  * Check if the ressource is available or not, and set the color
  * @return boolean
 function isAvailable()
     $deb_op = $this->_ref_operation->_datetime_best;
     $fin_op = CMbDT::addDateTime($this->_ref_operation->temp_operation, $deb_op);
     $type_ressource = $this->loadRefTypeRessource();
     $nb_ressources = $type_ressource->countBackRefs("ressources_materielles");
     $_usage = $this->loadRefUsage();
     $this->_color = '0a0';
     // S'il y a un usage, alors on peut vérifier si conflit avec :
     // - un autre usage
     // - une indispo
     // - un besoin
     // Dans ce cas, on passe en rouge
     if ($_usage->_id) {
         $ressource = $_usage->loadRefRessource();
         $_usages = $ressource->loadRefsUsages($deb_op, $fin_op);
         $_indispos = $ressource->loadRefsIndispos($deb_op, $fin_op);
         $_besoins = $ressource->loadRefsBesoins($deb_op, $fin_op);
         if (count($_usages) + count($_indispos) + count($_besoins) >= $nb_ressources) {
             $this->_color = 'a00';
             return 0;
         return 1;
     // Sinon, on parcourt les ressources associées au type de ressource du besoin.
     $ressources = $type_ressource->loadRefsRessources();
     $_usages = 0;
     $_indispos = 0;
     $_besoins = 0;
     foreach ($ressources as $_ressource) {
         $_usages += count($_ressource->loadRefsUsages($deb_op, $fin_op));
         $_indispos += count($_ressource->loadRefsIndispos($deb_op, $fin_op));
     // Pour compter les besoins, on ne le fait qu'une fois.
     // Car un besoin cible un type de ressource.
     // On décrémente d'une unité, car le besoin de la boucle est compté
     $_ressource = new CRessourceMaterielle();
     $_ressource->type_ressource_id = $type_ressource->_id;
     $_besoins = count($_ressource->loadRefsBesoins($deb_op, $fin_op)) - 1;
     if ($_usages + $_indispos + $_besoins >= $nb_ressources) {
         $this->_color = 'a00';
         return 0;
     return 1;
  * @see parent::updatePlainFields()
 function updatePlainFields()
     if ($this->_recuperation_start == "current") {
         $this->_recuperation_start = CMbDT::time();
     if ($this->_recuperation_end == "current") {
         $this->_recuperation_end = CMbDT::time();
     if ($this->_transfusion_start == "current") {
         $this->_transfusion_start = CMbDT::time();
     if ($this->_transfusion_end == "current") {
         $this->_transfusion_end = CMbDT::time();
     if ($this->_recuperation_start !== null && $this->_recuperation_start != "") {
         $this->_recuperation_start = CMbDT::time($this->_recuperation_start);
         $this->recuperation_start = CMbDT::addDateTime($this->_recuperation_start, CMbDT::date($this->_datetime));
     if ($this->_recuperation_start === "") {
         $this->recuperation_start = "";
     if ($this->_recuperation_end !== null && $this->_recuperation_end != "") {
         $this->_recuperation_end = CMbDT::time($this->_recuperation_end);
         $this->recuperation_end = CMbDT::addDateTime($this->_recuperation_end, CMbDT::date($this->_datetime));
     if ($this->_recuperation_end === "") {
         $this->recuperation_end = "";
     if ($this->_transfusion_start !== null && $this->_transfusion_start != "") {
         $this->_transfusion_start = CMbDT::time($this->_transfusion_start);
         $this->transfusion_start = CMbDT::addDateTime($this->_transfusion_start, CMbDT::date($this->_datetime));
     if ($this->_transfusion_start === "") {
         $this->transfusion_start = "";
