public function __construct($form, $post_id = null, $preview = false, $force_form_count = false) { global $post, $current_user; // reference to the form submission method global ${'_' . self::METHOD}; $method =& ${'_' . self::METHOD}; // if types is not active, no CRED if (!function_exists('wpcf_init') || !defined('WPCF_ABSPATH')) { $this->error = __('Types plugin not active', 'wp-cred'); return; } self::initVars(); // get inputs if (isset($post_id) && !empty($post_id) && $post_id != false && !$preview) { $post_id = intval($post_id); } elseif (isset($post->ID) && !$preview) { $post_id = $post->ID; } else { $post_id = false; } // get recaptcha settings if (!self::$recaptcha_settings) { $sm = CRED_Loader::get('MODEL/Settings'); $gen_setts = $sm->getSettings(); if (isset($gen_setts['recaptcha']['public_key']) && isset($gen_setts['recaptcha']['private_key']) && !empty($gen_setts['recaptcha']['public_key']) && !empty($gen_setts['recaptcha']['private_key'])) { self::$recaptcha_settings = $gen_setts['recaptcha']; } } // load form data require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/post.php'; $fm = CRED_Loader::get('MODEL/Forms'); $this->_form = $fm->getForm($form); if ($this->_form === false) { $this->error = __('Form does not exist!', 'wp-cred'); return; } $this->_form_id = $this->_form->form->ID; // preview when form is not saved at all //print_r($this->_form); if (!isset($this->_form->fields) || !is_array($this->_form->fields) || empty($this->_form->fields) || !isset($this->_form->fields['form_settings'])) { $this->_form->fields = array('form_settings' => new stdClass(), 'extra' => new stdClass(), 'notification' => new stdClass()); if ($preview) { $this->error = __('Form preview does not exist. Try saving your form first', 'wp-cred'); return; } } $this->_redirect_delay = isset($this->_form->fields['form_settings']->redirect_delay) ? intval($this->_form->fields['form_settings']->redirect_delay) : self::DELAY; $this->_hide_comments = isset($this->_form->fields['form_settings']->hide_comments) && $this->_form->fields['form_settings']->hide_comments ? true : false; $form_id = $this->_form->form->ID; $cred_css_themes = array('minimal' => CRED_PLUGIN_URL . '/third-party/zebra_form/public/css/minimal.css', 'styled' => CRED_PLUGIN_URL . '/third-party/zebra_form/public/css/styled.css'); $this->_extra = array(); if ($preview) { if (array_key_exists(self::PREFIX . 'form_preview_post_type', $method)) { $this->_post_type = $this->_form->fields['form_settings']->post_type = stripslashes($method[self::PREFIX . 'form_preview_post_type']); } else { $this->error = __('Preview post type not provided', 'wp-cred'); return; } if (array_key_exists(self::PREFIX . 'form_preview_form_type', $method)) { $this->_form_type = stripslashes($method[self::PREFIX . 'form_preview_form_type']); } else { $this->error = __('Preview form type not provided', 'wp-cred'); return; } if (array_key_exists(self::PREFIX . 'form_preview_content', $method)) { $this->_preview_content = stripslashes($method[self::PREFIX . 'form_preview_content']); $this->_content = stripslashes($method[self::PREFIX . 'form_preview_content']); } else { $this->error = __('No preview form content provided', 'wp-cred'); return; } if (array_key_exists(self::PREFIX . 'form_css_to_use', $method)) { $this->css_to_use = trim(stripslashes($method[self::PREFIX . 'form_css_to_use'])); if (in_array($this->css_to_use, array_keys($cred_css_themes))) { $this->css_to_use = $cred_css_themes[$this->css_to_use]; } else { $this->css_to_use = $cred_css_themes['minimal']; } } else { $this->css_to_use = $cred_css_themes['minimal']; } if (array_key_exists(self::PREFIX . 