Beispiel #1
 protected function retrieveEvent($eventID)
     $bao = new CRM_Event_BAO_Event();
     if ($bao->get('id', $eventID)) {
         return $bao;
     return NULL;
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
 public function buildForm(&$form)
      * You can define a custom title for the search form
     $this->setTitle('Find Totals for Events');
      * Define the search form fields here
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'paid_online', ts('Only show Credit Card Payments'));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'show_payees', ts('Show payees'));
     $event_type = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('event_type', FALSE);
     foreach ($event_type as $eventId => $eventName) {
         $form->addElement('checkbox', "event_type_id[{$eventId}]", 'Event Type', $eventName);
     $events = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getEvents(1);
     $form->add('select', 'event_id', ts('Event Name'), array('' => ts('- select -')) + $events);
     $form->addDate('start_date', ts('Payments Date From'), FALSE, array('formatType' => 'custom'));
     $form->addDate('end_date', ts('...through'), FALSE, array('formatType' => 'custom'));
      * If you are using the sample template, this array tells the template fields to render
      * for the search form.
     $form->assign('elements', array('paid_online', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'show_payees', 'event_type_id', 'event_id'));
Beispiel #3
 public function postProcess()
     $params = $this->exportValues();
     $params['id'] = $this->_id;
Beispiel #4
  * @param array $params
  * @param $participant
  * @param $event
  * @return mixed
 public function registerParticipant($params, &$participant, $event)
     $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction();
     // handle register date CRM-4320
     $registerDate = date('YmdHis');
     $participantParams = array('id' => $participant->id, 'event_id' => $event->id, 'register_date' => $registerDate, 'source' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant_source', $params, $this->description), 'is_pay_later' => $this->is_pay_later, 'fee_amount' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('amount', $params, 0), 'fee_currency' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('currencyID', $params));
     if ($participant->must_wait) {
         $participant_status = 'On waitlist';
     } elseif (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_pay_later', $params, FALSE)) {
         $participant_status = 'Pending from pay later';
     } else {
         $participant_status = 'Registered';
     $participant_statuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus();
     $participantParams['status_id'] = array_search($participant_status, $participant_statuses);
     $participant_status_label = CRM_Utils_Array::value($participantParams['status_id'], CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, NULL, 'label'));
     $participantParams['participant_status'] = $participant_status_label;
     $this->assign('isOnWaitlist', $participant->must_wait);
     if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::PREVIEW || CRM_Utils_Array::value('mode', $params) == 'test') {
         $participantParams['is_test'] = 1;
     } else {
         $participantParams['is_test'] = 0;
     if (self::is_administrator()) {
         if (!empty($params['note'])) {
             $note_params = array('participant_id' => $participant->id, 'contact_id' => self::getContactID(), 'note' => $params['note']);
     if (!empty($params['contributionID'])) {
         $payment_params = array('participant_id' => $participant->id, 'contribution_id' => $params['contributionID']);
         $ids = array();
         $paymentParticpant = CRM_Event_BAO_ParticipantPayment::create($payment_params, $ids);
     $event_values = array();
     CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($event, $event_values);
     $location = array();
     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_show_location', $event_values) == 1) {
         $locationParams = array('entity_id' => $participant->event_id, 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_event');
         $location = CRM_Core_BAO_Location::getValues($locationParams, TRUE);
     list($pre_id, $post_id) = CRM_Event_Cart_Form_MerParticipant::get_profile_groups($participant->event_id);
     $payer_values = array('email' => '', 'name' => '');
     if ($this->payer_contact_id) {
         $payer_contact_details = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::getContactDetails($this->payer_contact_id);
         $payer_values = array('email' => $payer_contact_details[1], 'name' => $payer_contact_details[0]);
     $values = array('params' => array($participant->id => $participantParams), 'event' => $event_values, 'location' => $location, 'custom_pre_id' => $pre_id, 'custom_post_id' => $post_id, 'payer' => $payer_values);
     CRM_Event_BAO_Event::sendMail($participant->contact_id, $values, $participant->id);
     return $participant;
 function validate()
     if ($this->_errors) {
         return FALSE;
     $fields = $this->_submitValues;
     foreach ($this->cart->get_main_events_in_carts() as $event_in_cart) {
         $price_set_id = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::usesPriceSet($event_in_cart->event_id);
         if ($price_set_id) {
             $priceField = new CRM_Price_DAO_PriceField();
             $priceField->price_set_id = $price_set_id;
             $check = array();
             while ($priceField->fetch()) {
                 if (!empty($fields["event_{$event_in_cart->event_id}_price_{$priceField->id}"])) {
                     $check[] = $priceField->id;
             if (empty($check)) {
                 $this->_errors['_qf_default'] = ts("Select at least one option from Price Levels.");
             $lineItem = array();
             if (is_array($this->_values['fee']['fields'])) {
                 CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::processAmount($this->_values['fee']['fields'], $fields, $lineItem);
                 //XXX total...
                 if ($fields['amount'] < 0) {
                     $this->_errors['_qf_default'] = ts("Price Levels can not be less than zero. Please select the options accordingly");
         foreach ($event_in_cart->participants as $mer_participant) {
             $participant_fields = $fields['event'][$event_in_cart->event_id]['participant'][$mer_participant->id];
             //TODO what to do when profile responses differ for the same contact?
             $contact_id = self::find_contact($participant_fields);
             if ($contact_id) {
                 $participant = new CRM_Event_BAO_Participant();
                 $participant->event_id = $event_in_cart->event_id;
                 $participant->contact_id = $contact_id;
                 $statusTypes = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, 'is_counted = 1');
                 while ($participant->fetch()) {
                     if (array_key_exists($participant->status_id, $statusTypes)) {
                         $form = $mer_participant->get_form();
                         $this->_errors[$form->html_field_name('email')] = ts("The participant %1 is already registered for %2 (%3).", array(1 => $participant_fields['email'], 2 => $event_in_cart->event->title, 3 => $event_in_cart->event->start_date));
     return empty($this->_errors);
    function preProcess()
        $matches = array();
        preg_match("/.*_(\\d+)_(\\d+)/", $this->getAttribute('name'), $matches);
        $event_id = $matches[1];
        $participant_id = $matches[2];
        $event_in_cart = $this->cart->get_event_in_cart_by_event_id($event_id);
        $this->conference_event = $event_in_cart->event;
        $this->main_participant = $event_in_cart->get_participant_by_id($participant_id);
        $this->contact_id = $this->main_participant->contact_id;
        $this->main_participant->display_name = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::displayName($this->contact_id);
        $events = new CRM_Event_BAO_Event();
        $query = <<<EOS
               slot.label AS slot_label
                civicrm_option_value slot ON civicrm_event.slot_label_id = slot.value
                civicrm_option_group og ON slot.option_group_id =
\t\tparent_event_id = {$this->conference_event->id}
                AND civicrm_event.is_active = 1
                AND COALESCE(civicrm_event.is_template, 0) = 0
                AND = 'conference_slot'
\t\tslot.weight, start_date
        while ($events->fetch()) {
            if (!array_key_exists($events->slot_label, $this->events_by_slot)) {
                $this->events_by_slot[$events->slot_label] = array();
            $this->events_by_slot[$events->slot_label][] = clone $events;
  * Heart of the viewing process. The runner gets all the meta data for
  * the contact and calls the appropriate type of page to view.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function preProcess()
     $eventSummary = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getEventSummary();
     $actionColumn = FALSE;
     if (!empty($eventSummary) && isset($eventSummary['events']) && is_array($eventSummary['events'])) {
         foreach ($eventSummary['events'] as $e) {
             if (isset($e['isMap']) || isset($e['configure'])) {
                 $actionColumn = TRUE;
     $this->assign('actionColumn', $actionColumn);
     $this->assign('eventSummary', $eventSummary);
Beispiel #8
  * Process the form when submitted.
 public function postProcess()
     $participant = new CRM_Event_DAO_Participant();
     $participant->event_id = $this->_id;
     if ($participant->find()) {
         $searchURL = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/event/search', 'reset=1');
         CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('This event cannot be deleted because there are participant records linked to it. If you want to delete this event, you must first find the participants linked to this event and delete them. You can use use <a href=\'%1\'> CiviEvent >> Find Participants page </a>.', array(1 => $searchURL)), ts('Deletion Error'), 'error');
     if ($this->_isTemplate) {
         CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("'%1' has been deleted.", array(1 => $this->_title)), ts('Template Deleted'), 'success');
         CRM_Utils_System::redirect(CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/admin/eventTemplate', 'reset=1'));
     } else {
         CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts("'%1' has been deleted.", array(1 => $this->_title)), ts('Event Deleted'), 'success');
  * Heart of the iCalendar data assignment process. The runner gets all the meta
  * data for the event and calls the  method to output the iCalendar
  * to the user. If gData param is passed on the URL, outputs gData XML format.
  * Else outputs iCalendar format per IETF RFC2445. Page param true means send
  * to browser as inline content. Else, we send .ics file as attachment.
  * @return void
 function run()
     require_once "CRM/Utils/Request.php";
     $id = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('id', 'Positive', $this, false, null, 'GET');
     $type = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('type', 'Positive', $this, false, 0);
     $start = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('start', 'Positive', $this, false, 0);
     $end = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('end', 'Positive', $this, false, 0);
     $iCalPage = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('page', 'Positive', $this, false, 0);
     $gData = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('gData', 'Positive', $this, false, 0);
     $html = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('html', 'Positive', $this, false, 0);
     $rss = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('rss', 'Positive', $this, false, 0);
     require_once "CRM/Event/BAO/Event.php";
     $info = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getCompleteInfo($start, $type, $id, $end);
     $this->assign('events', $info);
     // Send data to the correct template for formatting (iCal vs. gData)
     $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     if ($rss) {
         // rss 2.0 requires lower case dash delimited locale
         $this->assign('rssLang', str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($config->lcMessages)));
         $calendar = $template->fetch('CRM/Core/Calendar/Rss.tpl');
     } else {
         if ($gData) {
             $calendar = $template->fetch('CRM/Core/Calendar/GData.tpl');
         } else {
             if ($html) {
                 return parent::run();
             } else {
                 $calendar = $template->fetch('CRM/Core/Calendar/ICal.tpl');
     // Push output for feed or download
     require_once "CRM/Utils/ICalendar.php";
     if ($iCalPage == 1) {
         if ($gData || $rss) {
             CRM_Utils_ICalendar::send($calendar, 'text/xml', 'utf-8');
         } else {
             CRM_Utils_ICalendar::send($calendar, 'text/plain', 'utf-8');
     } else {
         CRM_Utils_ICalendar::send($calendar, 'text/calendar', 'utf-8', 'civicrm_ical.ics', 'attachment');
  * Heart of the iCalendar data assignment process. The runner gets all the meta
  * data for the event and calls the  method to output the iCalendar
  * to the user. If gData param is passed on the URL, outputs gData XML format.