     if ($this->_transfusion_end !== null && $this->_transfusion_end != "") {
         $this->_transfusion_end = CMbDT::time($this->_transfusion_end);
         $this->transfusion_end = CMbDT::addDateTime($this->_transfusion_end, CMbDT::date($this->_datetime));
     if ($this->_transfusion_end === "") {
         $this->transfusion_end = "";
if ($where_service) {
    $where[] = $where_service;
$leftjoin["affectation"] = "sejour.sejour_id = affectation.sejour_id";
// Filtre sur les fonctions
if ($filterFunction) {
    $leftjoin["users_mediboard"] = "sejour.praticien_id = users_mediboard.user_id";
    $where["users_mediboard.function_id"] = " = '{$filterFunction}'";
$sejour = new CSejour();
$alerte = $sejour->countList($where, null, $leftjoin);
CApp::$chrono->stop("Patient à placer dans la semaine");
$affectation = new CAffectation();
$affectation->entree = CMbDT::addDateTime("08:00:00", $date);
$affectation->sortie = CMbDT::addDateTime("23:00:00", $date);
// Création du template
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("services_ids", $services_ids);
$smarty->assign("affectation", $affectation);
$smarty->assign("date", $date);
$smarty->assign("demain", CMbDT::date("+ 1 day", $date));
$smarty->assign("heureLimit", $heureLimit);
$smarty->assign("mode", $mode);
$smarty->assign("emptySejour", $emptySejour);
$smarty->assign("filterFunction", $filterFunction);
$smarty->assign("totalLits", $totalLits);
$smarty->assign("services", $services);
$smarty->assign("alerte", $alerte);
$smarty->assign("prestations", CPrestation::loadCurrentList());
$smarty->assign("prestation_id", $prestation_id);
  * @see parent::updatePlainFields()
 function updatePlainFields()
     if ($this->object_class == "COperation" || $this->object_class == "CBloodSalvage") {
         if ($this->_debut == "current") {
             $this->_debut = CMbDT::time();
         if ($this->_fin == "current") {
             $this->_fin = CMbDT::time();
         if ($this->_debut !== null && $this->_debut != "") {
             $this->_debut = CMbDT::time($this->_debut);
             $this->debut = CMbDT::addDateTime($this->_debut, CMbDT::date($this->_ref_object->_datetime));
         if ($this->_fin !== null && $this->_fin != "") {
             $this->_fin = CMbDT::time($this->_fin);
             $this->fin = CMbDT::addDateTime($this->_fin, CMbDT::date($this->_ref_object->_datetime));
         if ($this->_debut_dt !== null && $this->_debut_dt != "") {
             $this->debut = $this->_debut_dt;
         if ($this->_fin_dt !== null && $this->_fin_dt != "") {
             $this->fin = $this->_fin_dt;
         // Suppression de la valeur
         if ($this->_debut === "") {
             $this->debut = "";
         if ($this->_fin === "") {
             $this->fin = "";
         // Mise a jour du champ realise
         if ($this->debut !== null && $this->fin !== null) {
             $this->realise = 1;
         if ($this->debut === "" || $this->fin === "") {
             $this->realise = 0;
            $affectation->entree = $entree;
            $affectation->sortie = $sortie;
            if ($_lock_all_lits_urgences) {
                $affectation->function_id = $function_id;
            if ($msg = $affectation->store()) {
                CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR);
    echo CAppUI::getMsg();
} else {
    $tolerance = CAppUI::conf("dPhospi CAffectation create_affectation_tolerance", CGroups::loadCurrent());
    $sejour_id = CValue::post("sejour_id");
    $affectation_id = CValue::post("affectation_id");
