private function _checkAccess() { static $access = null; if ($access === null) { $this->arAccessUsers = CTimeMan::GetAccess(); if (count($this->arAccessUsers['READ']) > 0) { $this->bCanReadAll = in_array('*', $this->arAccessUsers['READ']); $this->bCanEditAll = in_array('*', $this->arAccessUsers['WRITE']); $access = true; } else { $access = false; } } return $access; }
} /**************************************************************************/ break; } if (!$res) { if ($ex = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { $error = "{error: '" . CUtil::JSEscape($ex->GetString()) . "', error_id:'" . CUtil::JSEscape($ex->GetId()) . "'}"; } } $APPLICATION->RestartBuffer(); if ($error) { echo $error; } elseif ($bReturnRes) { echo CUtil::PhpToJsObject($res); } else { $info = CTimeMan::GetRuntimeInfo(true); $info['PLANNER'] = $info['PLANNER']['DATA']; $arReport = $obUser->SetReport('', 0, $info['ID']); if (is_array($arReport)) { $info['REPORT'] = $arReport['REPORT']; $info['REPORT_TS'] = MakeTimeStamp($arReport['TIMESTAMP_X']); } echo CUtil::PhpToJsObject($info); } } } } } else { echo GetMessage('main_include_decode_pass_sess'); } //require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_ROOT."/modules/main/include/epilog_after.php");
public static function AddCommentToIM($arFields) { if (CModule::IncludeModule("im") && intval($arFields["USER_ID"]) > 0) { $date_text = ""; $dbReport = CTimeManReportFull::GetByID($arFields["REPORT_ID"]); if ($arReport = $dbReport->Fetch()) { $date_from = FormatDate("j F", MakeTimeStamp($arReport["DATE_FROM"], CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL", SITE_ID))); $date_to = FormatDate("j F", MakeTimeStamp($arReport["DATE_TO"], CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL", SITE_ID))); if ($date_from == $date_to) { $date_text = $date_to; } else { $date_text = $date_from . " - " . $date_to; } $arMessageFields = array("MESSAGE_TYPE" => IM_MESSAGE_SYSTEM, "FROM_USER_ID" => $arFields["USER_ID"], "NOTIFY_TYPE" => IM_NOTIFY_FROM, "NOTIFY_MODULE" => "timeman", "NOTIFY_EVENT" => "report_comment", "NOTIFY_TAG" => "TIMEMAN|REPORT|" . $arFields["REPORT_ID"]); $arUserIDToSend = array($arReport["USER_ID"]); $gender_suffix = ""; $dbUser = CUser::GetByID($arFields["USER_ID"]); if ($arUser = $dbUser->Fetch()) { switch ($arUser["PERSONAL_GENDER"]) { case "M": $gender_suffix = "_M"; break; case "F": $gender_suffix = "_F"; break; default: $gender_suffix = ""; } } $arManagers = CTimeMan::GetUserManagers($arReport["USER_ID"]); if (is_array($arManagers)) { $arUserIDToSend = array_merge($arUserIDToSend, $arManagers); } $reports_page = COption::GetOptionString("timeman", "WORK_REPORT_PATH", "/company/work_report.php"); $arUnFollowers = array(); $rsUnFollower = CSocNetLogFollow::GetList(array("USER_ID" => $arUserIDToSend, "CODE" => "L" . $arFields["LOG_ID"], "TYPE" => "N"), array("USER_ID")); while ($arUnFollower = $rsUnFollower->Fetch()) { $arUnFollowers[] = $arUnFollower["USER_ID"]; } $arUserIDToSend = array_diff($arUserIDToSend, $arUnFollowers); foreach ($arUserIDToSend as $user_id) { if ($arFields["USER_ID"] == $user_id) { continue; } $arMessageFields["TO_USER_ID"] = $user_id; $arTmp = CSocNetLogTools::ProcessPath(array("REPORTS_PAGE" => $reports_page), $user_id); $sender_type = $arReport["USER_ID"] == $user_id ? "1" : ($arReport["USER_ID"] == $arFields["USER_ID"] ? "2" : "3"); $arMessageFields["NOTIFY_MESSAGE"] = GetMessage("REPORT_FULL_IM_COMMENT_" . $sender_type . $gender_suffix, array("#period#" => "<a href=\"" . $arTmp["URLS"]["REPORTS_PAGE"] . "#user_id=" . $arReport["USER_ID"] . "&report=" . $arReport["ID"] . "\" class=\"bx-notifier-item-action\">" . htmlspecialcharsbx($date_text) . "</a>")); $arMessageFields["NOTIFY_MESSAGE_OUT"] = GetMessage("REPORT_FULL_IM_COMMENT_" . $sender_type . $gender_suffix, array("#period#" => htmlspecialcharsbx($date_text))) . " ( " . $arTmp["SERVER_NAME"] . $arTmp["URLS"]["REPORTS_PAGE"] . "#user_id=" . $arReport["USER_ID"] . "&report=" . $arReport["ID"] . " )#BR##BR#" . $arFields["MESSAGE"]; CIMNotify::Add($arMessageFields); } } } }
<?php if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die; } if (CBXFeatures::IsFeatureEnabled('timeman') && CModule::IncludeModule('timeman') && CTimeMan::CanUse()) { if (abs(CTimeZone::GetOffset()) > BX_TIMEMAN_WRONG_DATE_CHECK) { $arResult['ERROR'] = 'WRONG_DATE'; $this->IncludeComponentTemplate('error'); return true; } $arResult['TASKS_ENABLED'] = CBXFeatures::IsFeatureEnabled('Tasks') && CModule::IncludeModule('tasks'); $arResult['START_INFO'] = CTimeMan::GetRuntimeInfo(false); $obReportUser = new CUserReportFull(); $arResult['WORK_REPORT'] = $obReportUser->GetReportData(); //echo '<pre>'; print_r($arResult['WORK_REPORT']); echo '</pre>'; CIntranetPlanner::initScripts($arResult['START_INFO']['PLANNER']); $arResult['START_INFO']['PLANNER'] = $arResult['START_INFO']['PLANNER']['DATA']; CJSCore::Init(array('timeman')); $this->IncludeComponentTemplate(); return true; } else { return false; }
public function Add($arParams) { global $USER; $res = null; $calendar_id = $arParams['calendar_id']; $calIblock = COption::GetOptionInt('intranet', 'iblock_calendar', null, $arParams['site_id']); $calIblockSection = CEventCalendar::GetSectionIDByOwnerId($USER->GetID(), 'USER', $calIblock); if (!$calendar_id) { $calendar_id = CUserOptions::GetOption('timeman', 'default_calendar', 0); } if ($calIblockSection > 0) { $arCalendars = CEventCalendar::GetCalendarList(array($calIblock, $calIblockSection, 0, 'USER')); if (count($arCalendars) == 1) { if ($calendar_id && $calendar_id != $arCalendars[0]['ID']) { CUserOptions::DeleteOption('timeman', 'default_calendar'); } $calendar_id = $arCalendars[0]['ID']; } else { $bCalendarFound = false; $arCalsList = array(); foreach ($arCalendars as $cal) { if ($cal['ID'] == $calendar_id) { $bCalendarFound = true; break; } $arCalsList[] = array('ID' => $cal['ID'], 'NAME' => $cal['NAME'], 'COLOR' => $cal['COLOR']); } if (!$bCalendarFound) { $bReturnRes = true; $res = array('error_id' => 'CHOOSE_CALENDAR', 'error' => array('TEXT' => GetMessage('TM_CALENDAR_CHOOSE'), 'CALENDARS' => $arCalsList)); } } } if (!$bReturnRes) { if (!