Beispiel #1
  function RenderBody()
    global $currentUser;
    if (!$currentUser || !$currentUser->CanPostInBBS())

    echo "<form action='add.php' method='post' id='frmBBSPost'>\n";

    $csrf = new CSRFProtect();

    echo "<div class='content'>\n";
    echo " <input type='hidden' name='which' value='".(int)$this->topic."'>\n";
    echo " <input type='hidden' name='type' value='post'>\n";
    echo " message:\n";
    echo " <textarea name='message' id='message'>";
    if ($this->topic == FIXMETHREAD_ID && $_GET["from"])
      printf("There is a problem with [url=%sprod.php?which=%d]this prod[/url]: ...",POUET_ROOT_URL,$_GET["from"]);
    echo "</textarea>\n";
    echo " <div><a href='faq.php#BB Code'><b>BB Code</b></a> is allowed here</div>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "<div class='foot'>\n";
    echo " <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>\n";
    echo " <!--\n";
    echo "   document.observe('dom:loaded',function(){ AddPreviewButton($('submit')); });\n";
    echo " //-->\n";
    echo " </script>\n";
    echo " <input type='submit' value='Submit' id='submit'>";
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "</form>\n";
Beispiel #2
 function RenderFooter() {
   echo "  <div class='foot'>";
   echo "    <form action='".$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]."' method='post'>";
   $csrf = new CSRFProtect();
   echo "      <input name='logoID' type='hidden' value='".(int)$this->logo->id."'/>";
   echo "      <input name='submit' type='submit' value='rulez'/>";
   echo "      <input name='submit' type='submit' value='sucks'/>";
   echo "    </form>\n";
   echo "  </div>\n";
   echo "</div>\n";
Beispiel #3
  function RenderBody()
    global $currentUser;
    if (!get_login_id())
      $box = new PouetBoxLogin();
      if (!$currentUser->CanPostInBBS())

      echo "<form action='add.php' method='post'>\n";

      $csrf = new CSRFProtect();

      echo "<div class='content'>\n";
      echo " <input type='hidden' name='type' value='bbs'>\n";

      echo " <label for='topic'>topic:</label>\n";
      echo " <input name='topic' id='topic'/>\n";

      echo " <label for='category'>category:</label>\n";
      echo " <select name='category' id='category'>\n";
      foreach($this->categories as $v)
        printf("<option value='%s'>%s</option>",_html($v),_html($v));
      echo " </select>\n";

      echo " <label for='message'>message:</label>\n";
      echo " <textarea name='message' id='message'></textarea>\n";

      echo " <div><a href='faq.php#BB Code'><b>BB Code</b></a> is allowed here</div>\n";
      echo "</div>\n";
      echo "<div class='foot'>\n";
      echo " <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>\n";
      echo " <!--\n";
      echo "   document.observe('dom:loaded',function(){ AddPreviewButton($('submit')); });\n";
      echo " //-->\n";
      echo " </script>\n";
      echo " <input type='submit' value='Submit' id='submit'>";
      echo "</div>\n";
      echo "</form>\n";
Beispiel #4
  function Render()
    global $currentUser;
    echo "\n\n";
    echo "<div class='pouettbl' id='".$this->uniqueID."'>\n";
    echo "<h2>i'm gonna wreck it !</h2>\n";
    echo "<ul class='boxlist'>\n";
    $actions = array(
      "recacheFrontPagePartial" => "flush front page cache",
      "recacheFrontPage" => "flush entire front page cache",
      "recacheTopDemos" => "recalculate top demo list",
    foreach($actions as $k=>$v)
      echo "  <li>";
      echo "<form method='post'>";

