public function loadCachedCategories()
     if ($this->cache) {
         $result = $this->cache->fetch($this->cacheKey);
         if (isset($result['categories']) && isset($result['parentChildIds'])) {
             $this->categories = $result['categories'];
             foreach ($this->categories as $cat) {
             $this->parentChildIds = $result['parentChildIds'];
 public static function cacheTree($path, $force = false)
     // split path into array
     if (is_string($path)) {
         $path = Site::splitPath($path);
     // check if this tree has already been cached
     $cacheKey = 'cacheTree:' . implode('/', $path);
     if (!Site::$autoPull || !$force && Cache::fetch($cacheKey)) {
         return 0;
     Cache::store($cacheKey, true);
     // get tree map from parent
     $remoteTree = Emergence::resolveCollectionFromParent($path);
     if (!$remoteTree) {
         return 0;
     $filesResolved = 0;
     $startTime = time();
     foreach ($remoteTree['files'] as $remotePath => $remoteFile) {
         $node = Site::resolvePath($remotePath);
         if ($node && $node->Timestamp >= $startTime) {
     return $filesResolved;
Beispiel #3
 private function _verifySign($domain, $text, $sign)
     include_once KFL_DIR . '/Libs/Cache.class.php';
     $filename = $domain . ".txt";
     $cache = new Cache(86400 * 300, 0);
     // or memcache
     if ($cache->isCached()) {
         $client = unserialize($cache->fetch());
     } else {
         require_once 'ClientModel.class.php';
         $ClientModel = new ClientModel();
         $client = $ClientModel->getClientByName($domain);
         if ($client) {
         } else {
             return false;
     $this->_private_key = $client['private_key'];
     if (hmac($this->_private_key, $text, 'sha1') == $sign) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Beispiel #4
 public function fetchCache()
     $this->pocDispatcher->dispatch(PocEventNames::FUNCTION_FETCHCACHE_BEGINNING, new BaseEvent($this));
     $this->output = $this->cache->fetch($this->hasher->getKey());
     if ($this->output) {
         $this->pocDispatcher->dispatch(PocEventNames::GET_OUTPUT_FROM_CACHE, new BaseEvent($this));
Beispiel #5
 public function __construct($filter, $start, $count)
     $cache = new Cache('note_list', false);
     if (!($metaList = $cache->fetch(compact('filter', 'start', 'count')))) {
         $metaList = Evernote::_noteStore()->findNotesMetadata(AUTH_TOKEN, $filter, $start, $count, new EDAM\NoteStore\NotesMetadataResultSpec());
     $this->_metaList = $metaList;
     $this->total = $metaList->totalNotes;
Beispiel #6
 public function load($token)
     if (!empty($token)) {
         $cache = new Cache('user');
         if (!($user = $cache->fetch($token))) {
             $user = self::_userStore()->getUser($token);
         $this->user = $user;
     return $this;
Beispiel #7
 public static function getByHandle($collectionID, $handle)
     $cacheKey = static::getCacheKey($collectionID, $handle);
     if (false === ($record = Cache::fetch($cacheKey))) {
         $record = DB::oneRecord('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE CollectionID = %u AND Handle = "%s" ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1', array(static::$tableName, $collectionID, DB::escape($handle)));
         // don't cache the temporary "Phantom" records created as placeholders during write
         if ($record['Status'] != 'Phantom') {
             Cache::store($cacheKey, $record);
     return $record ? new static($record['Handle'], $record) : null;
Beispiel #8
 public function load($guid)
     if (!empty($guid)) {
         $cache = new Cache('notebook');
         if (!($notebook = $cache->fetch($guid))) {
             $notebook = self::_noteStore()->getNotebook(AUTH_TOKEN, $guid);
         $this->notebook = $notebook;
     return $this;
Beispiel #9
  * Loads a HTTP resource.