$calIblockSection) { $calIblockSection = 'none'; } $today = CTimeMan::RemoveHoursTS(time()); $data = array('DATE_FROM' => $today + CTimeMan::MakeShortTS($arParams['from']), 'DATE_TO' => $today + CTimeMan::MakeShortTS($arParams['to']), 'NAME' => $arParams['name'], 'ABSENCE' => $arParams['absence'] == 'Y'); $obCalendar = new CEventCalendar(); $obCalendar->Init(array('ownerType' => 'USER', 'ownerId' => $USER->GetID(), 'bOwner' => true, 'iblockId' => $calIblock, 'bCache' => false)); $arPermissions = $obCalendar->GetPermissions(array('setProperties' => true)); $arRes = array('iblockId' => $obCalendar->iblockId, 'ownerType' => $obCalendar->ownerType, 'ownerId' => $obCalendar->ownerId, 'bNew' => true, 'fullUrl' => $obCalendar->fullUrl, 'userId' => $obCalendar->userId, 'pathToUserCalendar' => $obCalendar->pathToUserCalendar, 'pathToGroupCalendar' => $obCalendar->pathToGroupCalendar, 'userIblockId' => $obCalendar->userIblockId, 'calendarId' => $calendar_id, 'sectionId' => $calIblockSection, 'dateFrom' => ConvertTimeStamp($data['DATE_FROM'], 'FULL'), 'dateTo' => ConvertTimeStamp($data['DATE_TO'], 'FULL'), 'name' => $data['NAME'], 'desc' => '', 'prop' => array('ACCESSIBILITY' => $data['ABSENCE'] ? 'absent' : 'busy'), 'notDisplayCalendar' => true); if ($GLOBALS['BX_TIMEMAN_RECENTLY_ADDED_EVENT_ID'] = $obCalendar->SaveEvent($arRes)) { if ($_REQUEST['cal_set_default'] == 'Y') { CUserOptions::SetOption('timeman', 'default_calendar', $calendar_id); } } } return $res; }
protected static function getTimemanCloseDayData($arParams) { if (CModule::IncludeModule('timeman')) { global $USER; $arTasks = array(); $userId = $USER->getId(); $runningTaskId = null; $taskRunTime = null; // key features of that info: // [REPORT_REQ] => 'A' means that day will be closed right now. other variants - just form show. // [INFO][DATE_START] => 1385459336 - unix timestamp of day start // [INFO][TIME_START] => 46136 - short timestamp of day start // [DURATION] // [TIME_LEAKS] $arTimemanInfo = CTimeMan::GetRunTimeInfo(true); if (!($userId > 0)) { foreach ($arTimemanInfo['PLANNER']['DATA']['TASKS'] as $arTask) { $arTask['TIME'] = 0; $arTasks[] = $arTask; } return array('TASKS' => $arTasks); } $unixTsDateStart = (int) $arTimemanInfo['INFO']['DATE_START']; $oTimer = CTaskTimerManager::getInstance($userId); $arTimer = $oTimer->getLastTimer(); if ($arTimer && $arTimer['TIMER_STARTED_AT'] > 0) { $runningTaskId = $arTimer['TASK_ID']; if ($arTimer['TIMER_STARTED_AT'] >= $unixTsDateStart) { $taskRunTime = max(0, time() - (int) $arTimer['TIMER_STARTED_AT']); } else { $taskRunTime = max(0, time() - $unixTsDateStart); } } $bitrixTimestampDateStart = $unixTsDateStart + CTasksTools::getTimeZoneOffset(); $dateStartAsString = ConvertTimeStamp($bitrixTimestampDateStart, 'FULL'); foreach ($arTimemanInfo['PLANNER']['DATA']['TASKS'] as $arTask) { $rsElapsedTime = CTaskElapsedTime::getList(array('ID' => 'ASC'), array('TASK_ID' => $arTask['ID'], 'USER_ID' => $userId, '>=CREATED_DATE' => $dateStartAsString), array('skipJoinUsers' => true)); $arTask['TIME'] = 0; while ($arElapsedTime = $rsElapsedTime->fetch()) { $arTask['TIME'] += max(0, $arElapsedTime['SECONDS']); } if ($runningTaskId && $arTask['ID'] == $runningTaskId) { $arTask['TIME'] += $taskRunTime; } $arTasks[] = $arTask; } return array('TASKS' => $arTasks); } }
