  * Event handler: SkinTag (widget)
  * @param array Associative array of parameters. Valid keys are:
  *      - 'block_start' : (Default: '<div class="bSideItem">')
  *      - 'block_end' : (Default: '</div>')
  *      - 'title' : (Default: T_('Calendar'))
  *      - 'displaycaption'
  *      - 'monthformat'
  *      - 'linktomontharchive'
  *      - 'tablestart'
  *      - 'tableend'
  *      - 'monthstart'
  *      - 'monthend'
  *      - 'rowstart'
  *      - 'rowend'
  *      - 'headerdisplay'
  *      - 'headerrowstart'
  *      - 'headerrowend'
  *      - 'headercellstart'
  *      - 'headercellend'
  *      - 'cellstart'
  *      - 'cellend'
  *      - 'linkpostcellstart'
  *      - 'linkposttodaycellstart'
  *      - 'todaycellstart'
  *      - 'todaycellstartpost'
  *      - 'navigation' : Where do we want to have the navigation arrows? (Default: 'tfoot')
  *      - 'browseyears' : boolean  Do we want arrows to move one year at a time?
  *      - 'min_timestamp' : Minimum unix timestamp the user can browse too or 'query' (Default: 2000-01-01)
  *      - 'max_timestamp' : Maximum unix timestamp the user can browse too or 'query' (Default: now + 1 year )
  *      - 'postcount_month_atitle'
  *      - 'postcount_month_atitle_one'
  *      - 'postcount_year_atitle'
  *      - 'postcount_year_atitle_one'
  *      - 'link_type' : 'canonic'|'context' (default: canonic)
  * @return boolean did we display?
 function SkinTag($params)
     // Prefix of the ItemList object
     $itemlist_prefix = isset($params['itemlist_prefix']) ? $params['itemlist_prefix'] : '';
     global $month;
     global $Blog, $cat_array, $cat_modifier;
     global $show_statuses;
     global $author, $assgn, $status, $types;
     global ${$itemlist_prefix . 'm'}, $w, $dstart;
     global $s, $sentence, $exact;
     global $posttypes_specialtypes;
      * Default params:
     // This is what will enclose the block in the skin:
     if (!isset($params['block_start'])) {
         $params['block_start'] = '<div class="bSideItem">';
     if (!isset($params['block_end'])) {
         $params['block_end'] = "</div>\n";
     // Title:
     if (!isset($params['block_title_start'])) {
         $params['block_title_start'] = '<h3>';
     if (!isset($params['block_title_end'])) {
         $params['block_title_end'] = '</h3>';
     if (!isset($params['title'])) {
         $params['title'] = '';
     $Calendar = new Calendar(${$itemlist_prefix . 'm'}, $params);
     // TODO: automate with a table inside of Calendatr object. Table should also contain descriptions and default values to display in help screen.
     // Note: minbrowse and maxbrowe already work this way.
