Beispiel #1
  * Split binary string to chunks
  * @param string $binaryString The string to be chunked.
  * @param int $bits The chunk length.
  * @return array
 private static function chunk($binaryString, $bits)
     $binaryString = chunk_split($binaryString, $bits, ' ');
     if (\CUtil::binSubstr($binaryString, -1) == ' ') {
         $binaryString = \CUtil::binSubstr($binaryString, 0, -1);
     return explode(' ', $binaryString);
Beispiel #2
  * Unpack values from string (something like rsplit).
  * Simple example for separator ".":
  * <code>
  *  // Unpack all values:
  *  unpack('test.all.values', 0) -> ['test', 'all', 'values']
  *  // Unpack 2 values (by default). First element containing the rest of string.
  *  unpack('test.all.values') -> ['test.all', 'values']
  *  // Exception if separator is missing
  *  unpack('test.all values', 3) -> throws BadSignatureException
  * </code>
  * @param string $value String for unpacking.
  * @param int $limit If $limit === 0 - unpack all values, default - 2.
  * @return array
  * @throws BadSignatureException
 protected function unpack($value, $limit = 2)
     // Some kind of optimization
     if ($limit === 0) {
         if (strpos($value, $this->separator) === false) {
             throw new BadSignatureException('Separator not found in value');
         return explode($this->separator, $value);
     $result = array();
     while (--$limit > 0) {
         $pos = bxstrrpos($value, $this->separator);
         if ($pos === false) {
             throw new BadSignatureException('Separator not found in value');
         $result[] = \CUtil::binSubstr($value, $pos + 1);
         $value = \CUtil::binSubstr($value, 0, $pos);
     $result[] = $value;
     return array_reverse($result);
Beispiel #3
 private static function parseMessage($message, $charset)
     $headerP = CUtil::binStrpos($message, "\r\n\r\n");
     $rawHeader = CUtil::binSubstr($message, 0, $headerP);
     $body = CUtil::binSubstr($message, $headerP + 4);
     $header = CMailMessage::ParseHeader($rawHeader, $charset);
     $htmlBody = '';
     $textBody = '';
     $parts = array();
     if ($header->IsMultipart()) {
         $startB = "\r\n--" . $header->GetBoundary() . "\r\n";
         $endB = "\r\n--" . $header->GetBoundary() . "--\r\n";
         $startP = CUtil::binStrpos($message, $startB) + CUtil::binStrlen($startB);
         $endP = CUtil::binStrpos($message, $endB);
         $data = CUtil::binSubstr($message, $startP, $endP - $startP);
         $isHtml = false;
         $rawParts = preg_split("/\r\n--" . preg_quote($header->GetBoundary(), '/') . "\r\n/s", $data);
         $tmpParts = array();
         foreach ($rawParts as $part) {
             if (CUtil::binSubstr($part, 0, 2) == "\r\n") {
                 $part = "\r\n" . $part;
             list(, $subHtml, $subText, $subParts) = CMailMessage::parseMessage($part, $charset);
             if ($subHtml) {
                 $isHtml = true;
             if ($subText) {
                 $tmpParts[] = array($subHtml, $subText);
             $parts = array_merge($parts, $subParts);
         if (strtolower($header->MultipartType()) == 'alternative') {
             foreach ($tmpParts as $part) {
                 if ($part[0]) {
                     if (!$textBody || $htmlBody && strlen($htmlBody) < strlen($part[0])) {
                         $htmlBody = $part[0];
                         $textBody = $part[1];
                 } else {
                     if (!$textBody || strlen($textBody) < strlen($part[1])) {
                         $htmlBody = '';
                         $textBody = $part[1];
         } else {
             foreach ($tmpParts as $part) {
                 if ($textBody) {
                     $textBody .= "\r\n\r\n";
                 $textBody .= $part[1];
                 if ($isHtml) {
                     if ($htmlBody) {
                         $htmlBody .= "\r\n\r\n";
                     $htmlBody .= $part[0] ?: $part[1];
     } else {
         $bodyPart = CMailMessage::decodeMessageBody($header, $body, $charset);
         if (!$bodyPart['FILENAME'] && strpos(strtolower($bodyPart['CONTENT-TYPE']), 'text/') === 0) {
             if (strtolower($bodyPart['CONTENT-TYPE']) == 'text/html') {
                 $htmlBody = $bodyPart['BODY'];
                 $textBody = htmlToTxt($bodyPart['BODY']);
             } else {
                 $textBody = $bodyPart['BODY'];
         } else {
             $parts[] = $bodyPart;
     return array($header, $htmlBody, $textBody, $parts);