Beispiel #1
  * Create domain and return transaction status
  * @access public
  * @param Domain $domain
  * @param int $period Domain registration period
  * @param array $extra Extra data
  * @version v1000
  * @return Domain
 public function CreateDomain(Domain $domain, $period, $extra = array())
     // Validate contacts
     $contact_list = $domain->GetContactList();
     foreach (CONTACT_TYPE::GetKeys() as $contact_type) {
         $config = $this->GetManifest()->GetContactConfig($contact_type);
         if ($config instanceof SimpleXMLElement) {
             if ((int) $config->attributes()->required && !$contact_list[$contact_type]) {
                 throw new Exception(sprintf(_('%s contact is required'), ucfirst($contact_type)));
     $nameserver_list = $domain->GetNameserverList();
     foreach ($nameserver_list as $ns) {
         try {
             try {
                 $can_create = $this->NameserverCanBeCreated($ns);
             } catch (NotImplementedException $e) {
                 $can_create = true;
             if ($can_create) {
         } catch (ObjectExistsException $e) {
             // Ignore errors
         } catch (NotImplementedException $e) {
             // Ignore errors
     $this->FireEvent('BeforeCreateDomain', $domain);
     $Resp = $this->RegModule->CreateDomain($domain, $period, $extra);
     $this->ValidateModuleResponse($Resp, 'CreateDomainResponse');
     if ($Resp->IsFailed()) {
         Log::Log(sprintf('CreateDomain failed. Registry error: %s', $Resp->ErrMsg), E_USER_ERROR);
         throw new RegistryException($Resp->ErrMsg, $Resp->Code);
     $domain->Period = $period;
     $domain->AuthCode = $Resp->AuthCode;
     $domain->CreateDate = $Resp->CreateDate;
     $domain->ExpireDate = $Resp->ExpireDate;
     $domain->Protocol = $Resp->Protocol;
     $domain->IncompleteOrderOperation = null;
     if ($domain->Status == DOMAIN_STATUS::DELEGATED) {
         $this->FireEvent('DomainOperation', $domain, self::OP_CREATE);
         $this->FireEvent('DomainCreated', $domain);
     } else {
         if ($domain->Status == DOMAIN_STATUS::REGISTRATION_PENDING) {
             $this->AddPendingOperation($domain, self::OP_CREATE, $Resp->OperationId);
     // db operation
     return $domain;
 public function UpdateContactsAfterTransfer(Domain $Domain, Domain $Saved)
     $domainName = $this->MakeNameIDNCompatible($Saved->GetHostName());
     // Flags, indicates that saved contact will be assigned to transferred domain.
     $assignSavedContacts = array();
     foreach (CONTACT_TYPE::GetKeys() as $ctype) {
         $assignSavedContacts[$ctype] = 1;
     if (in_array($this->Extension, array("be", "eu", "it", "nl"))) {
         $GrdResponse = $this->GetRemoteDomain($Domain);
         foreach (CONTACT_TYPE::GetKeys() as $ctype) {
             $clid_property = ucfirst($ctype) . "Contact";
             // ex: RegistrantContact
             $clid = $GrdResponse->{$clid_property};
             // clid started from domain TLD means native registry contact,
             // which is unoperational by rrpproxy api.
             // ex: be.tr55322
             if (preg_match("/^{$this->Extension}/", $clid)) {
                 // Create dummy contact with non-strict fields and assign it to domain.
                 $Contact = $this->RegistryAccessible->NewContactInstance($ctype);
                 $Contact->CLID = $clid;
                 $Contact->SetFieldList(array("firstname" => $clid), 0);
                 $Domain->SetContact($Contact, $ctype);
             // Контакты заданные при инициации трансфера не применяются к домену.
             $assignSavedContacts[$ctype] = 0;
             // Возможна ситуация когда среди нативных контактов попадаются rrpproxy-вые,
             // они импортируются в БД ЕПП-ДРС.
             // ex:
             //   property[billing contact][0] = eu.c89406
             //   property[owner contact][0] = eu.c10720031
             //   property[admin contact][0] = eu.c10720031
             //   property[tech contact][0] = P-JZW723
             // P-JZW723 будет запрошен операцией GetRemoteContact аплевел кодом;
             // для остальных контактов будут созданы заглушки.
     } else {
         if ("nu" == $this->Extension) {
             // In .NU change registrant is a special operation that requires fax sending.