  * Else outputs iCalendar format per IETF RFC2445. Page param true means send
  * to browser as inline content. Else, we send .ics file as attachment.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $id = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('id', 'Positive', $this, FALSE, NULL, 'GET');
     $type = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('type', 'Positive', $this, FALSE, 0);
     $start = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('start', 'Positive', $this, FALSE, 0);
     $end = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('end', 'Positive', $this, FALSE, 0);
     $iCalPage = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('list', 'Positive', $this, FALSE, 0);
     $gData = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('gData', 'Positive', $this, FALSE, 0);
     $html = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('html', 'Positive', $this, FALSE, 0);
     $rss = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('rss', 'Positive', $this, FALSE, 0);
     $info = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getCompleteInfo($start, $type, $id, $end, false);
     $this->assign('events', $info);
     $this->assign('timezone', @date_default_timezone_get());
     // Send data to the correct template for formatting (iCal vs. gData)
     $template = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
     $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
     if ($rss) {
         // rss 2.0 requires lower case dash delimited locale
         $this->assign('rssLang', str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($config->lcMessages)));
         $calendar = $template->fetch('CRM/Core/Calendar/Rss.tpl');
     } elseif ($gData) {
         $calendar = $template->fetch('CRM/Core/Calendar/GData.tpl');
     } elseif ($html) {
         // check if we're in shopping cart mode for events
         $enable_cart = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::EVENT_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'enable_cart');
         if ($enable_cart) {
             $this->assign('registration_links', TRUE);
         return parent::run();
     } else {
         $calendar = $template->fetch('CRM/Core/Calendar/ICal.tpl');
         $calendar = preg_replace('/(?<!\\r)\\n/', "\r\n", $calendar);
     // Push output for feed or download
     if ($iCalPage == 1) {
         if ($gData || $rss) {
             CRM_Utils_ICalendar::send($calendar, 'text/xml', 'utf-8');
         } else {
             CRM_Utils_ICalendar::send($calendar, 'text/plain', 'utf-8');
     } else {
         CRM_Utils_ICalendar::send($calendar, 'text/calendar', 'utf-8', 'civicrm_ical.ics', 'attachment');
Beispiel #11
  * Heart of the viewing process. The runner gets all the meta data for
  * the contact and calls the appropriate type of page to view.
  * @return void
 public function preProcess()
     $eventSummary = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getEventSummary();
     $enableCart = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::EVENT_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'enable_cart');
     $eventSummary['tab'] = CRM_Event_Page_ManageEvent::tabs($enableCart);
     $actionColumn = FALSE;
     if (!empty($eventSummary) && isset($eventSummary['events']) && is_array($eventSummary['events'])) {
         foreach ($eventSummary['events'] as $e) {
             if (isset($e['isMap']) || isset($e['configure'])) {
                 $actionColumn = TRUE;
     $this->assign('actionColumn', $actionColumn);
     $this->assign('eventSummary', $eventSummary);
  * The initializer code, called before the processing.
 public function init()
     $fields = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::importableFields($this->_contactType, FALSE);
     $fields['event_id']['title'] = 'Event ID';
     $eventfields =& CRM_Event_BAO_Event::fields();
     $fields['event_title'] = $eventfields['event_title'];
     foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
         $field['type'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('type', $field, CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT);
         $field['dataPattern'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('dataPattern', $field, '//');
         $field['headerPattern'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('headerPattern', $field, '//');
         $this->addField($name, $field['title'], $field['type'], $field['headerPattern'], $field['dataPattern']);
     $this->_newParticipants = array();
     // FIXME: we should do this in one place together with Form/MapField.php
     $this->_contactIdIndex = -1;
     $this->_eventIndex = -1;
     $this->_participantStatusIndex = -1;
     $this->_participantRoleIndex = -1;
     $this->_eventTitleIndex = -1;
     $index = 0;
     foreach ($this->_mapperKeys as $key) {
         switch ($key) {
             case 'participant_contact_id':
                 $this->_contactIdIndex = $index;
             case 'event_id':
                 $this->_eventIndex = $index;
             case 'participant_status':
             case 'participant_status_id':
                 $this->_participantStatusIndex = $index;
             case 'participant_role_id':
                 $this->_participantRoleIndex = $index;
             case 'event_title':
                 $this->_eventTitleIndex = $index;
  * the initializer code, called before the processing
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function init()
     require_once 'CRM/Event/BAO/Participant.php';
     $fields =& CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::importableFields($this->_contactType, false);
     $fields['event_id']['title'] = "Event ID";
     require_once 'CRM/Event/BAO/Event.php';
     $eventfields =& CRM_Event_BAO_Event::fields();
     $fields['event_title'] = $eventfields['event_title'];
     foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
         $this->addField($name, $field['title'], $field['type'], $field['headerPattern'], $field['dataPattern']);
     $this->_newParticipants = array();
     // FIXME: we should do this in one place together with Form/MapField.php
     $this->_contactIdIndex = -1;
     $this->_eventIndex = -1;
     $this->_participantStatusIndex = -1;
     $this->_participantRoleIndex = -1;
     $this->_eventTitleIndex = -1;
     $index = 0;
     foreach ($this->_mapperKeys as $key) {
         switch ($key) {
             case 'participant_contact_id':
                 $this->_contactIdIndex = $index;
             case 'event_id':
                 $this->_eventIndex = $index;
             case 'participant_status':
             case 'participant_status_id':
                 $this->_participantStatusIndex = $index;
             case 'participant_role_id':
                 $this->_participantRoleIndex = $index;
             case 'event_title':
                 $this->_eventTitleIndex = $index;
Beispiel #14
  * Heart of the viewing process. The runner gets all the meta data for 
  * the contact and calls the appropriate type of page to view. 
  * @return void 
  * @access public 
 function preProcess()
     $admin = false;
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('access CiviEvent') && CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer CiviCRM')) {
         $admin = true;
     require_once 'CRM/Event/BAO/Event.php';
     $eventSummary = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getEventSummary($admin);
     $eventMap = false;
     if (!empty($eventSummary) && isset($eventSummary['events']) && is_array($eventSummary['events'])) {
         foreach ($eventSummary['events'] as $e) {
             if (isset($e['isMap'])) {
                 $eventMap = true;
     $this->assign('eventAdmin', $admin);
     $this->assign('eventMap', $eventMap);
     $this->assign('eventSummary', $eventSummary);
Beispiel #15
 public function preProcess()
     $this->assign('currentEventId', $this->_id);
     $checkParentExistsForThisId = CRM_Core_BAO_RecurringEntity::getParentFor($this->_id, 'civicrm_event');
     //If this ID has parent, send parent id
     if ($checkParentExistsForThisId) {
          * Get connected event information list
         //Get all connected event ids
         $allEventIdsArray = CRM_Core_BAO_RecurringEntity::getEntitiesForParent($checkParentExistsForThisId, 'civicrm_event');
         $allEventIds = array();
         if (!empty($allEventIdsArray)) {
             foreach ($allEventIdsArray as $key => $val) {
                 $allEventIds[] = $val['id'];
             if (!empty($allEventIds)) {
                 $params = array();
                 $query = "\n            SELECT *\n            FROM civicrm_event\n            WHERE id IN (" . implode(",", $allEventIds) . ")\n            ORDER BY start_date asc\n             ";
                 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $params, TRUE, 'CRM_Event_DAO_Event');
                 $permissions = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::checkPermission();
                 while ($dao->fetch()) {
                     if (in_array($dao->id, $permissions[CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW])) {
                         $manageEvent[$dao->id] = array();
                         CRM_Core_DAO::storeValues($dao, $manageEvent[$dao->id]);
             $this->assign('rows', $manageEvent);
     $parentEventParams = array('id' => $this->_id);
     $parentEventValues = array();
     $parentEventReturnProperties = array('start_date', 'end_date');
     $parentEventAttributes = CRM_Core_DAO::commonRetrieve('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $parentEventParams, $parentEventValues, $parentEventReturnProperties);
     $this->_parentEventStartDate = $parentEventAttributes->start_date;
     $this->_parentEventEndDate = $parentEventAttributes->end_date;
 function buildQuickForm()
     $events = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getEvents(0);
     $additionalOptions = array(1 => '1', 2 => '2', 3 => '3', 4 => '4', 5 => '5', 6 => '6', 7 => '7', 8 => '8', 9 => '9', 10 => '10');
     if ($this->_soInstance) {
         $soInstances = (array) $this->_soInstance;
         $numString = $this->_soInstance;
         $aEvents = array();
         foreach ($events as $eventId => $eventVal) {
             if (!array_key_exists($eventId, $this->_getreturn)) {
                 $aEvents[$eventId] = $eventVal;
         $events = $aEvents;
     } elseif (!empty($this->_getreturn)) {
         $soInstances = range(1, count($this->_getreturn), 1);
         $numString = 2;
     } else {
         $soInstances = array(1);
         $numString = 1;
     $allEvents = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getEvents(0);
     if ($soInstances[0] <= count($allEvents)) {
         foreach ($soInstances as $instance) {
             $this->addElement('select', "event_id_{$instance}", ts('Event Name'), array('' => ts('- select -')) + $events);
             $this->addElement('select', "additional_participants_{$instance}", ts('Max_Participants'), $additionalOptions);
     $this->assign('numStrings', $numString);
     $cancelURL = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/participant/config', 'reset=1');
     $this->assign('elementNames', $this->getRenderableElementNames());
     if ($this->_soInstance) {
     $cancelURL = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/participant/config', 'reset=1');
     $this->addButtons(array(array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => ts('Save'), 'isDefault' => TRUE), array('type' => 'cancel', 'name' => ts('Cancel'), 'js' => array('onclick' => "location.href='{$cancelURL}'; return false;"))));
     $this->addFormRule(array('CRM_maxadditionalparticipants_Form_Admin', 'formRule'), $this);
 function completeTransaction(&$input, &$ids, &$objects, &$transaction, $recur = FALSE)
     $contribution =& $objects['contribution'];
     $primaryContributionID = isset($contribution->id) ? $contribution->id : $objects['first_contribution']->id;
     $memberships =& $objects['membership'];
     if (is_numeric($memberships)) {
         $memberships = array($objects['membership']);
     $participant =& $objects['participant'];
     $event =& $objects['event'];
     $changeToday = CRM_Utils_Array::value('trxn_date', $input, self::$_now);
     $recurContrib =& $objects['contributionRecur'];
     $values = array();
     if (isset($input['is_email_receipt'])) {
         $values['is_email_receipt'] = $input['is_email_receipt'];
     $source = NULL;
     if ($input['component'] == 'contribute') {
         if ($contribution->contribution_page_id) {
             CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionPage::setValues($contribution->contribution_page_id, $values);
             $source = ts('Online Contribution') . ': ' . $values['title'];
         } elseif ($recurContrib && $recurContrib->id) {
             $contribution->contribution_page_id = NULL;
             $values['amount'] = $recurContrib->amount;
             $values['financial_type_id'] = $objects['contributionType']->id;
             $values['title'] = $source = ts('Offline Recurring Contribution');
             $domainValues = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail();
             $values['receipt_from_name'] = $domainValues[0];
             $values['receipt_from_email'] = $domainValues[1];
         if ($recurContrib && $recurContrib->id && !isset($input['is_email_receipt'])) {
             //CRM-13273 - is_email_receipt setting on recurring contribution should take precedence over contribution page setting
             // but CRM-16124 if $input['is_email_receipt'] is set then that should not be overridden.
