Beispiel #1
 * Easy opacity
 * Adds vendor-specific versions of opacity
 * Usage:   #foo { opacity: 0.5; }
 * Result:  #foo { -moz-opacity: 0.5; -webkit-opacity: 0.5; -kthml-opacity: 0.5; -ms-filter: "alpha(opacity=50)"; filter: alpha(opacity=50); opacity: 0.5;}
 * Status:  Stable
 * Version: 1.1
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function opacity(&$parsed)
    global $cssp, $browser;
    foreach ($parsed as $block => $css) {
        foreach ($parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
            if (isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['opacity'])) {
                foreach ($styles as $property => $values) {
                    if ($property == 'opacity') {
                        $opacity_properties = array();
                        // Build prefixed properties
                        $prefixes = array('-moz-', '-webkit-', '-khtml-');
                        foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
                            $opacity_properties[$prefix . 'opacity'] = $parsed[$block][$selector]['opacity'];
                        // Create IE filters and insert everything
                        $filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=' . round(floatval($parsed[$block][$selector]['opacity'][0]) * 100) . ')';
                        // Legacy IE compliance
                        if ($browser->engine == 'ie' && $browser->engine_version < 8) {
                            $opacity_properties['filter'] = array($filter);
                        } elseif ($browser->engine == 'ie' && $browser->engine_version < 9) {
                            $opacity_properties['-ms-filter'] = array($filter);
                        $cssp->insert_properties($opacity_properties, $block, $selector, $property, NULL);
                        // Comment the newly inserted properties
                        foreach ($opacity_properties as $opacity_property => $opacity_value) {
                            CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $opacity_property, 'Added by opacity plugin');
Beispiel #2
 * Easy and extended border radius
 * Adds vendor-specific versions of border-radius and adds border-top-radius,
 * border-bottom-radius, border-left-radius and border-right-radius
 * For IE, only general radius works. And make sure, border-radius declaration 
 * comes before any (box-)shadow-declaration in CSS-code!
 * Usage:     border-radius[-top/-bottom/-left/-right/-top-left/...]: value;
 * Example 1: border-top-radius:4px;
 * Example 2: border-bottom-left-radius:2em;
 * Status:    Stable
 * Version:   1.1
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function borderradius(&$parsed)
    global $cssp, $browser;
    $htc_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/') . '/plugins/borderradius/';
    foreach ($parsed as $block => $css) {
        foreach ($parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
            foreach ($styles as $property => $values) {
                if (preg_match('/border(?:-(top|right|bottom|left)(?:-(right|left))*)*-radius/', $property, $matches)) {
                    // Create the new rules and insert them
                    $borderradius_rules = borderradius_glue_rules($matches, $values);
                    $borderradius_rules['behavior'][] = 'url(' . $htc_path . ')';
                    $cssp->insert_properties($borderradius_rules, $block, $selector, null, $property);
                    // Comment the newly inserted properties
                    foreach ($borderradius_rules as $border_property => $border_value) {
                        CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $border_property, 'Added by border radius plugin');
                    // Remove Top/Left/Bottom/Right shortcuts
                    if (count($matches) == 2) {
Beispiel #3
 * Easy box shadow
 * Adds vendor-specific versions of box-shadow
 * Usage:   #foo { box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px #666; }
 * Result:  #foo { box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px #666; -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px #666; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 8px #666; }
 * Status:  Stable
 * Version: 1.1
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function boxshadow(&$parsed)
    global $cssp;
    foreach ($parsed as $block => $css) {
        foreach ($parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
            if (isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['box-shadow'])) {
                foreach ($styles as $property => $values) {
                    if ($property == 'box-shadow') {
                        $shadow_properties = array();
                        // Build prefixed properties
                        $prefixes = array('-moz-', '-webkit-');
                        foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
                            $shadow_properties[$prefix . 'box-shadow'] = $parsed[$block][$selector]['box-shadow'];
                        // Get IE filters, merge them with the other new properties and insert everything
                        $filter_properties = boxshadow_filters($values);
                        $shadow_properties = array_merge($shadow_properties, $filter_properties);
                        $cssp->insert_properties($shadow_properties, $block, $selector, null, 'box-shadow');
                        // Comment the newly inserted properties
                        foreach ($shadow_properties as $shadow_property => $shadow_value) {
                            CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $shadow_property, 'Added by box shadow plugin');
Beispiel #4
 * A bunch of general browser bugfixes
 * Usage: Nobrainer, just switch it on
 * Example: -
 * Status:  Stable
 * Version: 1.0
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function bugfixes(&$parsed)
    global $cssp, $browser;
    $changed = array();
    // IE6: Image margin bottom bug
    $changed['img']['vertical-align'][] = 'bottom';
    // IE6: Background image flickers on hover
    $changed['html']['filter'][] = 'expression(document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache",false,true))';
    // IE6: Fix transparent PNGs, see
    $htc_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/') . '/plugins/bugfixes/';
    $changed['img']['behavior'][] = 'url("' . $htc_path . '")';
    // IE6 and 7: resample images bicubic instead of using nearest neighbor method
    $changed['img']['-ms-interpolation-mode'][] = 'bicubic';
    // IE6 and 7: Enable full styleability for buttons, see
    $changed['button']['overflow'][] = 'visible';
    $changed['button']['width'][] = 'auto';
    $changed['button']['white-space'][] = 'nowrap';
    // IE6 and 7: Missing :hover-property on every tag except a, see
    $htc_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/') . '/plugins/bugfixes/';
    $changed['body']['behavior'][] = 'url("' . $htc_path . '")';
    // Firefox: Ghost margin around buttons, see
    $changed['button::-moz-focus-inner']['padding'][] = '0';
    $changed['button::-moz-focus-inner']['border'][] = 'none';
    // Add comments for the global fixes
    foreach ($changed as $selector => $styles) {
        foreach ($styles as $property => $value) {
            CSSP::comment($changed[$selector], $property, 'Added by bugfix plugin');
    // Insert the global bugfixes
    $cssp->insert($changed, 'global');
    // Apply per-element-bugfixes
    foreach ($cssp->parsed as $block => $css) {
        foreach ($cssp->parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
            // IE 6 per-element-bugfixes
            if ($browser->browser == 'ie' && floatval($browser->browser_version) < 7) {
                // Float double margin bug, fixed with a behavior as this only affects the floating object and no descendant of it
                if (isset($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['float']) && $cssp->get_final_value($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['float']) != 'none') {
                    $htc_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/') . '/plugins/bugfixes/';
                    $cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['behavior'][] = 'url("' . $htc_path . '")';
                    CSSP::comment($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector], 'behavior', 'Added by bugfix plugin');
                // Min-height for IE6
                if (isset($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['min-height']) && !isset($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['height'])) {
                    $cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['height'] = $cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['min-height'];
                    CSSP::comment($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector], 'height', 'Added by bugfix plugin');
            // IE 6 + 7 per-element-bugfixes
            if ($browser->browser == 'ie' && floatval($browser->browser_version) < 8) {
                // Enable overflow:hidden, if present
                if (isset($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['overflow']) && $cssp->get_final_value($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['overflow']) == 'hidden' && !isset($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['position'])) {
                    $cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['position'][] = 'relative';
                    CSSP::comment($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector], 'position', 'Added by bugfix plugin');
Beispiel #5
 * Colormodels
 * HSL(A) and RGBA support for most older browsers
 * Usage:   Nobrainer, just switch it on
 * Example: -
 * Status:  Beta
 * Version: 1.0
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function colormodels(&$parsed)
    $models = array('rgba', 'hsla', 'hsl');
    $hslapattern = '/(hsl(?:a)?)\\([\\s]*(.*?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.*?)%[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.*?)%[\\s]*(:?,[\\s]*(.*?)[\\s]*)?\\)/i';
    $rgbapattern = '/(rgba)\\([\\s]*(.*?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.*?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.*?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.*?)[\\s]*\\)/i';
    $properties = array('background', 'background-color', 'color', 'border', 'border-color', 'border-top', 'border-left', 'border-bottom', 'border-right', 'text-shadow', 'box-shadow');
    $capabilities = colormodels_get_browser_capabilities();
    // Only continue if we can be sure to know anything about the browser's capabilities
    if (!empty($capabilities)) {
        // For every possible property...
        foreach ($properties as $search) {
            // ... loop through the css...
            foreach ($parsed as $block => $css) {
                foreach ($parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
                    if ($selector != '@turbine' && isset($parsed[$block][$selector][$search])) {
                        $num_values = count($parsed[$block][$selector][$search]);
                        // ... loop through the values
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_values; $i++) {
                            // Found something that we may have to replace?