    //Si on est en création d'afectation et qu'il y a un sejour_id
    if (!$affectation_id && $sejour_id) {
        $sejour = new CSejour();
        $curr_affectation = $sejour->loadRefCurrAffectation();
        //On modifie au lieu de créer une affectation si l'afectation courante ne dépasse pas la tolérance
        if ($curr_affectation && $curr_affectation->_id) {
            if (CMbDT::addDateTime("00:{$tolerance}:00", $curr_affectation->entree) > $entree) {
                $_POST["affectation_id"] = $curr_affectation->_id;
    $do = new CDoObjectAddEdit("CAffectation", "affectation_id");
  * Charge la plage de consultation englobante
  * @param boolean $cache [optional] Use cache
  * @return CPlageconsult
 function loadRefPlageConsult($cache = true)
     /** @var CPlageConsult $plage */
     $plage = $this->loadFwdRef("plageconsult_id", $cache);
     $time = CMbDT::time("+" . CMbDT::minutesRelative("00:00:00", $plage->freq) * $this->duree . " MINUTES", $this->heure);
     $this->_date_fin = "{$plage->date} {$time}";
     $this->_duree = CMbDT::minutesRelative("00:00:00", $plage->freq) * $this->duree;
     $plage->_ref_chir = $plage->loadFwdRef("chir_id", $cache);
     $plage->_ref_remplacant = $plage->loadFwdRef("remplacant_id", $cache);
     // Distant fields
     /** @var CMediusers $chir */
     $chir = $plage->_ref_remplacant->_id ? $plage->_ref_remplacant : $plage->_ref_chir;
     $this->_date = $plage->date;
     $this->_datetime = CMbDT::addDateTime($this->heure, $this->_date);
     $this->_acte_execution = $this->_datetime;
     $this->_is_anesth = $chir->isAnesth();
     $this->_is_dentiste = $chir->isDentiste();
     $this->_praticien_id = $chir->_id;
     $this->_ref_chir = $chir;
     return $this->_ref_plageconsult = $plage;
  * Chargement des besoins
  * @param string $from Date de début
  * @param string $to   Date de fin
  * @return CBesoinRessource[]
 function loadRefsBesoins($from, $to)
     if (!$from && !$to) {
         return $this->_ref_besoins = array();
     $besoin = new CBesoinRessource();
     $where = array();
     $ljoin = array();
     $from_date = CMbDT::date($from);
     $to_date = CMbDT::date($to);
     $ljoin["operations"] = "besoin_ressource.operation_id = operations.operation_id";
     $ljoin["usage_ressource"] = "usage_ressource.besoin_ressource_id = besoin_ressource.besoin_ressource_id";
     // On ne charge que les besoins qui n'ont pas d'usage
     $where[] = "usage_ressource.usage_ressource_id IS NULL";
     $where["operations.date"] = "BETWEEN '{$from_date}' AND '{$to_date}'";
     // Sur les interventions non annulées
     $where["operations.annulee"] = "= '0'";
     if ($this->type_ressource_id) {
         $ljoin["ressource_materielle"] = "ressource_materielle.type_ressource_id = besoin_ressource.type_ressource_id";
         $where["ressource_materielle.type_ressource_id"] = "= '{$this->type_ressource_id}'";
     /** @var CBesoinRessource[] $besoins */
     $besoins = $besoin->loadList($where, null, null, "besoin_ressource_id", $ljoin);
     CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($besoins, "operation_id");
     foreach ($besoins as $_besoin) {
         $operation = $_besoin->loadRefOperation();
         $deb_op = $operation->_datetime;
         $fin_op = CMbDT::addDateTime($operation->temp_operation, $deb_op);
         if ($deb_op > $to || $fin_op < $from) {
     return $this->_ref_besoins = $besoins;
Beispiel #8
  * Force la création d'une affectation en fonction de la tolérance(?)