             $values['is_email_receipt'] = $recurContrib->is_email_receipt;
         $contribution->source = $source;
         if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_email_receipt', $values)) {
             $contribution->receipt_date = self::$_now;
         if (!empty($memberships)) {
             $membershipsUpdate = array();
             foreach ($memberships as $membershipTypeIdKey => $membership) {
                 if ($membership) {
                     $format = '%Y%m%d';
                     $currentMembership = CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::getContactMembership($membership->contact_id, $membership->membership_type_id, $membership->is_test, $membership->id);
                     // CRM-8141 update the membership type with the value recorded in log when membership created/renewed
                     // this picks up membership type changes during renewals
                     $sql = "\nSELECT    membership_type_id\nFROM      civicrm_membership_log\nWHERE     membership_id={$membership->id}\nORDER BY  id DESC\nLIMIT 1;";
                     $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO();
                     if ($dao->fetch()) {
                         if (!empty($dao->membership_type_id)) {
                             $membership->membership_type_id = $dao->membership_type_id;
                         // else fall back to using current membership type
                     // else fall back to using current membership type
                     $num_terms = $contribution->getNumTermsByContributionAndMembershipType($membership->membership_type_id, $primaryContributionID);
                     if ($currentMembership) {
                          * Fixed FOR CRM-4433
                          * In BAO/Membership.php(renewMembership function), we skip the extend membership date and status
                          * when Contribution mode is notify and membership is for renewal )
                         CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::fixMembershipStatusBeforeRenew($currentMembership, $changeToday);
                         // @todo - we should pass membership_type_id instead of null here but not
                         // adding as not sure of testing
                         $dates = CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipType::getRenewalDatesForMembershipType($membership->id, $changeToday, NULL, $num_terms);
                         $dates['join_date'] = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($currentMembership['join_date'], $format);
                     } else {
                         $dates = CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipType::getDatesForMembershipType($membership->membership_type_id, NULL, NULL, NULL, $num_terms);
                     //get the status for membership.
                     $calcStatus = CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipStatus::getMembershipStatusByDate($dates['start_date'], $dates['end_date'], $dates['join_date'], 'today', TRUE, $membership->membership_type_id, (array) $membership);
                     $formatedParams = array('status_id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $calcStatus, 2), 'join_date' => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat(CRM_Utils_Array::value('join_date', $dates), $format), 'start_date' => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat(CRM_Utils_Array::value('start_date', $dates), $format), 'end_date' => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat(CRM_Utils_Array::value('end_date', $dates), $format));
                     //we might be renewing membership,
                     //so make status override false.
                     $formatedParams['is_override'] = FALSE;
                     //updating the membership log
                     $membershipLog = array();
                     $membershipLog = $formatedParams;
                     $logStartDate = $formatedParams['start_date'];
                     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('log_start_date', $dates)) {
                         $logStartDate = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($dates['log_start_date'], $format);
                         $logStartDate = CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($logStartDate);
                     $membershipLog['start_date'] = $logStartDate;
                     $membershipLog['membership_id'] = $membership->id;
                     $membershipLog['modified_id'] = $membership->contact_id;
                     $membershipLog['modified_date'] = date('Ymd');
                     $membershipLog['membership_type_id'] = $membership->membership_type_id;
                     CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipLog::add($membershipLog, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
                     //update related Memberships.
                     CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::updateRelatedMemberships($membership->id, $formatedParams);
                     //update the membership type key of membership relatedObjects array
                     //if it has changed after membership update
                     if ($membershipTypeIdKey != $membership->membership_type_id) {
                         $membershipsUpdate[$membership->membership_type_id] = $membership;
                         $contribution->_relatedObjects['membership'][$membership->membership_type_id] = $membership;
             //update the memberships object with updated membershipTypeId data
             //if membershipTypeId has changed after membership update
             if (!empty($membershipsUpdate)) {
                 $memberships = $memberships + $membershipsUpdate;
     } else {
         // event
         $eventParams = array('id' => $objects['event']->id);
         $values['event'] = array();
         CRM_Event_BAO_Event::retrieve($eventParams, $values['event']);
         //get location details
         $locationParams = array('entity_id' => $objects['event']->id, 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_event');
         $values['location'] = CRM_Core_BAO_Location::getValues($locationParams);
         $ufJoinParams = array('entity_table' => 'civicrm_event', 'entity_id' => $ids['event'], 'module' => 'CiviEvent');
         list($custom_pre_id, $custom_post_ids) = CRM_Core_BAO_UFJoin::getUFGroupIds($ufJoinParams);
         $values['custom_pre_id'] = $custom_pre_id;
         $values['custom_post_id'] = $custom_post_ids;
         //for tasks 'Change Participant Status' and 'Batch Update Participants Via Profile' case
         //and cases involving status updation through ipn
         $values['totalAmount'] = $input['amount'];
         $contribution->source = ts('Online Event Registration') . ': ' . $values['event']['title'];
         if ($values['event']['is_email_confirm']) {
             $contribution->receipt_date = self::$_now;
             $values['is_email_receipt'] = 1;
         if (!CRM_Utils_Array::value('skipComponentSync', $input)) {
             $participant->status_id = 1;
     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('net_amount', $input, 0) == 0 && CRM_Utils_Array::value('fee_amount', $input, 0) != 0) {
         $input['net_amount'] = $input['amount'] - $input['fee_amount'];
     // This complete transaction function is being overloaded to create new contributions too.
     // here we record if it is a new contribution.
     // @todo separate the 2 more appropriately.
     $isNewContribution = FALSE;
     if (empty($contribution->id)) {
         $isNewContribution = TRUE;
         if (!empty($input['amount']) && $input['amount'] != $contribution->total_amount) {
             $contribution->total_amount = $input['amount'];
             // The BAO does this stuff but we are actually kinda bypassing it here (bad code! go sit in the corner)
             // so we have to handle net_amount in this (naughty) code.
             if (isset($input['fee_amount']) && is_numeric($input['fee_amount'])) {
                 $contribution->fee_amount = $input['fee_amount'];
             $contribution->net_amount = $contribution->total_amount - $contribution->fee_amount;
         if (!empty($input['campaign_id'])) {
             $contribution->campaign_id = $input['campaign_id'];
     $contributionStatuses = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', array('labelColumn' => 'name', 'flip' => 1));
     // @todo this section should call the api  in order to have hooks called &
     // because all this 'messiness' setting variables could be avoided
     // by letting the api resolve pseudoconstants & copy set values and format dates.
     $contribution->contribution_status_id = $contributionStatuses['Completed'];
     $contribution->is_test = $input['is_test'];
     // CRM-15960 If we don't have a value we 'want' for the amounts, leave it to the BAO to sort out.
     if (isset($input['net_amount'])) {
         $contribution->fee_amount = CRM_Utils_Array::value('fee_amount', $input, 0);
     if (isset($input['net_amount'])) {
         $contribution->net_amount = $input['net_amount'];
     $contribution->trxn_id = $input['trxn_id'];
     $contribution->receive_date = CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($contribution->receive_date);
     $contribution->thankyou_date = CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($contribution->thankyou_date);
     $contribution->receipt_date = CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($contribution->receipt_date);
     $contribution->cancel_date = 'null';
     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('check_number', $input)) {
         $contribution->check_number = $input['check_number'];
     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('payment_instrument_id', $input)) {
         $contribution->payment_instrument_id = $input['payment_instrument_id'];
     if (!empty($contribution->id)) {
         $contributionId['id'] = $contribution->id;
         $input['prevContribution'] = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::getValues($contributionId, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
     //add line items for recurring payments
     if (!empty($contribution->contribution_recur_id)) {
         if ($isNewContribution) {
             $input['line_item'] = $this->addRecurLineItems($contribution->contribution_recur_id, $contribution);
         } else {
             // this is just to prevent e-notices when we call recordFinancialAccounts - per comments on that line - intention is somewhat unclear
             $input['line_item'] = array();
         if (!empty($memberships) && $primaryContributionID != $contribution->id) {
             foreach ($memberships as $membership) {
                 try {
                     $membershipPayment = array('membership_id' => $membership->id, 'contribution_id' => $contribution->id);
                     if (!civicrm_api3('membership_payment', 'getcount', $membershipPayment)) {
                         civicrm_api3('membership_payment', 'create', $membershipPayment);
                 } catch (CiviCRM_API3_Exception $e) {
                     echo $e->getMessage();
                     // we are catching & ignoring errors as an extra precaution since lost IPNs may be more serious that lost membership_payment data
                     // this fn is unit-tested so risk of changes elsewhere breaking it are otherwise mitigated
     //copy initial contribution custom fields for recurring contributions
     if ($recurContrib && $recurContrib->id) {
         $this->copyCustomValues($recurContrib->id, $contribution->id);
     // next create the transaction record
     $paymentProcessor = $paymentProcessorId = '';
     if (isset($objects['paymentProcessor'])) {
         if (is_array($objects['paymentProcessor'])) {
             $paymentProcessor = $objects['paymentProcessor']['payment_processor_type'];
             $paymentProcessorId = $objects['paymentProcessor']['id'];
         } else {
             $paymentProcessor = $objects['paymentProcessor']->payment_processor_type;
             $paymentProcessorId = $objects['paymentProcessor']->id;
     //it's hard to see how it could reach this point without a contributon id as it is saved in line 511 above
     // which raised the question as to whether this check preceded line 511 & if so whether something could be broken
     // From a lot of code reading /debugging I'm still not sure the intent WRT first & subsequent payments in this code
     // it would be good if someone added some comments or refactored this
     if ($contribution->id) {
         $contributionStatuses = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name');
         if (empty($input['prevContribution']) && $paymentProcessorId || !$input['prevContribution']->is_pay_later && $input['prevContribution']->contribution_status_id == array_search('Pending', $contributionStatuses)) {
             $input['payment_processor'] = $paymentProcessorId;
         $input['contribution_status_id'] = array_search('Completed', $contributionStatuses);
         $input['total_amount'] = $input['amount'];
         $input['contribution'] = $contribution;
         $input['financial_type_id'] = $contribution->financial_type_id;
         if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant', $contribution->_relatedObjects)) {
             $input['contribution_mode'] = 'participant';
             $input['participant_id'] = $contribution->_relatedObjects['participant']->id;
             $input['skipLineItem'] = 1;
         //@todo writing a unit test I was unable to create a scenario where this line did not fatal on second
         // and subsequent payments. In this case the line items are created at $this->addRecurLineItems
         // and since the contribution is saved prior to this line there is always a contribution-id,
         // however there is never a prevContribution (which appears to mean original contribution not previous
         // contribution - or preUpdateContributionObject most accurately)
         // so, this is always called & only appears to succeed when prevContribution exists - which appears
         // to mean "are we updating an exisitng pending contribution"
         //I was able to make the unit test complete as fataling here doesn't prevent
         // the contribution being created - but activities would not be created or emails sent
         CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::recordFinancialAccounts($input, NULL);
     // create an activity record
     if ($input['component'] == 'contribute') {
         $targetContactID = NULL;
         if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('related_contact', $ids)) {
             $targetContactID = $contribution->contact_id;
             $contribution->contact_id = $ids['related_contact'];
         CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::addActivity($contribution, NULL, $targetContactID);
         // event
     } else {
     CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Contribution record updated successfully");
     // CRM-9132 legacy behaviour was that receipts were sent out in all instances. Still sending
     // when array_key 'is_email_receipt doesn't exist in case some instances where is needs setting haven't been set
     if (!array_key_exists('is_email_receipt', $values) || $values['is_email_receipt'] == 1) {
         self::sendMail($input, $ids, $objects, $values, $recur, FALSE);
         CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Receipt sent");
     CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Success: Database updated");
Beispiel #18
  * Process the form.
 public function postProcess()
     $eventTitle = '';
     $params = $this->exportValues();
     $this->set('discountSection', 0);
     if (!empty($_POST['_qf_Fee_submit'])) {
         $this->set('discountSection', 2);
     if (!empty($params['payment_processor'])) {
         $params['payment_processor'] = str_replace(',', CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $params['payment_processor']);
     } else {
         $params['payment_processor'] = 'null';
     $params['is_pay_later'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_pay_later', $params, 0);
     $params['is_billing_required'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_billing_required', $params, 0);
     if ($this->_id) {
         // delete all the prior label values or discounts in the custom options table
         // and delete a price set if one exists
         //@todo note that this removes the reference from existing participants -
         // even where there is not change - redress?