                            if (preg_match($hslapattern, $parsed[$block][$selector][$search][$i], $matches) || preg_match($rgbapattern, $parsed[$block][$selector][$search][$i], $matches)) {
                                // See if the browser supports the color model, convert if not
                                $rgba = colormodels_to_rgba($matches);
                                foreach ($models as $model) {
                                    if ($model == $matches[1]) {
                                        if (!isset($capabilities[$model])) {
                                            $recalculated = colormodels_recalculate($model, $rgba, $capabilities, $search);
                                            if (!empty($recalculated)) {
                                                // Apply the recalculated properties and values to $parsed
                                                foreach ($recalculated as $property => $value) {
                                                    if (!isset($parsed[$block][$selector][$property])) {
                                                        $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i] = $value;
                                                        CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Added by colormodels plugin');
                                                    } else {
                                                        $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i] = str_replace($matches[0], $value, $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                                                        CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Modified by colormodels plugin');
Beispiel #6
 * Cross-browser-box-sizing
 * Usage:     box-sizing:inherit|content-box|border-box
 * Status:    Beta
 * Version:   1.0
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function boxsizing(&$parsed)
    global $browser, $cssp;
    $htc_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/') . '/plugins/boxsizing/';
    foreach ($parsed as $block => $css) {
        foreach ($parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
            if (isset($styles['box-sizing'])) {
                // Create the vendor-specific rules and insert them
                $boxsizing_rules = array('-moz-box-sizing' => $styles['box-sizing'], '-webkit-box-sizing' => $styles['box-sizing'], 'behavior' => 'url(' . $htc_path . ')');
                $cssp->insert_properties($boxsizing_rules, $block, $selector, null, 'box-sizing');
                // Comment the newly inserted properties
                foreach ($boxsizing_rules as $property => $value) {
                    CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Added by box-sizing plugin');
Beispiel #7
 * Color
 * Provides HSL(A) support for all browsers
 * Usage:   Nobrainer, just switch it on
 * Example: -
 * Status:  Beta
 * Version: 2.0
 * @param mixed &$cssp->parsed
 * @return void
function color()
    include 'lib/utility.php';
    global $browser, $cssp;
    $properties = array('background', 'background-color', 'color', 'border', 'border-color', 'border-top', 'border-left', 'border-bottom', 'border-right', 'text-shadow', 'box-shadow');
    // For every possible property...
    foreach ($properties as $search) {
        // ... loop through the css...
        foreach ($cssp->parsed as $block => $css) {
            foreach ($cssp->parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
                if ($selector != '@turbine' && isset($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector][$search])) {
                    $num_values = count($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector][$search]);
                    // ... loop through the values
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_values; $i++) {
                        // Found something that we may have to replace?
                        $hslamatch = preg_match(Utility::$hslapattern, $cssp->parsed[$block][$selector][$search][$i]);
                        $rgbamatch = preg_match(Utility::$rgbapattern, $cssp->parsed[$block][$selector][$search][$i]);
                        if ($hslamatch || $rgbamatch) {
                            $rgba = Utility::any2rgba($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector][$search][$i]);
                            // For HSL recalculate to RGBA just to be sure the color will work everywhere
                            if ($hslamatch) {
                                $replacement = Utility::rgbasyntax($rgba);
                                $cssp->parsed[$block][$selector][$search][$i] = preg_replace(Utility::$hslapattern, $replacement, $cssp->parsed[$block][$selector][$search][$i]);
                                CSSP::comment($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector], $search, 'Modified by color plugin');
                            // If we detect IE and work with a background, try filters...
                            if ($browser->browser == 'ie' && $browser->browser_version < 9 && ($search == 'background' || $search == 'background-color')) {
                                $filter = color_get_filter($rgba, $search);
                                $cssp->insert_properties($filter, $block, $selector, NULL, $search);
                                foreach ($filter as $filter_property => $filter_value) {
                                    CSSP::comment($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector], $filter_property, 'Modified by color plugin');
                            } else {
                                $fallback = Utility::rgbsyntax($rgba);
                                array_unshift($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector][$search], preg_replace(Utility::$rgbapattern, $fallback, $cssp->parsed[$block][$selector][$search][$i]));
                                CSSP::comment($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector], $search, 'Modified by color plugin');
Beispiel #8
 * Inline Block
 * Implements the "display: inline-block" property for all current browsers
 * Usage: Nobrainer, just switch it on
 * Example: -
 * Status: Stable
 * Version: 1.0
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function inlineblock(&$parsed)
    global $browser, $cssp;
    foreach ($cssp->parsed as $block => $css) {
        foreach ($cssp->parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
            // Everywhere
            if (isset($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['display']) && $cssp->get_final_value($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['display'], 'display') == 'inline-block') {
                if ($browser->engine == 'ie' && floatval($browser->engine_version) < 8) {
                    $cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['display'][] = 'inline';
                    CSSP::comment($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector], 'display', 'Added by inline-block plugin');
                    $cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['zoom'][] = '1';
                    CSSP::comment($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector], 'zoom', 'Added by inline-block plugin');
                } elseif ($browser->engine == 'gecko' && floatval($browser->engine_version) < 1.9) {
                    $cssp->parsed[$block][$selector]['display'][] = '-moz-inline-stack';
                    CSSP::comment($cssp->parsed[$block][$selector], 'display', 'Added by inline-block plugin');
Beispiel #9
 * Easy and extended border radius
 * Adds vendor-specific versions of border-radius and adds border-top-radius,
 * border-bottom-radius, border-left-radius and border-right-radius
 * For IE, only general radius works. And make sure, border-radius declaration 
 * comes before any (box-)shadow-declaration in CSS-code!
