Beispiel #1
    $iFilteredTotal = $module_object->getNumRows();
} else {
    $iFilteredTotal = $iTotal;
$qry = $qry . $security_where . $where . $order_by . $limit;
if (count($query_params) > 0) {
    $module_object->query($qry, $query_params);
} else {
$output = array("sEcho" => intval($_GET['sEcho']), "iTotalRecords" => $iTotal, "iTotalDisplayRecords" => $iFilteredTotal, "aaData" => array());
if ($module_object->getNumRows() > 0) {
    $pkey = $module_object->primary_key;
    while ($module_object->next()) {
        $row = array();
        foreach ($fields_info as $fields => $info) {
            $fieldobject = 'FieldType' . $info["field_type"];
            $row[] = $do_crmfields->display_field_value($module_object->{$fields}, $info["field_type"], $fieldobject, $module_object, $mid, false);
        $action_links = '';
        $action_links .= '<a href="/cpanel/modules/' . $m . '/detail?sqrecord=' . $module_object->{$pkey} . '">' . _('detail') . '</a>';
        if ($action_links != '') {
            $row[] = $action_links;
        if ($action_links == '') {
            $row[] = '';
        $output["aaData"][] = $row;
echo json_encode($output);
Beispiel #2
     } elseif ($info["field_type"] == 151) {
         $val = $fieldobject::display_value(1, $do_report->events_related_to_idmodule, $do_report->events_related_to_value, false);
     } elseif ($info["field_type"] == 165) {
         $val = $fieldobject::display_value($do_report->product_tax_values);
     } elseif ($info["field_type"] == 141) {
         $field_name = $report_modules["primary"]["module_name"] . "_" . 'org_name_141';
         $val = $fieldobject::display_value('', $do_report->{$field_name}, false);
     } elseif ($info["field_type"] == 142) {
         $field_name = $report_modules["primary"]["module_name"] . "_" . 'cnt_name_142';
         $val = $fieldobject::display_value('', $do_report->{$field_name}, false);
     } elseif ($info["field_type"] == 143) {
         $val = $fieldobject::display_value('', $do_report->contact_name, false);
     } elseif ($info["field_type"] == 160) {
         $val = $fieldobject::display_value('', $do_report->vendor_name, false);
     } else {
         $val = $do_crmfields->display_field_value($do_report->{$info}["field_name"], $info["field_type"], $fieldobject, $this, $info["idmodule"], false);
 } else {
     if ($info["field_type"] == 131) {
         if ($info["field_name"] == 'idorganization') {
             $field_name = $report_modules["secondary"]["module_name"] . "_" . 'org_name';
             $val = $fieldobject::display_value($do_report->{$field_name}, $do_report->{$field_name}, false);
         } elseif ($info["field_name"] == 'member_of') {
             $val = $fieldobject::display_value($do_report->organization_member_of, $do_report->organization_member_of, false);
     } elseif ($info["field_type"] == 130) {
         $val = $fieldobject::display_value($do_report->contact_report_to, $do_report->contact_report_to, false);
     } elseif ($info["field_type"] == 133) {
         $field_name = $report_modules["secondary"]["module_name"] . "_" . 'potential_name_133';
         $val = $fieldobject::display_value('', $do_report->{$field_name}, false);
     } elseif ($info["field_type"] == 150) {
Beispiel #3
     * function to export list data as PDF
     * @param string $file_name
     * @param array $fields_info
     * @param integer $module_id
     * Library used for PDF generation is tcpdf
     * @see
    public function export_detail_data_pdf($module, $module_id, $record_id)
        $do_crmfields = new CRMFields();
        $do_block = new Block();
        $module_obj = new $module();
        if ($module_obj->getNumRows() > 0) {
            $do_crmfields = new CRMFields();
            include_once THIRD_PARTY_LIB_PATH . "/mpdf/mpdf.php";
            $pdf = new mPDF();
            $do_crm_entity = new CRMEntity();
            $entity_identity = $do_crm_entity->get_entity_identifier($record_id, $module, $module_obj);
            $html = '';
            $html .= '<div style="float:left"><h3>' . $entity_identity . '</h3></div><div style="clear:both;"></div>';
            while ($do_block->next()) {
                $html .= '
				<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="1" width="800px;">
						<tr style="background-color:#eeeeee;line-height:100%;">