     if (isset($params['displaycaption'])) {
         $Calendar->set('displaycaption', $params['displaycaption']);
     if (isset($params['monthformat'])) {
         $Calendar->set('monthformat', $params['monthformat']);
     if (isset($params['linktomontharchive'])) {
         $Calendar->set('linktomontharchive', $params['linktomontharchive']);
     if (isset($params['tablestart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('tablestart', $params['tablestart']);
     if (isset($params['tableend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('tableend', $params['tableend']);
     if (isset($params['monthstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('monthstart', $params['monthstart']);
     if (isset($params['monthend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('monthend', $params['monthend']);
     if (isset($params['rowstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('rowstart', $params['rowstart']);
     if (isset($params['rowend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('rowend', $params['rowend']);
     if (isset($params['headerdisplay'])) {
         $Calendar->set('headerdisplay', $params['headerdisplay']);
     if (isset($params['headerrowstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('headerrowstart', $params['headerrowstart']);
     if (isset($params['headerrowend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('headerrowend', $params['headerrowend']);
     if (isset($params['headercellstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('headercellstart', $params['headercellstart']);
     if (isset($params['headercellend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('headercellend', $params['headercellend']);
     if (isset($params['cellstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('cellstart', $params['cellstart']);
     if (isset($params['cellend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('cellend', $params['cellend']);
     if (isset($params['emptycellstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('emptycellstart', $params['emptycellstart']);
     if (isset($params['emptycellend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('emptycellend', $params['emptycellend']);
     if (isset($params['emptycellcontent'])) {
         $Calendar->set('emptycellcontent', $params['emptycellcontent']);
     if (isset($params['linkpostcellstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('linkpostcellstart', $params['linkpostcellstart']);
     if (isset($params['linkposttodaycellstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('linkposttodaycellstart', $params['linkposttodaycellstart']);
     if (isset($params['todaycellstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('todaycellstart', $params['todaycellstart']);
     if (isset($params['todaycellstartpost'])) {
         $Calendar->set('todaycellstartpost', $params['todaycellstartpost']);
     if (isset($params['navigation'])) {
         $Calendar->set('navigation', $params['navigation']);
     if (isset($params['browseyears'])) {
         $Calendar->set('browseyears', $params['browseyears']);
     if (isset($params['postcount_month_atitle'])) {
         $Calendar->set('postcount_month_atitle', $params['postcount_month_atitle']);
     if (isset($params['postcount_month_atitle_one'])) {
         $Calendar->set('postcount_month_atitle_one', $params['postcount_month_atitle_one']);
     if (isset($params['postcount_year_atitle'])) {
         $Calendar->set('postcount_year_atitle', $params['postcount_year_atitle']);
     if (isset($params['postcount_year_atitle_one'])) {
         $Calendar->set('postcount_year_atitle_one', $params['postcount_year_atitle_one']);
     // Link type:
     if (isset($params['link_type'])) {
         $Calendar->set('link_type', $params['link_type']);
     if (isset($params['context_isolation'])) {
         $Calendar->set('context_isolation', $params['context_isolation']);
     echo $params['block_start'];
     if (!empty($params['title'])) {
         // We want to display a title for the widget block:
         echo $params['block_title_start'];
         echo $params['title'];
         echo $params['block_title_end'];
     // - - Select a specific Item:
     // $this->ItemQuery->where_ID( $p, $title );
     if ($Calendar->link_type == 'context') {
         // We want to preserve the current context:
         // * - - Restrict to selected blog/categories:
         $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_chapter2($Blog, $cat_array, $cat_modifier);
         // * Restrict to the statuses we want to show:
         // Restrict to selected authors:
         // Restrict to selected assignees:
         // Restrict to selected satuses:
         // - - - + * * if a month is specified in the querystring, load that month:
         $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_datestart('', '', $dstart, '', $Blog->get_timestamp_min(), $Blog->get_timestamp_max());
         // Keyword search stuff:
         $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_keywords($s, $sentence, $exact);
         // Exclude pages and intros:
     } else {
         // We want to preserve only the minimal context:
         // * - - Restrict to selected blog/categories:
         $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_chapter2($Blog, array(), '');
         // * Restrict to the statuses we want to show:
         // - - - + * * if a month is specified in the querystring, load that month:
         $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_datestart('', '', '', '', $Blog->get_timestamp_min(), $Blog->get_timestamp_max());
         // Exclude pages and intros and sidebar stuff:
         $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_types('-' . implode(',', $posttypes_specialtypes));
     // DISPLAY:
     echo $params['block_end'];
     return true;
Beispiel #2
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="UTF-8" />
        <style type="text/css">
            table.calendar {
                border: 1px solid #050;
            .calendar th, .calendar td {
            .calendar th {
        <div style="align:center">
                $cal = new Calendar($params);
  * Event handler: SkinTag (widget)
  * @param array Associative array of parameters. Valid keys are:
  *      - 'block_start' : (Default: '<div class="bSideItem">')
  *      - 'block_end' : (Default: '</div>')
  *      - 'title' : (Default: T_('Calendar'))
  *      - 'displaycaption'
  *      - 'monthformat'
  *      - 'linktomontharchive'
  *      - 'tablestart'
  *      - 'tableend'
  *      - 'monthstart'
  *      - 'monthend'
  *      - 'rowstart'
  *      - 'rowend'
  *      - 'headerdisplay'
  *      - 'headerrowstart'
  *      - 'headerrowend'
  *      - 'headercellstart'
  *      - 'headercellend'
  *      - 'cellstart'
  *      - 'cellend'
  *      - 'linkpostcellstart'
  *      - 'linkposttodaycellstart'
  *      - 'todaycellstart'
  *      - 'todaycellstartpost'
  *      - 'navigation' : Where do we want to have the navigation arrows? (Default: 'tfoot')
  *      - 'browseyears' : boolean  Do we want arrows to move one year at a time?