 * Usage:     border-radius[-top/-bottom/-left/-right/-top-left/...]: value;
 * Example 1: border-top-radius:4px;
 * Example 2: border-bottom-left-radius:2em;
 * Status:    Stable
 * Version:   1.1
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function borderradius(&$parsed)
    global $cssp;
    foreach ($parsed as $block => $css) {
        foreach ($parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
            foreach ($styles as $property => $values) {
                if (preg_match('/border(?:-(top|right|bottom|left)(?:-(right|left))*)*-radius/', $property, $matches)) {
                    // Create the new rules and insert them
                    $borderradius_rules = borderradius_glue_rules($matches, $values);
                    $cssp->insert_properties($borderradius_rules, $block, $selector, null, $property);
                    // Comment the newly inserted properties
                    foreach ($borderradius_rules as $border_property => $border_value) {
                        CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $border_property, 'Added by border radius plugin');
                    // Remove Top/Left/Bottom/Right shortcuts
                    if (count($matches) == 2) {
Beispiel #10
 * background gradient
 * creates a cross-browser linear vertical or horizontal background gradient (other angles or radial gradient not supported)
 * Adds vendor-specific code for gradients
 * Usage:     Use simplest possible notation as planned by W3C:  
 *            background: linear-gradient([direction:<top|left>],[startcolor<hex|rgb|rgba>],[endcolor<hex|rgb|rgba>])
 * Example 1: background: linear-gradient(top,#FFF,#000) // vertical gradient, from top to bottom, from white to black
 * Example 2: background-image: linear-gradient(left,rgb(255,255,255),rgb(0,0,0)) // horizontal gradient, from left to right, from white to black
 * Status:    Stable
 * Version:   2.0
 * backgroundgradient
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function backgroundgradient(&$parsed)
    global $cssp, $browser;
    include 'lib/utility.php';
    $settings = Plugin::get_settings('backgroundgradient');
    // Searches for W3C-style two-stepped linear gradient
    $gradientregex = '/linear-gradient\\s*?\\(\\s*?(top|left)\\s*?,\\s*(\\#[0-9A-F]+|(?:rgb|hsl)(?:a)*\\s*\\(.+\\)),\\s*(.*)\\s*\\)/i';
    // In which properties to search
    $urlproperties = array('background', 'background-image');
    // Loop through the array
    foreach ($parsed as $block => $css) {
        foreach ($parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
            foreach ($urlproperties as $property) {
                if (isset($parsed[$block][$selector][$property])) {
                    $num_values = count($parsed[$block][$selector][$property]);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_values; $i++) {
                        if (preg_match($gradientregex, $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i], $matches) > 0) {
                            // Recalculate the matched colors to rgba for maximum compatibility
                            $matches[2] = Utility::rgbasyntax(Utility::any2rgba($matches[2]));
                            $matches[3] = Utility::rgbasyntax(Utility::any2rgba($matches[3]));
                            // Gecko
                            $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][] = preg_replace($gradientregex, '-moz-linear-gradient(' . $matches[1] . ',' . $matches[2] . ',' . $matches[3] . ')', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                            // Webkit and KHTML
                            if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'top') {
                                $webkit_gradientdirection = 'left top,left bottom';
                            } else {
                                $webkit_gradientdirection = 'left top,right top';
                            $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][] = preg_replace($gradientregex, '-webkit-gradient(linear,' . $webkit_gradientdirection . ',from(' . $matches[2] . '),to(' . $matches[3] . '))', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                            $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][] = preg_replace($gradientregex, '-khtml-gradient(linear,' . $webkit_gradientdirection . ',from(' . $matches[2] . '),to(' . $matches[3] . '))', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                            // Use a SVG background for Opera
                            if ($browser->engine == 'opera') {
                                $svg_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/') . '/plugins/backgroundgradient/svg.php';
                                $svg_params = 'direction=' . strtolower($matches[1]);
                                $svg_params .= '&startcolor=' . urlencode($matches[2]);
                                $svg_params .= '&endcolor=' . urlencode($matches[3]);
                                $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][] = preg_replace($gradientregex, 'url(' . $svg_path . '?' . $svg_params . ')', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                            // Add comment for the background property
                            CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
                            // Use filter fallbacks in IE
                            if (!in_array('noie', $settings)) {
                                $filter_properties = array();
                                if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'top') {
                                    $ie_gradienttype = '0';
                                } else {
                                    $ie_gradienttype = '1';
                                // Convert colors to hex
                                $matches[2] = Utility::hexsyntax(Utility::any2rgba($matches[2]), true);
                                $matches[3] = Utility::hexsyntax(Utility::any2rgba($matches[3]), true);
                                // Build filter
                                $filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=' . $matches[2] . ',endColorstr=' . $matches[3] . ',gradientType=' . $ie_gradienttype . ')';
                                // Legacy IE compliance
                                $filter_properties['filter'] = array($filter);
                                // IE8 compliance
                                $filter_properties['-ms-filter'] = array($filter);
                                // Salvage any background information that is NOT gradient stuff and preserve it in a form IE can handle
                                $background_rest = preg_replace('/(-moz-|-webkit-|-khtml-)*linear-gradient\\s*?\\(\\s*?(top|left)\\s*?,\\s*(\\#[0-9A-F]+|(?:rgb|hsl)(?:a)*\\s*\\(.+\\)),\\s*(.*)\\s*\\)/i', '', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                                $background_rest = trim($background_rest);
                                if ($background_rest != '') {
                                    $filter_properties['*background'] = array($background_rest);
                                    // IE7 and 6
                                    $filter_properties['background /*\\**/'] = array($background_rest . '\\9');
                                    // IE8
                                // hasLayout stuff
                                $filter_properties['zoom'] = array('1');
                                // Insert all filters
                                $cssp->insert_properties($filter_properties, $block, $selector, NULL, $property);
                                foreach ($filter_properties as $filter_property => $filter_value) {
                                    CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $filter_property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
                            // End if(!in_array('noie', $settings))
                            // Remove the original value
Beispiel #11
 * Easy and extended transform
 * Adds vendor-specific versions of transform
 * Usage:     Use any currently known transform-property wihtout vendor-prefixes,  
 *            BUT NOT YET! transform-origin.
 *            For IE you need to define width and height dimensions and use the same units (px/em)
 *            for dimensions and translation
 * Example 1: width: 100px; height: 100px; transform: translate(2px, 2px);
 * Example 1: width: 20em; height: 20em; transform: translate(1em, 2em);
 * Example 3: width: 100px; height: 100px; transform: translate(2px, 2px) rotate(90deg);
 * Example 4:width: 100px; height: 100px;  transform: skew(15deg,25deg);
 * Status:    Beta
 * Version:   1.0
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function transform(&$parsed)
    global $browser, $cssp;
    foreach ($parsed as $block => $css) {
        foreach ($parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
            $width = 0;
            $height = 0;
            $width_unit = 'px';
            $height_unit = 'px';
            $rotate_x = 0;
            $rotate_y = 0;
            $translate_x = 0;
            $translate_y = 0;
            $translate_x_unit = 'px';
            $translate_y_unit = 'px';
