  * Constructs a new challenge.
  * @return  void
 public function __construct()
     Captcha::$config = array_merge(Kohana::config('captcha/' . Captcha::$config['style']), Kohana::config('captcha.' . Captcha::$config['group']), Captcha::$config);
     if (!empty($_POST) && !empty(Captcha::$config['field']) && !empty($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
         $_POST[Captcha::$config['field']] = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'];
Beispiel #2
 public static function instance($group = 'alpha')
     if (!isset(Captcha::$instance)) {
         $config = Kohana::config('captcha');
         Captcha::$config = $config;
         //$style = $config['style'];
         $class = 'Captcha_' . ucfirst($group);
         Captcha::$instance = new $class($config);
     return Captcha::$instance;
Beispiel #3
  * Constructs a new Captcha object.
  * @throws  KoException
  * @param   string  config group name
  * @return  void
 public function __construct($config = NULL)
     if (empty($config)) {
         $config = Ko::config('captcha.default');
     } elseif (is_string($config)) {
         if (($config = Ko::config('captcha.' . $config)) === NULL) {
             throw new KoException('captcha.undefined_group :group', array(':group' => $config));
     $config_default = Ko::config('captcha.default');
     // Merge the default config with the passed config
     self::$config = array_merge($config_default, $config);
     // If using a background image, check if it exists
     if (!empty($config['background'])) {
         self::$config['background'] = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($config['background']));
         if (!is_file(self::$config['background'])) {
             throw new KoException('captcha.file_not_found :background', array(':background' => self::$config['background']));
     // If using any fonts, check if they exist
     if (!empty($config['fonts'])) {
         self::$config['fontpath'] = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($config['fontpath'])) . '/';
         foreach ($config['fonts'] as $font) {
             if (!is_file(self::$config['fontpath'] . $font)) {
                 throw new KoException('captcha.file_not_found :font', array(':font' => self::$config['fontpath'] . $font));
     // Set driver name
     $driver = 'Captcha_' . ucfirst($config['style']);
     // Load the driver
     if (!Ko::autoload($driver)) {
         throw new KoException('core.driver_not_found :style', array(':style' => $driver));
     $this->driver = new $driver();
     // Validate the driver
     if (!$this->driver instanceof Captcha_Driver) {
         throw new KoException('core.driver_implements :driver', array(':driver' => $config['style']));
Beispiel #4
  * render image
  * @param array $config
  * @return image
 public static function render($config = false)
     if (is_array($config)) {
         Captcha::$config = array_merge(Captcha::$config, $config);
     if (empty(Captcha::$response)) {
     // Creates Captcha::$image
     // Add a random gradient
     if (empty(Captcha::$config['background'])) {
         $color1 = imagecolorallocate(Captcha::$image, mt_rand(0, 100), mt_rand(0, 100), mt_rand(0, 100));
         $color2 = imagecolorallocate(Captcha::$image, mt_rand(0, 100), mt_rand(0, 100), mt_rand(0, 100));
         Captcha::image_gradient($color1, $color2);
     // Add a few random circles
     for ($i = 0, $count = mt_rand(10, Captcha::$config['complexity'] * 3); $i < $count; $i++) {
         $color = imagecolorallocatealpha(Captcha::$image, mt_rand(0, 255), mt_rand(0, 255), mt_rand(0, 255), mt_rand(80, 120));
         $size = mt_rand(5, Captcha::$config['height'] / 3);
         imagefilledellipse(Captcha::$image, mt_rand(0, Captcha::$config['width']), mt_rand(0, Captcha::$config['height']), $size, $size, $color);
     // Calculate character font-size and spacing
     $default_size = min(Captcha::$config['width'], Captcha::$config['height'] * 2) / strlen(Captcha::$response);
     $spacing = (int) (Captcha::$config['width'] * 0.9 / strlen(Captcha::$response));
     // Background alphabetic character attributes
     $color_limit = mt_rand(96, 160);
     $chars = 'ABEFGJKLPQRTVY';
     // Draw each captcha character with varying attributes
     for ($i = 0, $strlen = strlen(Captcha::$response); $i < $strlen; $i++) {
         // Use different fonts if available
         $font = Core::find_file('data', Captcha::$config['fonts'][array_rand(Captcha::$config['fonts'])], false);
         $angle = mt_rand(-40, 20);
         // Scale the character size on image height
         $size = $default_size / 10 * mt_rand(8, 12);
         if (!function_exists('imageftbbox')) {
             Core::show_500(__('function imageftbbox not exist.'));
         $box = imageftbbox($size, $angle, $font, Captcha::$response[$i]);
         // Calculate character starting coordinates
         $x = $spacing / 4 + $i * $spacing;
         $y = Captcha::$config['height'] / 2 + ($box[2] - $box[5]) / 4;
         // Draw captcha text character
         // Allocate random color, size and rotation attributes to text
         $color = imagecolorallocate(Captcha::$image, mt_rand(150, 255), mt_rand(200, 255), mt_rand(0, 255));
         // Write text character to image
         imagefttext(Captcha::$image, $size, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $font, Captcha::$response[$i]);
         // Draw "ghost" alphabetic character
         $text_color = imagecolorallocatealpha(Captcha::$image, mt_rand($color_limit + 8, 255), mt_rand($color_limit + 8, 255), mt_rand($color_limit + 8, 255), mt_rand(70, 120));
         $char = substr($chars, mt_rand(0, 14), 1);
         imagettftext(Captcha::$image, $size * 1.4, mt_rand(-45, 45), $x - mt_rand(5, 10), $y + mt_rand(5, 10), $text_color, $font, $char);
     // Output
     return Captcha::image_render();