  * @param string $url
  * @param array $parameters
  * @return array
 public function loadResource($url, $parameters)
     $signature = $this->createSignature($url, $parameters);
     if ($this->cache->contains($signature)) {
         return $this->cache->fetch($signature);
     $parameters['format'] = 'json';
     $parameters['api_key'] = $this->config->getApiKey();
     $url = $this->config->getApiEndpoint() . $this->buildQueryUrl($url, $parameters);
     $response = $this->guzzle->request('GET', $url);
     $body = $this->processResponse($response);
     $this->cache->save($signature, $body['results']);
     return $body['results'];
Beispiel #10
function Dwoo_Plugin_rss(Dwoo_Core $dwoo, $feed, $assign = 'rss_items', $limit = 5, $cacheTime = 60)
    $cacheKey = 'rss:' . $feed;
    if (false === ($rss = Cache::fetch($cacheKey))) {
        $rss = new RssReader();
        Cache::store($cacheKey, $rss, $cacheTime);
    if ($limit) {
        $dwoo->assignInScope(array_slice($rss->getItems(), 0, $limit), $assign);
    } else {
        $dwoo->assignInScope($rss->getItems(), $assign);
    return '';
 public static function getSourceCode($minifier, $cacheHashOrSourceReport, $skipCache = false)
     $cacheHash = is_string($cacheHashOrSourceReport) ? $cacheHashOrSourceReport : $cacheHashOrSourceReport['hash'];
     $cacheKey = "{$minifier}:{$cacheHash}";
     if (!$skipCache && ($code = Cache::fetch($cacheKey))) {
         return $code;
     if (is_array($cacheHashOrSourceReport) && is_array($cacheHashOrSourceReport['files'])) {
         $code = '';
         foreach ($cacheHashOrSourceReport['files'] as $path => $fileData) {
             $code .= $minifier::minify(file_get_contents(SiteFile::getRealPathByID($fileData['ID'])));
         Cache::store($cacheKey, $code);
         return $code;
     return null;
Beispiel #12
 		Retrieve from cache; or save SQL query results to cache if not
 		previously executed
 			@param $_cmd string
 			@param $_bind mixed
 			@param $_id string
 			@param $_ttl integer
 private static function sqlCache($_cmd, $_bind = NULL, $_id = 'DB', $_ttl = 0)
     $_hash = 'sql.' . F3::hashCode($_cmd);
     $_db =& F3::$global[$_id];
     $_cached = Cache::cached($_hash);
     if ($_cached && time() - $_cached['time'] < $_ttl) {
         // Gather cached SQL queries for profiler
         // Retrieve from cache
         $_db = Cache::fetch($_hash);
     } else {
         self::sqlExec($_cmd, NULL, $_id);
         if (!F3::$global['ERROR']) {
             // Save to cache
             unset($_db['pdo'], $_db['query']);
             Cache::store($_hash, $_db);
Beispiel #13
 		Retrieve from cache; or save SQL query results to cache if not
 		previously executed
 			@param $_cmd string
 			@param $_bind mixed
 			@param $_id string
 			@param $_ttl integer
 private static function sqlCache($_cmd, $_bind = NULL, $_id = 'DB', $_ttl = 0)
     $_hash = 'sql.' . F3::hashCode($_cmd);
     $_db =& F3::$global[$_id];
     $_cached = Cache::cached($_hash);
     if ($_cached && time() - $_cached['time'] < $_ttl) {
         // Gather cached SQL queries for profiler
         // Retrieve from cache, unserialize, and restore DB variable
         $_db = unserialize(gzinflate(Cache::fetch($_hash)));
     } else {
         self::sqlExec($_cmd, NULL, $_id);
         if (!F3::$global['ERROR']) {
             // Serialize, compress and cache
             unset($_db['pdo'], $_db['query']);
             Cache::store($_hash, gzdeflate(serialize($_db)));
 public static function getFeedData($url, $cacheKey = false, $cacheTime = null)
     if ($cacheTime === null) {
         $cacheTime = static::$defaultCacheTime;
     // get context
