Beispiel #1
    $passengers = filter_var($_GET['passengers'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
function __autoload($nombre_clase)
    include $nombre_clase . '.php';
if ($vehicle == "1") {
    $obj1 = new Planes();
    $maximum = $obj1->maxPassengers();
    if ($passengers > $maximum) {
        echo "<div style=\"color:#FF0404; background-color:#EEBE3D; width:500px; border: solid; padding:4px;    \" class=\"alert alert-danger\">\n            You can not travel on a Plane whit " . $passengers . " passengers. The maximum number of allowed passengers for the selected transport is " . $obj1->maxPassengers() . " </div>";
    } else {
        echo "<script>alert('Ok! you can now travel. Bye');</script>";
} elseif ($vehicle == "2") {
    $obj2 = new Cars();
    $maximum = $obj2->maxPassengers();
    if ($passengers > $maximum) {
        echo "<div style=\"color:#FF0404; background-color:#EEBE3D; width:500px; border: solid; padding:4px;    \" class=\"alert alert-danger\">\n            You can not travel on a Car whit " . $passengers . " passengers. The maximum number of allowed passengers for the selected transport is " . $obj2->maxPassengers() . "</div>";
    } else {
        echo "<script>alert('Ok! you can now travel. Bye');</script>";
} elseif ($vehicle == "3") {
    $obj3 = new Bikes();
    $maximum = $obj3->maxPassengers();
    if ($passengers > $maximum) {
        echo "<div style=\"color:#FF0404; background-color:#EEBE3D; width:500px; border: solid; padding:4px;    \" class=\"alert alert-danger\">\n            You can not travel on a Bike whit " . $passengers . " passengers. The maximum number of allowed passengers for the selected transport is " . $obj3->maxPassengers() . " </div>";
    } else {
        echo "<script>alert('Ok! you can now travel. Bye');</script>";