  * @param CAffectation $affectation Affectation concernée
  * @param bool         $no_synchro  No synchro
  * @todo A détailler
  * @return CAffectation|null|string|void
 function forceAffectation(CAffectation $affectation, $no_synchro = false)
     $datetime = $affectation->entree;
     $lit_id = $affectation->lit_id;
     $service_id = $affectation->service_id;
     $tolerance = CAppUI::conf("dPhospi CAffectation create_affectation_tolerance", CGroups::loadCurrent());
     $splitting = new CAffectation();
     $where["sejour_id"] = "=  '{$this->_id}'";
     $where["entree"] = "<= '{$datetime}'";
     $where["sortie"] = ">= '{$datetime}'";
     $create = new CAffectation();
     // On retrouve une affectation a spliter
     if ($splitting->_id) {
         //on ne splite pas et on ne créé pas d'affectation si la tolérance n'est pas atteinte
         if (CMbDT::addDateTime("00:{$tolerance}:00", $splitting->entree) <= $affectation->entree || $affectation->_mutation_urg) {
             // Affecte la sortie de l'affectation a créer avec l'ancienne date de sortie
             $create->sortie = $splitting->sortie;
             $create->entree = $datetime;
             // On passe à effectuer la split
             $splitting->effectue = 1;
             $splitting->sortie = $datetime;
             $splitting->_no_synchro = $no_synchro;
             $splitting->_mutation_urg = $affectation->_mutation_urg;
             if ($msg = $splitting->store()) {
                 return $msg;
         } else {
             $create->affectation_id = $splitting->affectation_id;
             $create->sortie = $splitting->sortie;
     } else {
         $create->entree = $datetime;
         $create->sortie = $this->sortie;
     // Créé la nouvelle affectation
     $create->sejour_id = $this->_id;
     $create->lit_id = $lit_id;
     $create->service_id = $service_id;
     $create->_mutation_urg = $affectation->_mutation_urg;
     $create->_no_synchro = $no_synchro;
     if ($msg = $create->store()) {
         return $msg;
     return $create;
$ljoin = array();
$ljoin['plagesop'] = "plagesop.plageop_id = operations.plageop_id";
$where = array();
$where[] = "(plagesop.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}') OR (operations.date BETWEEN '{$debut}' AND '{$fin}')";
$where["operations.sejour_id"] = " = '{$sejour_id}'";
$operation = new COperation();
$operations = $operation->loadList($where, null, null, "operation_id", $ljoin);
foreach ($operations as $_operation) {
    /* @var COperation $_operation*/
    $color = "#fcc";
    $class = null;
    if ($_operation->_acte_execution == $_operation->_datetime) {
        $_operation->_acte_execution = CMbDT::addDateTime($_operation->temp_operation, $_operation->_datetime);
    $libelle = "Intervention par le Dr " . $_operation->_ref_chir->_view . " - {$_operation->libelle}";
    $event = new CPlanningEvent($_operation->_guid, $_operation->_datetime, CMbDT::minutesRelative($_operation->_datetime, $_operation->_acte_execution), $libelle, $color, true);
    $event->onmousover = true;
$dates = array($debut, $fin);
$prescription = $sejour->loadRefPrescriptionSejour();
$lines["imagerie"] = $prescription->loadRefsLinesElement(null, "imagerie");
$lines["kine"] = $prescription->loadRefsLinesElement(null, "kine");
foreach ($lines as $category => $cat) {
    $color = $category == "kine" ? "#ccf" : "aaa";
    foreach ($cat as $_line) {
        /* @var CPrescriptionLineElement $_line*/
        // Chargement des planifications pour la date courante
// Les besoins sur cete même période
$besoins = $ressource->loadRefsBesoins($date_min, $date_max);
foreach ($besoins as $key => $_besoin) {
    $_operation = $_besoin->loadRefOperation();
    $_debut_op = $_operation->_datetime;
    $_fin_op = CMbDT::addDateTime($_operation->temp_operation, $_debut_op);
    $_besoin->_debut_offset = CMbDate::position($_debut_op, $date_min, "1hour");
