled() || !CdiUtil::isCdiSlave()) {
				echo "WARNING: CDI is disabled or you are running the queryies on the Master instance. No queries have been executed.";
			// Prevent the CdiLogQuery::log() from persisting queries that are executed by CDI itself
			// Technically this should not be possible because it will not log queries on a SLAVE instance
			// and you can only run the executeQueries when in SLAVE mode. This is just to be sure.
			// Switch to maintenance mode
			if(Symphony::Configuration()->get('maintenance-enabled', 'cdi') == 'yes') {
				Symphony::Configuration()->set('enabled', 'yes', 'maintenance_mode');
			// Implement automatic backup before processing structural changes
			if(Symphony::Configuration()->get('backup-enabled', 'cdi') == 'yes') {
				try {
					if(CdiUtil::hasDumpDBInstalled()) {
						require_once(EXTENSIONS . '/cdi/lib/class.cdidumpdb.php');
						$currentBackup = CdiDumpDB::backup("automatic");
					} else {
						throw new Exception('You can only enable automatic backup files when the "Dump DB" extension (version 1.10 or higher) is installed and enabled.');
				}catch (Exception $e) {
					echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() , ". Failed to backup database before update, aborting.";
			try {
				$skipped = 0;
				$executed = 0;
				$entries = CdiLogQuery::getCdiLogEntries();
				foreach($entries as $entry) {
					$ts = $entry[0];
					$order = $entry[1];
					$hash = $entry[2];
					$query = $entry[3];
					$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ts);
					// Replace the table prefix in the query
					// Rename the generic table prefix to the prefix used by this instance
					$tbl_prefix = Symphony::Configuration()->get('tbl_prefix', 'database');
					$query = str_replace('tbl_', $tbl_prefix, $query);
					try {
						// Look for available CDI log entries based on the provided MD5 hash
						$cdiLogEntry = Symphony::Database()->fetchRow(0,"SELECT * FROM tbl_cdi_log WHERE `query_hash` LIKE '" . $hash . "'");
						if(empty($cdiLogEntry)) {
							// The query has not been found in the log, thus it has not been executed
							// So let's execute the query and add it to the log!
							Symphony::Database()->query("INSERT INTO `tbl_cdi_log` (`query_hash`,`author`,`url`,`date`,`order`)
														 VALUES ('" . $hash . "','" . CdiUtil::getAuthor() . "','" . CdiUtil::getURL() . "','" . $date . "'," . $order . ")");
						} else {
							// The query has already been executed, let's do nothing;
					} catch (Exception $e) {
						//TODO: think of some smart way of dealing with errors, perhaps through the preference screen or a CDI Status content page?
						//Due to the error we need to perform a rollback to allow this query to be executed at a later stage.
						// Implement automatic restore on error
						if((Symphony::Configuration()->get('backup-enabled', 'cdi') == 'yes') &&
						   (Symphony::Configuration()->get('restore-enabled', 'cdi') == 'yes')) {
							try {
							}catch (Exception $r) {
								echo "ERROR: " . $r->getMessage() , ". Failed to restore latest database backup. This instance needs immediate attention!";

							// Restore was succesful, at least we can jump out of maintenance mode
							if(Symphony::Configuration()->get('maintenance-enabled', 'cdi') == 'yes') {
								Symphony::Configuration()->set('enabled', 'no', 'maintenance_mode');
							echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() , ". Rollback & Restore have been executed.";
						} else {
							if(Symphony::Configuration()->get('maintenance-enabled', 'cdi') == 'yes') {
								echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() , ". Rollback has been executed. This instance is now in maintenance mode and needs immediate attention!";
							} else {
								echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() , ". Rollback has been executed.";
						// Stop processing
				echo "OK: " . $executed . " queries executed, " . $skipped . " skipped.";
			} catch (Exception $e) {
				//TODO: think of some smart way of dealing with errors, perhaps through the preference screen or a CDI Status content page?
				echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage();

			// Save the last update date to configuration
			Symphony::Configuration()->set('last-update', time(), 'cdi');
			// No more maintenance mode
			if(Symphony::Configuration()->get('maintenance-enabled', 'cdi') == 'yes') {
				Symphony::Configuration()->set('enabled', 'no', 'maintenance_mode');
			// Re-enable CdiLogQuery::log() to persist queries