Beispiel #1
  * Delete the Custom Field.
  * @param   object $field - the field object
  * @return  boolean
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function deleteField($field)
     // reset the cache
     require_once 'CRM/Core/BAO/Cache.php';
     CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::deleteGroup('contact fields');
     // reset various static arrays used here
     require_once 'CRM/Contact/BAO/Contact.php';
     CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::$_importableFields = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::$_exportableFields = self::$_importFields = null;
     // first delete the custom option group and values associated with this field
     if ($field->option_group_id) {
         //check if option group is related to any other field, if
         //not delete the option group and related option values
     // next drop the column from the custom value table
     self::createField($field, 'delete');
Beispiel #2
  * Reset the various system caches and some important static variables.
 public static function flushCache()
     // flush out all cache entries so we can reload new data
     // a bit aggressive, but livable for now
     $cache = CRM_Utils_Cache::singleton();
     // also reset the various static memory caches
     // reset the memory or array cache
     CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::deleteGroup('contact fields', NULL, FALSE);
     // reset ACL cache
     // reset various static arrays used here
     CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::$_importableFields = CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact::$_exportableFields = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::$_importableFields = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::$_exportableFields = CRM_Pledge_BAO_Pledge::$_exportableFields = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Query::$_contributionFields = CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::$_importFields = CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::$_cache = CRM_Core_DAO::$_dbColumnValueCache = NULL;
  * Store and return an array of all active custom fields.
  * @param string $customDataType
  *   Type of Custom Data; empty is a synonym for "all contact data types".
  * @param bool $showAll
  *   If true returns all fields (includes disabled fields).
  * @param bool $inline
  *   If true returns all inline fields (includes disabled fields).
  * @param int $customDataSubType
  *   Custom Data sub type value.
  * @param int $customDataSubName
  *   Custom Data sub name value.
  * @param bool $onlyParent
  *   Return only top level custom data, for eg, only Participant and ignore subname and subtype.
  * @param bool $onlySubType
  *   Return only custom data for subtype.
  * @param bool $checkPermission
  *   If false, do not include permissioning clause.
  * @return array
  *   an array of active custom fields.
 public static function &getFields($customDataType = 'Individual', $showAll = FALSE, $inline = FALSE, $customDataSubType = NULL, $customDataSubName = NULL, $onlyParent = FALSE, $onlySubType = FALSE, $checkPermission = TRUE)
     if (empty($customDataType)) {
         $customDataType = array('Contact', 'Individual', 'Organization', 'Household');
     if ($customDataType && !is_array($customDataType)) {
         if (in_array($customDataType, CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::subTypes())) {
             // This is the case when getFieldsForImport() requires fields
             // limited strictly to a subtype.
             $customDataSubType = $customDataType;
             $customDataType = CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::getBasicType($customDataType);
             $onlySubType = TRUE;
         if (in_array($customDataType, array_keys(CRM_Core_SelectValues::customGroupExtends()))) {
             // this makes the method flexible to support retrieving fields
             // for multiple extends value.
             $customDataType = array($customDataType);
     $customDataSubType = CRM_Utils_Array::explodePadded($customDataSubType);
     if (is_array($customDataType)) {
         $cacheKey = implode('_', $customDataType);
     } else {
         $cacheKey = $customDataType;
     $cacheKey .= !empty($customDataSubType) ? '_' . implode('_', $customDataSubType) : '_0';
     $cacheKey .= $customDataSubName ? "{$customDataSubName}_" : '_0';
     $cacheKey .= $showAll ? '_1' : '_0';
     $cacheKey .= $inline ? '_1_' : '_0_';
     $cacheKey .= $onlyParent ? '_1_' : '_0_';
     $cacheKey .= $onlySubType ? '_1_' : '_0_';
     $cacheKey .= $checkPermission ? '_1_' : '_0_';
     $cgTable = CRM_Core_DAO_CustomGroup::getTableName();
     // also get the permission stuff here
     if ($checkPermission) {
         $permissionClause = CRM_Core_Permission::customGroupClause(CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW, "{$cgTable}.");
     } else {
         $permissionClause = '(1)';
     // lets md5 permission clause and take first 8 characters
     $cacheKey .= substr(md5($permissionClause), 0, 8);
     if (strlen($cacheKey) > 40) {
         $cacheKey = md5($cacheKey);
     if (!self::$_importFields || CRM_Utils_Array::value($cacheKey, self::$_importFields) === NULL) {
         if (!self::$_importFields) {
             self::$_importFields = array();
         // check if we can retrieve from database cache
         $fields = CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::getItem('contact fields', "custom importableFields {$cacheKey}");
         if ($fields === NULL) {
             $cfTable = self::getTableName();
             $extends = '';
             if (is_array($customDataType)) {
                 $value = NULL;
                 foreach ($customDataType as $dataType) {
                     if (in_array($dataType, array_keys(CRM_Core_SelectValues::customGroupExtends()))) {