    $_besoin->_fin_offset = CMbDate::position(min($date_max, $_fin_op), $date_min, "1hour");
    $_besoin->_width = $_besoin->_fin_offset - $_besoin->_debut_offset;
    if ($_besoin->_width <= 0) {
    foreach ($ressources as $_ressource) {
        if ($min_fin_op <= $_debut_op && CMbDT::addDateTime($_ressource->retablissement, $min_fin_op) > $_debut_op) {
            $display_alert[$_ressource->_id] = 1;
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("ressources", $ressources);
$smarty->assign("hours", $hours);
$smarty->assign("operation", $operation);
$smarty->assign("date", $date);
$smarty->assign("date_before", $date_before);
$smarty->assign("date_after", $date_after);
$smarty->assign("besoins", $besoins);
$smarty->assign("usage", $usage);
$smarty->assign("display_alert", $display_alert);
$smarty->assign("usages_by_ressource", $usages_by_ressource);
$hour_intervention = CValue::get("hour_intervention");
$duree = CValue::get("duree");
$duree_hours = $duree * 24;
// hours
if ($operation_id) {
    $operation = new COperation();
    $sejour = $operation->loadRefSejour();
} else {
    $sejour = new CSejour();
    if ($new_sejour) {
        $sejour->_id = null;
        $entree_prevue = CMbDT::date($date_move) . " " . $hour_intervention;
        $sortie_prevue = CMbDT::addDateTime($duree_hours, $entree_prevue);
if (!$date_move) {
    $date_move = "{$operation->date} {$operation->time_operation}";
if ($entree_prevue && $sortie_prevue) {
    $sejour->entree_prevue = $entree_prevue;
    $sejour->sortie_prevue = $sortie_prevue;
if (isset($operation)) {
    $nb_days = CMbDT::daysRelative("{$operation->date} {$operation->time_operation}", $date_move);
} else {
    $nb_days = CMbDT::daysRelative($sejour->entree_prevue, $entree_prevue);
if ($nb_days > 0) {
if (!$modify_affectation) {
    $do = new CDoObjectAddEdit("CAffectation", "affectation_id");
    $_POST["ajax"] = 1;
    $_POST["entree"] = $_POST["_date_split"];
    $_POST["sortie"] = $sortie;
    $_POST["lit_id"] = $_POST["_new_lit_id"];
    $_POST["affectation_id"] = null;
// Gérer le déplacement du ou des bébés si nécessaire
if (CModule::getActive("maternite")) {
    /** @var CAffectation[] $affectations_enfant */
    $affectations_enfant = $first_affectation->loadBackRefs("affectations_enfant");
    foreach ($affectations_enfant as $_affectation) {
        $save_sortie = $_affectation->sortie;
        $modify_affectation_enfant = CMbDT::addDateTime("00:{$tolerance}:00", $_affectation->entree) > $_POST["_date_split"];
        if ($modify_affectation_enfant) {
            $_affectation->lit_id = $_POST["_new_lit_id"];
        } else {
            $_affectation->sortie = $_POST["_date_split"];
        if ($msg = $_affectation->store()) {
            CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR);
        if (!$modify_affectation_enfant) {
            $affectation = new CAffectation();
            $affectation->lit_id = $_POST["_new_lit_id"];
            $affectation->sejour_id = $_affectation->sejour_id;
            $affectation->parent_affectation_id = $do->_obj->_id;
            $affectation->entree = $_POST["_date_split"];
            $affectation->sortie = $save_sortie;
Beispiel #13
$moments = array();
$dates_plan_soin = array();
$periods = "";
while ($date_temp <= $date_max) {
    $dates[$date_temp] = $date_temp;
    $date_temp = CMbDT::date("+1 day", $date_temp);
$colspan = 0;
switch ($freq_poste) {
    case "1":
    case "2":
    case "4":
        $date_temp = CMbDT::transform(null, $datetime_min, "%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00");
        while ($date_temp < CMbDT::transform(null, $datetime_max, "%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00")) {
            @($dates_plan_soin[CMbDT::date($date_temp)][CMbDT::time($date_temp)] = CMbDT::transform(null, $date_temp, "%H"));
            $date_temp = CMbDT::addDateTime("{$freq_poste}:00:00", $date_temp);
        // Il faut tester la parité de l'heure de début.