							<td colspan="4" height="35"><b>' . $do_block->block_label . '</b></td>
                $do_crmfields->get_form_fields_information($do_block->idblock, $module_id);
                $num_fields = $do_crmfields->getNumRows();
                $tot_count = 0;
                while ($do_crmfields->next()) {
                    $fieldobject = 'FieldType' . $do_crmfields->field_type;
                    if ($tot_count == 1 || $tot_count % 2 != 0) {
                        $html .= '<tr>';
                    $html .= '<td style="background-color:#FDFFBD;width:25%;" height="20">' . $do_crmfields->field_label . '</td>';
                    $fld_name = $do_crmfields->field_name;
                    $field_value = '';
                    if ($do_crmfields->field_type == 12) {
                        $field_value = $fieldobject::display_value($module_obj->{$fld_name}, 'l');
                    } elseif ($do_crmfields->field_type == 11) {
                        $field_value = $fieldobject::display_value($module_obj->{$fld_name}, $module, $sqcrm_record_id, $fld_name, true);
                    } else {
                        $field_value = $do_crmfields->display_field_value($module_obj->{$fld_name}, $do_crmfields->field_type, $fieldobject, $module_obj, $module_id, false);
                    $html .= '<td height="20" style="width:25%;">' . $field_value . '</td>';
                    if ($tot_count != 1 && $tot_count % 2 == 0) {
                        $html .= '</tr>';
                    if ($num_fields == $tot_count && $tot_count % 2 != 0) {
                        $html .= '
							<td style="background-color:#FDFFBD;width:25%" height="20">&nbsp;</td>
							<td height="20" style="width:25%">&nbsp;</td>
                $html .= '</tbody></table>';
                $html .= '<br>';
            $pdf->Output($module . '_' . $record_id . '.pdf', 'D');
Beispiel #4
  * function to export list data as PDF
  * @param string $file_name
  * @param array $fields_info
  * @param integer $module_id
  * Library used for PDF generation is tcpdf
  * @see
 public function export_to_pdf($file_name, $fields_info, $module_id)
     if ($this->getNumRows() > 0) {
         $do_crmfields = new CRMFields();
         include_once THIRD_PARTY_LIB_PATH . "/tcpdf/tcpdf.php";
         $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
         // set default monospaced font
         // set margins
         // set auto page breaks
         $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
         // set font
         $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 8);
         // add a page
         $header = '<table><tr>';
         foreach ($fields_info as $field => $info) {
             $header .= '<td><b>' . $info["field_label"] . '</b></td>';
         $header .= '</tr>';
         $pdf->writeHTML($header, true, false, false, false, '');
         while ($this->next()) {
             $data_row = '<table><tr>';
             foreach ($fields_info as $fields => $info) {
                 $fieldobject = 'FieldType' . $info["field_type"];
                 $val = $do_crmfields->display_field_value($this->{$fields}, $info["field_type"], $fieldobject, $this, $module_id, false);
                 $data_row .= '<td>' . $val . '</td>';
             $data_row .= '</tr></table>';
             $pdf->writeHTML($data_row, true, false, false, false, '');
         $pdf->writeHTML('</table>', true, false, false, false, '');
         $pdf->Output($file_name . '.pdf', 'I');
Beispiel #5
  * function to display the list data in datatable
  * the object for the viewing module must be set before the function call and all other member variables
  * @param integer $module_id
  * @param boolean $popup
  * @param string $primary_key
  * @see listdata.php, listdata_popup.php
  * The param $primary_key is used for a special purpose. When we use to view the related information we send 
  * the primary key value since if we see some related data for a module and if we do not send the primary key name
  * then the primary key will be used from the module instead of related modules
  * EX: if we want to see the related Contacts for a Prospect then we must send the primary key name 'idcontacts'
  * else it will take 'idpotential' as the primary key value. The query will not get the idpotentials since it will
  * run on Contacts and we do not want potential information on related tab.
