if (!$sejour_id) {
    CAppUI::stepMessage(UI_MSG_WARNING, "Veuillez sélectionner un sejour pour visualiser le dossier complet");
$fiches_anesthesies = array();
$formulaires = null;
global $atc_classes;
$atc_classes = array();
$datetime_min = "";
if ($period) {
    $datetime_min = CMbDT::dateTime("- {$period} HOURS");
// Chargement du sejour
$sejour = new CSejour();
// Chargement des affectations
foreach ($sejour->loadRefsAffectations() as $_affectation) {
// Chargement des tâches
foreach ($sejour->loadRefsTasks() as $_task) {
Beispiel #2
            if (isset($_POST["cmca_uf_code"])) {
                $object->code_uf = $_POST["cmca_uf_code"];
            if (isset($_POST["cmca_uf_libelle"])) {
                $object->libelle_uf = $_POST["cmca_uf_libelle"];
    case "CSejour":
        $object = new CSejour();
        // Chargement du séjour et génération du document
        $sejour_id = CValue::post("mb_sejour_id", CValue::getOrSession("object_id"));
        if ($object->load($sejour_id)) {
            $NDA = $object->_NDA;
            $IPP = $object->_ref_patient->_IPP;
            if (isset($_POST["sc_patient_id"])) {
                $object->_ref_patient->_IPP = $_POST["sc_patient_id"];
            if (isset($_POST["sc_venue_id"])) {
                $object->_NDA = $_POST["sc_venue_id"];
// Facturation de l'opération où du séjour
$object->facture = 1;
if ($unlock_dossier) {
  * Prepare the data to send from the given sejour
  * @param CSejour      $sejour           The sejour
  * @param string       $encoding         The encoding
  * @param string       $modality         The target modality
  * @param string       $calling_ae_title The AE title who requested the worklist
  * @param CDicomConfig $dicom_config     The Exchange Dicom
  * @return array
 protected function getDataFromSejour($sejour, $encoding, $modality, $calling_ae_title, $dicom_config)
     $libelle = '';
     $date = '';
     $time = '';
     $patient = $sejour->loadRefPatient();
     $operation = $sejour->loadRefCurrOperation(CMbDT::dateTime());
     if ($operation->_id) {
         if ($operation->libelle) {
             $libelle = substr($operation->libelle, 0, 64);
         } else {
             $libelle = 'Pas de libellé';
         if ($operation->date) {
             $date = str_replace('-', '', $operation->date);
         } else {
             $date = str_replace('-', '', $operation->_ref_plageop->date);
         if ($operation->time_operation) {
             $time = str_replace(':', '', $operation->time_operation) . '.000000';
         } else {
             $time = str_replace(':', '', CMbDT::time()) . '.000000';
     } else {
         $libelle = "Pas de libellé";
         $date = str_replace('-', '', CMBDT::date());
         $time = str_replace(':', '', CMbDT::time()) . '.000000';
     $chir = $sejour->loadRefPraticien();
     $sejour_id = $sejour->_id;
     if ($sejour->_NDA) {
         $sejour_id = $sejour->_NDA;
     $patient_id = $patient->_id;
     if ($patient->_IPP) {
         $patient_id = $patient->_IPP;
     $age = intval(substr(trim($patient->_age), 0, 2));
     $chir_name = "{$chir->_user_last_name} {$chir->_user_first_name}";
     $data = array(0x8 => array(0x50 => self::encodeValue($sejour_id, $encoding)), 0x10 => array(0x10 => self::encodeValue("{$patient->nom}^{$patient->prenom}", $encoding), 0x20 => self::encodeValue("{$patient_id}", $encoding), 0x30 => self::encodeValue(str_replace("-", "", $patient->naissance), $encoding), 0x40 => self::encodeValue(strtoupper($patient->sexe), $encoding)), 0x20 => array(0xd => self::encodeValue($sejour_id, $encoding)), 0x38 => array(0x10 => self::encodeValue($sejour_id, $encoding)), 0x40 => array(0x100 => array(array(array("group_number" => 0x8, "element_number" => 0x60, "value" => self::encodeValue($modality, $encoding)), array("group_number" => 0x40, "element_number" => 0x1, "value" => self::encodeValue($calling_ae_title, $encoding)), array("group_number" => 0x40, "element_number" => 0x2, "value" => self::encodeValue($date, $encoding)), array("group_number" => 0x40, "element_number" => 0x3, "value" => self::encodeValue($time, $encoding)), array("group_number" => 0x40, "element_number" => 0x6, "value" => self::encodeValue($chir_name, $encoding)), array("group_number" => 0x40, "element_number" => 0x7, "value" => self::encodeValue($libelle, $encoding)), array("group_number" => 0x40, "element_number" => 0x9, "value" => self::encodeValue($sejour_id, $encoding)))), 0x1001 => self::encodeValue($sejour_id, $encoding)));
     /* We add the field 0x0032,0x1032 if it's configured */
     if ($dicom_config->send_0032_1032) {
         if (!array_key_exists(0x32, $data)) {
             $data[0x32] = array();
         $data[0x32][0x1032] = self::encodeValue($chir_name, $encoding);
         /* Add the field into the sequence of item 0x0040,0x0100 */
         /*$data[0x0040][0x0100][0][] = array(
             "group_number" => 0x0032,
             "element_number" => 0x1032,
             "value" => self::encodeValue($chir_name, $encoding)
     return $data;
Beispiel #4
  * Recording NDA
  * @param CIdSante400    $NDA    Object id400
  * @param CSejour        $sejour Admit
  * @param CInteropSender $sender Sender
  * @return null|string null if successful otherwise returns and error message
 static function storeNDA(CIdSante400 $NDA, CSejour $sejour, CInteropSender $sender)
     /* Gestion du numéroteur */
     $group = new CGroups();
     // Purge du NDA existant sur le séjour et on le remplace par le nouveau
     if ($sender->_configs["purge_idex_movements"]) {
         // On charge le NDA courant du séjour
         $ref_NDA = $sejour->_ref_NDA;
         if ($ref_NDA) {
             // Si le NDA actuel est identique à celui qu'on reçoit on ne fait rien
             if ($ref_NDA->id400 == $NDA->id400) {
             // On passe le NDA courant en trash
             $ref_NDA->tag = CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp CSejour tag_dossier_trash") . $ref_NDA->tag;
             $ref_NDA->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid;
         // On sauvegarde le nouveau
         $NDA->tag = $sender->_tag_sejour;
         $NDA->object_class = "CSejour";
         $NDA->object_id = $sejour->_id;
         $NDA->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime();
         $NDA->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid;
         return $NDA->store();
     // Génération du NDA ?