  *      - 'min_timestamp' : Minimum unix timestamp the user can browse too or 'query' (Default: 2000-01-01)
  *      - 'max_timestamp' : Maximum unix timestamp the user can browse too or 'query' (Default: now + 1 year )
  *      - 'postcount_month_atitle'
  *      - 'postcount_month_atitle_one'
  *      - 'postcount_year_atitle'
  *      - 'postcount_year_atitle_one'
  *      - 'link_type' : 'canonic'|'context' (default: canonic)
  * @return boolean did we display?
 function SkinTag($params)
     // Prefix of the ItemList object
     $itemlist_prefix = isset($params['itemlist_prefix']) ? $params['itemlist_prefix'] : '';
     global $month;
     global $Blog, $cat_array, $cat_modifier;
     global $show_statuses;
     global $author, $assgn, $status, $types;
     global ${$itemlist_prefix . 'm'}, $w, $dstart;
     global $s, $sentence, $exact;
     global $posttypes_specialtypes;
      * Default params:
     $params = array_merge(array('block_start' => '<div class="bSideItem">', 'block_end' => "</div>\n", 'block_title_start' => '<h3>', 'block_title_end' => '</h3>', 'block_body_start' => '', 'block_body_end' => ''), $params);
     $Calendar = new Calendar(${$itemlist_prefix . 'm'}, $params);
     // TODO: automate with a table inside of Calendatr object. Table should also contain descriptions and default values to display in help screen.
     // Note: minbrowse and maxbrowe already work this way.
     if (isset($params['displaycaption'])) {
         $Calendar->set('displaycaption', $params['displaycaption']);
     if (isset($params['monthformat'])) {
         $Calendar->set('monthformat', $params['monthformat']);
     if (isset($params['linktomontharchive'])) {
         $Calendar->set('linktomontharchive', $params['linktomontharchive']);
     if (isset($params['tablestart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('tablestart', $params['tablestart']);
     if (isset($params['tableend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('tableend', $params['tableend']);
     if (isset($params['monthstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('monthstart', $params['monthstart']);
     if (isset($params['monthend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('monthend', $params['monthend']);
     if (isset($params['rowstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('rowstart', $params['rowstart']);
     if (isset($params['rowend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('rowend', $params['rowend']);
     if (isset($params['headerdisplay'])) {
         $Calendar->set('headerdisplay', $params['headerdisplay']);
     if (isset($params['headerrowstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('headerrowstart', $params['headerrowstart']);
     if (isset($params['headerrowend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('headerrowend', $params['headerrowend']);
     if (isset($params['headercellstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('headercellstart', $params['headercellstart']);
     if (isset($params['headercellend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('headercellend', $params['headercellend']);
     if (isset($params['cellstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('cellstart', $params['cellstart']);
     if (isset($params['cellend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('cellend', $params['cellend']);
     if (isset($params['emptycellstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('emptycellstart', $params['emptycellstart']);
     if (isset($params['emptycellend'])) {
         $Calendar->set('emptycellend', $params['emptycellend']);
     if (isset($params['emptycellcontent'])) {
         $Calendar->set('emptycellcontent', $params['emptycellcontent']);
     if (isset($params['linkpostcellstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('linkpostcellstart', $params['linkpostcellstart']);
     if (isset($params['linkposttodaycellstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('linkposttodaycellstart', $params['linkposttodaycellstart']);
     if (isset($params['todaycellstart'])) {
         $Calendar->set('todaycellstart', $params['todaycellstart']);
     if (isset($params['todaycellstartpost'])) {
         $Calendar->set('todaycellstartpost', $params['todaycellstartpost']);
     if (isset($params['navigation'])) {
         $Calendar->set('navigation', $params['navigation']);
     if (isset($params['browseyears'])) {
         $Calendar->set('browseyears', $params['browseyears']);
     if (isset($params['postcount_month_atitle'])) {
         $Calendar->set('postcount_month_atitle', $params['postcount_month_atitle']);