                         if (in_array($dataType, array('Individual', 'Household', 'Organization'))) {
                             $val = "'" . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($dataType, 'String') . "', 'Contact' ";
                         } else {
                             $val = "'" . CRM_Utils_Type::escape($dataType, 'String') . "'";
                         $value = $value ? $value . ", {$val}" : $val;
                 if ($value) {
                     $extends = "AND   {$cgTable}.extends IN ( {$value} ) ";
             if (!empty($customDataType) && empty($extends)) {
                 // $customDataType specified a filter, but there is no corresponding SQL ($extends)
                 self::$_importFields[$cacheKey] = array();
                 return self::$_importFields[$cacheKey];
             if ($onlyParent) {
                 $extends .= " AND {$cgTable}.extends_entity_column_value IS NULL AND {$cgTable}.extends_entity_column_id IS NULL ";
             $query = "SELECT {$cfTable}.id, {$cfTable}.label,\n                            {$cgTable}.title,\n                            {$cfTable}.data_type,\n                            {$cfTable}.html_type,\n                            {$cfTable}.default_value,\n                            {$cfTable}.options_per_line, {$cfTable}.text_length,\n                            {$cfTable}.custom_group_id,\n                            {$cfTable}.is_required,\n                            {$cgTable}.extends, {$cfTable}.is_search_range,\n                            {$cgTable}.extends_entity_column_value,\n                            {$cgTable}.extends_entity_column_id,\n                            {$cfTable}.is_view,\n                            {$cfTable}.option_group_id,\n                            {$cfTable}.date_format,\n                            {$cfTable}.time_format,\n                            {$cgTable}.is_multiple,\n                   as option_group_name\n                     FROM {$cfTable}\n                     INNER JOIN {$cgTable}\n                       ON {$cfTable}.custom_group_id = {$cgTable}.id\n                     LEFT JOIN civicrm_option_group og\n                       ON {$cfTable}.option_group_id =\n                     WHERE ( 1 ) ";
             if (!$showAll) {
                 $query .= " AND {$cfTable}.is_active = 1 AND {$cgTable}.is_active = 1 ";
             if ($inline) {
                 $query .= " AND {$cgTable}.style = 'Inline' ";
             //get the custom fields for specific type in
             //combination with fields those support any type.
             if (!empty($customDataSubType)) {
                 $subtypeClause = array();
                 foreach ($customDataSubType as $subtype) {
                     $subtype = CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR . $subtype . CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR;
                     $subtypeClause[] = "{$cgTable}.extends_entity_column_value LIKE '%{$subtype}%'";
                 if (!$onlySubType) {
                     $subtypeClause[] = "{$cgTable}.extends_entity_column_value IS NULL";
                 $query .= " AND ( " . implode(' OR ', $subtypeClause) . " )";
             if ($customDataSubName) {
                 $query .= " AND ( {$cgTable}.extends_entity_column_id = {$customDataSubName} ) ";
             // also get the permission stuff here
             if ($checkPermission) {
                 $permissionClause = CRM_Core_Permission::customGroupClause(CRM_Core_Permission::VIEW, "{$cgTable}.", TRUE);
             } else {
                 $permissionClause = '(1)';
             $query .= " {$extends} AND {$permissionClause}\n                        ORDER BY {$cgTable}.weight, {$cgTable}.title,\n                                 {$cfTable}.weight, {$cfTable}.label";
             $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
             $fields = array();
             while ($dao->fetch() != NULL) {
                 $fields[$dao->id]['label'] = $dao->label;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['groupTitle'] = $dao->title;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['data_type'] = $dao->data_type;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['html_type'] = $dao->html_type;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['default_value'] = $dao->default_value;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['text_length'] = $dao->text_length;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['options_per_line'] = $dao->options_per_line;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['custom_group_id'] = $dao->custom_group_id;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['extends'] = $dao->extends;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['is_search_range'] = $dao->is_search_range;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['extends_entity_column_value'] = $dao->extends_entity_column_value;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['extends_entity_column_id'] = $dao->extends_entity_column_id;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['is_view'] = $dao->is_view;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['is_multiple'] = $dao->is_multiple;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['option_group_id'] = $dao->option_group_id;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['date_format'] = $dao->date_format;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['time_format'] = $dao->time_format;
                 $fields[$dao->id]['is_required'] = $dao->is_required;
                 self::getOptionsForField($fields[$dao->id], $dao->option_group_name);
             CRM_Core_BAO_Cache::setItem($fields, 'contact fields', "custom importableFields {$cacheKey}");
         self::$_importFields[$cacheKey] = $fields;
     return self::$_importFields[$cacheKey];