Beispiel #1
  * @param Config $config OPTIONAL override default config
  * @param LoggerInterface $logger OPTIONAL override default logger
  * @param CacheInterface $cache OPTIONAL override default cache
 public function __construct(Config $config = null, LoggerInterface $logger = null, CacheInterface $cache = null)
     if ($config) {
         foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
             $this->{$key} = $value;
     $this->config = $config ?: $this;
     $this->logger = empty($logger) ? new Logger($this->debug) : $logger;
     $this->cache = empty($cache) ? new Cache($this->config, $this->logger) : $cache;
     $this->pages = new Pages($this->config, $this->cache, $this->logger);
  * Create autodisovery structure
  * Param use $string "%s_id" to access $name . "_id" column in $row->$name
  * @param \PDO $connection
  * @param CacheInterface $cache
  * @param string $foreign
 public function __construct(\PDO $connection, CacheInterface $cache = null, $foreign = '%s')
     $this->connection = $connection;
     $this->cache = $cache;
     $this->foreign = $foreign;
     if ($cache) {
         $this->structure = $cache->load("structure");
 public function setFile($file, $fileContent)
     $file = $this->cacheDirectory->getRelativePathTo($file);
     $hash = $this->calcHash($fileContent);
     if ($this->isDryRun && $this->cache->has($file) && $this->cache->get($file) !== $hash) {
     $this->cache->set($file, $hash);
Beispiel #4
  * @param string $term
  * @param string $namespace
  * @return array
 public function find($term, $namespace = '')
     $key = $this->makeKey($term, $namespace);
     $cache = $this->cache->get($key);
     if ($cache !== null) {
         return $cache;
     $result = $this->container->find($term, $namespace);
     if (!empty($result)) {
         $this->cache->set($key, $result);
     return $result;
 public function __construct(CacheInterface $cache, LoggerInterface $logger)
     $this->cacheInterface = $cache;
     $this->logger = $logger;
     $this->cacheReady = $cache->cacheReady();
     if (array_key_exists('jhm_disable_cache', $_COOKIE)) {
         $this->logger->log('DEBUG', 'jhm_disable_cache cookie detected; disabling cache engine.');
         $this->cacheReady = false;
     if (array_key_exists('cache-control', $_GET)) {
         $this->_cachecontrol(filter_var($_GET['cache-control'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
  * Returns all available detail data for SystemEvents with the given hash.
  * @param string $hash
  * @return SystemEvent[]
 public function findByHash($hash)
     if (empty($hash)) {
         throw new Exception("Hash is not expected to be empty!");
     return $this->dataStore->get(self::CACHE_NAMESPACE . $hash, array());
 private function request($call, $otherQueries = false, $static = false)
     //format the full URL
     $url = $this->format_url($call, $otherQueries);
     if ($this->cache !== null && $this->cache->has($url)) {
         $result = $this->cache->get($url);
     } else {
         // Check rate-limiting queues if this is not a static call.
         if (!$static) {
             $this->updateLimitQueue($this->longLimitQueue, self::LONG_LIMIT_INTERVAL, self::RATE_LIMIT_LONG);
             $this->updateLimitQueue($this->shortLimitQueue, self::SHORT_LIMIT_INTERVAL, self::RATE_LIMIT_SHORT);
         //call the API and return the result
         $ch = curl_init($url);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
         $result = curl_exec($ch);
         $this->responseCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
         if ($this->responseCode == 200) {
             if ($this->cache !== null) {
                 $this->cache->put($url, $result, self::CACHE_LIFETIME_MINUTES * 60);
             if (self::DECODE_ENABLED) {
                 $result = json_decode($result, true);
         } else {
             throw new Exception(self::$errorCodes[$this->responseCode]);
     return $result;
  * @param array $pipeline
  * @param array $op
  * @param null $op1
  * @return array
 public function aggregate($pipeline, $op = null, $op1 = null)
     $op = $op ?: [];
     if (is_array($op) && isset($op['cache']) && $op['cache'] === false) {
         return parent::aggregate($pipeline, $op);
     if (!isset($pipeline[0])) {
         $pipeline = func_get_args();
     $hash = $this->hash($pipeline);
     $result = $this->cache->get($hash);
     if (!$result) {
         $result = parent::aggregate($pipeline, $op);
         $this->cache->set($hash, $result, $this->getCacheTime($op));
     return $result;
Beispiel #9
  * First tries to find the class in the cache. If the class is not found in the cache, then it tries to find it
  * by using the registered maps.
  * @param string $class Name of the class you are trying to find.
  * @return bool True is retuned if the class if found and loaded into memory.
 public function getClassFromCache($class)
     // from cache
     if ($file = $this->cache->read($class)) {
         require $file;
     // from disk
     if ($file = $this->findClass($class)) {
         $this->cache->save('wf.component.class_loader.' . $class, $file, 600, ['_wf', '_component', '_class_loader']);
         require $file;
Beispiel #10
  * Retrieve response from cache if it exists otherwise make a GET request.
  * @param  string $endpoint      Request endpoint.
  * @param  string $root_property The theme/plugin slug or WordPress version.
  * @return SSNepenthe\Soter\WPVulnDB\Response
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When endpoint is not a string.
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When root_property is not a string.
 protected function get_and_cache($endpoint, $root_property)
     if (!is_string($endpoint)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The endpoint parameter is required to be string, was: %s', gettype($endpoint)));
     if (!is_string($root_property)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The root_property parameter is required to be string, was: %s', gettype($root_property)));
     if ($this->cache->contains($endpoint)) {
         return new Response($this->cache->fetch($endpoint), $root_property);
     $response = $this->http->get($endpoint);
     // @todo Filterable cache lifetime?
     $this->cache->save($endpoint, $response, 60 * 60 * 12);
     return new Response($response, $root_property);
Beispiel #11
 public function canFilter()
     return $this->wrappedCache->canFilter();
Beispiel #12
 public function cacheCheck($MatchString, CacheInterface $cache)
     if (preg_match("#{$MatchString}#", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) === 1) {
Beispiel #13
 protected function saveToCache($url, $page)
     $this->cache->set($this->getCacheKey($url), $page);
Beispiel #14
  * Clear cache data
  * @return void
 public function reset()
Beispiel #15
 public function supported()
     return $this->backend->supported();
 private function getCache($key)
     return $this->cache->getCache($key);
Beispiel #17
  * @inheritdoc
 public function clear()
     $start = microtime(true);
     $this->update_stats(__FUNCTION__, $start, '');
Beispiel #18
  * Get the meta from the given key.
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $subtype
  * @return MetaInterface|NULL
 public function getMeta($type, $subtype)
     return $this->cache->getMeta($type, $subtype);
Beispiel #19
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Cache::delete()
 public function delete($key)
     return $this->backend->delete($key);
Beispiel #20
  * 删除缓存
 public function del($key)