      $csrf = new CSRFProtect();

      echo _html($v).": ";
      $func = "PouetAdmin_".$k."_Form";
      if (function_exists($func)) $func();
      echo "<input name='".$k."' type='submit' value='submit'/>";
      echo "</form>";
      echo "</li>\n";
    echo "  <li><a href='admin_modification_requests.php'>process modification requests</a></li>";
    if ($currentUser->IsModerator())
      echo "  <li><a href='admin_faq.php'>edit faq items</a></li>";
    echo "</ul>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
Beispiel #5
  function RenderAverage() {
    $p = "isok";
    if ($this->prod->voteavg < 0) $p = "sucks";
    if ($this->prod->voteavg > 0) $p = "rulez";
    echo "<ul id='avgstats'>";
    echo "<li><img src='".POUET_CONTENT_URL."gfx/".$p.".gif' alt='".$p."' />&nbsp;".sprintf("%.2f",$this->prod->voteavg)."</li>\n";
    $cdcs = count($this->userCDCs);
    if ($this->isPouetCDC) $cdcs++;
    if ($cdcs)
      echo "<li><img src='".POUET_CONTENT_URL."gfx/titles/coupdecoeur.gif' alt='cdcs' />&nbsp;".$cdcs."</li>\n";
    global $currentUser;
    if ($currentUser)
      echo "<li>";
      echo "<form action='prod.php?which=".$this->prod->id."' method='post' id='watchlistFrm'>";
      $csrf = new CSRFProtect();
      $row = SQLLib::SelectRow(sprintf_esc("select * from watchlist where prodID = %d and userID = %d",$this->prod->id,$currentUser->id));
      if ($row)
        echo "<input type='hidden' name='wlAction' value='removeFromWatchlist'>";
        echo "<input type='submit' value='remove from watchlist' class='remove'/>";
        echo "<input type='hidden' name='wlAction' value='addToWatchlist'>";
        echo "<input type='submit' value='add to watchlist' class='add'/>";
      echo "</form>";
<script type="text/javascript">
    var opt = Form.serializeElements( $("watchlistFrm").select("input"), {hash:true} );
    opt["partial"] = true;
    new Ajax.Request( $("watchlistFrm").action, {
      method: "post",
      parameters: opt,
      onSuccess: function(transport) {
        if (transport.responseText.length)
          fireSuccessOverlay( opt["wlAction"] == "addToWatchlist" ? "added to watchlist !" : "removed from watchlist !" );
          $("watchlistFrm").update( transport.responseText );
      echo "</li>\n";
    echo "</ul>";
    printf("<div id='alltimerank'>alltime top: %s</div>",$this->prod->rank ? "#".(int)$this->prod->rank : "n/a");
  function Render()
    global $REQUESTTYPES;
    echo "<table id='".$this->uniqueID."' class='boxtable'>\n";
    echo "  <tr>\n";
    echo "    <th colspan='6'>".$this->title."</th>\n";
    echo "  </tr>\n";
    echo "  <tr>\n";
    echo "    <th>date</th>\n";
    echo "    <th>user</th>\n";
    echo "    <th>item</th>\n";
    echo "    <th>request</th>\n";
    echo "    <th>details</th>\n";
    echo "    <th>&nbsp;</th>\n";
    echo "  </tr>\n";
    foreach($this->requests as $r)
      echo "  <tr>\n";
      echo "    <td>".$r->requestDate."</td>\n";
      echo "    <td>".$r->user->PrintLinkedAvatar()." ".$r->user->PrintLinkedName()."</td>\n";
      echo "    <td>".$r->itemType.": ";
      switch ($r->itemType)
        case "prod": if ($r->prod) echo $r->prod->RenderSingleRowShort();
      echo "</td>\n";
      echo "    <td>".$REQUESTTYPES[$r->requestType]::Describe()."</td>\n";
      echo "    <td>";
      $data = unserialize($r->requestBlob);
      global $REQUESTTYPES;
      if ($REQUESTTYPES[$r->requestType])
        echo $REQUESTTYPES[$r->requestType]::Display($r->itemID,$data);
      echo "</td>\n";
      echo "<td>";
      printf("<form action='%s' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n",_html(selfPath()));
      $csrf = new CSRFProtect();
      printf("  <input type='hidden' name='requestID' value='%d'/>",$r->id);
      printf("  <input type='submit' name='requestAccept' value='accept !'/>");
      printf("  <input type='submit' name='requestDeny' value='deny !'/>");
      printf("  <input type='hidden' name='%s' value='%s'/>\n",PouetFormProcessor::fieldName,"adminModReq");
      echo "</td>\n";
      echo "  </tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
<script type="text/javascript">