'extra_css_to_use', $method)) { $this->_extra['css'] = trim(stripslashes($method[self::PREFIX . 'extra_css_to_use'])); } if (array_key_exists(self::PREFIX . 'extra_js_to_use', $method)) { $this->_extra['js'] = trim(stripslashes($method[self::PREFIX . 'extra_js_to_use'])); } } else { $this->_post_type = $this->_form->fields['form_settings']->post_type; $this->_form_type = $this->_form->fields['form_settings']->form_type; $this->_extra = isset($this->_form->fields['extra']) ? (array) $this->_form->fields['extra'] : array(); // get form content in order to replace it with actual form $this->_content = $this->_form->form->post_content; if (isset($this->_form->fields['form_settings']->cred_theme_css) && in_array($this->_form->fields['form_settings']->cred_theme_css, array_keys($cred_css_themes))) { $this->css_to_use = $cred_css_themes[$this->_form->fields['form_settings']->cred_theme_css]; } else { $this->css_to_use = $cred_css_themes['minimal']; } } if (!isset($this->_extra['messages'])) { if (isset($this->_form->fields['extra']) && isset($this->_form->fields['extra']->messages)) { $this->_extra['messages'] = $this->_form->fields['extra']->messages; } else { $this->_extra['messages'] = CRED_Loader::get('MODEL/Forms')->getDefaultMessages(); } } // if this is an edit form and no post id given if ($this->_form_type == 'edit' && $post_id === false && !$preview) { $this->error = __('No post specified', 'wp-cred'); return; } // if this is a new form and post id given if ($this->_form_type == 'new' && !$preview) { if (isset($method[self::PREFIX . 'post_id']) && intval($method[self::PREFIX . 'post_id']) > 0) { $post_id = intval($method[self::PREFIX . 'post_id']); } else { $post_id = get_default_post_to_edit($this->_post_type, true)->ID; } } $this->_post_id = $post_id; // increase counter //self::$form_count++; if ($force_form_count !== false) { $this->_form_count = $force_form_count; } else { $this->_form_count = self::$form_count; } // dependencies, uses Zebra_Form framework (see folder for details) CRED_Loader::load('THIRDPARTY/MyZebra_Parser'); CRED_Loader::load('THIRDPARTY/MyZebra_Form'); // instantiate form $this->_myzebra_form = new MyZebra_Form('cred_form_' . $form_id . '_' . $this->_form_count, self::METHOD, $this->currentURI(array('_tt' => time()), array('_success')), '', array()); if ($preview) { $this->_myzebra_form->preview = true; } else { $this->_myzebra_form->preview = false; } // form properties self::$ASSETS_PATH = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'third-party' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'zebra_form' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; self::$ASSETS_URL = '/third-party/zebra_form/'; $this->_myzebra_form->doctype('xhtml'); $this->_myzebra_form->client_side_validation(true); $this->_myzebra_form->show_all_error_messages(true); $this->_myzebra_form->assets_path(CRED_PLUGIN_PATH . self::$ASSETS_PATH, plugins_url() . '/' . CRED_PLUGIN_FOLDER . self::$ASSETS_URL); $locale = self::$localized_strings; $this->_myzebra_form->language($locale); // get custom post fields $ffm = CRED_Loader::get('MODEL/Fields'); $this->_fields = $ffm->getFields($this->_post_type); // in CRED 1.1 post_fields and custom_fields are different keys, merge them together to keep consistency $this->_fields['_post_fields'] = $this->_fields['post_fields']; $this->_fields['post_fields'] = array_merge($this->_fields['post_fields'], $this->_fields['custom_fields']); //cred_log(print_r($this->_fields,true)); // get existing post data if edit form and post given if ($this->_form_type == 'edit') { if ($post_id) { $res = $fm->getPost($post_id); if ($res && isset($res[0])) { $mypost = $res[0]; cred_log(array('edit_own_posts_with_cred_' . $form_id => current_user_can('edit_own_posts_with_cred_' . $form_id), 'current_user' => $current_user->ID, 'author' => $mypost->post_author), 'access.log'); cred_log(array('edit_other_posts_with_cred_' . $form_id => current_user_can('edit_other_posts_with_cred_' . $form_id), 'current_user' => $current_user->ID, 'author' => $mypost->post_author), 'access.log'); if (!current_user_can('edit_own_posts_with_cred_' . $form_id) && $current_user->ID == $mypost->post_author) { //$this->error=__('Do not have permission (edit own with this form)','wp-cred'); $this->error = ' '; return; } if (!current_user_can('edit_other_posts_with_cred_' . $form_id) && $current_user->ID != $mypost->post_author) { //$this->error=__('Do not have permission (edit other with this form)','wp-cred'); $this->error = ' '; return; } //cred_log($mypost->post_content); if ($mypost->post_type != $this->_post_type) { $this->error = __('Form type and post type do not match', 'wp-cred'); return; } $myfields = isset($res[1]) ? $res[1] : array(); $mytaxs = isset($res[2]) ? $res[2] : array(); $myextra = isset($res[3]) ? $res[3] : array(); $myfields['post_title'] = array($mypost->post_title); $myfields['post_content'] = array($mypost->post_content); if (isset($mypost->post_excerpt)) { $myfields['post_excerpt'] = array($mypost->post_excerpt); } $this->_post_data = array('fields' => &$myfields, 'post' => &$mypost, 'taxonomies' => &$mytaxs, 'extra' => &$myextra); //cred_log(print_r($mytaxs,true)); //cred_log(print_r($mypost,true)/*.print_r($myfields,true).print_r($myterms,true)*/); //exit; } } } elseif ($this->_form_type == 'new') { cred_log(array('create_posts_with_cred_' . $form_id => current_user_can('create_posts_with_cred_' . $form_id), 'current_user' => $current_user->ID), 'access.log'); if (!current_user_can('create_posts_with_cred_' . $form_id)) { //$this->error=__('Do not have permission (create with this form)','wp-cred'); $this->error = ' '; return; } } $this->_form_content = ''; // set allowed file types $mimes = get_allowed_mime_types(); $this->wp_mimes = array(); foreach ($mimes as $exts => $mime) { $exts_a = explode('|', $exts); foreach ($exts_a as $single_ext) { //$this->form_mimes[$single_ext]=$mime; $this->wp_mimes[] = $single_ext; } } $this->wp_mimes = implode(',', $this->wp_mimes); unset($mimes); $this->_shortcode_parser = CRED_Loader::get('CLASS/Shortcode_Parser', false); }
function has_cred_form() { if (!class_exists('CRED_Form_Builder', false)) { return false; } return CRED_Form_Builder::has_form(); }
public static function getForm($form, $preview = false, $post = null) { CRED_Loader::load('CLASS/Form_Builder'); return CRED_Form_Builder::getForm($form, $post, $preview); }
public function processForm($data) { if (!isset($data['post'])) { return; } $form = $data['post']; $message = $data['message']; $notification = $data['notification']; $messages = $data['messages']; $this->setFormData($form->ID, $form->post_title); // register field values $this->processFormForStrings($form->post_content, 'Value: '); // register form title $this->registerString('Form Title: ' . $form->post_title, $form->post_title); $this->registerString('Display Message: ' . $form->post_title, $message); // register Notification Data also if ($notification && isset($notification->notifications) && is_array($notification->notifications)) { foreach ($notification->notifications as $ii => $nott) { // new format // these are not relevant in new format for localization /*switch($nott['to']['type']) { case 'wp_user': $this->registerString('CRED Notification '.$ii.' Mail To', $nott['to']['user']); break; case 'specific_mail': $this->registerString('CRED Notification '.