function cancel_scan($wizard) { //File to cache scan object $user = Session::get_session_user(); $scan_file = 'w_last_asset_object-' . md5($user); $step = intval($wizard->get_step_data('scan_step')); if ($step == 1 || $step == 2) { $obj = Av_scan::get_object_from_file($scan_file); $obj->stop(); $obj->delete_scan(); Cache_file::remove_file($scan_file); } $wizard->clean_step_data(); $wizard->save_status(); $response['error'] = FALSE; return $response; }
ossim_valid($extra_options, OSS_NULLABLE, OSS_LETTER, '_', 'illegal:' . _("Extra Options")); $db = new ossim_db(TRUE); $conn = $db->connect(); if ($page == "" || $page <= 0) { $page = 1; } //Not cached trees never $cache_exp['asec_pg'] = 1; $cache_exp['contexts'] = 1; //Hack to only show assets not linked to HIDS agents if ($extra_options == 'only_unlinked_to_hids_agents') { $cache_exp[$key] = 1; } $user = Session::get_session_user(); $c_file = 'tree_' . md5("{$key} {$page} {$filter} {$section} {$extra_options} {$user}"); $json = NULL; if (empty($cache_exp[$key])) { $json = Cache_file::get_asset_data($c_file); } if (empty($json)) { $tree = new Tree($key, $page, $filter, $section, $length_name, $extra_options); ob_start(); $tree->draw(); $json = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (empty($cache_exp[$key])) { Cache_file::save_file($c_file, $json); } } echo $json; $db->close();
/** * This function gets the SIEM trends in hours * * @param $h Number of hours of the trend * @param $assets_filters [Optional] Asset filter applied * * @return An array with the result of the query that contains the data of the trend */ function SIEM_trends($h = 24, $assets_filters = '', $first_date = '') { global $tz; //Cache file $file = '_siem_events_' . Session::get_session_user() . '_'; $file .= md5($h . '_' . serialize($assets_filters)); $data = Cache_file::get_asset_data($file, 300); if (is_array($data)) { return $data; } $db = new ossim_db(TRUE); $dbconn = $db->connect(); $tzc = Util::get_tzc($tz); $data = array(); //Filters of assets if (empty($assets_filters)) { $assets_filters['assets'] = array(); $assets_filters['ctxs'] = array(); } $query_where = Security_report::make_where($dbconn, gmdate("Y-m-d H:00:00", gmdate("U") - 3600 * $h), gmdate("Y-m-d H:59:59"), array(), $assets_filters); $sqlgraph = "SELECT SUM(cnt) AS num_events, hour(convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}')) AS intervalo, day(convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}')) AS suf \n FROM alienvault_siem.ac_acid_event as acid_event WHERE 1=1 {$query_where} GROUP BY suf,intervalo"; if ($first_date) { // Test if we have enough data in ac_acid_event $query = "select cnt from alienvault_siem.ac_acid_event where timestamp between '{$first_date}:00:00' and '{$first_date}:59:59' limit 1"; $rg = $dbconn->CacheExecute($query); if (!$rg) { print $dbconn->ErrorMsg(); } if ($rg->EOF) { // Test if we have enough data in acid_event $query = "select hex(id) from alienvault_siem.acid_event where timestamp between '{$first_date}:00:00' and '{$first_date}:59:59' limit 1"; $rg = $dbconn->CacheExecute($query); if (!$rg) { print $dbconn->ErrorMsg(); } if (!$rg->EOF) { $sqlgraph = "SELECT COUNT( AS num_events, hour(convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}')) AS intervalo, day(convert_tz(timestamp,'+00:00','{$tzc}')) AS suf \n FROM alienvault_siem.acid_event WHERE 1=1 {$query_where} GROUP BY suf,intervalo"; } } } $rg = $dbconn->CacheExecute($sqlgraph); if (!$rg) { print $dbconn->ErrorMsg(); } else { while (!$rg->EOF) { $data[$rg->fields['suf'] . ' ' . $rg->fields['intervalo'] . 'h'] = $rg->fields['num_events']; $rg->MoveNext(); } } $db->close(); Cache_file::save_file($file, $data); return $data; }
******************** Search Box ******************** ****************************************************/ $autocomplete_keys = array('hosts', 'nets'); $assets = Autocomplete::get_autocomplete($conn, $autocomplete_keys); /**************************************************** ******************** Clear Scan ******************** ****************************************************/ //Results will be deleted when a custom scan is executed or when an user forces it if (intval($_REQUEST['clearscan']) == 1 || $_REQUEST['action'] == 'custom_scan') { try { //Delete scan task from Redis $av_scan = Av_scan::get_object_from_file($scan_file); if (is_object($av_scan) && !empty($av_scan)) { $av_scan->delete_scan(); //Delete local scan files Cache_file::remove_file($scan_file); } //Delete report scan information @unlink($scan_report_file); } catch (Exception $e) { } } /******************************************************************* *** Custom scan (From Asset Detail or from a Suggestion Link) *** ********************************************************************/ if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'custom_scan') { if ($_GET['action'] == 'custom_scan') { //It's necessary to validate properly $_POST = $_GET; $_POST['timing_template'] = $ttemplate; $_POST['autodetected'] = $autodetected;
private function _get_input_file() { $input_arff = $this->array_to_arff($this->input_array); $input_cache = new Cache_file($this->_get_cache_key_input(), $input_arff, 0); return $input_cache->get_path(); }
protected function _get_input_file() { return "D:\\tmp\\o1u2qtput.csv"; $input_arff = $this->array_to_arff($this->input_array); $input_cache = new Cache_file($this->_get_cache_key_input(), $input_arff, 0); return $input_cache->get_path(); }