     if (!isset(static::$_streamContext)) {
         static::$_streamContext = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => static::$requestTimeout)));
     $failureKey = 'fail:' . $cacheKey;
     if (!($twitterData = Cache::fetch($cacheKey)) && !Cache::fetch($failureKey)) {
         $twitterData = @json_decode(@file_get_contents($url, false, static::$_streamContext), true);
         if (empty($twitterData)) {
             Cache::store($failureKey, true, static::$failureDelay);
         Cache::store($cacheKey, $twitterData, $cacheTime);
     return $twitterData ? $twitterData : false;
function weather($code)
    $code = str_replace('-', ' ', $code);
    $code = urlencode($code);
    $cache = new Cache();
    $cache_name = 'weather_' . $code;
    $xml = '';
    $use_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
    if (!($xml = simplexml_load_string($cache->fetch($cache_name)))) {
        $result = @file_get_contents('' . $code . ',uk&mode=xml&units=metric&cnt=7');
        if (!$result) {
            return false;
        $cache->store($cache_name, $result, 86000);
        $xml = simplexml_load_string($result);
    return $xml;
 public function lookupEpisode($seriesid, $show)
     $season = ltrim(str_replace('S', '', $show['season']), '0');
     $ep = ltrim(str_replace('E', '', $show['episode']), '0');
     $cache = new Cache();
     $apiresponse = false;
     $url = $this->MIRROR . '/api/' . self::APIKEY . '/series/' . $seriesid . '/default/' . $season . "/" . $ep;
     if ($cache->exists($url)) {
         $apiresponse = $cache->fetch($url);
     if (!$apiresponse) {
         $apiresponse = getUrl($url);
     if ($apiresponse) {
         $TheTVDBAPIXML = @simplexml_load_string($apiresponse);
         if (!$TheTVDBAPIXML) {
             return false;
         $cache->store($url, $apiresponse);
         return array('id' => (string) $TheTVDBAPIXML->Episode->id, 'summary' => (string) $TheTVDBAPIXML->Episode->Overview, 'name' => (string) $TheTVDBAPIXML->Episode->EpisodeName, 'director' => (string) $TheTVDBAPIXML->Episode->Director, 'epabsolute' => (string) $TheTVDBAPIXML->Episode->absolute_number, 'writer' => (string) $TheTVDBAPIXML->Episode->Writer, 'gueststars' => (string) $TheTVDBAPIXML->Episode->GuestStars, 'rating' => (int) $TheTVDBAPIXML->Episode->Rating, 'airdate' => (string) $TheTVDBAPIXML->Episode->FirstAired, 'season' => $season, 'number' => (string) $TheTVDBAPIXML->Episode->EpisodeNumber);
     return false;
Beispiel #17
function Dwoo_Plugin_facebook(Dwoo $dwoo, $page, $assign = 'fbFeed', $limit = 5, $since = false, $cacheTime = 60, $acessToken = '207886205923030|XNMhiHAb8MQp6KmSSIzfd3QH560')
    $url = '' . urlencode($page) . '/feed?access_token=' . urlencode($acessToken);
    $cacheKey = 'fbFeed:' . $page;
    if ($limit) {
        $url .= '&limit=' . urlencode($limit);
        $cacheKey .= ';limit:' . $limit;
    if ($since) {
        $url .= '&since=' . urlencode($since);
        $cacheKey .= ';since:' . $since;
    if (false === ($result = Cache::fetch($cacheKey))) {
        $data = file_get_contents($url);
        $result = $data ? json_decode($data, true) : null;
        Cache::store($cacheKey, $result, $cacheTime);
    if (!empty($result['data']) && is_array($result['data'])) {
        $dwoo->assignInScope($result['data'], $assign);
    } else {
        $dwoo->assignInScope(array(), $assign);
    return '';
Beispiel #18
 public static function getCache($id = null)
     $class = get_called_class();
     $cache = constant('Cache::' . strtoupper($class));
     if (Cache::hasCache(strtolower($cache))) {
         $primary = constant($class . '::PRIMARY');
         if (empty($id)) {
             $id = $this->{$primary};