         // note that a more tentative form of this is invoked by passing price_set_id as an array
         // to event.create see CRM-14069
         // @todo get all of this logic out of form layer (currently partially in BAO/api layer)
         if (CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::removeFrom('civicrm_event', $this->_id)) {
             CRM_Core_BAO_Discount::del($this->_id, 'civicrm_event');
     if ($params['is_monetary']) {
         if (!empty($params['price_set_id'])) {
             //@todo this is now being done in the event BAO if passed price_set_id as an array
             // per notes on that fn - looking at the api converting to an array
             // so calling via the api may cause this to be done in the api
             CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::addTo('civicrm_event', $this->_id, $params['price_set_id']);
             if (!empty($params['price_field_id'])) {
                 $priceSetID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceField', $params['price_field_id'], 'price_set_id');
                 CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::setIsQuickConfig($priceSetID, 0);
         } else {
             // if there are label / values, create custom options for them
             $labels = CRM_Utils_Array::value('label', $params);
             $values = CRM_Utils_Array::value('value', $params);
             $default = CRM_Utils_Array::value('default', $params);
             $options = array();
             if (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull($labels) && !CRM_Utils_System::isNull($values)) {
                 for ($i = 1; $i < self::NUM_OPTION; $i++) {
                     if (!empty($labels[$i]) && !CRM_Utils_System::isNull($values[$i])) {
                         $options[] = array('label' => trim($labels[$i]), 'value' => CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney(trim($values[$i])), 'weight' => $i, 'is_active' => 1, 'is_default' => $default == $i);
                 if (!empty($options)) {
                     $params['default_fee_id'] = NULL;
                     if (empty($params['price_set_id'])) {
                         if (empty($params['price_field_id'])) {
                             $setParams['title'] = $eventTitle = $this->_isTemplate ? $this->_defaultValues['template_title'] : $this->_defaultValues['title'];
                             $eventTitle = strtolower(CRM_Utils_String::munge($eventTitle, '_', 245));
                             if (!CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet', $eventTitle, 'id', 'name')) {
                                 $setParams['name'] = $eventTitle;
                             } elseif (!CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet', $eventTitle . '_' . $this->_id, 'id', 'name')) {
                                 $setParams['name'] = $eventTitle . '_' . $this->_id;
                             } else {
                                 $timeSec = explode('.', microtime(TRUE));
                                 $setParams['name'] = $eventTitle . '_' . date('is', $timeSec[0]) . $timeSec[1];
                             $setParams['is_quick_config'] = 1;
                             $setParams['financial_type_id'] = $params['financial_type_id'];
                             $setParams['extends'] = CRM_Core_Component::getComponentID('CiviEvent');
                             $priceSet = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::create($setParams);
                             $fieldParams['name'] = strtolower(CRM_Utils_String::munge($params['fee_label'], '_', 245));
                             $fieldParams['price_set_id'] = $priceSet->id;
                         } else {
                             foreach ($params['price_field_value'] as $arrayID => $fieldValueID) {
                                 if (empty($params['label'][$arrayID]) && empty($params['value'][$arrayID]) && !empty($fieldValueID)) {
                                     CRM_Price_BAO_PriceFieldValue::setIsActive($fieldValueID, '0');
                             $fieldParams['id'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value('price_field_id', $params);
                             $fieldParams['option_id'] = $params['price_field_value'];
                             $priceSet = new CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet();
                             $priceSet->id = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceField', CRM_Utils_Array::value('price_field_id', $params), 'price_set_id');
                             if ($this->_defaultValues['financial_type_id'] != $params['financial_type_id']) {
                                 CRM_Core_DAO::setFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceSet', $priceSet->id, 'financial_type_id', $params['financial_type_id']);
                         $fieldParams['label'] = $params['fee_label'];
                         $fieldParams['html_type'] = 'Radio';
                         CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::addTo('civicrm_event', $this->_id, $priceSet->id);
                         $fieldParams['option_label'] = $params['label'];
                         $fieldParams['option_amount'] = $params['value'];
                         $fieldParams['financial_type_id'] = $params['financial_type_id'];
                         foreach ($options as $value) {
                             $fieldParams['option_weight'][$value['weight']] = $value['weight'];
                         $fieldParams['default_option'] = $params['default'];
                         $priceField = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceField::create($fieldParams);
             $discountPriceSets = !empty($this->_defaultValues['discount_price_set']) ? $this->_defaultValues['discount_price_set'] : array();
             $discountFieldIDs = !empty($this->_defaultValues['discount_option_id']) ? $this->_defaultValues['discount_option_id'] : array();
             if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_discount', $params) == 1) {
                 // if there are discounted set of label / values,
                 // create custom options for them
                 $labels = CRM_Utils_Array::value('discounted_label', $params);
                 $values = CRM_Utils_Array::value('discounted_value', $params);
                 $default = CRM_Utils_Array::value('discounted_default', $params);
                 if (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull($labels) && !CRM_Utils_System::isNull($values)) {
                     for ($j = 1; $j <= self::NUM_DISCOUNT; $j++) {
                         $discountOptions = array();
                         for ($i = 1; $i < self::NUM_OPTION; $i++) {
                             if (!empty($labels[$i]) && !CRM_Utils_System::isNull(CRM_Utils_Array::value($j, $values[$i]))) {
                                 $discountOptions[] = array('label' => trim($labels[$i]), 'value' => CRM_Utils_Rule::cleanMoney(trim($values[$i][$j])), 'weight' => $i, 'is_active' => 1, 'is_default' => $default == $i);
                         if (!empty($discountOptions)) {
                             $fieldParams = array();
                             $params['default_discount_fee_id'] = NULL;
                             $keyCheck = $j - 1;
                             $setParams = array();
                             if (empty($discountPriceSets[$keyCheck])) {
                                 if (!$eventTitle) {
                                     $eventTitle = strtolower(CRM_Utils_String::munge($this->_defaultValues['title'], '_', 200));
                                 $setParams['title'] = $params['discount_name'][$j];
                                 if (!CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet', $eventTitle . '_' . $params['discount_name'][$j], 'id', 'name')) {
                                     $setParams['name'] = $eventTitle . '_' . $params['discount_name'][$j];
                                 } elseif (!CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet', $eventTitle . '_' . $params['discount_name'][$j] . '_' . $this->_id, 'id', 'name')) {
                                     $setParams['name'] = $eventTitle . '_' . $params['discount_name'][$j] . '_' . $this->_id;
                                 } else {
                                     $timeSec = explode('.', microtime(TRUE));
                                     $setParams['name'] = $eventTitle . '_' . $params['discount_name'][$j] . '_' . date('is', $timeSec[0]) . $timeSec[1];
                                 $setParams['is_quick_config'] = 1;
                                 $setParams['financial_type_id'] = $params['financial_type_id'];
                                 $setParams['extends'] = CRM_Core_Component::getComponentID('CiviEvent');
                                 $priceSet = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::create($setParams);
                                 $priceSetID = $priceSet->id;
                             } else {
                                 $priceSetID = $discountPriceSets[$j - 1];
                                 $setParams = array('title' => $params['discount_name'][$j], 'id' => $priceSetID);
                                 if ($this->_defaultValues['financial_type_id'] != $params['financial_type_id']) {
                                     $setParams['financial_type_id'] = $params['financial_type_id'];
                                 unset($discountPriceSets[$j - 1]);
                                 $fieldParams['id'] = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_BAO_PriceField', $priceSetID, 'id', 'price_set_id');
                             $fieldParams['name'] = $fieldParams['label'] = $params['fee_label'];
                             $fieldParams['is_required'] = 1;
                             $fieldParams['price_set_id'] = $priceSetID;
                             $fieldParams['html_type'] = 'Radio';
                             $fieldParams['financial_type_id'] = $params['financial_type_id'];
                             foreach ($discountOptions as $value) {
                                 $fieldParams['option_label'][$value['weight']] = $value['label'];
                                 $fieldParams['option_amount'][$value['weight']] = $value['value'];
                                 $fieldParams['option_weight'][$value['weight']] = $value['weight'];
                                 if (!empty($value['is_default'])) {
                                     $fieldParams['default_option'] = $value['weight'];
                                 if (!empty($discountFieldIDs[$j]) && !empty($discountFieldIDs[$j][$value['weight']])) {
                                     $fieldParams['option_id'][$value['weight']] = $discountFieldIDs[$j][$value['weight']];
                             //create discount priceset
                             $priceField = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceField::create($fieldParams);
                             if (!empty($discountFieldIDs[$j])) {
                                 foreach ($discountFieldIDs[$j] as $fID) {
                                     CRM_Price_BAO_PriceFieldValue::setIsActive($fID, '0');
                             $discountParams = array('entity_table' => 'civicrm_event', 'entity_id' => $this->_id, 'price_set_id' => $priceSetID, 'start_date' => CRM_Utils_Date::processDate($params['discount_start_date'][$j]), 'end_date' => CRM_Utils_Date::processDate($params['discount_end_date'][$j]));
             if (!empty($discountPriceSets)) {
                 foreach ($discountPriceSets as $setId) {
                     CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::setIsQuickConfig($setId, 0);
     } else {
         if (!empty($params['price_field_id'])) {
             $priceSetID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceField', $params['price_field_id'], 'price_set_id');
             CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::setIsQuickConfig($priceSetID, 0);
         $params['financial_type_id'] = '';
         $params['is_pay_later'] = 0;
         $params['is_billing_required'] = 0;
     //update 'is_billing_required'
     if (empty($params['is_pay_later'])) {
         $params['is_billing_required'] = FALSE;
     //update events table
     $params['id'] = $this->_id;
     // skip update of financial type in price set
     $params['skipFinancialType'] = TRUE;
     // Update tab "disabled" css class
     $this->ajaxResponse['tabValid'] = !empty($params['is_monetary']);
 public function postProcess()
     $params = array();
     $params = $this->exportValues();
     if (trim($params['parent_event_name']) === '') {
         # believe me...
         $params['parent_event_id'] = '';
     //update events table
     $params['id'] = $this->_id;
  * EventFull() method (checking the event for full )
 public function testEventFull()
     $eventParams = array('max_participants' => 1, 'id' => $this->_eventId);
     $participantId = Participant::create($this->_contactId, $this->_eventId);
     $eventFull = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::eventFull($this->_eventId);
     $this->assertEquals($eventFull, 'This event is full.', 'Checking if Event is full.');
  * DeleteLocBlock() method
  * delete the location block
  * created with various elements.
 public function testDeleteLocBlock()
     $this->_contactId = $this->individualCreate();
     //create test event record.