<?php if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die; } if (!CBXFeatures::IsFeatureEnabled('timeman') || !CModule::IncludeModule('timeman')) { return; } // maybe we should cache GetAccess data? $arResult['arAccessUsers'] = CTimeMan::GetAccess(); if (count($arResult['arAccessUsers']['READ']) > 0) { CUtil::InitJSCore(array('timeman')); $arUserFields = $GLOBALS['USER_FIELD_MANAGER']->GetUserFields('USER', 0, LANGUAGE_ID); $arResult['UF_DEPARTMENT_field'] = $arUserFields['UF_DEPARTMENT']; $arResult['UF_DEPARTMENT_field']['FIELD_NAME'] = 'department'; $arResult['UF_DEPARTMENT_field']['MULTIPLE'] = 'N'; $arResult['UF_DEPARTMENT_field']['SETTINGS']['LIST_HEIGHT'] = 1; $this->IncludeComponentTemplate(); }
if (strlen($Update) > 0 && strlen($_REQUEST["back_url_settings"]) > 0) { LocalRedirect($_REQUEST["back_url_settings"]); } else { LocalRedirect($APPLICATION->GetCurPage() . "?mid=" . urlencode($mid) . "&lang=" . urlencode(LANGUAGE_ID) . "&back_url_settings=" . urlencode($_REQUEST["back_url_settings"]) . "&" . $tabControl->ActiveTabParam()); } } foreach ($arAllModuleOptions as $tab => $arTabOptions) { foreach ($arTabOptions as $key => $arOptDef) { $value = ''; switch ($arOptDef[1]) { case 'time': $value = COption::GetOptionInt($module_id, $key, $arOptDef[2]); if ($arOptDef[3] == 'clock') { $value = CTimeMan::FormatTimeOut($value); } else { $value = CTimeMan::FormatTime($value, true); } break; case 'int': $value = COption::GetOptionInt($module_id, $key, $arOptDef[2]); break; default: $value = COption::GetOptionString($module_id, $key, $arOptDef[2]); break; } $arAllModuleOptions[$tab][$key][0] = $value; } } $workday_can_edit_current = COption::GetOptionString($module_id, 'workday_can_edit_current', 'Y'); // it's not a mistake! if (!COption::GetOptionString($module_id, "GROUP_DEFAULT_TASK", "")) {
<?php if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die; } if (!CBXFeatures::IsFeatureEnabled('timeman') || !CModule::IncludeModule('timeman')) { return; } // maybe we should cache GetAccess data? $arResult['arAccessUsers'] = CTimeMan::GetAccess(); $arResult['arAccessUsers2'] = CTimeMan::GetAccessSettings(); $arResult['arDirectUsers'] = CTimeMan::GetDirectAccess(); if (count($arResult['arAccessUsers']['READ']) > 0) { CUtil::InitJSCore(array('timeman')); $arUserFields = $GLOBALS['USER_FIELD_MANAGER']->GetUserFields('USER', 0, LANGUAGE_ID); $arResult['TASKS_ENABLED'] = CBXFeatures::IsFeatureEnabled('Tasks') && CModule::IncludeModule('tasks'); $arResult['UF_DEPARTMENT_field'] = $arUserFields['UF_DEPARTMENT']; $arResult['UF_DEPARTMENT_field']['FIELD_NAME'] = 'department'; $arResult['UF_DEPARTMENT_field']['MULTIPLE'] = 'N'; $arResult['UF_DEPARTMENT_field']['SETTINGS']['LIST_HEIGHT'] = 1; $arResult['SHOW_ALL'] = "Y"; $arResult['DEPARTMENT_ID'] = ""; if ($arResult['arDirectUsers']) { $arResult['SHOW_ALL'] = CUserOptions::GetOption("", "show_all", "Y", $USER->GetID()); $arResult['DEPARTMENT_ID'] = CUserOptions::GetOption("", "department_id", "", $USER->GetID()); } $this->IncludeComponentTemplate(); }
public static function Approve($ID, $check_rights = true) { if ($check_rights) { $hasAccess = false; $arAccessUsers = CTimeMan::GetAccess(); if (count($arAccessUsers['WRITE']) > 0) { $bCanEditAll = in_array('*', $arAccessUsers['WRITE']); $dbRes = CTimeManEntry::GetList(array(), array('ID' => $ID), false, false, array('*')); $arRes = $dbRes->Fetch(); if ($arRes) { $hasAccess = $bCanEditAll || in_array($arRes['USER_ID'], $arAccessUsers['WRITE']); } } if (!$hasAccess) { $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->ThrowException('Access denied'); return false; } } if (CTimeManEntry::Update($ID, array('ACTIVE' => 'Y'))) { CTimeManReport::Approve($ID); CTimeManReportDaily::SetActive($ID); CTimeManNotify::SendMessage($ID, 'U'); return true; } return false; }