            $scale_x = 1;
            $scale_y = 1;
            $rotate_before_translate = false;
            $scale_before_translate = false;
            if (isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['transform'])) {
                // Creating good browser CSS
                if ($browser->engine != 'ie' || floatval($browser->engine_version) >= 9) {
                    $num_values = count($parsed[$block][$selector]['transform']);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_values; $i++) {
                        $value = $parsed[$block][$selector]['transform'][$i];
                        $newproperties = array('-moz-transform' => array($value), '-o-transform' => array($value), '-webkit-transform' => array($value));
                        $cssp->insert_properties($newproperties, $block, $selector, null, 'transform');
                // Applying the matrix-filter for IE
                if ($browser->engine == 'ie' && floatval($browser->engine_version) < 9) {
                    // If we have width & height defined, the replicate transforms with the help of IE's matrix-filter
                    if (isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['width'][0]) && isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['height'][0])) {
                        $values = explode(' ', implode(' ', $parsed[$block][$selector]['transform']));
                        $num_values = count($values);
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $num_values; $i++) {
                            $value = $values[$i];
                            // If we are dealing with a matrix-transformation
                            if (preg_match('/matrix\\(\\D*([0-9\\-]+)\\s([0-9\\-]+)\\s([0-9\\-]+)\\s([0-9\\-]+)\\s([0-9\\-]+)\\s([0-9\\-]+)\\D*\\)/i', $value, $matches) == 1) {
                                $matrix_a = $matches[1];
                                $matrix_b = $matches[2];
                                $matrix_c = $matches[3];
                                $matrix_d = $matches[4];
                            } else {
                                // If we are dealing with a rotation
                                if (preg_match('/rotate\\(\\D*([0-9\\-\\.]+)(deg|rad|grad)\\D*\\)/i', $value, $matches) == 1) {
                                    $rotate_x = $matches[1];
                                    $rotate_x_unit = $matches[2];
                                    $rotate_y = $matches[1];
                                    $rotate_y_unit = $matches[2];
                                // If we are dealing with a scaling on the X-axis
                                if (preg_match('/scaleX\\(\\D*([0-9\\.]+)\\D*\\)/i', $value, $matches) == 1) {
                                    $scale_x = $matches[1];
                                // If we are dealing with a scaling on the Y-axis
                                if (preg_match('/scaleY\\(\\D*([0-9\\.]+)\\D*\\)/i', $value, $matches) == 1) {
                                    $scale_y = $matches[1];
                                // If we are dealing with a scaling on both axis
                                if (preg_match('/scale\\(\\D*([0-9\\.]+)\\D*\\)/i', $value, $matches) == 1) {
                                    $scale_x = $matches[1];
                                    $scale_y = $matches[1];
                                // If we are dealing with a skew-transform on the X-axis
                                if (preg_match('/skewX*\\(\\D*([0-9\\-\\.]+)(deg|rad|grad)\\D*\\)/i', $value, $matches) == 1) {
                                    $rotate_x = $matches[1] * -1;
                                    $rotate_x_unit = $matches[2];
                                // If we are dealing with a skew-transform on the Y-axis
                                if (preg_match('/skewY\\(\\D*([0-9\\-\\.]+)(deg|rad|grad)\\D*\\)/i', $value, $matches) == 1) {
                                    $rotate_y = $matches[1] * -1;
                                    $rotate_y_unit = $matches[4];
                                // If we are dealing with a skew-transform on the both axis
                                if (preg_match('/skew\\(\\D*([0-9\\-\\.]+)(deg|rad|grad)\\D*,\\D*([0-9\\-\\.]+)(deg|rad|grad)\\D*\\)/i', $value, $matches) == 1) {
                                    $rotate_x = $matches[1] * -1;
                                    $rotate_x_unit = $matches[2];
                                    $rotate_y = $matches[3] * -1;
                                    $rotate_y_unit = $matches[4];
                                // If we are dealing with a translation
                                if (preg_match('/translate\\(\\D*([0-9\\.\\-]+)([a-z%]*),\\s*([0-9\\.\\-]+)([a-z%]*)\\D*\\)/i', $value, $matches) == 1) {
                                    $translate_x = $matches[1];
                                    if ($matches[2] != '') {
                                        $translate_x_unit = $matches[2];
                                    if ($matches[3] != '') {
                                        $translate_y = $matches[3];
                                    if ($matches[4] != '') {
                                        $translate_y_unit = $matches[4];
                                    if ($rotate_x != 0 || $rotate_y != 0) {
                                        $rotate_before_translate = true;
                                    if ($scale_x != 1 || $scale_y != 1) {
                                        $scale_before_translate = true;
                        // Convert translation, rotation, scale and skew into matrix values
                        if ($rotate_x_unit == 'deg') {
                            $radian_x = deg2rad(floatval($rotate_x));
                        if ($rotate_x_unit == 'rad') {
                            $radian_x = floatval($rotate_x);
                        if ($rotate_x_unit == 'grad') {
                            $radian_x = deg2rad(floatval($rotate_x) / 400 * 360);
                        if ($rotate_y_unit == 'deg') {
                            $radian_y = deg2rad(floatval($rotate_y));
                        if ($rotate_y_unit == 'rad') {
                            $radian_y = floatval($rotate_y);
                        if ($rotate_y_unit == 'grad') {
                            $radian_y = deg2rad(floatval($rotate_y) / 400 * 360);
                        $matrix_a = floatval(number_format(cos($radian_x), 8, '.', ''));
                        $matrix_b = -1 * floatval(number_format(sin($radian_x), 8, '.', ''));
                        $matrix_c = floatval(number_format(sin($radian_y), 8, '.', ''));
                        $matrix_d = floatval(number_format(cos($radian_y), 8, '.', ''));
                        $filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(Dx=1.0,Dy=1.0,M11=' . $matrix_a * floatval($scale_x) . ',M12=' . $matrix_b * floatval($scale_x) . ',M21=' . $matrix_c * floatval($scale_y) . ',M22=' . $matrix_d * floatval($scale_y) . ',sizingMethod=\'auto expand\')';
                        // Adjust transforms for IEs, needs to come in first
                        $newproperties = array();
                        // If position-property is not set, or static set it
                        if (!isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['position']) || $parsed[$block][$selector]['position'][0] == 'static') {
                            $newproperties['position'] = array('relative');
                            $cssp->insert_properties($newproperties, $block, $selector, null, 'transform');
                            CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'position', 'Added by transform plugin');
                        //Include behavior to compansate for IEs auto expand feature
                        $htc_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/') . '/plugins/transform/';
                        $parsed[$block][$selector]['behavior'] = array('url(' . $htc_path . ')');
                        CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'behavior', 'Added by transform plugin');
                        //Legacy IE-compliance
                        if (floatval($browser->engine_version) < 8) {
                            //If filter-property not yet set
                            if (!isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['filter'])) {
                                $parsed[$block][$selector]['filter'] = array($filter);
                            } else {
                                //Needs its filter-value to be put in first place!
                                array_unshift($parsed[$block][$selector]['filter'], $filter);
                            CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'filter', 'Added by transform plugin');
                        } else {
                            //IE8-compliance (note: value inside apostrophes!)
                            //If -ms-filter-property not yet set
                            if (!isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['-ms-filter'])) {
                                $parsed[$block][$selector]['-ms-filter'] = array($filter);
                            } else {
                                //Needs its filter-value to be put in first place!
