Beispiel #1
  * Test getSessionID returns NULL for none existing visit
  * @covers Candidate::getSessionID
  * @return void
 public function testGetSessionIDReturnsNullForNoneExistingVisit()
//define the command line parameters
if (count($argv) != 3) {
    echo "Usage: php delete_candidate DCCID PSCID\n";
    echo "Example: php delete_candidate 608858 SEA0252\n";
} else {
    $DCCID = $argv[1];
    $PSCID = $argv[2];
if ($DB->pselectOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM candidate WHERE CandID = :cid AND PSCID = :pid ", array('cid' => $DCCID, 'pid' => $PSCID)) == 0) {
    echo "The Candid : {$DCCID}  AND PSCID : {$PSCID} Doesn't Exist in " . "the database\n";
//Find candidate...
$candidate = new Candidate();
//find the candidate with the given DCCID
//find sessions
$sessions = $candidate->getListOfTimePoints();
if (is_null($sessions) || empty($sessions)) {
    echo "There are no coressponding session for Candid : {$DCCID} \n";
echo "Dropping all DB entries for candidate DCCID: " . $DCCID . "And PSCID:" . $PSCID . "\n";
//find the test_names and commentIDs
$query = "SELECT ID, Test_name, CommentID FROM flag WHERE SessionID in (" . implode(" , ", $sessions) . ")";
$instruments = $DB->pselect($query, array());
//delete the sessions
$DB->delete("session", array("CandID" => $DCCID));
//delete each instrument table entry
foreach ($instruments as $instrument) {