         $object = Cache::fetch($cache, $id);
         if (is_null($object)) {
             $method = 'selectBy' . str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $primary)));
             $object = call_user_func($class . '::get()->' . $method, $id);
             if (!empty($object->{$primary})) {
                 Cache::store($cache, $object, $id);
         return $object;
     return null;
  * Read user account
  * @param	integer [$user_id] The ID of the user to read
  * @return	array|boolean
 public function read_user($user_id)
     // Fetch cached copy of user details and return
     if ($user_details = Cache::fetch('user_' . $user_id)) {
         return $user_details;
     // Read details from database
     if (!($stmt = Database::instance()->prepare("select `id`, `group_id`, `created`, `updated`, `{$this->config->username_field}` from {$this->config->user_table} where `id` = ?"))) {
         return false;
     $stmt->bind_param('i', $user_id);
     $stmt->bind_result($id, $group_id, $created, $updated, $username);
     $user_details = array('id' => $id, 'created' => $created, 'updated' => $updated, $this->config->username_field => $username);
     // Read group details
     $user_details['group'] = $this->read_groups($group_id);
     // Cache user details
     Cache::store('user_' . $user_id, $user_details);
     return $user_details;
Beispiel #20
 protected function _init()
     # init _data
     $data = array();
     if (preg_match("#<pre>(.*)</pre>#ms", $this->note->content, $matches)) {
         if (preg_match_all("#(\\w+):(.*)\n#", rtrim($matches[1]) . "\n", $matches)) {
             foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $field) {
                 if ($value = $matches[2][$key]) {
                     if ($this->{$field} instanceof Types\Set) {
                         $this->{$field}->add(explode(',', $value));
                     } else {
                         $data[$field] = $value;
     $this->_data = str_replace(array('\\\\', '\\n'), array("\\", "\n"), $data);
     # init _tags
     if (!empty($this->note->tagGuids)) {
         $cache = new Cache('note_tag');
         foreach ($this->note->tagGuids as $guid) {
             if (!($tag = $cache->fetch($guid))) {
                 $tag = self::_noteStore()->getTag(AUTH_TOKEN, $guid);
             $this->_tags[$tag->guid] = $tag->name;
     return $this;
Beispiel #21
 		Send HTTP/S request to another host; Forward headers received (if
 		QUIET variable is FALSE) and return content; Respect HTTP 30x
 		redirects if last argument is TRUE
 			@return mixed
 			@param $_pattern string
 			@param $_query string
 			@param $_reqhdrs array
 			@param $_follow boolean
 public static function http($_pattern, $_query = '', $_reqhdrs = array(), $_follow = TRUE)
     // Check if valid route pattern
     list($_method, $_route) = F3::checkRoute($_pattern);
     // Content divider
     $_div = chr(0);
     // Determine if page is in cache
     $_hash = 'url.' . F3::hashCode($_pattern);
     $_cached = Cache::cached($_hash);
     if ($_cached) {
         // Retrieve from cache
         $_buffer = Cache::fetch($_hash);
         $_rcvhdrs = strstr($_buffer, $_div, TRUE);
         $_response = substr(strstr($_buffer, $_div), 1);
         // Find out if cache is stale
         $_expires = NULL;
         foreach (explode(self::EOL, $_rcvhdrs) as $_hdr) {
             if (preg_match('/^' . F3::HTTP_Expires . ':(.+)/', $_hdr, $_match)) {
                 $_expires = strtotime($_match[1]);
         if (!is_null($_expires) && time() < $_expires) {
             // Cached page is still fresh
             foreach (explode(self::EOL, $_rcvhdrs) as $_hdr) {