  $$("#pouetbox_adminreq input[type='submit']").invoke("observe","click",function(e){ e.element().setAttribute("clicked","true"); });
  $$("#pouetbox_adminreq form").invoke("observe","submit",function(e){
    var reqAction = e.element().select("input[type='submit'][clicked='true']").first().name;
    var reason = null;
    if (reqAction == "requestDeny")
      reason = prompt("Enter the reason why you want to deny this request");
      if (reason == null || !reason.length)
    var opt = Form.serializeElements( e.element().select("input[type='hidden']"), {hash:true} );
    opt["partial"] = true;
    opt["comment"] = reason;
    opt[ reqAction ] = true;
    new Ajax.Request( e.element().action, {
      method: e.element().method,
      parameters: opt,
      onSuccess: function(transport) {
        if (transport.responseJSON.success)
          fireSuccessOverlay( transport.responseJSON.success == "accepted" ? "request accepted !" : "request denied !");
          fireErrorOverlay( transport.responseJSON.errors.join("<br/>") );
Beispiel #7
 function RenderEditRowEnd($row)
   echo "<td>";
   $csrf = new CSRFProtect();
   if ($row->id)
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='edit".static::$slug."ID' value='".$row->id."'/>";
   echo "<input type='submit' value='Submit'/>";
   echo "</td>\n";
 function Display()
   $showBox = true;
   if (count($this->errors))
     $msg = new PouetBoxModalMessage( true );
     $msg->classes[] = "errorbox";
     $msg->title = "An error has occured:";
     $msg->message = "<ul><li>".implode("</li><li>",$this->errors)."</li></ul>";
     if ($_POST[ self::fieldName ] && $this->objects[$_POST[ self::fieldName ]])
       $msg = new PouetBoxModalMessage( true );
       $msg->classes[] = "successbox";
       $msg->title = "Success!";
       if ($this->successURL)
         $msg->message = "<a href='"._html($this->successURL)."'>".$this->successMessage."</a>";
         $msg->message = "<a href='".POUET_ROOT_URL."'>go back to the front page</a>";
       $showBox = false;
   if ($showBox)
     foreach($this->objects as $key=>$object)
       if ($this->renderForm)
         printf("<form action='%s' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n",_html(selfPath()));
         $csrf = new CSRFProtect();
       if ($this->renderForm)
         printf("  <input type='hidden' name='%s' value='%s'/>\n",self::fieldName,_html($key));
Beispiel #9
      } break;
    case "bbs":
        $box = new PouetBoxBBSOpen();
        $thing = "bbs";
        $data = $_POST["message"];
        $message->returnPage = "index.php";
      } break;
        $message->message = "not implemented!";
      } break;
if ($box) {
  $csrf = new CSRFProtect();
  if (!$csrf->ValidateToken())
    $message->classes[] = "errorbox";
    $message->message = "who are you and where did you come from ?";
    $errormessage = $box->ParsePostMessage($_POST);
    if (!$errormessage) {
      $message->title = "You've successfully added the following ".$thing.":";
      $message->message = $data;
      if ($box instanceof PouetBoxCachable)
    } else {
      $message->classes[] = "errorbox";
  function RenderFooter() {
    global $currentUser;
    if (!$currentUser) {
      echo "  <div class='foot'><a href='oneliner.php'>more</a>...</div>\n";
    } else {
      //$funnytext = "have fun";
      //$funnytext = "get a cookie coz u'll need one to post";
      //$funnytext = "demo my ipod me beautiful!";
      //$funnytext = "bbcode and unicode doesnt work on oneliner";
      //$funnytext = "Most people including myself have some sensibility";
      //$funnytext = "### song, people dancing ###";
      //$funnytext = "PANTS OFF!";
      //$funnytext = "The world may now !";
      //$funnytext = "Captain: I'm in Mensa.";
      //$funnytext = "SHOW US YOUR";
      //$funnytext = "remember: NO CAPES!";
      //$funnytext = "NO THURSDAY ARRIVALS!";
      //$funnytext = "if garfield was a criminal, we would purchase him until afghanistan.";
      //$funnytext = "crashes indeed.. but wow! NOOON..";
      //$funnytext = "time is to unicode on the onliner";
      $funnytext = "pou\303\253t 2.0: \303\274nic\303\270de \320\270ow \321\210\305\221rks in the \317\203neli\316\256er";