     $event = $this->eventCreate();
     $params['location'][1] = array('location_type_id' => 1, 'is_primary' => 1, 'address' => array('street_address' => 'Saint Helier St', 'supplemental_address_1' => 'Hallmark Ct', 'supplemental_address_2' => 'Jersey Village', 'city' => 'Newark', 'postal_code' => '01903', 'country_id' => 1228, 'state_province_id' => 1029, 'geo_code_1' => '18.219023', 'geo_code_2' => '-105.00973'), 'email' => array('1' => array('email' => '*****@*****.**')), 'phone' => array('1' => array('phone_type_id' => 1, 'phone' => '303443689'), '2' => array('phone_type_id' => 2, 'phone' => '9833910234')), 'im' => array('1' => array('name' => 'jane.doe', 'provider_id' => 1)));
     $params['entity_id'] = $event['id'];
     $params['entity_table'] = 'civicrm_event';
     //create location block.
     //with various elements
     //like address, phone, email, im.
     $location = CRM_Core_BAO_Location::create($params, NULL, TRUE);
     $locBlockId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $location);
     //update event record with location block id
     $eventParams = array('id' => $event['id'], 'loc_block_id' => $locBlockId);
     //delete the location block
     //Now check DB for location elements.
     //Now check DB for Address
     $this->assertDBNull('CRM_Core_DAO_Address', 'Saint Helier St', 'id', 'street_address', 'Database check, Address deleted successfully.');
     //Now check DB for Email
     $this->assertDBNull('CRM_Core_DAO_Email', '*****@*****.**', 'id', 'email', 'Database check, Email deleted successfully.');
     //Now check DB for Phone
     $this->assertDBNull('CRM_Core_DAO_Phone', '303443689', 'id', 'phone', 'Database check, Phone deleted successfully.');
     //Now check DB for Mobile
     $this->assertDBNull('CRM_Core_DAO_Phone', '9833910234', 'id', 'phone', 'Database check, Mobile deleted successfully.');
     //Now check DB for IM
     $this->assertDBNull('CRM_Core_DAO_IM', 'jane.doe', 'id', 'name', 'Database check, IM deleted successfully.');
     //cleanup DB by deleting the record.
     //Now check DB for Event
     $this->assertDBNull('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $event['id'], 'id', 'id', 'Database check, Event deleted successfully.');
Beispiel #22
  * @param int $participantId
  * @param $activityType
  * @throws CRM_Core_Exception
 public static function addActivityForSelection($participantId, $activityType)
     $eventId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_BAO_Participant', $participantId, 'event_id');
     $contactId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_BAO_Participant', $participantId, 'contact_id');
     $date = CRM_Utils_Date::currentDBDate();
     $event = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getEvents(0, $eventId);
     $eventTitle = $event[$eventId];
     $subject = "Registration selections changed for {$eventTitle}";
     $targetCid = $contactId;
     $srcRecId = $participantId;
     // activity params
     $activityParams = array('source_contact_id' => $targetCid, 'source_record_id' => $srcRecId, 'activity_type_id' => CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getValue('activity_type', $activityType, 'name'), 'subject' => $subject, 'activity_date_time' => $date, 'status_id' => CRM_Core_OptionGroup::getValue('activity_status', 'Completed', 'name'), 'skipRecentView' => TRUE);
     // create activity with target contacts
     $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
     $id = $session->get('userID');
     if ($id) {
         $activityParams['source_contact_id'] = $id;
         $activityParams['target_contact_id'][] = $targetCid;
Beispiel #23
  * Returns all the rows in the given offset and rowCount.
  * @param string $action
  *   The action being performed.
  * @param int $offset
  *   The row number to start from.
  * @param int $rowCount
  *   The number of rows to return.
  * @param string $sort
  *   The sql string that describes the sort order.
  * @param string $output
  *   What should the result set include (web/email/csv).
  * @return array
  *   rows in the given offset and rowCount
 public function &getRows($action, $offset, $rowCount, $sort, $output = NULL)
     $result = $this->_query->searchQuery($offset, $rowCount, $sort, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, $this->_eventClause);
     // process the result of the query
     $rows = array();
     //lets handle view, edit and delete separately. CRM-4418
     $permissions = array(CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW);
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('edit event participants')) {
         $permissions[] = CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT;
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('delete in CiviEvent')) {
         $permissions[] = CRM_Core_Permission::DELETE;
     $mask = CRM_Core_Action::mask($permissions);
     $statusTypes = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus();
     $statusClasses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatusClass();
     $participantRoles = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantRole();
     $sep = CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR;
     //get all campaigns.
     $allCampaigns = CRM_Campaign_BAO_Campaign::getCampaigns(NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
     while ($result->fetch()) {
         $row = array();
         // the columns we are interested in
         foreach (self::$_properties as $property) {
             if (isset($result->{$property})) {
                 $row[$property] = $result->{$property};
         //carry campaign on selectors.
         $row['campaign'] = CRM_Utils_Array::value($result->participant_campaign_id, $allCampaigns);
         $row['campaign_id'] = $result->participant_campaign_id;
         // gross hack to show extra information for pending status
         $statusClass = NULL;
         if (isset($row['participant_status_id']) && ($statusId = array_search($row['participant_status_id'], $statusTypes))) {
             $statusClass = $statusClasses[$statusId];
         $row['showConfirmUrl'] = $statusClass == 'Pending' ? TRUE : FALSE;
         if (!empty($row['participant_is_test'])) {
             $row['participant_status'] .= ' (' . ts('test') . ')';
         $row['checkbox'] = CRM_Core_Form::CB_PREFIX . $result->participant_id;
         $links = self::links($this->_key, $this->_context, $this->_compContext);
         if ($statusTypes[$row['participant_status_id']] == 'Partially paid') {
             $links[CRM_Core_Action::ADD] = array('name' => ts('Record Payment'), 'url' => 'civicrm/payment', 'qs' => 'reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&action=add&component=event', 'title' => ts('Record Payment'));
         if ($statusTypes[$row['participant_status_id']] == 'Pending refund') {
             $links[CRM_Core_Action::ADD] = array('name' => ts('Record Refund'), 'url' => 'civicrm/payment', 'qs' => 'reset=1&id=%%id%%&cid=%%cid%%&action=add&component=event', 'title' => ts('Record Refund'));
         $row['action'] = CRM_Core_Action::formLink($links, $mask, array('id' => $result->participant_id, 'cid' => $result->contact_id, 'cxt' => $this->_context), ts('more'), FALSE, 'participant.selector.row', 'Participant', $result->participant_id);
         $row['contact_type'] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Utils::getImage($result->contact_sub_type ? $result->contact_sub_type : $result->contact_type, FALSE, $result->contact_id);
         $row['paid'] = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::isMonetary($row['event_id']);
         if (!empty($row['participant_fee_level'])) {
         if (CRM_Event_BAO_Event::usesPriceSet($row['event_id'])) {
             // add line item details if applicable
             $lineItems[$row['participant_id']] = CRM_Price_BAO_LineItem::getLineItems($row['participant_id']);
         if (!empty($row['participant_role_id'])) {
             $viewRoles = array();
             foreach (explode($sep, $row['participant_role_id']) as $k => $v) {
                 $viewRoles[] = $participantRoles[$v];
             $row['participant_role_id'] = implode(', ', $viewRoles);
         $rows[] = $row;
     CRM_Core_Selector_Controller::$_template->assign_by_ref('lineItems', $lineItems);
     return $rows;
 function completeTransaction(&$input, &$ids, &$objects, &$transaction, $recur = FALSE)
     $contribution =& $objects['contribution'];
     $memberships =& $objects['membership'];
     if (is_numeric($memberships)) {
         $memberships = array($objects['membership']);
     $participant =& $objects['participant'];
     $event =& $objects['event'];
     $changeToday = CRM_Utils_Array::value('trxn_date', $input, self::$_now);
     $recurContrib =& $objects['contributionRecur'];
     $values = array();
     if ($input['component'] == 'contribute') {
         if ($contribution->contribution_page_id) {
             CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionPage::setValues($contribution->contribution_page_id, $values);
             $source = ts('Online Contribution') . ': ' . $values['title'];
         } elseif ($recurContrib->id) {
             $contribution->contribution_page_id = NULL;
             $values['amount'] = $recurContrib->amount;
             $values['contribution_type_id'] = $objects['contributionType']->id;
             $values['title'] = $source = ts('Offline Recurring Contribution');
             $values['is_email_receipt'] = $recurContrib->is_email_receipt;
             $domainValues = CRM_Core_BAO_Domain::getNameAndEmail();
             $values['receipt_from_name'] = $domainValues[0];
             $values['receipt_from_email'] = $domainValues[1];
         $contribution->source = $source;
         if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_email_receipt', $values)) {
             $contribution->receipt_date = self::$_now;
         if (!empty($memberships)) {
             foreach ($memberships as $membershipTypeIdKey => $membership) {
                 if ($membership) {
                     $format = '%Y%m%d';
                     $currentMembership = CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::getContactMembership($membership->contact_id, $membership->membership_type_id, $membership->is_test, $membership->id);
                     // CRM-8141 update the membership type with the value recorded in log when membership created/renewed
                     // this picks up membership type changes during renewals
                     $sql = "\nSELECT    membership_type_id\nFROM      civicrm_membership_log\nWHERE     membership_id={$membership->id}\nORDER BY  id DESC\nLIMIT 1;";
                     $dao = new CRM_Core_DAO();
                     if ($dao->fetch()) {
                         if (!empty($dao->membership_type_id)) {
                             $membership->membership_type_id = $dao->membership_type_id;
                         // else fall back to using current membership type
                     // else fall back to using current membership type
                     if ($currentMembership) {
                          * Fixed FOR CRM-4433
                          * In BAO/Membership.php(renewMembership function), we skip the extend membership date and status
                          * when Contribution mode is notify and membership is for renewal )
                         CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::fixMembershipStatusBeforeRenew($currentMembership, $changeToday);
                         $dates = CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipType::getRenewalDatesForMembershipType($membership->id, $changeToday);
                         $dates['join_date'] = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($currentMembership['join_date'], $format);
                     } else {
                         $dates = CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipType::getDatesForMembershipType($membership->membership_type_id);
                     //get the status for membership.
                     $calcStatus = CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipStatus::getMembershipStatusByDate($dates['start_date'], $dates['end_date'], $dates['join_date'], 'today', TRUE);
                     $formatedParams = array('status_id' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $calcStatus, 2), 'join_date' => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat(CRM_Utils_Array::value('join_date', $dates), $format), 'start_date' => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat(CRM_Utils_Array::value('start_date', $dates), $format), 'end_date' => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat(CRM_Utils_Array::value('end_date', $dates), $format), 'reminder_date' => CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat(CRM_Utils_Array::value('reminder_date', $dates), $format));
                     //we might be renewing membership,
                     //so make status override false.
                     $formatedParams['is_override'] = FALSE;
                     //updating the membership log
                     $membershipLog = array();
                     $membershipLog = $formatedParams;
                     $logStartDate = $formatedParams['start_date'];
                     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('log_start_date', $dates)) {
                         $logStartDate = CRM_Utils_Date::customFormat($dates['log_start_date'], $format);
                         $logStartDate = CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($logStartDate);
                     $membershipLog['start_date'] = $logStartDate;
                     $membershipLog['membership_id'] = $membership->id;
                     $membershipLog['modified_id'] = $membership->contact_id;
                     $membershipLog['modified_date'] = date('Ymd');
                     $membershipLog['membership_type_id'] = $membership->membership_type_id;
                     CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipLog::add($membershipLog, CRM_Core_DAO::$_nullArray);
                     //update related Memberships.