  * @see listdata_related.php
 public function display_data($module_id, $popup = false, $primary_key = '')
     $do_crmfields = new CRMFields();
     $object = $this->get_ds_object();
     $module_info = $_SESSION["do_module"]->get_modules_with_full_info();
     $module_name = $module_info[$module_id]["name"];
     //Get the list query from the object
     $qry = $object->getSqlQuery();
     //security where condition
     $security_where = $this->get_ds_list_security();
     $group_by = '';
     if (property_exists($object, "list_query_group_by") === true && $object->list_query_group_by != '') {
         $group_by = " group by " . $object->list_query_group_by;
     //echo $qry.$security_where.$group_by;exit;
     if ($object->get_list_tot_rows() == 0) {
         if (count($this->get_ds_additional_query_param()) > 0) {
             //echo '<br />1 '.$qry.$security_where.$this->get_ds_additional_where().$group_by ;
             $this->query($qry . $security_where . $this->get_ds_additional_where() . $group_by, $this->get_ds_additional_query_param());
         } elseif (strlen($this->get_ds_additional_where()) > 3) {
             //echo '<br />2 '.$qry.$security_where.$this->get_ds_additional_where().$group_by ;
             $this->query($qry . $security_where . $this->get_ds_additional_where() . $group_by);
         } else {
             //echo '<br />3 '.$qry.$security_where.$group_by ;
             $this->query($qry . $security_where . $group_by);
         //Get the total number of records
         $iTotal = $this->getNumRows();
     } else {
         $iTotal = $object->get_list_tot_rows();
     if ($this->get_ds_where_cond() != '') {
         if ($object->get_list_tot_rows() == 0) {
             if (strlen($this->get_ds_additional_where()) > 3) {
                 //echo '<br />11 '.$qry.$security_where.$this->get_ds_additional_where().$this->get_ds_where_cond().$group_by ;
                 $this->query($qry . $security_where . $this->get_ds_additional_where() . $this->get_ds_where_cond() . $group_by, $this->get_ds_search_params());
             } else {
                 //echo '<br />12 '.$qry.$security_where.$this->get_ds_where_cond().$group_by ;
                 $this->query($qry . $security_where . $this->get_ds_where_cond() . $group_by, $this->get_ds_search_params());
             //Get the total number of records
             $iTotal = $this->getNumRows();
         } else {
             $iTotal = $object->get_list_tot_rows();
     } else {
         if (strlen($this->get_ds_additional_where()) > 3) {
             //echo '<br />13 '.$qry.$security_where.$this->get_ds_additional_where().$group_by;
             $this->query($qry . $security_where . $this->get_ds_additional_where() . $group_by, $this->get_ds_search_params());
         } else {
             //echo '<br />14 '.$qry.$security_where.$group_by;
             $this->query($qry . $security_where . $group_by);
         //Get the total number of records
         $iTotal = $this->getNumRows();
     // Get the query limit and then add to the query
     $limit = '';
     $sql_start = $this->get_ds_sql_start();
     $sql_max = $this->get_ds_sql_max();
     if ($sql_start != '' && $sql_max != -1) {
         $limit = " LIMIT " . $sql_start . ", " . $sql_max;
     // Get order by and then add to the query
     if ($this->get_ds_order_by() != '') {
         $order_by = " " . $this->get_ds_order_by();
     } else {
         if ($object->get_default_order_by() != "") {
             $order_by = " order by " . $object->get_default_order_by();
     // Get the where condition for the filter
     $where = '';
     if (strlen($this->get_ds_additional_where()) > 3) {
         $where .= $this->get_ds_additional_where();
     if ($this->get_ds_where_cond() != '') {
         $where .= $this->get_ds_where_cond();
     //The following part is ugly and we need something on Radria Core to use SELECT FOUND_ROWS()
     if ($this->get_ds_where_cond() != '') {
         if (count($this->get_ds_search_params()) > 0) {
             $this->query($qry . $security_where . $where . $group_by, $this->get_ds_search_params());
         } else {
             $this->query($qry . $security_where . $where . $group_by);
         $iFilteredTotal = $this->getNumRows();
     } else {
         $iFilteredTotal = $iTotal;
     //And finally execute the query
     $qry = $qry . $security_where . $where . $group_by . $order_by . $limit;
     if (count($this->get_ds_search_params()) > 0) {
         $this->query($qry, $this->get_ds_search_params());
     } else {
     $output = array("sEcho" => intval($_GET['sEcho']), "iTotalRecords" => $iTotal, "iTotalDisplayRecords" => $iFilteredTotal, "aaData" => array());
     $edit = false;
     $delete = false;
     $detail = false;
     if ($this->get_ds_show_edit_link() === true && $popup === false && $_SESSION["do_crm_action_permission"]->action_permitted('edit', $module_id) === true) {
         $edit = true;
     if ($this->get_ds_show_delete_link() === true && $popup === false && $_SESSION["do_crm_action_permission"]->action_permitted('delete', $module_id) === true) {
         $delete = true;
     if ($this->get_ds_show_detail_link() === true && $popup === false && $_SESSION["do_crm_action_permission"]->action_permitted('view', $module_id) === true) {