      echo "  <div class='foot loggedin'>\n";
      echo "   <span><a href='oneliner.php'>more</a>...</span>\n";
      echo "   <form id='frmIndexOneliner' action='add.php' method='post'>\n";

      $csrf = new CSRFProtect();

      echo "    <input type='hidden' name='type' value='oneliner'>\n";

      // we dont use placeholder="" because we want people to be able to post the default nonsense
      echo "    <input type='text' name='message' value='"._html($funnytext)."' id='onelinermsg' maxlength='300'/>\n";
      echo "    <input type='submit' value='Submit'/>\n";
      echo "   </form>\n";
      echo "  </div>\n";
<script type="text/javascript">
var onelinerClicked = false;
  if (!onelinerClicked)
    $("onelinermsg").value = "";
  onelinerClicked = true;
  if ($("onelinermsg").value.indexOf("[url")!=-1) {
    alert("BBCode doesn't work in the oneliner!");
    echo "</div>\n";
Beispiel #11
  function RenderBody() {
    global $currentUser;

    if (!$currentUser) {
      $box = new PouetBoxLogin();
    } else {
      if (!$currentUser->CanPostInProdComments())
      echo "<form action='add.php' method='post' id='frmProdComment'>\n";

      $csrf = new CSRFProtect();

      echo "<div class='content'>\n";
      echo " <input type='hidden' name='which' value='".(int)$this->prod."'>\n";
      echo " <input type='hidden' name='type' value='comment'>\n";
      if (!$this->myVote)
        echo " <div id='prodvote'>\n";
        echo " this prod\n";
        echo " <input type='radio' name='rating' id='ratingrulez' value='rulez'/> <label for='ratingrulez'>rulez</label>\n";
        echo " <input type='radio' name='rating' id='ratingpig' value='isok' checked='true'/> <label for='ratingpig'>is ok</label>\n";
        echo " <input type='radio' name='rating' id='ratingsucks' value='sucks'/> <label for='ratingsucks'>sucks</label>\n";
        echo " </div>\n";
      echo " <textarea name='comment' id='comment'></textarea>\n";
      echo " <div><a href='faq.php#BB Code'><b>BB Code</b></a> is allowed here</div>\n";
      echo "</div>\n";
      echo "<div class='foot'>\n";
      echo " <input type='submit' value='Submit' id='submit'>";
      echo "</div>\n";
      echo "</form>\n";
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var cid = item.readAttribute("data-cid");
    item.update("<a href='#'>quote</a> |");
      new Ajax.Request("ajax_prodcomment.php",{
          $("comment").value += "[quote]" + transport.responseJSON.comment.strip() + "[/quote]";
          try { $("comment").scrollTo(); } catch(ex) {} // needs try-catch because of some dumbass popup blockers
  PreparePostForm( $$("#pouetbox_prodpost form").first() );