                                array_unshift($parsed[$block][$selector]['-ms-filter'], $filter);
                            CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], '-ms-filter', 'Added by transform plugin');
                        //Set hasLayout
                        $parsed[$block][$selector]['zoom'] = array('1');
                        CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'zoom', 'Added by transform plugin');
                        $newproperties = array();
                        // Adjust translation to scaling
                        if ($scale_before_translate) {
                            $translate_x = $translate_x * floatval($scale_x);
                            $translate_y = $translate_y * floatval($scale_y);
                        // Adjust translation to rotation
                        if ($rotate_before_translate) {
                            $translate_x = $translate_x * cos($radian_x) + $translate_y * sin($radian_y);
                            $translate_y = $translate_x * sin($radian_x) + $translate_y * cos($radian_y);
                        if ($translate_x_unit == 'px') {
                            $translate_x = round($translate_x);
                        if ($translate_y_unit == 'px') {
                            $translate_y = round($translate_y);
                        // If position-property is not set, or not set to absolute
                        if ($parsed[$block][$selector]['position'][0] != 'absolute') {
                            // Translation on x-axis
                            if ($translate_x > 0 && !isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['left'])) {
                                $newproperties['left'] = array($translate_x . $translate_x_unit);
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'left', 'Added by transform plugin');
                            } elseif ($translate_x < 0 && !isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['right'])) {
                                $newproperties['right'] = array(abs($translate_x) . $translate_x_unit);
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'right', 'Added by transform plugin');
                            } elseif ($translate_x != 0 && !isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['margin-left']) && !isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['margin-right'])) {
                                $newproperties['margin-left'] = array($translate_x . $translate_x_unit);
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'margin-left', 'Added by transform plugin');
                                $newproperties['margin-right'] = array(-1 * $translate_x . $translate_x_unit);
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'margin-right', 'Added by transform plugin');
                            // Translation on y-axis
                            if ($translate_y > 0 && !isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['top'])) {
                                $newproperties['top'] = array($translate_y . $translate_y_unit);
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'top', 'Added by transform plugin');
                            } elseif ($translate_y < 0 && !isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['bottom'])) {
                                $newproperties['bottom'] = array(abs($translate_y) . $translate_y_unit);
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'bottom', 'Added by transform plugin');
                            } elseif ($translate_y != 0 && !isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['margin-left']) && !isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['margin-right'])) {
                                $newproperties['margin-top'] = array($translate_y . $translate_y_unit);
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'margin-top', 'Added by transform plugin');
                                $newproperties['margin-bottom'] = array(-1 * $translate_y . $translate_y_unit);
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'margin-bottom', 'Added by transform plugin');
                        } else {
                            if ($translate_x != 0 && !isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['margin-left']) && !isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['margin-right'])) {
                                $newproperties['margin-left'] = array($translate_x . $translate_x_unit);
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'margin-left', 'Added by transform plugin');
                                $newproperties['margin-right'] = array(-1 * $translate_x . $translate_x_unit);
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'margin-right', 'Added by transform plugin');
                            if ($translate_y != 0 && !isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['margin-left']) && !isset($parsed[$block][$selector]['margin-right'])) {
                                $newproperties['margin-top'] = array($translate_y . $translate_y_unit);
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'margin-top', 'Added by transform plugin');
                                $newproperties['margin-bottom'] = array(-1 * $translate_y . $translate_y_unit);
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], 'margin-bottom', 'Added by transform plugin');
                        $cssp->insert_properties($newproperties, $block, $selector, 'transform', null);
Beispiel #12
  * apply_inheritance
  * Applies inheritance to the stylesheet
  * @return void
 public function apply_inheritance()
     foreach ($this->parsed as $block => $css) {
         foreach ($this->parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
             // Full inheritance
             if (isset($this->parsed[$block][$selector]['extends'])) {
                 $num_extends = count($this->parsed[$block][$selector]['extends']);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $num_extends; $i++) {
                     $found = false;
                     // Parse ancestors
                     $ancestors = $this->tokenize($this->parsed[$block][$selector]['extends'][$i], array('"', "'", ','));
                     // List to keep track of all the ancestor's selectors for debugging comment
                     $ancestors_list = array();
                     // First merge all the ancestor's rules into one...
                     $ancestors_rules = array();
                     foreach ($ancestors as $ancestor) {
                         // Find ancestors
                         $ancestor_keys = $this->find_ancestor_keys($ancestor, $block);
                         // Add ancestors to the list
                         $ancestors_list = array_merge($ancestors_list, $ancestor_keys);
                         // Merge ancestor's rules with own rules
                         if (!empty($ancestor_keys)) {
                             $found = true;
                             foreach ($ancestor_keys as $ancestor_key) {
                                 $ancestors_rules = $this->merge_rules($ancestors_rules, $this->parsed[$block][$ancestor_key], array(), true);
                     // ... then merge the combined ancestor's rules into $parsed
                     $this->parsed[$block][$selector] = $this->merge_rules($this->parsed[$block][$selector], $ancestors_rules, array(), false);
                     // Report error if no ancestor was found
                     if (!$found) {
                         $this->report_error($selector . ' could not find ' . $this->parsed[$block][$selector]['extends'][$i] . ' to inherit properties from.');
                     } else {
                         CSSP::comment($this->parsed[$block][$selector], null, 'Inherited properties from: "' . implode('", "', $ancestors_list) . '"');
                 // Unset the extends property
Beispiel #13
 * Automatic @font-face syntax
 * Usage:
 * 1) Add fontface to @turbine plugin list
 * 2) Put all different font-files into one directory and give them the same basename,
 *    e.g. "SaginaMedium": 
 *      SaginawMedium.eot
 *      SaginawMedium.woff
 *      SaginawMedium.otf
 *      SaginawMedium.ttf
 *      SaginawMedium.svg
 * 3) Build a special @font-face-rule with a single src-property pointing not to a real
 *    file but to that common basename, e.g. "src:url('fonts/SaginawMedium')"
 * 4) The plugin will look after any known fontfile format by appending the suffixes
 *    .eot, .woff, .otf, .ttf and .svg.
 *    For IE <= 8 it will serve the .eot if there is a corresponding file.
 *    For the other browser it will serve as many of the other flavors as available.
 *    A truetype-file will only be served when there is no opentype-file available.
 * Example:
 * @font-face
 *     font-family:'SaginawMedium'
 *     src:url('fonts/SaginawMedium')
 *     font-weight:bold
 *     font-style:italic
 * Result for IE <= 8:
 * @font-face {
 *     font-family: 'SaginawMedium';
 *     src: url("fonts/SaginawMedium.eot");
 *     font-weight: bold;
 *     font-style: italic;
 * }
 * Result for all other browsers:
 * @font-face {
 *     font-family: 'SaginawMedium';
 *     src: url("fonts/SaginawMedium.woff") format("woff"),url("fonts/SaginawMedium.ttf") format("truetype"),url("fonts/SaginawMedium.svg#SaginawMedium") format("svg");
 *     font-weight: bold;
 *     font-style: italic;
 * }
 * Status:  Stable
 * Version: 1.1
 * @todo Include a fix for webkit?
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function fontface(&$parsed)
    global $browser;
    $basedirectory = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])));
    foreach ($parsed as $block => $css) {
        if (isset($parsed[$block]['@font-face'])) {
            foreach ($parsed[$block]['@font-face'] as $key => $font) {
                // Check if user has set required src-property
                if (isset($font['src'])) {
                    $num_src = count($font['src']);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_src; $i++) {
                        // Extract common basename for all files
                        $fontfile_base = preg_replace('/url\\([\'"]*([^\'"]+)[\'"]*\\)/i', '$1', $font['src'][$i]);
                        // Create new src-property storage
                        $newfont = '';
                        $message = '';
                        // If we are dealing with IE <= 8 then check for EOT only
                        if ($browser->engine == 'ie' && floatval($browser->engine_version) <= 8) {
                            $fontfile_eot = $fontfile_base . '.eot';
                            // If there exists an EOT-file point to it
                            if (file_exists($basedirectory . '/' . $fontfile_eot)) {
                                $newfont .= 'url("' . $fontfile_eot . '")';
                            } else {
                                $message .= 'Missing ' . $fontfile_eot . '-file,';
                        } else {
                            $fontfile_woff = $fontfile_base . '.woff';
                            $fontfile_otf = $fontfile_base . '.otf';
                            $fontfile_ttf = $fontfile_base . '.ttf';
                            $fontfile_svg = $fontfile_base . '.svg';
                            // If there exists an WOFF-file enqueue it
                            if (file_exists($basedirectory . '/' . $fontfile_woff)) {
                                $newfont .= 'url("' . $fontfile_woff . '") format("woff"),';
                            } else {
                                $message .= 'Missing ' . $fontfile_woff . '-file,';