$ii.' Mail To', $nott['to']['address']); if (isset($nott['to']['name'])) $this->registerString('CRED Notification '.$ii.' Mail To Name', $nott['to']['name']); if (isset($nott['to']['lastname'])) $this->registerString('CRED Notification '.$ii.' Mail To LastName', $nott['to']['lastname']); break; default: break; }*/ $hashSubject = CRED_Helper::strHash($nott['mail']['subject']); $hashBody = CRED_Helper::strHash($nott['mail']['body']); $this->registerString('CRED Notification Subject ' . $hashSubject, $nott['mail']['subject']); $this->registerString('CRED Notification Body ' . $hashBody, $nott['mail']['body']); } } // register messages also foreach ($messages as $msgid => $msg) { $this->registerString('Message_' . $msgid, $msg); } // register options from select and checkboxes/radio fields, force form build CRED_Loader::load('CLASS/Form_Builder'); CRED_Form_Builder::init(); CRED_Form_Builder::getForm($form->ID, null, false); // allow 3rd-party to add extra localization do_action('cred_localize_form', $data); }
private static function getCachedForm($form_id, $post_id, $preview, $force_count = false, $specific_post_id = null) { global $post; StaticClass::$_mail_error = get_option('_' . $form_id . '_last_mail_error', ''); //put a sanitize someone could add _mail_error text injection? StaticClass::$_mail_error = sanitize_text_field(StaticClass::$_mail_error); StaticClass::$_cred_container_id = isset($_POST[StaticClass::PREFIX . 'cred_container_id']) ? intval($_POST[StaticClass::PREFIX . 'cred_container_id']) : $post->ID; // //Security Check if (isset(StaticClass::$_cred_container_id) && !empty(StaticClass::$_cred_container_id)) { if (!is_numeric(StaticClass::$_cred_container_id)) { wp_die('Invalid data'); } } $form_count = false !== $force_count ? $force_count : StaticClass::$_staticGlobal['COUNT']; if (false !== $force_count || !array_key_exists($form_id . '_' . StaticClass::$_staticGlobal['COUNT'], StaticClass::$_staticGlobal['CACHE'])) { // parse and cache form $fb = new CRED_Form_Builder(); $form_post_type = get_post_type($form_id); $form = $form_post_type == CRED_USER_FORMS_CUSTOM_POST_NAME ? $fb->user_form($form_id, $post_id, $preview, $form_count, $specific_post_id) : $fb->form($form_id, $post_id, $preview, $form_count, $specific_post_id); /* StaticClass::$_staticGlobal['CACHE'][$form_id.'_'.$form_count]=array( 'form' => $output, 'count' => $form_count, 'extra' => $this->_formData->getExtra(), 'css_to_use' => $this->_formData->getCSS(), 'js' => $this->getJS(), 'hide_comments' => $this->_formData->hasHideComments(), 'has_recaptcha' => $this->hasRecaptcha() ); */ StaticClass::$_staticGlobal['CACHE'][$form_id . '_' . $form_count] = array('form' => $form, 'count' => $form_count, 'extra' => $fb->getExtra(), 'js' => $fb->getJS(), 'hide_comments' => $fb->hasHideComments(), 'has_recaptcha' => $fb->hasRecaptcha()); } if (isset($post_id)) { $parent_post = get_post($post_id); } // add filter to hide comments (new method) if (StaticClass::$_staticGlobal['CACHE'][$form_id . '_' . $form_count]['hide_comments'] || isset($parent_post) && $parent_post->comment_status == 'closed') { CRED_Form_Builder_Helper::hideComments(); } return StaticClass::$_staticGlobal['CACHE'][$form_id . '_' . $form_count]['form']; }