/** * @param $userId * @return bool */ public function canRead($userId) { if ($this->canRead !== null) { return $this->canRead; } if (($res = $this->getDataToCheck($this->entityId)) && !empty($res)) { list($message, $topic) = $res; $entityId = null; $entityType = null; if (!empty($topic["XML_ID"])) { $entityId = substr($topic["XML_ID"], strrpos($topic["XML_ID"], "_") + 1); $entityType = substr($topic["XML_ID"], 0, strrpos($topic["XML_ID"], "_")); } switch ($entityType) { case "TASK": if (Loader::includeModule("tasks")) { $connector = new TaskConnector($entityId, $this->attachedObject); $this->canRead = $connector->canRead($userId); return $this->canRead; } break; case "EVENT": if (Loader::includeModule("calendar")) { $connector = new CalendarEventConnector($entityId, $this->attachedObject); $this->canRead = $connector->canRead($userId); return $this->canRead; } break; case "IBLOCK": if ((int) $topic["USER_ID"] > 0 && Loader::includeModule("socialnetwork")) { $codes = array(); if (($res = \CSocNetLog::getList(array(), array("SOURCE_ID" => $entityId, "EVENT_ID" => array("photo_photo", "news", "wiki")), false, false, array("ID"))->fetch()) && $res) { $db_res = \CSocNetLogRights::getList(array(), array("LOG_ID" => $res["ID"])); while ($res = $db_res->fetch()) { $codes[] = $res["GROUP_CODE"]; } } $this->canRead = $this->canAccess($userId, $codes); return $this->canRead; } $this->canRead = true; return $this->canRead; case "MEETING": $this->canRead = (int) $message["FORUM_ID"] == (int) \COption::getOptionInt('meeting', 'comments_forum_id', 0, SITE_ID); return $this->canRead; case "TIMEMAN_ENTRY": if (Loader::includeModule("timeman")) { $dbEntry = \CTimeManEntry::getList(array(), array("ID" => $entityId), false, false, array("ID", "USER_ID")); if ($arEntry = $dbEntry->fetch()) { if ($arEntry["USER_ID"] == $userId) { $this->canRead = true; return $this->canRead; } else { $arManagers = \CTimeMan::getUserManagers($arEntry["USER_ID"]); $this->canRead = in_array($userId, $arManagers); return $this->canRead; } } } $this->canRead = false; return $this->canRead; case "TIMEMAN_REPORT": if (Loader::includeModule("timeman")) { $dbReport = \CTimeManReportFull::getList(array(), array("ID" => $entityId), array("ID", "USER_ID")); if ($arReport = $dbReport->fetch()) { if ($arReport["USER_ID"] == $userId) { $this->canRead = true; return $this->canRead; } else { $arManagers = \CTimeMan::getUserManagers($arReport["USER_ID"]); $this->canRead = in_array($userId, $arManagers); return $this->canRead; } } } $this->canRead = false; return $this->canRead; case "WF": $this->canRead = false; if (Loader::includeModule("bizproc")) { $currentUserId = (int) $this->getUser()->getId(); $participants = \CBPTaskService::getWorkflowParticipants($entityId); if (in_array($currentUserId, $participants)) { $this->canRead = true; } else { $state = \CBPStateService::getWorkflowStateInfo($entityId); if ($state && $currentUserId === (int) $state['STARTED_BY']) { $this->canRead = true; } } } return $this->canRead; } if ((!empty($topic["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"]) || !empty($topic["OWNER_ID"])) && Loader::includeModule("socialnetwork")) { if (!empty($topic["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"])) { $this->canRead = \CSocNetFeatures::isActiveFeature(SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $topic["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "forum") && \CSocNetFeaturesPerms::canPerformOperation($userId, SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $topic["SOCNET_GROUP_ID"], "forum", "view"); return $this->canRead; } else { $this->canRead = \CSocNetFeatures::isActiveFeature(SONET_ENTITY_USER, $topic["OWNER_ID"], "forum") && \CSocNetFeaturesPerms::canPerformOperation($userId, SONET_ENTITY_USER, $topic["OWNER_ID"], "forum", "view"); return $this->canRead; } } if ($message) { $user = $this->getUser(); if ($user && $userId == $user->getId()) { $userGroups = $user->getUserGroupArray(); } else { $userGroups = array(2); } /** @noinspection PhpDynamicAsStaticMethodCallInspection */ if (\CForumUser::isAdmin($userId, $userGroups)) { $this->canRead = true; return $this->canRead; } /** @noinspection PhpDynamicAsStaticMethodCallInspection */ $perms = \CForumNew::getUserPermission($message["FORUM_ID"], $userGroups); if ($perms >= "Y") { $this->canRead = true; return $this->canRead; } if ($perms < "E" || $perms < "Q" && $message["APPROVED"] != "Y") { $this->canRead = false; return $this->canRead; } /** @noinspection PhpDynamicAsStaticMethodCallInspection */ $forum = \CForumNew::getByID($message["FORUM_ID"]); $this->canRead = $forum["ACTIVE"] == "Y"; return $this->canRead; } } $this->canRead = false; return $this->canRead; }
protected function _GetSettings() { global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; $arRes = array(); $arRes = $this->_GetPersonalSettings(); if ($arRes) { if ($arRes['UF_TIMEMAN'] === 'N') { return array('UF_TIMEMAN' => false); } $cnt = 0; if ($arRes['UF_TIMEMAN'] !== 'Y') { $cnt++; } foreach ($arRes as $fld => $value) { if (!$arRes[$fld] || $arRes[$fld] == '00:00') { $cnt++; } } if ($cnt > 0) { if (is_array($this->UF_DEPARTMENT) && count($this->UF_DEPARTMENT) > 0) { $allSet = array('UF_TIMEMAN' => $arRes['UF_TIMEMAN'] ? $arRes['UF_TIMEMAN'] : false, 'UF_TM_MAX_START' => 86401, 'UF_TM_MIN_FINISH' => false, 'UF_TM_MIN_DURATION' => false, 'UF_TM_REPORT_REQ' => false, 'UF_REPORT_PERIOD' => $arRes['UF_REPORT_PERIOD'], 'UF_TM_REPORT_DATE' => $arRes['UF_TM_REPORT_DATE'], 'UF_TM_TIME' => $arRes['UF_TM_TIME'], 'UF_TM_DAY' => $arRes['UF_TM_DAY'], 'UF_TM_REPORT_TPL' => array(), 'UF_TM_FREE' => false, 'UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA' => -1); foreach ($this->UF_DEPARTMENT as $dpt) { $dptSet = CTimeMan::GetSectionSettings($dpt); if ($allSet['UF_TIMEMAN'] !