                 F3::$global['HEADERS'][] = $_hdr;
                 if (preg_match('/' . F3::HTTP_Content . '/', $_hdr)) {
                     // Forward HTTP header
             return $_response;
     $_url = parse_url($_route);
     if (!$_url['path']) {
         // Set to Web root
         $_url['path'] = '/';
     if ($_method != 'GET') {
         if ($_url['query']) {
             // Non-GET method; Query is distinct from URI
             $_query = $_url['query'];
             $_url['query'] = '';
     } else {
         if ($_query) {
             // GET method; Query is integral part of URI
             $_url['query'] = $_query;
             $_query = '';
     // Set up host name and TCP port for socket connection
     if (preg_match('/https/', $_url['scheme'])) {
         if (!$_url['port']) {
             $_url['port'] = 443;
         $_target = 'ssl://' . $_url['host'] . ':' . $_url['port'];
     } else {
         if (!$_url['port']) {
             $_url['port'] = 80;
         $_target = $_url['host'] . ':' . $_url['port'];
     $_socket = @fsockopen($_target, $_url['port'], $_errno, $_text);
     if (!$_socket) {
         // Can't establish connection
         return FALSE;
     // Send HTTP request
     fputs($_socket, $_method . ' ' . $_url['path'] . ($_url['query'] ? '?' . $_url['query'] : '') . ' ' . 'HTTP/1.0' . self::EOL . F3::HTTP_Host . ': ' . $_url['host'] . self::EOL . F3::HTTP_Agent . ': Mozilla/5.0 (' . 'compatible;' . F3::TEXT_AppName . ' ' . F3::TEXT_Version . ')' . self::EOL . ($_reqhdrs ? implode(self::EOL, $_reqhdrs) . self::EOL : '') . ($_method != 'GET' ? 'Content-Type: ' . 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' . self::EOL . 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($_query) . self::EOL : '') . F3::HTTP_AcceptEnc . ': gzip' . self::EOL . ($_cached ? F3::HTTP_Cache . ': max-age=86400' . self::EOL : '') . F3::HTTP_Connect . ': close' . self::EOL . self::EOL . $_query . self::EOL . self::EOL);
     $_found = FALSE;
     $_expires = FALSE;
     $_gzip = FALSE;
     // Set connection timeout parameters
     stream_set_blocking($_socket, TRUE);
     stream_set_timeout($_socket, ini_get('default_socket_timeout'));
     $_info = stream_get_meta_data($_socket);
     // Get headers and response
     while (!feof($_socket) && !$_info['timed_out']) {
         $_response .= fgets($_socket, 4096);
         // MDFK97
         $_info = stream_get_meta_data($_socket);
         if (!$_found) {
             $_rcvhdrs = strstr($_response, self::EOL . self::EOL, TRUE);
             if ($_rcvhdrs) {
                 $_found = TRUE;
                 if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli' && !headers_sent()) {
                     if ($_follow && preg_match('/HTTP\\/1\\.\\d\\s30\\d/', $_rcvhdrs)) {
                         // Redirection
                         preg_match('/' . F3::HTTP_Location . ':\\s*(.+?)/', $_rcvhdrs, $_loc);
                         return self::http($_method . ' ' . $_loc[1], $_query, $_reqhdrs);
                     foreach (explode(self::EOL, $_rcvhdrs) as $_hdr) {
                         F3::$global['HEADERS'][] = $_hdr;
                         if (!F3::$global['QUIET'] && preg_match('/' . F3::HTTP_Content . '/', $_hdr)) {
                             // Forward HTTP header
                         } elseif (preg_match('/^' . F3::HTTP_Encoding . ':\\s*.*gzip/', $_hdr)) {
                             // Uncompress content
                             $_gzip = TRUE;
                         } elseif (preg_match('/^' . F3::HTTP_Expires . ':\\s*.+/', $_hdr)) {
                             // Cache this page
                             $_expires = TRUE;