     if (isset($params['postcount_month_atitle_one'])) {
         $Calendar->set('postcount_month_atitle_one', $params['postcount_month_atitle_one']);
     if (isset($params['postcount_year_atitle'])) {
         $Calendar->set('postcount_year_atitle', $params['postcount_year_atitle']);
     if (isset($params['postcount_year_atitle_one'])) {
         $Calendar->set('postcount_year_atitle_one', $params['postcount_year_atitle_one']);
     // Link type:
     if (isset($params['link_type'])) {
         $Calendar->set('link_type', $params['link_type']);
     if (isset($params['context_isolation'])) {
         $Calendar->set('context_isolation', $params['context_isolation']);
     echo $params['block_start'];
     if (!empty($params['title'])) {
         // We want to display a title for the widget block:
         echo $params['block_title_start'];
         if ($params['title_link']) {
             // Set block title as link to current collection:
             echo '<a href="' . $Blog->gen_blogurl() . '" rel="nofollow">' . $params['title'] . '</a>';
         } else {
             // Display a block title as simple text:
             echo $params['title'];
         echo $params['block_title_end'];
     echo $params['block_body_start'];
     // - - Select a specific Item:
     // $this->ItemQuery->where_ID( $p, $title );
     // Set filter by collection:
     $blog_ID = empty($params['blog_ID']) ? NULL : $params['blog_ID'];
     if (empty($params['cat_IDs'])) {
         // Use default categories filter:
         $filter_cat_array = $Calendar->link_type == 'context' ? $cat_array : array();
     } else {
         // Get categories filter from widget settings:
         $filter_cat_array = sanitize_id_list($params['cat_IDs'], true);
     if ($Calendar->link_type == 'context') {
         // We want to preserve the current context:
         // * - - Restrict to selected blog/categories:
         $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_chapter2($Blog, $filter_cat_array, $cat_modifier, 'wide', $blog_ID);
         // Restrict to selected authors:
         // Restrict to selected assignees:
         // Restrict to selected satuses:
         // - - - + * * if a month is specified in the querystring, load that month:
         $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_datestart('', '', $dstart, '', $Blog->get_timestamp_min(), $Blog->get_timestamp_max());
         // Keyword search stuff:
         $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_keywords($s, $sentence, $exact);
     } else {
         // We want to preserve only the minimal context:
         // * - - Restrict to selected blog/categories:
         $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_chapter2($Blog, $filter_cat_array, '', 'wide', $blog_ID);
         // - - - + * * if a month is specified in the querystring, load that month:
         $Calendar->ItemQuery->where_datestart('', '', '', '', $Blog->get_timestamp_min(), $Blog->get_timestamp_max());
     if (isset($params['item_visibility']) && $params['item_visibility'] == 'public') {
         // Get only the public items:
         $visibility_array = array('published');
     } else {
         // Get the current selected status items:
         $visibility_array = $show_statuses;
     // * Restrict to the statuses we want to show:
     $item_types = $types;
     if (isset($params['item_type'])) {
         if ($params['item_type'] == '#') {
             // Exclude pages and intros and sidebar stuff by default:
             $item_types = '-' . implode(',', $posttypes_specialtypes);
         } elseif ($params['item_type'] != 'all') {
             // Filter by one selected item type:
             $item_types = $params['item_type'];
     // Filter by item types:
     // DISPLAY:
     echo $params['block_body_end'];
     echo $params['block_end'];
     return true;
Beispiel #4

//This file is part of NOALYSS and is under GPL
//see licence.txt
 * @file
 * @brief show the calendar
if (!defined('ALLOWED')) {
    die('Appel direct ne sont pas permis');
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_calendar.php';
$cal = new Calendar();
$cal->default_periode = isset($_GET['in']) ? $_GET['in'] : $g_user->get_periode();
<div id="calendar_zoom_div">
echo $cal->display('long', 1);
Beispiel #5
 * Access calendar package to display event calendar
 * @package  events
 * @version  $Header$
 * @author   nickpalmer
 * required setup
require_once '../kernel/setup_inc.php';
require_once EVENTS_PKG_PATH . 'BitEvents.php';
if ($gBitSystem->isPackageActive('calendar')) {
    include_once CALENDAR_PKG_PATH . 'Calendar.php';
    // now, lets get the ball rolling!
