/** * Set fields propeties */ function readConfig() { if (!empty($this->props['fieldset']) && is_array($this->props['fieldset'])) { $this->fields = $this->props['fieldset']; } else { CUtils::raiseError('Table config file format error: ' . $this->name, ERROR_DIE); } }
public function __construct($host, $user, $pass, $base) { $this->connection = null; $this->result = array(); $this->base = $base; $this->host = $host; $this->user = $user; $this->pass = $pass; try { $this->connection = $this->openConnection(); } catch (Exception $e) { CUtils::raiseError($e->getMessage(), ERROR_DIE); } }
function getBaseTableKey() { if (!CUtils::_getVar('table')) { if (sizeof($this->unit->tables) > 0) { foreach ($this->unit->tables as $k => $v) { $_GET['table'] = $k; break; } } else { CUtils::raiseError('Tables not exists', ERROR_DIE); } } return CUtils::_getVar('table'); }
protected function getTemplate() { $where = "(tr.type='0' AND tr.cond='')"; $where .= " OR (tr.type='T' AND ((tr.date_beg > 0 AND tr.date_beg <= NOW()) OR tr.date_beg = 0) AND (tr.date_end >= NOW() OR tr.date_end = 0))"; //$where .= " OR (tr.type='U' AND LOCATE(tr.cond,'".$GLOBALS['db']->escapeStr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])."')>0)"; if (!empty($GLOBALS['urlprops']['node']['name'])) { $where .= " OR (tr.type='F' AND tr.cond='" . $GLOBALS['urlprops']['node']['name'] . "')"; } $q = "SELECT tt.template FROM templates_templates tt JOIN templates_rules tr ON tt.id=tr.template_id WHERE tr.lang='" . $GLOBALS['urlprops']['lang'] . "' AND(" . $where . ") ORDER BY ord DESC"; // var_dump($q); if ($_template = $GLOBALS['rtti']->getNativeItem($q)) { if (!empty($_template['template']) && file_exists($GLOBALS['PRJ_DIR'] . $_template['template'])) { return $GLOBALS['PRJ_DIR'] . $_template['template']; } else { CUtils::raiseError('Template file error', ERROR_DIE); } } else { CUtils::raiseError('Template settings error', ERROR_DIE); } }
$GLOBALS['smarty']->compile_check = true; $GLOBALS['smarty']->debugging = false; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('prj_name', $PRJ_NAME); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('prj_zone', $PRJ_ZONE); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('prj_dir', $PRJ_DIR); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('prj_ref', $PRJ_REF); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('lib_dir', $LIB_DIR); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('lib_ref', $LIB_REF); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('theme_dir', $THEME_DIR); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('theme_ref', $THEME_REF); inc_lib('AdminInterface/AdminProtect.php'); inc_lib('db/DBTable.php'); inc_lib('db/DBRTTI.php'); if ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] != '/restore.php') { if (file_exists($PRJ_DIR . '/restore.php')) { CUtils::raiseError('Удалите файл restore.php в корне сайта', ERROR_DIE); } // Включаем парсер URL inc_lib('CParser.php'); $parser = new CParser(); $GLOBALS['urlprops'] = $parser->getURLProps(); // Инициализация текущего языка if (!isset($_SESSION['lang'])) { $_SESSION['lang'] = CUtils::_postVar('lang', false, 'ru'); } if (CUtils::_postVar('lang') && $_SESSION['lang'] != CUtils::_postVar('lang')) { $_SESSION['lang'] = CUtils::_postVar('lang'); header('location: ' . $GLOBALS['urlprops']['uri'] . ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '')); } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('slang', $GLOBALS['urlprops']['lang']); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('urlprops', $GLOBALS['urlprops']);
public function cron($period) { if (!empty($period)) { set_time_limit(0); echo 'Cron (' . $period . '):'; foreach ($this->units as $u) { echo ' ' . $u->unit->ocomponent['name']; $name = 'every' . $period; $u->unit->{$name}(); } } else { CUtils::raiseError('Cron params error', ERROR_DIE); } }
/** * Trigger a PEAR error */ public function raiseError($msg, $code) { return CUtils::raiseError($msg, $this->_pearErrorMode); }
function getClass($class) { $anames = explode('_', $class); $tname = str_replace('_', '', stristr($class, '_')); $component = $this->getComponent($anames[0]); $a = $this->getItem('table_tables', "name='" . $tname . "' AND module_id=" . $component['id']); if (sizeof($a) > 0) { return $a; } else { CUtils::raiseError('Class not exists: ' . $class, ERROR_DIE); } }