                     if ($_flag) {
                         Cache::store($_hash, $_rcvhdrs . $_div . $_response);
                 // Split content from HTTP response headers
                 $_response = substr(strstr($_response, self::EOL . self::EOL), 4);
     if ($_info['timed_out']) {
         return FALSE;
     if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli' && !headers_sent()) {
         if ($_gzip) {
             $_response = gzinflate(substr($_response, 10));
         if ($_expires) {
             Cache::store($_hash, $_rcvhdrs . $_div . $_response);
     // Return content
     return $_response;
  * Perform a single query
  * @param string $query
  * @param bool $useCache
  * @param string|int $cacheTTL
  * @return bool|array
 public function query($query, $useCache = false, $cacheTTL = '')
     if ($query == "") {
         return false;
     if ($useCache) {
         $cache = new Cache();
         if ($cache->enabled && $cache->exists($query)) {
             $ret = $cache->fetch($query);
             if ($ret !== false) {
                 return $ret;
     $result = self::$instance->query($query)->fetchAll();
     if ($result === false || $result === true) {
         return array();
     if ($useCache) {
         if ($cache->enabled) {
             $cache->store($query, $result, $cacheTTL);
     return $result;
  * Query the indexer directly.  Returns an array of the results, unless
  * there was an error in which case ``false`` is returned.  However, if
  * Sphinx returns an "invalid query" error (1064), then an empty result
  * array is returned.  Note that an empty "result array" is not the same as
  * an empty array and will instead look like::
  *      array({"_totalrows": 0})
  * If  ``$lookupQuery`` is an empty string, then the results returned will
  * be the data from the index--this is not guaranteed to be the most recent
  * data that is in the MySQL database.  If you absolutely need the most
  * recent data from MySQL, then ``$lookupQuery`` should be a valid SQL
  * query that has contains "releases.ID IN (%s)".
  * @param   string      $sphinxQuery    The raw SphinxQL query.
  * @param   string      $lookupQuery    The SQL to use to lookup the results.
  * @param   bool/int    $useCache    	The ttl to store the item in the cache.
  * @return  array|false
 public function searchDirect($sphinxQuery, $lookupQuery = "", $useCache = false)
     $cache = new Cache();
     if ($useCache !== false && $cache->enabled && $cache->exists($sphinxQuery)) {
         $ret = $cache->fetch($sphinxQuery);
         if ($ret !== false) {
             return $ret;
     // Connect to Sphinx
     $hostport = explode(":", $this->site->sphinxserverhost);
     $sdb = mysqli_connect($hostport[0], "root", "", "", $hostport[1]);
     if (!$sdb) {
         // Couldn't connect to Sphinx.
         return false;
     // Get the results from Sphinx.
     $lev = error_reporting();
     $result = mysqli_query($sdb, $sphinxQuery);
     $error = mysqli_error($sdb);
     // A 1064 error means that the query is invalid, so we don't care
     // about that.
     if ($error && mysqli_errno($sdb) != 1064) {
         // All other errors we will considered a failure.
         return false;
     // Get the query metadata.
     $meta = array();
     $mresult = mysqli_query($sdb, "SHOW META");
     if (!$mresult) {
         return false;
     while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($mresult)) {
         $meta[$row[0]] = $row[1];
     $results = array();
     if ($result) {
         while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
             if ($lookupQuery) {
                 // Save the IDs for a batch lookup.