                            // If there exists an OTF-file enqueue it
                            if (file_exists($basedirectory . '/' . $fontfile_otf)) {
                                $newfont .= 'url("' . $fontfile_otf . '") format("opentype"),';
                            } elseif (file_exists($basedirectory . '/' . $fontfile_ttf)) {
                                $newfont .= 'url("' . $fontfile_ttf . '") format("truetype"),';
                                $message .= 'Missing ' . $fontfile_otf . '-file,';
                            } else {
                                $message .= 'Missing ' . $fontfile_otf . '-file,Missing ' . $fontfile_ttf . '-file,';
                            // If there exists an SVG-file enqueue it
                            if (file_exists($basedirectory . '/' . $fontfile_svg)) {
                                $newfont .= 'url("' . $fontfile_svg . '#' . basename($fontfile_base) . '") format("svg"),';
                            } else {
                                $message .= 'Missing ' . $fontfile_svg . '-file,';
                        // If we found at least one font replace old src-property with new one
                        if ($newfont != '') {
                            $parsed[$block]['@font-face'][$key]['src'][$i] = trim($newfont, ', ');
                        if ($message != '') {
                            CSSP::comment($parsed[$block]['@font-face'][$key], 'src', trim($message, ', '));
Beispiel #14
 * background gradient
 * creates a cross-browser linear vertical or horizontal background gradient (other angles or radial gradient not supported)
 * Adds vendor-specific code for gradients
 * Usage:     Use simplest possible notation as planned by W3C:  
 *            background: linear-gradient([direction:<top|left>],[startcolor<hex|rgb|rgba>],[endcolor<hex|rgb|rgba>])
 * Example 1: background: linear-gradient(top,#FFF,#000) // vertical gradient, from top to bottom, from white to black
 * Example 2: background-image: linear-gradient(left,rgb(255,255,255),rgb(0,0,0)) // horizontal gradient, from left to right, from white to black
 * Status:    Stable
 * Version:   2.0
 * backgroundgradient
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function backgroundgradient(&$parsed)
    global $cssp, $browser;
    include 'lib/utility.php';
    $settings = Plugin::get_settings('backgroundgradient');
    // Searches for W3C-style two-stepped linear gradient
    $gradientregex = '/linear-gradient\\s*?\\(\\s*?(top|left)\\s*?,\\s*(\\#[0-9A-F]+|(?:rgb|hsl)(?:a)*\\s*\\(.+\\)),\\s*(.*)\\s*\\)/i';
    // In which properties to search
    $urlproperties = array('background', 'background-image');
    // Loop through the array
    foreach ($parsed as $block => $css) {
        foreach ($parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
            foreach ($urlproperties as $property) {
                if (isset($parsed[$block][$selector][$property])) {
                    $num_values = count($parsed[$block][$selector][$property]);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_values; $i++) {
                        if (preg_match($gradientregex, $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i], $matches) > 0) {
                            // Recalculate the matched colors to rgba for maximum compatibility
                            $matches[2] = Utility::rgbasyntax(Utility::any2rgba($matches[2]));
                            $matches[3] = Utility::rgbasyntax(Utility::any2rgba($matches[3]));
                            // Gecko
                            $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][] = preg_replace($gradientregex, '-moz-linear-gradient(' . $matches[1] . ',' . $matches[2] . ',' . $matches[3] . ')', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                            // Webkit and KHTML
                            if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'top') {
                                $webkit_gradientdirection = 'left top,left bottom';
                            } else {
                                $webkit_gradientdirection = 'left top,right top';
                            $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][] = preg_replace($gradientregex, '-webkit-gradient(linear,' . $webkit_gradientdirection . ',from(' . $matches[2] . '),to(' . $matches[3] . '))', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                            $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][] = preg_replace($gradientregex, '-khtml-gradient(linear,' . $webkit_gradientdirection . ',from(' . $matches[2] . '),to(' . $matches[3] . '))', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                            // Use a SVG background for Opera
                            if ($browser->engine == 'opera') {
                                $svg_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/') . '/plugins/backgroundgradient/svg.php';
                                $svg_params = 'direction=' . strtolower($matches[1]);
                                $svg_params .= '&startcolor=' . urlencode($matches[2]);
                                $svg_params .= '&endcolor=' . urlencode($matches[3]);
                                $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][] = preg_replace($gradientregex, 'url(' . $svg_path . '?' . $svg_params . ')', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                            // Add comment for the background property
                            CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
                            // Use filter fallbacks in IE
                            if (!in_array('noie', $settings)) {
                                $filter_properties = array();
                                if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'top') {
                                    $ie_gradienttype = '0';
                                } else {
                                    $ie_gradienttype = '1';
                                // Convert colors to hex
                                $matches[2] = Utility::hexsyntax(Utility::any2rgba($matches[2]), true);
                                $matches[3] = Utility::hexsyntax(Utility::any2rgba($matches[3]), true);
                                // Build filter
                                $filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=' . $matches[2] . ',endColorstr=' . $matches[3] . ',gradientType=' . $ie_gradienttype . ')';
                                // Legacy IE compliance
                                $filter_properties['filter'] = array($filter);
                                // IE8 compliance
                                $filter_properties['-ms-filter'] = array($filter);
                                // Salvage any background information that is NOT gradient stuff and preserve it in a form IE can handle
                                $background_rest = preg_replace('/(-moz-|-webkit-|-khtml-)*linear-gradient\\s*?\\(\\s*?(top|left)\\s*?,\\s*(\\#[0-9A-F]+|(?:rgb|hsl)(?:a)*\\s*\\(.+\\)),\\s*(.*)\\s*\\)/i', '', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                                $background_rest = trim($background_rest);
                                if ($background_rest != '') {
                                    $filter_properties['*background'] = array($background_rest);
                                    // IE7 and 6
                                    $filter_properties['background /*\\**/'] = array($background_rest . '\\9');
                                    // IE8
                                // hasLayout stuff
                                $filter_properties['zoom'] = array('1');
                                // Insert all filters
                                $cssp->insert_properties($filter_properties, $block, $selector, NULL, $property);
                                foreach ($filter_properties as $filter_property => $filter_value) {
                                    CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $filter_property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
                            // End if(!in_array('noie', $settings))
                            // Remove the original value
                        } else {
                            		............................ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.............................
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                            		.... . MMMMMM............ . MMM$ .M=DM=M.M M.. MMMM ....  ... ......MM~. ... ...
                            		 . . 7MMMMMMMM$......... .. MMMM .. :,.  ,.. ..MMMM ..    . .  . .MMMMMMM. . .. 
                            		...MMMMMMMMMMMMD........... MMMM . ... . ..  .ZMMM~...... . .  . MMMMMMMMM . ...
                            		.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...........:MMMN.M OO$M..M.. MMMM............. MMMMMMMMMMM.....
                            		MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN..... ..  NMMMM  ...M. ? +MMMM+ ...........NMMMMMMMMMMMMMM7..
                            		   ..8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. ...................  MMMMMMMMMMMMM. ,MMMMMMMMMMM 
                            		 . .........$MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8  ............. ~MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8...
                            		 . ...........   MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?..........ZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMI. ......... 
                            		   . ......... ......MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. . .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~........ .........
                            		....  .....     ... ... =MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ  .....................
                            		 . ........................ NMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.+MMMMMMM+. .........................
                            		   .  ..        ... .... .. .. DMMMMMMMMMMMMM7.O+...................... ..  ....
                            		 ........... . ......... ...~MMMN OMMMMMMMMMMMMM,  ....   . ......... .. . . ...
                            		 ... ................... DMMMMMMMMM, MMMMMMMMMMMMMM........ ............ .......
                            		.... ................NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM..... . .......... . .....
                            		. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...... .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM  ....................
                            		MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. ........... ,MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN8+  ......
                            		MMMMMDNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZ.................. .:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ...
                            		MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM  ...................... .. MMMMM.$MMMMMMMMMMMM=MMMMM ..
                            		 .MMMMMMMDMMMMMMMMMMM ... . .... . ... ..... . ... ..  ZMMMN:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...
                            		....=MMMM.MMOMMMMMM ..... ... .. ....  .  .. . . .  .... NMMM~7MMMMMMMMMMMMMN...
                            		.....MMMMMMMMMMM+..........................................MMMM~IMMMMMMMNM, ....