             // Sync registrant contact, update admin, tech, billing
             try {
                 $Registrant = $Domain->GetContact(CONTACT_TYPE::REGISTRANT);
                 $Registrant = $this->RegistryAccessible->GetRemoteContact($Registrant);
                 $Domain->SetContact($Registrant, CONTACT_TYPE::REGISTRANT);
                 $assignSavedContacts[CONTACT_TYPE::REGISTRANT] = 0;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 throw new Exception("Cannot synchronize registrant contact with registry. {$e->getMessage()}");
             $params = array('domain' => $domainName);
             foreach (array("admin", "billing", "tech") as $ctype) {
                 $params["{$ctype}contact0"] = $Saved->GetContact($ctype)->CLID;
             $response = $this->Request("ModifyDomain", $params);
         } else {
             // Default behaviour:
             // Set new contacts in an atomic operation
             $params = array('domain' => $domainName, 'ownercontact0' => $Saved->GetContact(CONTACT_TYPE::REGISTRANT)->CLID);
             foreach (array("admin", "billing", "tech") as $ctype) {
                 $params["{$ctype}contact0"] = $Saved->GetContact($ctype)->CLID;
             $response = $this->Request("ModifyDomain", $params);
     // Set updated contacts to domain.
     foreach ($Saved->GetContactList() as $ctype => $Contact) {
         if ($assignSavedContacts[$ctype]) {
             $Domain->SetContact($Contact, $ctype);
Beispiel #3
  * Set domain contact
  * @param Contact $contact
  * @throws Exception on contact has no type
 public function SetContact(Contact $contact = null, $type)
     if (!in_array($type, CONTACT_TYPE::GetKeys())) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf(_("Invalid contact type '%s'"), $type));
     if ($contact instanceof Contact) {
         $group_arr = $this->ConfigXml->xpath('contacts/contact[@type="' . $type . '"]/@group');
         if ((string) $group_arr[0] != $contact->GroupName) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf(_("Contact of group '%s' can't be used as '%s'"), $contact->GroupName, $type));
         $this->Contacts[$type] = $contact;
     } else {
  * Request domain name ingoing transfer
  * @param $params = array(
  * 		name			string					Domain name
  * 		authCode		string 					Domain auth code
  * 		registrant		string
  * 		admin			string
  * 		billing			string
  * 		tech			string
  * 		extraFields		array(key => value)		@see GetTldInfo
  * 		userId			int						User ID (In admin mode)
  * 		noBilling		bool					Disable billing for domain opeartion (In admin mode) 
  * ) 
  * @return object
 function TransferDomain($params = null)
     // Check params
     if ($this->access_mode == self::ACCESS_MODE_ADMIN) {
         if (!$params["userId"]) {
             throw new Exception(sprintf("'%s' parameter is required", "userId"));
     } else {
         $params["noBilling"] = false;
     $user_id = $this->user_id ? $this->user_id : $params["userId"];
     if (!$params["name"]) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf("'%s' parameter is required", "name"));
     list($name, $tld) = explode(".", $params["name"], 2);
     $registry = $this->registry_factory->GetRegistryByExtension($tld);
     $db_domain = DBDomain::GetInstance();
     $already_exists = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM domains WHERE \n\t\t\t\t\tname = ? AND TLD = ? AND userid = ? AND incomplete_operation = ?", array($name, $tld, $user_id, INCOMPLETE_OPERATION::DOMAIN_TRANSFER));
     if ($already_exists) {
         $domain = $db_domain->LoadByName($name, $tld);
     } else {
         $domain = $registry->NewDomainInstance();
         $domain->Name = $name;
         $domain->UserID = $user_id;
         $domain->Period = 1;
         $domain->IncompleteOrderOperation = INCOMPLETE_OPERATION::DOMAIN_TRANSFER;
         if (!$params["noBilling"]) {
             $domain->Status = DOMAIN_STATUS::AWAITING_PAYMENT;
             // Check that enougth money
             $client = Client::Load($user_id);
             $balance = DBBalance::GetInstance()->LoadClientBalance($user_id);
             $invoice = new Invoice(INVOICE_PURPOSE::DOMAIN_TRANSFER, $domain, $domain->UserID);
             $invoice->Description = sprintf(_("%s domain name transfer"), $domain->GetHostName());
             $this->CheckEnoughtMoney($client, $balance, $invoice);
         } else {
             $domain->Status = DOMAIN_STATUS::PENDING;
     // Check that domain is available for transfer
     $registry = $this->registry_factory->GetRegistryByExtension($domain->Extension);
     if (!$registry->DomainCanBeTransferred($domain)) {
         throw new Exception("This domain name cannot be transferred");
     if (!$domain->ID) {
         // Save domain after all checks
         if (!$params["noBilling"]) {
             $invoice->ItemID = $domain->ID;
             $this->MakePayment($client, $balance, $invoice);
             $domain->Status = DOMAIN_STATUS::PENDING;
     // Run transfer action
     $extra_fields = $params["extraFields"];
     $extra_fields["pw"] = $params["authCode"];
     $db_contact = DBContact::GetInstance();
     foreach (CONTACT_TYPE::GetKeys() as $ctype) {
         if ($params[$ctype] || $extra_fields[$ctype]) {
             $clid = $params[$ctype] ? $params[$ctype] : $extra_fields[$ctype];
             $c = $db_contact->LoadByCLID($clid);
             $domain->SetContact($c, $ctype);
             $extra_fields[$ctype] = $clid;
     if ($params["ns"] && !$extra_fields["ns1"]) {
         $extra_fields["ns1"] = $params["ns"][0];
         $extra_fields["ns2"] = $params["ns"][1];
     $registry->TransferRequest($domain, $extra_fields);
     // Remove incomplete order operation
     $domain->IncompleteOrderOperation = null;
     $ret = new stdClass();
     return $ret;