                 $results[] = $row["id"];
             } else {
                 $results[] = $row;
     if ($lookupQuery && count($results) > 0) {
         $ndb = new DB();
         $sql = sprintf($lookupQuery, implode(",", $results));
         $result = $ndb->queryDirect($sql);
         if ($result) {
             $results = array();
             while ($row = $ndb->getAssocArray($result)) {
                 $results[] = $row;
     $count = 0;
     if (count($results) > 0 && array_key_exists("total", $meta)) {
         $count = (int) $meta["total_found"];
         $results[0]["_totalrows"] = $count > MAX_MATCHES ? MAX_MATCHES : $count;
     if ($useCache !== false && $cache->enabled) {
         $cache->store($sphinxQuery, $results, $useCache);
     return $results;
Beispiel #24
$pageData['currentMeetup'] = $currentMeetup;
$pageData['nextMeetup'] = $nextMeetup;
$pageData['futureMeetups'] = $meetups;
// projects
$pageData['projectsTotal'] = Laddr\Project::getCount();
$pageData['projectsTags']['byTech'] = TagItem::getTagsSummary(array('tagConditions' => array('Handle LIKE "tech.%"'), 'itemConditions' => array('ContextClass' => Laddr\Project::getStaticRootClass())));
$pageData['projectsTags']['byTopic'] = TagItem::getTagsSummary(array('tagConditions' => array('Handle LIKE "topic.%"'), 'itemConditions' => array('ContextClass' => Laddr\Project::getStaticRootClass())));
$pageData['projectsTags']['byEvent'] = TagItem::getTagsSummary(array('tagConditions' => array('Handle LIKE "event.%"'), 'itemConditions' => array('ContextClass' => Laddr\Project::getStaticRootClass())));
$pageData['projectsStages'] = Laddr\Project::getStagesSummary();
// members
$pageData['membersTotal'] = Emergence\People\Person::getCount();
$pageData['membersTags']['byTech'] = TagItem::getTagsSummary(array('tagConditions' => array('Handle LIKE "tech.%"'), 'itemConditions' => array('ContextClass' => Emergence\People\Person::getStaticRootClass())));
$pageData['membersTags']['byTopic'] = TagItem::getTagsSummary(array('tagConditions' => array('Handle LIKE "topic.%"'), 'itemConditions' => array('ContextClass' => Emergence\People\Person::getStaticRootClass())));
// build activity stream
if (!($pageData['activity'] = Cache::fetch('home-activity'))) {
    $existingTables = \DB::allValues('table_name', 'SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = SCHEMA()');
    $activityQueries = [];
    if (in_array(Emergence\CMS\AbstractContent::$tableName, $existingTables)) {
        $activityQueries[] = sprintf('SELECT' . '  ID, Class, Published AS Timestamp' . ' FROM `%s`' . ' WHERE' . '  Class = "%s" AND' . '  Visibility = "Public" AND' . '  Status = "Published" AND' . '  (Published IS NULL OR Published <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)', Emergence\CMS\AbstractContent::$tableName, DB::escape(Emergence\CMS\BlogPost::class));
    if (in_array(Laddr\ProjectUpdate::$tableName, $existingTables)) {
        $activityQueries[] = sprintf('SELECT ID, Class, Created AS Timestamp FROM `%s`', Laddr\ProjectUpdate::$tableName);
    if (in_array(Laddr\ProjectBuzz::$tableName, $existingTables)) {
        $activityQueries[] = sprintf('SELECT ID, Class, Published AS Timestamp FROM `%s`', Laddr\ProjectBuzz::$tableName);
    if (count($activityQueries)) {
        $pageData['activity'] = array_map(function ($result) {
            return $result['Class']::getByID($result['ID']);
        }, DB::allRecords(implode(' UNION ', $activityQueries) . ' ORDER BY Timestamp DESC LIMIT 10'));
 public function fetchCache($key)
     $cache = new Cache();
     if ($cache->enabled && $cache->exists($key)) {
         $ret = $cache->fetch($key);
         if ($ret !== false) {
             return $ret;
     return false;
Beispiel #26
 		Intercept calls to static methods of non-F3 classes and proxy for
 		the called class if found in the autoload folder
 			@return mixed
 			@param $_func string
 			@param $_args array
 public static function __callStatic($_func, array $_args)
     foreach (explode('|', self::$global['AUTOLOAD']) as $_auto) {
         foreach (glob(realpath($_auto) . '/*.php') as $_file) {
             $_class = strstr(basename($_file), '.php', TRUE);
             $_hash = 'reg.' . self::hashCode(strtolower($_class));
             $_cached = Cache::cached($_hash);
             $_methods = array();
             if (!$_cached || $_cached['time'] < filemtime($_file)) {
                 if (!in_array(self::fixSlashes($_file), array_map('self::fixSlashes', get_included_files()))) {