                            		......MMMMMMMM ............................................. MMMMMZMMMM,........
                            		 . . .......... ................................ ............. MMMMMMM........*/
                            // This is f*****g ugly, but must be done to keep things sane for css developers. In order to have background
                            // declarations that don't contain any gradient _remove_ gradients that the element may have inherited,
                            // we have to explicitly add disabled filters for IE - always. So in the end what this does is adding three
                            // lines of css code for every background property as long as it doesn't add a gradient. Talk about bloated
                            // code... but hey, blame the IE team for their f****d up browsers, not us...
                            if (!in_array('noie', $settings)) {
                                $filter_properties = array();
                                $filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled:false)';
                                $filter_properties['zoom'] = array('1');
                                $filter_properties['filter'] = array($filter);
                                $filter_properties['-ms-filter'] = array($filter);
                                $cssp->insert_properties($filter_properties, $block, $selector, NULL, $property);
                                foreach ($filter_properties as $filter_property => $filter_value) {
                                    CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $filter_property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
Beispiel #15
 * background gradient
 * creates a cross-browser linear vertical or horizontal background gradient (other angles or radial gradient not supported)
 * Adds vendor-specific code for gradients
 * Usage:     Use simplest possible notation as planned by W3C:  
 *            background: linear-gradient([direction:<top|left>],[startcolor<hex|rgb|rgba>],[endcolor<hex|rgb|rgba>])
 * Example 1: background: linear-gradient(top,#FFF,#000) // vertical gradient, from top to bottom, from white to black
 * Example 2: background-image: linear-gradient(left,rgb(255,255,255),rgb(0,0,0)) // horizontal gradient, from left to right, from white to black
 * Status:    Beta
 * Version:   1.0
 * backgroundgradient
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function backgroundgradient(&$parsed)
    global $cssp, $browser;
    // Searches for W3C-style two-stepped linear gradient
    $urlregex = '/linear-gradient\\s*\\(\\s*(top|left)\\s*,\\s*(#[0-9A-F]+|rgba*\\([0-9,]+\\))\\s*,\\s*(#[0-9A-F]+|rgba*\\([0-9,]+\\))\\s*\\)/i';
    // In which properties to searcg
    $urlproperties = array('background', 'background-image');
    // Loop through the array
    foreach ($parsed as $block => $css) {
        foreach ($parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
            foreach ($urlproperties as $property) {
                if (isset($parsed[$block][$selector][$property])) {
                    $num_values = count($parsed[$block][$selector][$property]);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_values; $i++) {
                        if (preg_match($urlregex, $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i], $matches) > 0) {
                            switch ($browser->engine) {
                                // Gecko
                                case 'gecko':
                                    $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i] = preg_replace($urlregex, '-moz-linear-gradient(' . $matches[1] . ',' . $matches[2] . ',' . $matches[3] . ')', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                                    CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
                                    // Webkit
                                // Webkit
                                case 'webkit':
                                    if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'top') {
                                        $webkit_gradientdirection = 'left top,left bottom';
                                    } else {
                                        $webkit_gradientdirection = 'left top,right top';
                                    $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i] = preg_replace($urlregex, '-webkit-gradient(linear,' . $webkit_gradientdirection . ',from(' . $matches[2] . '),to(' . $matches[3] . '))', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                                    CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
                                    // Konqueror
                                // Konqueror
                                case 'khtml':
                                    if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'top') {
                                        $webkit_gradientdirection = 'left top,left bottom';
                                    } else {
                                        $webkit_gradientdirection = 'left top,right top';
                                    $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i] = preg_replace($urlregex, '-khtml-gradient(linear,' . $webkit_gradientdirection . ',from(' . $matches[2] . '),to(' . $matches[3] . '))', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                                    CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
                                    // Opera
                                // Opera
                                case 'opera':
                                    $svg_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/') . '/plugins/backgroundgradient/svg.php';
                                    $svg_params = 'direction=' . strtolower($matches[1]);
                                    $svg_params .= '&startcolor=' . str_replace('#', '%23', strtolower($matches[2]));
                                    $svg_params .= '&endcolor=' . str_replace('#', '%23', strtolower($matches[3]));
                                    $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i] = preg_replace($urlregex, 'url(' . $svg_path . '?' . $svg_params . ')', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                                    CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
                                    // IE
                                // IE
                                case 'ie':
                                    $filter_properties = array();
                                    if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'top') {
                                        $ie_gradienttype = '0';
                                    } else {
                                        $ie_gradienttype = '1';
                                    // Expand shorthand colors
                                    $shorthandpattern = '/^#([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})$/i';
                                    if (preg_match($shorthandpattern, $matches[2], $shorthandmatches)) {
                                        $matches[2] = '#FF' . strtoupper($shorthandmatches[1] . $shorthandmatches[1] . $shorthandmatches[2] . $shorthandmatches[2] . $shorthandmatches[3] . $shorthandmatches[3]);
                                    if (preg_match($shorthandpattern, $matches[3], $shorthandmatches)) {
                                        $matches[3] = '#FF' . strtoupper($shorthandmatches[1] . $shorthandmatches[1] . $shorthandmatches[2] . $shorthandmatches[2] . $shorthandmatches[3] . $shorthandmatches[3]);
                                    // Convert from RGB colors
                                    $rgbpattern = '/rgb\\([\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*\\)/i';
                                    if (preg_match($rgbpattern, $matches[2], $rgbmatches)) {
                                        $matches[2] = '#FF' . strtoupper(dechex(intval($rgbmatches[1])) . dechex(intval($rgbmatches[2])) . dechex(intval($rgbmatches[3])));
                                    if (preg_match($rgbpattern, $matches[3], $rgbmatches)) {
                                        $matches[3] = '#FF' . strtoupper(dechex(intval($rgbmatches[1])) . dechex(intval($rgbmatches[2])) . dechex(intval($rgbmatches[3])));
                                    // Convert from RGBA colors
                                    $rgbapattern = '/rgba\\([\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*\\)/i';
                                    if (preg_match($rgbapattern, $matches[2], $rgbamatches)) {
                                        $matches[2] = '#' . strtoupper(dechex(intval(floatval($rgbamatches[4]) * 255)) . dechex(intval($rgbamatches[1])) . dechex(intval($rgbamatches[2])) . dechex(intval($rgbamatches[3])));
                                    if (preg_match($rgbapattern, $matches[3], $rgbamatches)) {
                                        $matches[3] = '#' . strtoupper(dechex(intval(floatval($rgbamatches[4]) * 255)) . dechex(intval($rgbamatches[1])) . dechex(intval($rgbamatches[2])) . dechex(intval($rgbamatches[3])));
                                    $filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=' . $matches[2] . ',endColorstr=' . $matches[3] . ',gradientType=' . $ie_gradienttype . ')';
                                    // Legacy IE compliance
                                    if ($browser->engine_version < 8) {
                                        $filter_properties['filter'] = array($filter);
                                    } elseif ($browser->engine_version < 9) {
                                        $filter_properties['-ms-filter'] = array($filter);
                                    // Insert all
                                    $cssp->insert_properties($filter_properties, $block, $selector, NULL, $property);
                                    foreach ($filter_properties as $filter_property => $filter_value) {
                                        CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $filter_property, 'Added by background-gradient plugin');
Beispiel #16
 * background gradient
 * creates a cross-browser linear vertical or horizontal background gradient (other angles or radial gradient not supported)
 * Adds vendor-specific code for gradients
 * Usage:     Use simplest possible notation as planned by W3C:  