                     CRM_Member_BAO_Membership::updateRelatedMemberships($membership->id, $formatedParams);
                     //update the membership type key of membership relatedObjects array
                     //if it has changed after membership update
                     if ($membershipTypeIdKey != $membership->membership_type_id) {
                         $memberships[$membership->membership_type_id] = $membership;
                         $contribution->_relatedObjects['membership'][$membership->membership_type_id] = $membership;
     } else {
         // event
         $eventParams = array('id' => $objects['event']->id);
         $values['event'] = array();
         CRM_Event_BAO_Event::retrieve($eventParams, $values['event']);
         $eventParams = array('id' => $objects['event']->id);
         $values['event'] = array();
         CRM_Event_BAO_Event::retrieve($eventParams, $values['event']);
         //get location details
         $locationParams = array('entity_id' => $objects['event']->id, 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_event');
         $values['location'] = CRM_Core_BAO_Location::getValues($locationParams);
         $ufJoinParams = array('entity_table' => 'civicrm_event', 'entity_id' => $ids['event'], 'module' => 'CiviEvent');
         list($custom_pre_id, $custom_post_ids) = CRM_Core_BAO_UFJoin::getUFGroupIds($ufJoinParams);
         $values['custom_pre_id'] = $custom_pre_id;
         $values['custom_post_id'] = $custom_post_ids;
         $contribution->source = ts('Online Event Registration') . ': ' . $values['event']['title'];
         if ($values['event']['is_email_confirm']) {
             $contribution->receipt_date = self::$_now;
             $values['is_email_receipt'] = 1;
         $participant->status_id = 1;
     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('net_amount', $input, 0) == 0 && CRM_Utils_Array::value('fee_amount', $input, 0) != 0) {
         $input['net_amount'] = $input['amount'] - $input['fee_amount'];
     $addLineItems = FALSE;
     if (empty($contribution->id)) {
         $addLineItems = TRUE;
     $contribution->contribution_status_id = 1;
     $contribution->is_test = $input['is_test'];
     $contribution->fee_amount = CRM_Utils_Array::value('fee_amount', $input, 0);
     $contribution->net_amount = CRM_Utils_Array::value('net_amount', $input, 0);
     $contribution->trxn_id = $input['trxn_id'];
     $contribution->receive_date = CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($contribution->receive_date);
     $contribution->thankyou_date = CRM_Utils_Date::isoToMysql($contribution->thankyou_date);
     $contribution->cancel_date = 'null';
     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('check_number', $input)) {
         $contribution->check_number = $input['check_number'];
     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('payment_instrument_id', $input)) {
         $contribution->payment_instrument_id = $input['payment_instrument_id'];
     //add lineitems for recurring payments
     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('contributionRecur', $objects) && $objects['contributionRecur']->id && $addLineItems) {
         $this->addrecurLineItems($objects['contributionRecur']->id, $contribution->id);
     // next create the transaction record
     $paymentProcessor = '';
     if (isset($objects['paymentProcessor'])) {
         if (is_array($objects['paymentProcessor'])) {
             $paymentProcessor = $objects['paymentProcessor']['payment_processor_type'];
         } else {
             $paymentProcessor = $objects['paymentProcessor']->payment_processor_type;
     if ($contribution->trxn_id) {
         $trxnParams = array('contribution_id' => $contribution->id, 'trxn_date' => isset($input['trxn_date']) ? $input['trxn_date'] : self::$_now, 'trxn_type' => 'Debit', 'total_amount' => $input['amount'], 'fee_amount' => $contribution->fee_amount, 'net_amount' => $contribution->net_amount, 'currency' => $contribution->currency, 'payment_processor' => $paymentProcessor, 'trxn_id' => $contribution->trxn_id);
         $trxn = CRM_Core_BAO_FinancialTrxn::create($trxnParams);
     // create an activity record
     if ($input['component'] == 'contribute') {
         $targetContactID = NULL;
         if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('related_contact', $ids)) {
             $targetContactID = $contribution->contact_id;
             $contribution->contact_id = $ids['related_contact'];
         CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity::addActivity($contribution, NULL, $targetContactID);
         // event
     } else {
     CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Contribution record updated successfully");
     // CRM-9132 legacy behaviour was that receipts were sent out in all instances. Still sending
     // when array_key 'is_email_receipt doesn't exist in case some instances where is needs setting haven't been set
     if (!array_key_exists('is_email_receipt', $values) || $values['is_email_receipt'] == 1) {
         self::sendMail($input, $ids, $objects, $values, $recur, FALSE);
     CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Success: Database updated and mail sent");
Beispiel #25
  * @param CRM_Event_Form_ManageEvent $form
  * @return array
  * @throws Exception
 public static function process(&$form)
     if ($form->getVar('_id') <= 0) {
         return NULL;
     $default = array('link' => NULL, 'valid' => TRUE, 'active' => TRUE, 'current' => FALSE, 'class' => 'ajaxForm');
     $tabs = array();
     $tabs['settings'] = array('title' => ts('Info and Settings'), 'class' => 'ajaxForm livePage') + $default;
     $tabs['location'] = array('title' => ts('Event Location')) + $default;
     $tabs['fee'] = array('title' => ts('Fees')) + $default;
     $tabs['registration'] = array('title' => ts('Online Registration')) + $default;
     if (CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer CiviCRM') || CRM_Event_BAO_Event::checkPermission(NULL, CRM_Core_Permission::EDIT)) {
         $tabs['reminder'] = array('title' => ts('Schedule Reminders'), 'class' => 'livePage') + $default;
     $tabs['conference'] = array('title' => ts('Conference Slots')) + $default;
     $tabs['friend'] = array('title' => ts('Tell a Friend')) + $default;
     $tabs['pcp'] = array('title' => ts('Personal Campaigns')) + $default;
     $tabs['repeat'] = array('title' => ts('Repeat')) + $default;
     // Repeat tab must refresh page when switching repeat mode so js & vars will get set-up
     if (!$form->_isRepeatingEvent) {
     // check if we're in shopping cart mode for events
     $enableCart = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::EVENT_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'enable_cart');
     if (!$enableCart) {
     $eventID = $form->getVar('_id');
     if ($eventID) {
         // disable tabs based on their configuration status
         $sql = "\nSELECT     e.loc_block_id as is_location, e.is_online_registration, e.is_monetary, taf.is_active, pcp.is_active as is_pcp, as is_reminder, as is_repeating_event\nFROM       civicrm_event e\nLEFT JOIN  civicrm_tell_friend taf ON ( taf.entity_table = 'civicrm_event' AND taf.entity_id = )\nLEFT JOIN  civicrm_pcp_block pcp   ON ( pcp.entity_table = 'civicrm_event' AND pcp.entity_id = )\nLEFT JOIN  civicrm_action_mapping  map ON ( map.entity_value = 'civicrm_event' )\nLEFT JOIN  civicrm_action_schedule sch ON ( sch.mapping_id = AND sch.entity_value = %1 )\nLEFT JOIN  civicrm_recurring_entity re ON ( = re.entity_id AND re.entity_table = 'civicrm_event' )\nWHERE = %1\n";
         //Check if repeat is configured
         $eventHasParent = CRM_Core_BAO_RecurringEntity::getParentFor($eventID, 'civicrm_event');
         $params = array(1 => array($eventID, 'Integer'));
         $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params);
         if (!$dao->fetch()) {
         if (!$dao->is_location) {
             $tabs['location']['valid'] = FALSE;
         if (!$dao->is_online_registration) {
             $tabs['registration']['valid'] = FALSE;
         if (!$dao->is_monetary) {
             $tabs['fee']['valid'] = FALSE;
         if (!$dao->is_active) {
             $tabs['friend']['valid'] = FALSE;
         if (!$dao->is_pcp) {
             $tabs['pcp']['valid'] = FALSE;
         if (!$dao->is_reminder) {
             $tabs['reminder']['valid'] = FALSE;
         if (!$dao->is_repeating_event) {
             $tabs['repeat']['valid'] = FALSE;
     // see if any other modules want to add any tabs
     // note: status of 'valid' flag of any injected tab, needs to be taken care in the hook implementation.
     CRM_Utils_Hook::tabset('civicrm/event/manage', $tabs, array('event_id' => $eventID));
     $fullName = $form->getVar('_name');
     $className = CRM_Utils_String::getClassName($fullName);
     $new = '';
     // hack for special cases.
     switch ($className) {
         case 'Event':
             $attributes = $form->getVar('_attributes');
             $class = strtolower(basename(CRM_Utils_Array::value('action', $attributes)));
         case 'EventInfo':
             $class = 'settings';
         case 'ScheduleReminders':
             $class = 'reminder';
             $class = strtolower($className);
     if (array_key_exists($class, $tabs)) {
         $tabs[$class]['current'] = TRUE;
         $qfKey = $form->get('qfKey');
         if ($qfKey) {
             $tabs[$class]['qfKey'] = "&qfKey={$qfKey}";
     if ($eventID) {
         $reset = !empty($_GET['reset']) ? 'reset=1&' : '';
         foreach ($tabs as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset($tabs[$key]['qfKey'])) {
                 $tabs[$key]['qfKey'] = NULL;
             $action = 'update';
             if ($key == 'reminder') {
                 $action = 'browse';
             $tabs[$key]['link'] = CRM_Utils_System::url("civicrm/event/manage/{$key}", "{$reset}action={$action}&id={$eventID}&component=event{$tabs[$key]['qfKey']}");
     return $tabs;
Beispiel #26
 function eventList()
     $listparams = CRM_Utils_Array::value('listall', $_REQUEST, 1);
     $events = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getEvents($listparams);
     $elements = array(array('name' => ts('- select -'), 'value' => ''));
     foreach ($events as $id => $name) {
         $elements[] = array('name' => $name, 'value' => $id);
     echo json_encode($elements);
Beispiel #27
  * Build the form object.
  * @return void
 public function buildQuickForm()
     $participantStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus();
     $partiallyPaidStatusId = array_search('Partially paid', $participantStatuses);
     $this->assign('partiallyPaidStatusId', $partiallyPaidStatusId);
     if ($this->_showFeeBlock) {
         return CRM_Event_Form_EventFees::buildQuickForm($this);
     //need to assign custom data type to the template
     $this->assign('customDataType', 'Participant');
     $this->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
     if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::DELETE) {
         if ($this->_single) {
             $additionalParticipant = count(CRM_Event_BAO_Event::buildCustomProfile($this->_id, NULL, $this->_contactId, FALSE, TRUE)) - 1;
             if ($additionalParticipant) {
                 $deleteParticipants = array(1 => ts('Delete this participant record along with associated participant record(s).'), 2 => ts('Delete only this participant record.'));
                 $this->addRadio('delete_participant', NULL, $deleteParticipants, NULL, '<br />');
                 $this->setDefaults(array('delete_participant' => 1));
                 $this->assign('additionalParticipant', $additionalParticipant);
         $this->addButtons(array(array('type' => 'next', 'name' => ts('Delete'), 'spacing' => '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'isDefault' => TRUE), array('type' => 'cancel', 'name' => ts('Cancel'))));
     if ($this->_single && $this->_context == 'standalone') {
         $this->addEntityRef('contact_id', ts('Contact'), array('create' => TRUE, 'api' => array('extra' => array('email'))), TRUE);
     $eventFieldParams = array('entity' => 'event', 'select' => array('minimumInputLength' => 0), 'api' => array('extra' => array('campaign_id', 'default_role_id', 'event_type_id')));
     if ($this->_mode) {
         // exclude events which are not monetary when credit card registration is used
         $eventFieldParams['api']['params']['is_monetary'] = 1;
         $this->add('select', 'payment_processor_id', ts('Payment Processor'), $this->_processors, TRUE);
     $element = $this->addEntityRef('event_id', ts('Event'), $eventFieldParams, TRUE);
     //frozen the field fix for CRM-4171
     if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::UPDATE && $this->_id) {
         if (CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_ParticipantPayment', $this->_id, 'contribution_id', 'participant_id')) {
     //CRM-7362 --add campaigns.