     // Non
     if (!$group->_configs["smp_idex_generator"]) {
         if (!$NDA->id400) {
             return null;
         if ($sejour) {
             $NDA->object_id = $sejour->_id;
         $NDA->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime();
         $NDA->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid;
         return $NDA->store();
     } else {
         $NDA_temp = CIdSante400::getMatch("CSejour", $sender->_tag_sejour, null, $sejour->_id);
         if ($NDA_temp->_id) {
         // Pas de NDA passé
         if (!$NDA->id400) {
             if (!CIncrementer::generateIdex($sejour, $sender->_tag_sejour, $sender->group_id)) {
                 return CAppUI::tr("CEAISejour-error-generate-idex");
             return null;
         } else {
             $incrementer = $sender->loadRefGroup()->loadDomainSupplier("CSejour");
             if ($incrementer && $NDA->id400 < $incrementer->range_min || $NDA->id400 > $incrementer->range_max) {
                 return CAppUI::tr("CEAISejour-idex-not-in-the-range");
             $NDA->object_id = $sejour->_id;
             $NDA->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime();
             $NDA->_eai_sender_guid = $sender->_guid;
             return $NDA->store();
  * Trigger before event merge
  * @param CMbObject $mbObject Object
  * @throws CMbException
  * @return bool
 function onBeforeMerge(CMbObject $mbObject)
     if (!parent::onBeforeMerge($mbObject)) {
         return false;
     // Si pas en mode alternatif
     if (!CAppUI::conf("alternative_mode")) {
         throw new CMbException("no_alternative_mode");
     $sejour = $mbObject;
     $sejour_elimine = new CSejour();
     // Si Client
     if (!CAppUI::conf('smp server')) {
         $mbObject->_fusion = array();
         foreach (CGroups::loadGroups() as $_group) {
             $sender = CMbObject::loadFromGuid($mbObject->_eai_sender_guid);
             if ($sender && $sender->group_id == $_group->_id) {
             $sejour->_NDA = null;
             $sejour1_nda = $sejour->_NDA;
             $sejour_elimine->_NDA = null;
             $sejour2_nda = $sejour_elimine->_NDA;
             // Passage en trash des NDA des séjours
             $tag_NDA = CSejour::getTagNDA($_group->_id);
             if (!$tag_NDA) {
             $idexSejour = new CIdSante400();
             $idexSejour->tag = $tag_NDA;
             $idexSejour->object_class = "CSejour";
             $idexSejour->object_id = $sejour->_id;
             $idexsSejour = $idexSejour->loadMatchingList();
             $idexSejourElimine = new CIdSante400();
             $idexSejourElimine->tag = $tag_NDA;
             $idexSejourElimine->object_class = "CSejour";
             $idexSejourElimine->object_id = $sejour_elimine->_id;
             $idexsSejourElimine = $idexSejourElimine->loadMatchingList();
             /** @var CIdSante400[] $idexs */
             $idexs = array_merge($idexsSejour, $idexsSejourElimine);
             $idexs_changed = array();
             if (count($idexs) > 1) {
                 foreach ($idexs as $_idex) {
                     // On continue pour ne pas mettre en trash le NDA du séjour que l'on garde
                     if ($_idex->id400 == $sejour1_nda) {
                     $old_tag = $_idex->tag;
                     $_idex->tag = CAppUI::conf('dPplanningOp CSejour tag_dossier_trash') . $tag_NDA;
                     $_idex->last_update = CMbDT::dateTime();
                     if (!($msg = $_idex->store())) {
                         if ($_idex->object_id == $sejour_elimine->_id) {
                             $idexs_changed[$_idex->_id] = $old_tag;
             if (!$sejour1_nda && !$sejour2_nda) {
             $mbObject->_fusion[$_group->_id] = array("sejourElimine" => $sejour_elimine, "sejour1_nda" => $sejour1_nda, "sejour2_nda" => $sejour2_nda, "idexs_changed" => $idexs_changed);
     $this->sendFormatAction("onBeforeMerge", $mbObject);
     return true;