/** * Assume content is not constructed properly for zip */ public static function gzSoapCompressEndFlush($status, $zip = false, $encoding = null, $logger = null) { header($status); header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8"); global $_CALEM_conf; if ($_CALEM_conf['ws_conn_close']) { header("Connection: close"); } if ($zip) { header("Content-Encoding: " . $encoding); $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $zipContents = gzencode($contents); print $zipContents; if ($logger && $logger->isDebugEnabled()) { $logger->debug("Zip contents from " . strlen($contents) . " to " . strlen($zipContents)); } } else { ob_end_flush(); } CalemExit::exitCalem(); }
$loadmode = $si['loadmode']; } } //If session is valid load the application if ($sesReload) { $launch = isset($_REQUEST['aid']) ? $_CALEM_conf[$_REQUEST['aid']] : $_CALEM_conf['ses_launch_app']; //Place a cookie to remember the session Id. if (!$hasCookie) { $userRow = $sesReload->get('user'); $locale = $lang ? $lang : NULL_LOCALE; $cookieValue = "{sid: '" . $sid . "', gid: '" . $userRow['acl_group_id'] . "', uid: '" . $userRow['id'] . "', uname: '" . $userRow['username'] . "', full_name: '" . $userRow['full_name'] . "', admin_type_id: '" . $userRow['admin_type_id'] . "', locale: '" . $locale . "', team_id: '" . $userRow['team_id'] . "'}"; if ($logger->isDebugEnabled()) { $logger->debug("Cookie set to: " . $cookieValue); } setCookie('CALEM_SID', base64_encode($cookieValue)); } } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['aid'])) { $logger->error('Session expired, need to log in first, aid=' . $_REQUEST['aid']); die("Session expired. Please login first."); } $action = $_CALEM_conf['default_noses_action']; $launch = isset($_CALEM_conf['noses_allowed_actions'][$action]) ? $_CALEM_conf['noses_allowed_actions'][$action] : $_CALEM_conf['noses_allowed_actions'][$_CALEM_conf['default_noses_action']]; } if ($logger->isInfoEnabled()) { $logger->info("Received request to launch: " . $launch . ", aid=" . $_REQUEST['aid']); } require_once _CALEM_DIR_ . $launch; //Close down logger CalemExit::exitCalem();
/** * Shutdown the script environment * <ul> * <li> shutdown the logger * <li> exit the script * </ul> */ private function shutdown() { CalemExit::exitCalem(); }