     $campaignId = NULL;
     if ($this->_id) {
         $campaignId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Participant', $this->_id, 'campaign_id');
     if (!$campaignId) {
         $eventId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('eid', 'Positive', $this);
         if ($eventId) {
             $campaignId = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $eventId, 'campaign_id');
     CRM_Campaign_BAO_Campaign::addCampaign($this, $campaignId);
     $this->addDateTime('register_date', ts('Registration Date'), TRUE, array('formatType' => 'activityDateTime'));
     if ($this->_id) {
         $this->assign('entityID', $this->_id);
     $this->addSelect('role_id', array('multiple' => TRUE, 'class' => 'huge'), TRUE);
     // CRM-4395
     $checkCancelledJs = array('onchange' => "return sendNotification( );");
     $confirmJS = NULL;
     if ($this->_onlinePendingContributionId) {
         $cancelledparticipantStatusId = array_search('Cancelled', CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus());
         $cancelledContributionStatusId = array_search('Cancelled', CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name'));
         $checkCancelledJs = array('onchange' => "checkCancelled( this.value, {$cancelledparticipantStatusId},{$cancelledContributionStatusId});");
         $participantStatusId = array_search('Pending from pay later', CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus());
         $contributionStatusId = array_search('Completed', CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name'));
         $confirmJS = array('onclick' => "return confirmStatus( {$participantStatusId}, {$contributionStatusId} );");
     // get the participant status names to build special status array which is used to show notification
     // checkbox below participant status select
     $participantStatusName = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus();
     $notificationStatuses = array('Cancelled', 'Pending from waitlist', 'Pending from approval', 'Expired');
     // get the required status and then implode only ids
     $notificationStatusIds = implode(',', array_keys(array_intersect($participantStatusName, $notificationStatuses)));
     $this->assign('notificationStatusIds', $notificationStatusIds);
     $this->_participantStatuses = $statusOptions = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::buildOptions('status_id', 'create');
     // Only show refund status when editing
     if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::ADD) {
         $pendingRefundStatusId = array_search('Pending refund', $participantStatusName);
         if ($pendingRefundStatusId) {
     $this->addSelect('status_id', $checkCancelledJs + array('options' => $statusOptions, 'option_url' => 'civicrm/admin/participant_status'), TRUE);
     $this->addElement('checkbox', 'is_notify', ts('Send Notification'), NULL);
     $this->add('text', 'source', ts('Event Source'));
     $noteAttributes = CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Core_DAO_Note');
     $this->add('textarea', 'note', ts('Notes'), $noteAttributes['note']);
     $buttons[] = array('type' => 'upload', 'name' => ts('Save'), 'isDefault' => TRUE, 'js' => $confirmJS);
     $path = CRM_Utils_System::currentPath();
     $excludeForPaths = array('civicrm/contact/search', 'civicrm/group/search');
     if (!in_array($path, $excludeForPaths)) {
         $buttons[] = array('type' => 'upload', 'name' => ts('Save and New'), 'subName' => 'new', 'js' => $confirmJS);
     $buttons[] = array('type' => 'cancel', 'name' => ts('Cancel'));
     if ($this->_action == CRM_Core_Action::VIEW) {
Beispiel #28
  * @param $values
  * @param $query
 public static function whereClauseSingle(&$values, &$query)
     list($name, $op, $value, $grouping, $wildcard) = $values;
     $fields = array_merge(CRM_Event_BAO_Event::fields(), CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::exportableFields());
     switch ($name) {
         case 'event_start_date_low':
         case 'event_start_date_high':
             $query->dateQueryBuilder($values, 'civicrm_event', 'event_start_date', 'start_date', 'Start Date');
         case 'event_end_date_low':
         case 'event_end_date_high':
             $query->dateQueryBuilder($values, 'civicrm_event', 'event_end_date', 'end_date', 'End Date');
         case 'event_include_repeating_events':
              * Include Repeating Events
             //Get parent of this event
             $exEventId = '';
             if ($query->_where[$grouping]) {
                 foreach ($query->_where[$grouping] as $key => $val) {
                     if (strstr($val, ' =')) {
                         $exEventId = $val;
                         $extractEventId = explode(" ", $val);
                         $value = $extractEventId[2];
                         $where = $query->_where[$grouping][$key];
                     } else {
                         if (strstr($val, ' IN')) {
                             //extract the first event id if multiple events are selected
                             preg_match('/ IN \\(\\"(\\d+)/', $val, $matches);
                             $value = $matches[1];
                             $where = $query->_where[$grouping][$key];
                 if ($exEventId) {
                     $extractEventId = explode(" ", $exEventId);
                     $value = $extractEventId[2];
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($matches[1])) {
                         $value = $matches[1];
                 $where = $query->_where[$grouping][$key];
             $thisEventHasParent = CRM_Core_BAO_RecurringEntity::getParentFor($value, 'civicrm_event');
             if ($thisEventHasParent) {
                 $getAllConnections = CRM_Core_BAO_RecurringEntity::getEntitiesForParent($thisEventHasParent, 'civicrm_event');
                 $allEventIds = array();
                 foreach ($getAllConnections as $key => $val) {
                     $allEventIds[] = $val['id'];
                 if (!empty($allEventIds)) {
                     $op = "IN";
                     $value = "(" . implode(",", $allEventIds) . ")";
             $query->_where[$grouping][] = "{$where} OR {$op} {$value}";
             $query->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('Include Repeating Events');
             $query->_tables['civicrm_event'] = $query->_whereTables['civicrm_event'] = 1;
         case 'participant_is_test':
             $key = array_search('civicrm_participant.is_test = 0', $query->_where[$grouping]);
             if (!empty($key)) {
         case 'participant_test':
             // We dont want to include all tests for sql OR CRM-7827
             if (!$value || $query->getOperator() != 'OR') {
                 $query->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause("civicrm_participant.is_test", $op, $value, "Boolean");
                 $isTest = $value ? 'a Test' : 'not a Test';
                 $query->_qill[$grouping][] = ts("Participant is %1", array(1 => $isTest));
                 $query->_tables['civicrm_participant'] = $query->_whereTables['civicrm_participant'] = 1;
         case 'participant_fee_id':
             foreach ($value as $k => &$val) {
                 $val = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceFieldValue', $val, 'label');
                 $val = CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString(trim($val));
             $feeLabel = implode('|', $value);
             $query->_where[$grouping][] = "civicrm_participant.fee_level REGEXP '{$feeLabel}'";
             $query->_qill[$grouping][] = ts("Fee level") . " IN " . implode(', ', $value);
             $query->_tables['civicrm_participant'] = $query->_whereTables['civicrm_participant'] = 1;
         case 'participant_fee_amount_high':
         case 'participant_fee_amount_low':
             $query->numberRangeBuilder($values, 'civicrm_participant', 'participant_fee_amount', 'fee_amount', 'Fee Amount');
         case 'participant_status_id':
             if ($value && is_array($value) && strpos($op, 'IN') === FALSE) {
                 $op = 'IN';
         case 'participant_status':
         case 'participant_source':
         case 'participant_id':
         case 'participant_contact_id':
         case 'participant_is_pay_later':
         case 'participant_fee_amount':
         case 'participant_fee_level':
         case 'participant_campaign_id':
             $qillName = $name;
             if (in_array($name, array('participant_status_id', 'participant_source', 'participant_id', 'participant_contact_id', 'participant_fee_amount', 'participant_fee_level', 'participant_is_pay_later', 'participant_campaign_id'))) {
                 $name = str_replace('participant_', '', $name);
                 if ($name == 'is_pay_later') {
                     $qillName = $name;
             } elseif ($name == 'participant_status') {
                 $name = 'status_id';
             $dataType = !empty($fields[$qillName]['type']) ? CRM_Utils_Type::typeToString($fields[$qillName]['type']) : 'String';
             $tableName = empty($tableName) ? 'civicrm_participant' : $tableName;
             if (is_array($value) && in_array(key($value), CRM_Core_DAO::acceptedSQLOperators(), TRUE)) {
                 $op = key($value);
                 $value = $value[$op];
             $query->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause("{$tableName}.{$name}", $op, $value, $dataType);
             list($op, $value) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildQillForFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Participant', $name, $value, $op);
             $query->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('%1 %2 %3', array(1 => $fields[$qillName]['title'], 2 => $op, 3 => $value));
             $query->_tables['civicrm_participant'] = $query->_whereTables['civicrm_participant'] = 1;
         case 'participant_role':
         case 'participant_role_id':
             $qillName = $name;
             $name = 'role_id';
             if (is_array($value) && in_array(key($value), CRM_Core_DAO::acceptedSQLOperators(), TRUE)) {
                 $op = key($value);
                 $value = $value[$op];
             if (!strstr($op, 'NULL') && !strstr($op, 'EMPTY') && !strstr($op, 'LIKE')) {
                 $regexOp = strstr($op, '!') || strstr($op, 'NOT') ? 'NOT REGEXP' : 'REGEXP';
                 $regexp = "[[:cntrl:]]*" . implode('[[:>:]]*|[[:<:]]*', (array) $value) . "[[:cntrl:]]*";
                 $query->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause("civicrm_participant.{$name}", $regexOp, $regexp, 'String');
             } else {
                 $query->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause("{$tableName}.{$name}", $op, $value, $dataType);
             list($op, $value) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildQillForFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Participant', $name, $value, $op);
             $query->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('%1 %2 %3', array(1 => $fields[$qillName]['title'], 2 => $op, 3 => $value));
             $query->_tables['civicrm_participant'] = $query->_whereTables['civicrm_participant'] = 1;
         case 'participant_register_date':
         case 'participant_register_date_high':
         case 'participant_register_date_low':
             $query->dateQueryBuilder($values, 'civicrm_participant', 'participant_register_date', 'register_date', 'Register Date');
         case 'event_id':
         case 'participant_event_id':
             $name = str_replace('participant_', '', $name);
         case 'event_is_public':
         case 'event_type_id':
         case 'event_title':
             $qillName = $name;
             if (in_array($name, array('event_id', 'event_title', 'event_is_public'))) {
                 $name = str_replace('event_', '', $name);
             $dataType = !empty($fields[$qillName]['type']) ? CRM_Utils_Type::typeToString($fields[$qillName]['type']) : 'String';
             $query->_where[$grouping][] = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildClause("civicrm_event.{$name}", $op, $value, $dataType);
             $query->_tables['civicrm_event'] = $query->_whereTables['civicrm_event'] = 1;
             if (!array_key_exists($qillName, $fields)) {
             list($op, $value) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildQillForFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $name, $value, $op);
             $query->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('%1 %2 %3', array(1 => $fields[$qillName]['title'], 2 => $op, 3 => $value));
Beispiel #29
  * Process Registration of free event.