         $detail = true;
     if ($this->getNumRows() > 0) {
         $fields_info = $this->get_ds_fields_info();
         if ($primary_key == '') {
             $pkey = $object->primary_key;
         } else {
             $pkey = $primary_key;
         while ($this->next()) {
             $row = array();
             if ($this->get_ds_show_record_selector() === true) {
                 if ($popup === true) {
                     $retrun_fields = $object->popup_selection_return_field;
                     $retrun_field_list = explode(",", $retrun_fields);
                     $retrun_field = '';
                     $cnt_return_fields = 0;
                     foreach ($retrun_field_list as $retrun_fields) {
                         if ($cnt_return_fields > 0) {
                             $retrun_field .= ' ';
                         $retrun_field .= $this->{$retrun_fields};
                     if (isset($_GET["special_field"]) && $_GET["special_field"] == 'yes') {
                         $special_field = $_GET["special_field"];
                         $special_field_name = $_GET["special_field_name"];
                         $chk_input = '<input type="checkbox" data-dismiss="modal" id="chk_popup' . $this->{$pkey} . '" onclick="return return_popup_selected_special(\'chk_popup' . $this->{$pkey} . '\');" value="' . $this->{$pkey} . '::' . $retrun_field . '">';
                     } elseif ($_REQUEST["line_item"] == 'yes') {
                         $chk_input = '<input type="checkbox" data-dismiss="modal" id="chk_popup' . $this->{$pkey} . '" onclick="return return_popup_line_item(\'chk_popup' . $this->{$pkey} . '\',\'' . $module_name . '\',\'' . $_REQUEST["line_level"] . '\');" value="' . $this->{$pkey} . '">';
                     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["copy_org_address"]) && $_REQUEST["copy_org_address"] == 'yes') {
                         $chk_input = '<input type="checkbox" data-dismiss="modal" id="chk_popup' . $this->{$pkey} . '" onclick="return return_popup_copy_org_addr(\'chk_popup' . $this->{$pkey} . '\',\'' . $_REQUEST["target_module"] . '\');" value="' . $this->{$pkey} . '::' . $retrun_field . '">';
                     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['copy_cnt_address']) && $_REQUEST['copy_cnt_address'] == 'yes') {
                         $chk_input = '<input type="checkbox" data-dismiss="modal" id="chk_popup' . $this->{$pkey} . '" onclick="return copy_cnt_address(\'chk_popup' . $this->{$pkey} . '\',\'' . $_REQUEST["target_module"] . '\');" value="' . $this->{$pkey} . '::' . $retrun_field . '">';
                     } else {
                         $chk_input = '<input type="checkbox" data-dismiss="modal" id="chk_popup' . $this->{$pkey} . '" onclick="return return_popup_selected(\'chk_popup' . $this->{$pkey} . '\');" value="' . $this->{$pkey} . '::' . $retrun_field . '">';
                 } else {
                     if ($module_id == 7 && $this->{$pkey} == 1) {
                         $chk_input = '<input type="hidden" name="chk[]" value="' . $this->{$pkey} . '">';
                     } else {
                         $chk_input = '<input type="checkbox" class="sel_record" name="chk[]" value="' . $this->{$pkey} . '">';
                 $row[] = $chk_input;
             } else {
                 $chk_input = '<input type="hidden" name="chk[]" value="' . $this->{$pkey} . '">';
                 $row[] = $chk_input;
             foreach ($fields_info as $fields => $info) {
                 $fieldobject = 'FieldType' . $info["field_type"];
                 $row[] = $do_crmfields->display_field_value($this->{$fields}, $info["field_type"], $fieldobject, $this, $module_id);
             $action_links = '';
             if ($detail === true) {
                 if ($action_links != '') {
                     $action_links .= '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
                 $action_links .= '<a href="/modules/' . $module_name . '/detail?sqrecord=' . $this->{$pkey} . '">' . _('detail') . '</a>';
             if ($edit === true) {
                 if ($action_links != '') {
                     $action_links .= '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
                 $action_links .= '<a href="/modules/' . $module_name . '/edit?sqrecord=' . $this->{$pkey} . '">' . _('edit') . '</a> ';
             if ($delete === true) {
                 if ($module_id == 7) {
                     if ($this->{$pkey} != 1) {
                         // admin user delete is not allowed
                         if ($action_links != '') {
                             $action_links .= '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
                         $action_links .= '<a class="delete_entity_user" id="' . $this->{$pkey} . '" href="#">' . _('delete') . '</a>';
                 } else {
                     if ($action_links != '') {
                         $action_links .= '&nbsp;|&nbsp;';
                     $action_links .= '<a class="delete_entity" id="' . $this->{$pkey} . '" href="#">' . _('delete') . '</a>';
             if ($action_links != '') {
                 $row[] = $action_links;
             if ($action_links == '') {
                 $row[] = '';
             $output["aaData"][] = $row;
     echo json_encode($output);