                     include $_file;
                 if (class_exists($_class, FALSE)) {
                     // Update cache
                     $_methods = array_map('strtolower', get_class_methods($_class));
                     Cache::store($_hash, $_methods);
             } else {
                 // Retrieve from cache
                 $_methods = Cache::fetch($_hash);
             if (in_array(strtolower($_func), $_methods)) {
                 // Execute onLoad method if defined
                 if (in_array('onload', $_methods)) {
                     call_user_func(array($_class, 'onload'));
                     self::$global['LOADED'][] = strtolower($_class);
                 // Proxy for method in autoload class
                 return call_user_func_array(array($_class, $_func), $_args);
     self::$global['CONTEXT'] = __CLASS__ . '::' . $_func;
     return FALSE;
 public static function getRecordByHandle($handle, $parentID = null, $remote = false, $includeDeleted = false)
     // build cache key and query conditions
     $cacheKey = static::getCacheKey($handle, $parentID, $remote);
     $where = array();
     if ($parentID) {
         $where[] = sprintf('ParentID = %u', $parentID);
     } else {
         $where[] = sprintf('Site = "%s"', $remote ? 'Remote' : 'Local');
         $where[] = 'ParentID IS NULL';
     $where[] = sprintf('Handle = "%s"', DB::escape($handle));
     if (!$includeDeleted) {
         $where[] = 'Status = "Normal"';
     } else {
         $cacheKey .= '?deleted';
     // attempt to get from cache
     if (false !== ($record = Cache::fetch($cacheKey))) {
         return $record;
     // query and cache
     $record = DB::oneRecord('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE (%s) ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1', array(static::$tableName, implode(') AND (', $where)));
     Cache::store($cacheKey, $record);
     return $record;
 public static function mapDependentCacheKey($recordID, $cacheKey)
     $cacheMapKey = sprintf('ar/%s/m/%s', static::$tableName, $recordID);
     $cacheMap = Cache::fetch($cacheMapKey);
     if (is_array($cacheMap)) {
         if (!in_array($cacheKey, $cacheMap)) {
             $cacheMap[] = $cacheKey;
     } else {
         $cacheMap = array($cacheKey);
     Cache::store($cacheMapKey, $cacheMap);
 public function getMicroloader($mode = 'production', $debug = null)
     $debug = $debug === null ? !empty($_GET['jsdebug']) : $debug;
     $cacheKey = "app/{$this->_name}/microloader/{$mode}";
     if ($debug || !($code = Cache::fetch($cacheKey))) {
         $node = static::getAsset("microloaders/{$mode}.js");
         $code = $node ? file_get_contents($node->RealPath) : '';
         if (!$debug) {
             $code = JSMin::minify($code);
             Cache::store($cacheKey, $code);
     return $code;
Beispiel #30
 public static function loadConfig($className)
     $cacheKey = 'class-config:' . $className;
     if (!($configFileIds = Cache::fetch($cacheKey))) {
         $configFileIds = array();
         // look for primary config file
         if ($lastNsPos = strrpos($className, '\\')) {
             $namespace = substr($className, 0, $lastNsPos);
             $className = substr($className, $lastNsPos + 1);
             $path = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $namespace) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
         } else {
             $path = '';
         $path .= str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $className);
         $configFileNode = Site::resolvePath("php-config/{$path}.config.php");
         // Fall back on looking for Old_School_Underscore_Namespacing in root
         if (!$configFileNode && empty($namespace) && $path != $className) {
             $configFileNode = Site::resolvePath("php-config/{$className}.config.php");
         if ($configFileNode && $configFileNode->MIMEType == 'application/php') {
             $configFileIds[] = $configFileNode->ID;
         // look for composite config files
         $collectionPath = "php-config/{$path}.config.d";
         foreach (Emergence_FS::getAggregateChildren($collectionPath) as $filename => $node) {
             if ($node->Type == 'application/php') {
                 $configFileIds[] = $node->ID;
         Cache::store($cacheKey, $configFileIds);
     foreach ($configFileIds as $id) {
         require SiteFile::getRealPathByID($id);