    $gCalendar = new Calendar();
    $gCalendar->processRequestHash($_REQUEST, $_SESSION['calendar']);
    // Setup which content types we want to view.
    $listHash['content_type_guid'] = array('bitevents');
    $events = new BitEvents();
    if (empty($_REQUEST['event_after'])) {
        $_REQUEST['event_after'] = $gBitSystem->getUTCTime();
    $listevents = $events->getList($_REQUEST);
    // Build the calendar
    $gCalendar->buildCalendar($listHash, $_SESSION['calendar']);
    // And display it with a nice title.
    $gCalendar->display(tra('Events Calendar'), FALSE, EVENTS_PKG_URL . 'calendar.php');
Beispiel #6
        // display new calendar
    // display new calendar
    case 'cal':
        require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_calendar.php';
        /* others report */
        $cal = new Calendar();
        $notitle = HtmlInput::default_value_get("notitle", 0);
        $html = "";
        $html = $cal->display($_GET['t'], $notitle);
        $html = escape_xml($html);
        header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
        echo <<<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        /* rem a cat of document */
    /* rem a cat of document */
    case 'rem_cat_doc':
        require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_document_type.php';
        // if user can not return error message
        $message = "";
Beispiel #7

// $Header$
// Copyright( c ) 2002-2003, Luis Argerich, Garland Foster, Eduardo Polidor, et. al.
// All Rights Reserved. See below for details and a complete list of authors.
// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html for details.
require_once '../kernel/setup_inc.php';
include_once CALENDAR_PKG_PATH . 'Calendar.php';
$gBitSystem->isPackageActive('calendar', TRUE);
// now, lets get the ball rolling!
$gCalendar = new Calendar();
// Handle the request hash storing into the session.
$gCalendar->processRequestHash($_REQUEST, $_SESSION['calendar']);
// Setup which content types we want to view.
if ($gBitUser->hasPermission("p_calendar_view_changes") && $_SESSION['calendar']['content_type_guid']) {
    $listHash = $_SESSION['calendar'];
} else {
    foreach ($gLibertySystem->mContentTypes as $key => $val) {
        if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('calendar_default_' . $key)) {
            $listHash['content_type_guid'][] = $key;
// Build the calendar
$gCalendar->buildCalendar($listHash, $_SESSION['calendar']);
// And display it with a nice title.
Beispiel #8
if ($m > 12) {
    echo "Fehler!!! Kein g&uuml;ltiger Monat";
} elseif ($y >= date("Y") + 9) {
    echo "Zu hohes Datum";
} elseif ($y <= date("Y") - 9) {
    echo "Zu geringes Datum";
} elseif ($d > 31 || $d < 1) {
    echo "kein g&uuml;ltiger Tag";
} else {
    if ($action == "addNew") {
        $cal->addMeeting($d, $m, $y);
        echo "{$d} - {$m} - {$y}";
    } else {
        if ($action == "viewDay") {
            $cal->viewDay($d, $m, $y, $id);
        } else {
            if ($action == "getAll") {
            } else {
                if ($action == "insertDB") {
                    echo $date;
                    $date = explode(".", $date);
                    $cal->insertDB($date[0], $date[1], $date[2], $begin, $duration, $place, $description, $persons, $id);
                } else {
                    $cal->display($m, $y, $id);
require "inc/footer.inc.php";