Beispiel #1
foreach ($list as $item) {
    $worldCount = 0;
    $uzCount = 0;
    $itemCount = 0;
    // Определеяем количество статей
    if ($item->info_category_id->id > 0) {
        $itemCount = CatalogInfo::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("category_id =:cid")->setParams([":cid" => $item->info_category_id->id]));
    } elseif ($item->country_id->id > 0) {
        $itemCount = CatalogInfo::count(DBQueryParamsClass::CreateParams()->setConditions("country_id = :cid")->setParams([":cid" => $item->country_id->id]));
    } elseif ($item->category_id->id > 0) {
        $itemCountArr = CatalogInfo::sql("SELECT count(id) as count_ FROM catalog_info WHERE id in ( SELECT leftId FROM cat_relations WHERE leftClass='CatalogInfo' AND rightId='" . $item->category_id->id . "' AND rightClass='CatalogToursCategory' )");
        if (sizeof($itemCountArr) > 0) {
            $itemCount = $itemCountArr[0]["count_"];
    if ($item->country_id->id > 0) {
        $countryWhere = "country_id = ";
    $sql = "SELECT count(id) as count_ FROM catalog_tours WHERE active=1";
    if ($item->category_id->id > 0) {
        $sql .= " AND category_id='" . $item->category_id->id . "'";
    $worldCountArr = CatalogTours::sql($sql . " AND country_id='1' ");
    if (sizeof($worldCountArr) > 0) {
        $worldCount = $worldCountArr[0]["count_"];