public static function replaceContentWithForm($content) { global $post, $wp_query; //resolve problem when view templates are added in sidebar widgets remove_filter('the_content', array(__CLASS__, 'replaceContentWithForm'), 1000); // if it is front page and form preview is required if (array_key_exists('cred_form_preview', $_GET)) { CRED_Loader::load('CLASS/Form_Builder'); return CRED_Form_Builder::getForm(intval($_GET['cred_form_preview']), null, true); } if (array_key_exists('cred_user_form_preview', $_GET)) { CRED_Loader::load('CLASS/Form_Builder'); return CRED_Form_Builder::getUserForm(intval($_GET['cred_user_form_preview']), null, true); } global $_creds_created; if (!isset($_creds_created)) { $_creds_created = array(); } if (!empty($_creds_created) && in_array($_GET['cred-edit-form'], $_creds_created)) { return apply_filters('the_content', $content); } if (strpos($content, 'cred-edit-form=' . $_GET['cred-edit-form']) !== false || array_key_exists('cred-edit-form', $_GET) && !is_admin()) { array_push($_creds_created, $_GET['cred-edit-form']); CRED_Loader::load('CLASS/Form_Builder'); // get a localised form if exists return CRED_Form_Builder::getForm(self::getLocalisedID(intval($_GET['cred-edit-form'])), $post->ID, false); } if (array_key_exists('cred-edit-form', $_GET) && !is_admin()) { if (strpos($content, 'cred-edit-form=' . $_GET['cred-edit-form']) !== false) { array_push($_creds_created, $_GET['cred-edit-form']); // Show if the content has a cred-edit-form link. CRED_Loader::load('CLASS/Form_Builder'); // get a localised form if exists return CRED_Form_Builder::getForm(self::getLocalisedID(intval($_GET['cred-edit-form'])), $post->ID, false); } else { // Check if it's called from the_content function or wpv-post-body function. $db = debug_backtrace(); //StaticClass::_pre($db); foreach ($db as $n => $dbf) { if (isset($dbf['function']) && ($dbf['function'] == 'the_content' || $dbf['function'] == 'wpv_shortcode_wpv_post_body') || $dbf['function'] == 'apply_filters' && in_array('the_content', $dbf['args'])) { array_push($_creds_created, $_GET['cred-edit-form']); CRED_Loader::load('CLASS/Form_Builder'); return CRED_Form_Builder::getForm(self::getLocalisedID(intval($_GET['cred-edit-form'])), $post->ID, false); } } // if (isset($db[3]['function']) && ($db[3]['function'] == 'the_content' || $db[3]['function'] == 'wpv_shortcode_wpv_post_body')) { // CRED_Loader::load('CLASS/Form_Builder'); // return CRED_Form_Builder::getForm(self::getLocalisedID(intval($_GET['cred-edit-form'])), $post->ID, false); // } } } // else do nothing return $content; }
public static function _init_() { global $wp_version, $post; // load help settings (once) self::$help = CRED_Loader::getVar(CRED_INI_PATH . "/help.ini.php"); // set up models and db settings CRED_Helper::prepareDB(); // needed by others self::$settingsPage = admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=CRED_Settings'; // localize forms, support for WPML CRED_Helper::localizeForms(); // setup custom capabilities CRED_Helper::setupCustomCaps(); // setup custom user caps CRED_Helper::setupCustomUserCaps(); // setup extra admin hooks for other plugins CRED_Helper::setupExtraHooks(); if (is_admin()) { if (self::is_embedded()) { self::initAdmin(); } else { CRED_Admin::initAdmin(); } // if ($_GET['a']=='1') { // require_once CRED_CLASSES_PATH . "/CredUserFormCreator.php"; // CredUserFormCreator::cred_create_form(time(), 'edit', array('subscriber','author'), false, false, false); // } } else { // init form processing to check for submits CRED_Loader::load('CLASS/Form_Builder'); CRED_Form_Builder::init(); } // add form short code hooks and filters, to display forms on front end CRED_Helper::addShortcodesAndFilters(); // handle Ajax calls CRED_Router::addCalls(array('cred_skype_ajax' => array('nopriv' => true, 'callback' => array(__CLASS__, 'cred_skype_ajax')), 'cred-ajax-delete-post' => array('nopriv' => true, 'callback' => array(__CLASS__, 'cred_ajax_delete_post')))); CRED_Router::addRoutes('cred', array('Forms' => 0, 'Posts' => 0, 'Settings' => 0, 'Generic_Fields' => 0)); /* CRED_Router::addPages('cred', array( )); */ }