  * @param array $params
  *   Form values.
  * @param int $contactID
 public function processRegistration($params, $contactID = NULL)
     $session = CRM_Core_Session::singleton();
     $this->_participantInfo = array();
     // CRM-4320, lets build array of cancelled additional participant ids
     // those are drop or skip by primary at the time of confirmation.
     // get all in and then unset those are confirmed.
     $cancelledIds = $this->_additionalParticipantIds;
     $participantCount = array();
     foreach ($params as $participantNum => $record) {
         if ($record == 'skip') {
             $participantCount[$participantNum] = 'skip';
         } elseif ($participantNum) {
             $participantCount[$participantNum] = 'participant';
     $registerByID = NULL;
     foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
         if ($value != 'skip') {
             $fields = NULL;
             // setting register by Id and unset contactId.
             if (empty($value['is_primary'])) {
                 $contactID = NULL;
                 $registerByID = $this->get('registerByID');
                 if ($registerByID) {
                     $value['registered_by_id'] = $registerByID;
                 // get an email if one exists for the participant
                 $participantEmail = '';
                 foreach (array_keys($value) as $valueName) {
                     if (substr($valueName, 0, 6) == 'email-') {
                         $participantEmail = $value[$valueName];
                 if ($participantEmail) {
                     $this->_participantInfo[] = $participantEmail;
                 } else {
                     $this->_participantInfo[] = $value['first_name'] . ' ' . $value['last_name'];
             } elseif (!empty($value['contact_id'])) {
                 $contactID = $value['contact_id'];
             } else {
                 $contactID = $this->getContactID();
             CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::fixLocationFields($value, $fields, $this);
             //for free event or additional participant, dont create billing email address.
             if (empty($value['is_primary']) || !$this->_values['event']['is_monetary']) {
             $contactID = CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Confirm::updateContactFields($contactID, $value, $fields, $this);
             // lets store the contactID in the session
             // we dont store in userID in case the user is doing multiple
             // transactions etc
             // for things like tell a friend
             if (!$this->getContactID() && !empty($value['is_primary'])) {
                 $session->set('transaction.userID', $contactID);
             //lets get the status if require approval or waiting.
             $waitingStatuses = CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Waiting'");
             if ($this->_allowWaitlist && !$this->_allowConfirmation) {
                 $value['participant_status_id'] = $value['participant_status'] = array_search('On waitlist', $waitingStatuses);
             } elseif ($this->_requireApproval && !$this->_allowConfirmation) {
                 $value['participant_status_id'] = $value['participant_status'] = array_search('Awaiting approval', $waitingStatuses);
             $this->set('value', $value);
             $this->confirmPostProcess($contactID, NULL, NULL);
             //lets get additional participant id to cancel.
             if ($this->_allowConfirmation && is_array($cancelledIds)) {
                 $additonalId = CRM_Utils_Array::value('participant_id', $value);
                 if ($additonalId && ($key = array_search($additonalId, $cancelledIds))) {
     // update status and send mail to cancelled additional participants, CRM-4320
     if ($this->_allowConfirmation && is_array($cancelledIds) && !empty($cancelledIds)) {
         $cancelledId = array_search('Cancelled', CRM_Event_PseudoConstant::participantStatus(NULL, "class = 'Negative'"));
         CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::transitionParticipants($cancelledIds, $cancelledId);
     //set information about additional participants if exists
     if (count($this->_participantInfo)) {
         $this->set('participantInfo', $this->_participantInfo);
     //send mail Confirmation/Receipt
     if ($this->_contributeMode != 'checkout' || $this->_contributeMode != 'notify') {
         $isTest = FALSE;
         if ($this->_action & CRM_Core_Action::PREVIEW) {
             $isTest = TRUE;
         //handle if no additional participant.
         if (!$registerByID) {
             $registerByID = $this->get('registerByID');
         $primaryContactId = $this->get('primaryContactId');
         //build an array of custom profile and assigning it to template.
         $additionalIDs = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::buildCustomProfile($registerByID, NULL, $primaryContactId, $isTest, TRUE);
         //lets carry all participant params w/ values.
         foreach ($additionalIDs as $participantID => $contactId) {
             $participantNum = NULL;
             if ($participantID == $registerByID) {
                 $participantNum = 0;
             } else {
                 if ($participantNum = array_search('participant', $participantCount)) {
             if ($participantNum === NULL) {
             //carry the participant submitted values.
             $this->_values['params'][$participantID] = $params[$participantNum];
         //lets send  mails to all with meanigful text, CRM-4320.
         $this->assign('isOnWaitlist', $this->_allowWaitlist);
         $this->assign('isRequireApproval', $this->_requireApproval);
         foreach ($additionalIDs as $participantID => $contactId) {
             if ($participantID == $registerByID) {
                 //set as Primary Participant
                 $this->assign('isPrimary', 1);
                 $customProfile = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::buildCustomProfile($participantID, $this->_values, NULL, $isTest);
                 if (count($customProfile)) {
                     $this->assign('customProfile', $customProfile);
                     $this->set('customProfile', $customProfile);
             } else {
                 $this->assign('isPrimary', 0);
                 $this->assign('customProfile', NULL);
             //send Confirmation mail to Primary & additional Participants if exists
             CRM_Event_BAO_Event::sendMail($contactId, $this->_values, $participantID, $isTest);
  * Build the form object.
  * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
  * @return void
 public static function buildQuickForm(&$form)
     if ($form->_eventId) {
         $form->_isPaidEvent = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $form->_eventId, 'is_monetary');
         if ($form->_isPaidEvent) {
             $form->addElement('hidden', 'hidden_feeblock', 1);
         // make sure this is for backoffice registration.
         if ($form->getName() == 'Participant') {
             $eventfullMsg = CRM_Event_BAO_Participant::eventFullMessage($form->_eventId, $form->_pId);
             $form->addElement('hidden', 'hidden_eventFullMsg', $eventfullMsg, array('id' => 'hidden_eventFullMsg'));
     if ($form->_pId) {
         if (CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_ParticipantPayment', $form->_pId, 'contribution_id', 'participant_id')) {
             $form->_online = TRUE;
     if ($form->_isPaidEvent) {
         $params = array('id' => $form->_eventId);
         CRM_Event_BAO_Event::retrieve($params, $event);
         //retrieve custom information
         $form->_values = array();
         CRM_Event_Form_Registration::initEventFee($form, $event['id']);
         CRM_Event_Form_Registration_Register::buildAmount($form, TRUE, $form->_discountId);
         $lineItem = array();
         $invoiceSettings = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::CONTRIBUTE_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'contribution_invoice_settings');
         $invoicing = CRM_Utils_Array::value('invoicing', $invoiceSettings);
         $totalTaxAmount = 0;
         if (!CRM_Utils_System::isNull(CRM_Utils_Array::value('line_items', $form->_values))) {
             $lineItem[] = $form->_values['line_items'];
             foreach ($form->_values['line_items'] as $key => $value) {
                 $totalTaxAmount = $value['tax_amount'] + $totalTaxAmount;
         if ($invoicing) {
             $form->assign('totalTaxAmount', $totalTaxAmount);
         $form->assign('lineItem', empty($lineItem) ? FALSE : $lineItem);
         $discounts = array();
         if (!empty($form->_values['discount'])) {
             foreach ($form->_values['discount'] as $key => $value) {
                 $value = current($value);
                 $discounts[$key] = $value['name'];
             $element = $form->add('select', 'discount_id', ts('Discount Set'), array(0 => ts('- select -')) + $discounts, FALSE, array('class' => "crm-select2"));
             if ($form->_online) {
         if ($form->_mode) {
             CRM_Core_Payment_Form::buildPaymentForm($form, $form->_paymentProcessor, FALSE);
         } elseif (!$form->_mode) {
             $form->addElement('checkbox', 'record_contribution', ts('Record Payment?'), NULL, array('onclick' => "return showHideByValue('record_contribution','','payment_information','table-row','radio',false);"));
             $form->add('select', 'financial_type_id', ts('Financial Type'), array('' => ts('- select -')) + CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::financialType());
             $form->addDate('receive_date', ts('Received'), FALSE, array('formatType' => 'activityDate'));
             $form->add('select', 'payment_instrument_id', ts('Paid By'), array('' => ts('- select -')) + CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::paymentInstrument(), FALSE, array('onChange' => "return showHideByValue('payment_instrument_id','4','checkNumber','table-row','select',false);"));
             // don't show transaction id in batch update mode
             $path = CRM_Utils_System::currentPath();
             $form->assign('showTransactionId', FALSE);
             if ($path != 'civicrm/contact/search/basic') {
                 $form->add('text', 'trxn_id', ts('Transaction ID'));
                 $form->addRule('trxn_id', ts('Transaction ID already exists in Database.'), 'objectExists', array('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Contribution', $form->_eventId, 'trxn_id'));
                 $form->assign('showTransactionId', TRUE);
             $status = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus();
             // CRM-14417 suppressing contribution statuses that are NOT relevant to new participant registrations
             $statusName = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus(NULL, 'name');
             foreach (array('Cancelled', 'Failed', 'In Progress', 'Overdue', 'Refunded', 'Pending refund') as $suppress) {
                 unset($status[CRM_Utils_Array::key($suppress, $statusName)]);
             $form->add('select', 'contribution_status_id', ts('Payment Status'), $status);
             $form->add('text', 'check_number', ts('Check Number'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Contribution', 'check_number'));
             $form->add('text', 'total_amount', ts('Amount'), CRM_Core_DAO::getAttribute('CRM_Contribute_DAO_Contribution', 'total_amount'));
     } else {
         $form->add('text', 'amount', ts('Event Fee(s)'));
     $form->assign('onlinePendingContributionId', $form->get('onlinePendingContributionId'));
     $form->assign('paid', $form->_isPaidEvent);
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'send_receipt', ts('Send Confirmation?'), NULL, array('onclick' => "showHideByValue('send_receipt','','notice','table-row','radio',false); showHideByValue('send_receipt','','from-email','table-row','radio',false);"));
     $form->add('select', 'from_email_address', ts('Receipt From'), $form->_fromEmails['from_email_id']);
     $form->add('textarea', 'receipt_text', ts('Confirmation Message'));
     // Retrieve the name and email of the contact - form will be the TO for receipt email ( only if context is not standalone)
     if ($form->_context != 'standalone') {
         if ($form->_contactId) {
             list($form->_contributorDisplayName, $form->_contributorEmail) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact_Location::getEmailDetails($form->_contactId);
             $form->assign('email', $form->_contributorEmail);
         } else {
             //show email block for batch update for event
             $form->assign('batchEmail', TRUE);
     $mailingInfo = CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::MAILING_PREFERENCES_NAME, 'mailing_backend');
     $form->assign('outBound_option', $mailingInfo['outBound_option']);
     $form->assign('hasPayment', $form->_paymentId);