 *            background: linear-gradient([direction:<top|left>],[startcolor<hex|rgb|rgba>],[endcolor<hex|rgb|rgba>])
 * Example 1: background: linear-gradient(top,#FFF,#000) // vertical gradient, from top to bottom, from white to black
 * Example 2: background-image: linear-gradient(left,rgb(255,255,255),rgb(0,0,0)) // horizontal gradient, from left to right, from white to black
 * Status:    Beta
 * Version:   1.01
 * backgroundgradient
 * @param mixed &$parsed
 * @return void
function backgroundgradient(&$parsed)
    global $cssp, $browser;
    // Searches for W3C-style two-stepped linear gradient
    $urlregex = '/linear-gradient\\s*\\(\\s*(top|left)\\s*,\\s*(#[0-9A-F]+|rgba*\\([0-9,]+\\))\\s*,\\s*(#[0-9A-F]+|rgba*\\([0-9,]+\\))\\s*\\)/i';
    // In which properties to search
    $urlproperties = array('background', 'background-image');
    // Loop through the array
    foreach ($parsed as $block => $css) {
        foreach ($parsed[$block] as $selector => $styles) {
            foreach ($urlproperties as $property) {
                if (isset($parsed[$block][$selector][$property])) {
                    $num_values = count($parsed[$block][$selector][$property]);
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $num_values; $i++) {
                        if (preg_match($urlregex, $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i], $matches) > 0) {
                            // For all non-ie browsers, sniff the engine and use the appropriate syntax/hack
                            switch ($browser->engine) {
                                // Gecko
                                case 'gecko':
                                    $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i] = preg_replace($urlregex, '-moz-linear-gradient(' . $matches[1] . ',' . $matches[2] . ',' . $matches[3] . ')', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                                    CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
                                    // Webkit
                                // Webkit
                                case 'webkit':
                                    if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'top') {
                                        $webkit_gradientdirection = 'left top,left bottom';
                                    } else {
                                        $webkit_gradientdirection = 'left top,right top';
                                    $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i] = preg_replace($urlregex, '-webkit-gradient(linear,' . $webkit_gradientdirection . ',from(' . $matches[2] . '),to(' . $matches[3] . '))', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                                    CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
                                    // Konqueror
                                // Konqueror
                                case 'khtml':
                                    if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'top') {
                                        $webkit_gradientdirection = 'left top,left bottom';
                                    } else {
                                        $webkit_gradientdirection = 'left top,right top';
                                    $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i] = preg_replace($urlregex, '-khtml-gradient(linear,' . $webkit_gradientdirection . ',from(' . $matches[2] . '),to(' . $matches[3] . '))', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                                    CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
                                    // Opera
                                // Opera
                                case 'opera':
                                    $svg_path = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/') . '/plugins/backgroundgradient/svg.php';
                                    $svg_params = 'direction=' . strtolower($matches[1]);
                                    $svg_params .= '&startcolor=' . str_replace('#', '%23', strtolower($matches[2]));
                                    $svg_params .= '&endcolor=' . str_replace('#', '%23', strtolower($matches[3]));
                                    $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i] = preg_replace($urlregex, 'url(' . $svg_path . '?' . $svg_params . ')', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                                    CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $property, 'Modified by background-gradient plugin');
                            // End switch
                            // Use filter fallbacks in IE
                            $filter_properties = array();
                            if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'top') {
                                $ie_gradienttype = '0';
                            } else {
                                $ie_gradienttype = '1';
                            // Expand shorthand colors
                            $shorthandpattern = '/^#([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})$/i';
                            if (preg_match($shorthandpattern, $matches[2], $shorthandmatches)) {
                                $matches[2] = '#FF' . strtoupper($shorthandmatches[1] . $shorthandmatches[1] . $shorthandmatches[2] . $shorthandmatches[2] . $shorthandmatches[3] . $shorthandmatches[3]);
                            if (preg_match($shorthandpattern, $matches[3], $shorthandmatches)) {
                                $matches[3] = '#FF' . strtoupper($shorthandmatches[1] . $shorthandmatches[1] . $shorthandmatches[2] . $shorthandmatches[2] . $shorthandmatches[3] . $shorthandmatches[3]);
                            // Convert from RGB colors
                            $rgbpattern = '/rgb\\([\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*\\)/i';
                            if (preg_match($rgbpattern, $matches[2], $rgbmatches)) {
                                $matches[2] = '#FF' . strtoupper(dechex(intval($rgbmatches[1])) . dechex(intval($rgbmatches[2])) . dechex(intval($rgbmatches[3])));
                            if (preg_match($rgbpattern, $matches[3], $rgbmatches)) {
                                $matches[3] = '#FF' . strtoupper(dechex(intval($rgbmatches[1])) . dechex(intval($rgbmatches[2])) . dechex(intval($rgbmatches[3])));
                            // Convert from RGBA colors
                            $rgbapattern = '/rgba\\([\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*,[\\s]*(.+?)[\\s]*\\)/i';
                            if (preg_match($rgbapattern, $matches[2], $rgbamatches)) {
                                $matches[2] = '#' . strtoupper(dechex(intval(floatval($rgbamatches[4]) * 255)) . dechex(intval($rgbamatches[1])) . dechex(intval($rgbamatches[2])) . dechex(intval($rgbamatches[3])));
                            if (preg_match($rgbapattern, $matches[3], $rgbamatches)) {
                                $matches[3] = '#' . strtoupper(dechex(intval(floatval($rgbamatches[4]) * 255)) . dechex(intval($rgbamatches[1])) . dechex(intval($rgbamatches[2])) . dechex(intval($rgbamatches[3])));
                            // TODO: Convert from HSL colors. See colormodels for converting algorithm
                            // TODO: Convert from HSLA colors. See colormodels for converting algorithm
                            $filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=' . $matches[2] . ',endColorstr=' . $matches[3] . ',gradientType=' . $ie_gradienttype . ')';
                            // Legacy IE compliance
                            $filter_properties['filter'] = array($filter);
                            // IE8 compliance
                            $filter_properties['-ms-filter'] = array($filter);
                            // Salvage any background information that is NOT gradient stuff and preserve it in a form IE can handle
                            $background_rest = preg_replace('/(-moz-|-webkit-)*linear-gradient\\s*\\(.*?\\)/i', '', $parsed[$block][$selector][$property][$i]);
                            $background_rest = trim($background_rest);
                            if ($background_rest != '') {
                                $filter_properties['*background'] = array($background_rest);
                                // IE7 and 6
                                $filter_properties['background /*\\**/'] = array($background_rest . '\\9');
                                // IE8
                            // hasLayout stuff
                            $filter_properties['zoom'] = array('1');
                            // Insert all filters
                            $cssp->insert_properties($filter_properties, $block, $selector, NULL, $property);
                            foreach ($filter_properties as $filter_property => $filter_value) {
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $filter_property, 'Added by background-gradient plugin');
                        } else {
                            // This is f*****g ugly, but must be done to keep thing sane for css developers. In order to have background
                            // declarations that don't contain any gradient _remove_ gradients that the element may have inherited
                            // we have to explicitly add disabled filters for IE - always. So in the end what this does is adding three
                            // lines of css code for every background property as long as it doesn't add a gradient. Talk about bloated
                            // code... but hey, blame the IE team for their f****d up browsers, not us...
                            $filter_properties = array();
                            $filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled:false)';
                            $filter_properties['zoom'] = array('1');
                            $filter_properties['filter'] = array($filter);
                            $filter_properties['-ms-filter'] = array($filter);
                            $cssp->insert_properties($filter_properties, $block, $selector, NULL, $property);
                            foreach ($filter_properties as $filter_property => $filter_value) {
                                CSSP::comment($parsed[$block][$selector], $filter_property, 'Added by background-gradient plugin');