Beispiel #1
  * Sorts the elements in an array of Unicode or ASCII strings, in the ascending order, case-insensitively, using
  * natural order comparison.
  * To illustrate natural order with an example, an array with strings "a100", "a20", "a3" would be sorted into the
  * same array with `sortUStringsCi` method, but as "a3", "a20", "a100" with this method, which is the order a human
  * being would choose.
  * @param  array $array The array to be sorted.
  * @param  bitfield $collationFlags **OPTIONAL. Default is** `CUString::COLLATION_DEFAULT`. The Unicode collation
  * option(s) to be used for string comparison. See the [CUString](CUString.html) class for information on collation
  * options.
  * @param  CULocale $inLocale **OPTIONAL. Default is** *the application's default locale*. The locale in which
  * strings are to be compared with each other.
  * @return void
  * @link   CUString.html CUString
 public static function sortUStringsNatCi($array, $collationFlags = CUString::COLLATION_DEFAULT, CULocale $inLocale = null)
     assert('is_carray($array)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     $array = splarray($array);
     $locale = isset($inLocale) ? $inLocale->name() : CULocale::defaultLocaleName();
     $coll = CUString::collatorObject(true, true, $locale, $collationFlags);
     $pArray = self::toPArray($array);
     $res = $coll->sort($pArray);
     assert('$res', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     self::assignArrayToMap($array, $pArray);
Beispiel #2
  * Determines the order in which two strings should appear in a place where it matters, assuming the ascending
  * order, comparing the strings case-insensitively, and using natural order comparison.
  * To illustrate natural order with an example, the strings "a100" and "a20" would get ordered as such with
  * `compareCi` method, but as "a20" and "a100" with this method, which is the order a human being would choose.
  * @param  string $string The first string for comparison.
  * @param  string $toString The second string for comparison.
  * @param  bitfield $collationFlags **OPTIONAL. Default is** `COLLATION_DEFAULT`. The collation option(s) to be
  * used for the comparison. The available collation options are `COLLATION_IGNORE_ACCENTS`,
  * @param  CULocale $inLocale **OPTIONAL. Default is** *the application's default locale*. The locale in which the
  * strings are to be compared.
  * @return int `-1` if the first string should go before the second string, `1` if the other way around, and `0` if
  * the two strings are equal, ignoring the letter case of the characters.
 public static function compareNatCi($string, $toString, $collationFlags = self::COLLATION_DEFAULT, CULocale $inLocale = null)
     assert('is_cstring($string) && is_cstring($toString) && is_bitfield($collationFlags)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     $locale = isset($inLocale) ? $inLocale->name() : CULocale::defaultLocaleName();
     $coll = self::collatorObject(true, true, $locale, $collationFlags);
     $res = $coll->compare($string, $toString);
     if (is_int($res)) {
         return $res;
     } else {
         assert('false', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
         return -1;
Beispiel #3
 public function testAddKeyword()
     $locale = new CULocale("de_DE");
     $locale->addKeyword("keyword0", "value0");
     $locale->addKeyword("keyword1", "value1");
Beispiel #4
  * Returns the human-readable name of a time zone, written in the language of a specified locale.
  * @param  enum $style **OPTIONAL. Default is** `STYLE_LONG`. The display style of the name. The available styles
  * are `STYLE_SHORT` and `STYLE_LONG`.
  * @param  CULocale $inLocale **OPTIONAL. Default is** *the application's default locale*. The locale in which the
  * name is to be displayed.
  * @return CUStringObject The human-readable name of the time zone.
 public function dispName($style = self::STYLE_LONG, CULocale $inLocale = null)
     assert('is_enum($style)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     switch ($style) {
         case self::STYLE_SHORT:
             $itzStyle = IntlTimeZone::DISPLAY_SHORT;
         case self::STYLE_LONG:
             $itzStyle = IntlTimeZone::DISPLAY_LONG;
             assert('false', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     $itz = $this->ITimeZone();
     $locale = isset($inLocale) ? $inLocale->name() : CULocale::defaultLocaleName();
     $dispName = $itz->getDisplayName(false, $itzStyle, $locale);
     if (is_cstring($dispName)) {
         return $dispName;
     } else {
         assert('false', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
         return "";
Beispiel #5
  * Formats a point in time as a string in a specified time zone according to a specified pattern and the formatting
  * rules used in the default or some other locale and returns the formatted string.
  * The formatting patterns that you can use to format a point in time with this method are described in
  * [Date Format Patterns]( of the Unicode
  * Technical Standard #35.
  * @param  CTime $time The point in time to be formatted.
  * @param  CTimeZone $timeZone The time zone in which the components in the resulting string are to appear.
  * @param  string $pattern The formatting pattern.
  * @param  CULocale $inLocale **OPTIONAL. Default is** *the application's default locale*. The locale in which the
  * point in time is to be formatted.
  * @return CUStringObject A string with the formatted point in time.
 public static function timeWithPattern(CTime $time, CTimeZone $timeZone, $pattern, CULocale $inLocale = null)
     assert('is_cstring($pattern)', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
     $locale = isset($inLocale) ? $inLocale->name() : CULocale::defaultLocaleName();
     $intlDateFormatter = new IntlDateFormatter($locale, IntlDateFormatter::FULL, IntlDateFormatter::FULL, $timeZone->ITimeZone(), null, $pattern);
     $strTime = $intlDateFormatter->format($time->UTime());
     if (is_cstring($strTime)) {
         return $strTime;
     } else {
         assert('false', vs(isset($this), get_defined_vars()));
         return "";