== 'Y' && $dptSet['UF_TIMEMAN']) { $allSet['UF_TIMEMAN'] = $dptSet['UF_TIMEMAN']; } if ($dptSet['UF_TM_MAX_START']) { $allSet['UF_TM_MAX_START'] = min($dptSet['UF_TM_MAX_START'], $allSet['UF_TM_MAX_START']); } $allSet['UF_TM_MAX_START'] = min($dptSet['UF_TM_MAX_START'], $allSet['UF_TM_MAX_START']); $allSet['UF_TM_MIN_FINISH'] = max($dptSet['UF_TM_MIN_FINISH'], $allSet['UF_TM_MIN_FINISH']); $allSet['UF_TM_MIN_DURATION'] = max($dptSet['UF_TM_MIN_DURATION'], $allSet['UF_TM_MIN_DURATION']); if ($dptSet['UF_TM_REPORT_REQ']) { $allSet['UF_TM_REPORT_REQ'] = $dptSet['UF_TM_REPORT_REQ']; } if ((!is_array($allSet['UF_TM_REPORT_TPL']) || count($allSet['UF_TM_REPORT_TPL']) <= 0) && $dptSet['UF_TM_REPORT_TPL']) { $allSet['UF_TM_REPORT_TPL'] = $dptSet['UF_TM_REPORT_TPL']; } if ($dptSet['UF_TM_FREE']) { $allSet['UF_TM_FREE'] = $dptSet['UF_TM_FREE']; } if ($dptSet['UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA']) { if ($allSet['UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA'] == -1 || $dptSet['UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA'] < $allSet['UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA']) { $allSet['UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA'] = $dptSet['UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA']; } } } //report fields $allSet["UF_REPORT_PERIOD"] = !$allSet["UF_REPORT_PERIOD"] && $dptSet["UF_REPORT_PERIOD"] ? $dptSet["UF_REPORT_PERIOD"] : $allSet["UF_REPORT_PERIOD"]; $allSet["UF_TM_TIME"] = !$allSet["UF_TM_TIME"] && $dptSet["UF_TM_TIME"] ? $dptSet["UF_TM_TIME"] : $allSet["UF_TM_TIME"]; $allSet["UF_TM_DAY"] = !$allSet["UF_TM_DAY"] && $dptSet["UF_TM_DAY"] ? $dptSet["UF_TM_DAY"] : $allSet["UF_TM_DAY"]; $allSet["UF_TM_REPORT_DATE"] = !$allSet["UF_TM_REPORT_DATE"] && $dptSet["UF_TM_REPORT_DATE"] ? $dptSet["UF_TM_REPORT_DATE"] : $allSet["UF_TM_REPORT_DATE"]; if ($arRes['UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA'] === '0') { unset($allSet['UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA']); } foreach ($allSet as $key => $value) { if (!$arRes[$key] || $arRes[$key] === '00:00') { $arRes[$key] = $value; } } if ($arRes['UF_TIMEMAN'] === 'N') { return $arRes = array('UF_TIMEMAN' => false); } } elseif ($arRes['UF_TIMEMAN'] !== 'Y') { // if user is not attached to company structure tm can be allowed only in his own profile return $arRes = array('UF_TIMEMAN' => false); } } //if ($cnt > 0) $arRes['UF_TIMEMAN'] = true; // it can be only Y|null at this moment $arRes['UF_TM_MAX_START'] = $arRes['UF_TM_MAX_START']; $arRes['UF_TM_MAX_START'] = $arRes['UF_TM_MAX_START'] > 0 ? $arRes['UF_TM_MAX_START'] : COption::GetOptionInt('timeman', 'workday_max_start', 33300); $arRes['UF_TM_MIN_FINISH'] = $arRes['UF_TM_MIN_FINISH']; $arRes['UF_TM_MIN_FINISH'] = $arRes['UF_TM_MIN_FINISH'] > 0 ? $arRes['UF_TM_MIN_FINISH'] : COption::GetOptionInt('timeman', 'workday_min_finish', 63900); $arRes['UF_TM_MIN_DURATION'] = $arRes['UF_TM_MIN_DURATION']; $arRes['UF_TM_MIN_DURATION'] = $arRes['UF_TM_MIN_DURATION'] > 0 ? $arRes['UF_TM_MIN_DURATION'] : COption::GetOptionInt('timeman', 'workday_min_duration', 28800); $arRes['UF_TM_REPORT_REQ'] = $arRes['UF_TM_REPORT_REQ'] ? $arRes['UF_TM_REPORT_REQ'] : COption::GetOptionInt('timeman', 'workday_report_required', 'A'); $arRes['UF_TM_REPORT_TPL'] = $arRes['UF_TM_REPORT_TPL'] ? $arRes['UF_TM_REPORT_TPL'] : array(); $arRes['UF_TM_FREE'] = $arRes['UF_TM_FREE'] ? $arRes['UF_TM_FREE'] == 'Y' : false; $arRes['UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA'] = $arRes['UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA'] > -1 ? $arRes['UF_TM_ALLOWED_DELTA'] : COption::GetOptionInt('timeman', 'workday_allowed_delta', '900'); } else { return array('UF_TIMEMAN' => false); } return $arRes; }