        $count = 1;
        $first_key = reset($dates_plan_soin);
        $first_key = reset($first_key);
        for ($i = intval($first_key) % $freq_poste; $i < 24; $i += $freq_poste) {
            $postes["Poste {$count}"] = str_pad($i, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
            $postes_to_hour[str_pad($i, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)] = str_pad($i, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
            $moments["poste-{$count}"] = str_pad($i, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
            $periods[] = $i;
    case "poste":
Beispiel #14
 * @version    $Revision$
$type = CValue::get("type");
$object_id = CValue::get("object_id");
$usage = CValue::get("usage", 0);
$besoin = new CBesoinRessource();
$besoin->{$type} = $object_id;
/** @var CBesoinRessource[] $besoins */
$besoins = $besoin->loadMatchingList();
CMbObject::massLoadFwdRef($besoins, "type_ressource_id");
$operation = new COperation();
$deb_op = $operation->_datetime;
$fin_op = CMbDT::addDateTime($operation->temp_operation, $deb_op);
foreach ($besoins as $_besoin) {
    // Côté protocole, rien à vérifier
    if ($type != "operation_id") {
        $_besoin->_color = "";
$smarty = new CSmartyDP();
$smarty->assign("besoins", $besoins);
$smarty->assign("object_id", $object_id);
$smarty->assign("type", $type);
$smarty->assign("usage", $usage);
  * Récupération de la sortie
  * @param DOMNode $node    Node
  * @param CSejour $mbVenue Venue
  * @return CSejour
 static function getSortie(DOMNode $node, CSejour $mbVenue)
     $xpath = new CHPrimXPath($node->ownerDocument);
     $sortie = $xpath->queryUniqueNode("hprim:sortie", $node);
     $date = $xpath->queryTextNode("hprim:dateHeureOptionnelle/hprim:date", $sortie);
     $heure = CMbDT::transform($xpath->queryTextNode("hprim:dateHeureOptionnelle/hprim:heure", $sortie), null, "%H:%M:%S");
     if ($date) {
         $dateHeure = "{$date} {$heure}";
     } elseif (!$date && !$mbVenue->sortie_prevue) {
         $config = CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp CSejour sortie_prevue " . $mbVenue->type);
         $dateHeure = CMbDT::addDateTime($config . ":00:00", $mbVenue->entree_reelle ? $mbVenue->entree_reelle : $mbVenue->entree_prevue);
     } else {
         $dateHeure = $mbVenue->sortie_reelle ? $mbVenue->sortie_reelle : $mbVenue->sortie_prevue;
     // Cas dans lequel on ne récupère pas de sortie tant que l'on a pas la sortie réelle
     if (CAppUI::conf("hprimxml notifier_sortie_reelle") && self::getEtatVenue($node) == "clôturée") {
         $mbVenue->sortie_reelle = $dateHeure;
     } else {
         $mbVenue->sortie_prevue = $dateHeure;
     $modeSortieHprim = $xpath->queryAttributNode("hprim:modeSortieHprim", $sortie, "valeur");
     if (!$modeSortieHprim) {
         return $mbVenue;
     // décès
     switch ($modeSortieHprim) {
         case "05":
             $mbVenue->mode_sortie = "deces";
         case "02":
             // autre transfert dans un autre CH
             $mbVenue->mode_sortie = "transfert";
             $destination = $xpath->queryUniqueNode("hprim:destination", $sortie);
             if ($destination) {
                 $mbVenue = self::getEtablissementTransfert($mbVenue);
             //retour au domicile
             $mbVenue->mode_sortie = "normal";
     return $mbVenue;
  * Calculs sur les champs d'horodatage dérivés, notamment en fonction de la plage
  * @return void;
 function updateDatetimes()
     $plage = $this->_ref_plageop;
     $date = $this->date;
     // Calcul du nombre de jour entre la date actuelle et le jour de l'operation
     $this->_compteur_jour = CMbDT::daysRelative($date, CMbDT::date());
     // Horaire global
     if ($this->time_operation && $this->time_operation != "00:00:00") {
         $this->_datetime = "{$date} {$this->time_operation}";
     } elseif ($this->horaire_voulu && $this->horaire_voulu != "00:00:00") {
         $this->_datetime = "{$date} {$this->horaire_voulu}";
     } elseif ($plage && $plage->_id) {
         $this->_datetime = "{$date} " . $plage->debut;
     } else {
         $this->_datetime = "{$date} 00:00:00";
     $this->_datetime_best = $this->_datetime;
     $this->_datetime_reel = "{$date} {$this->debut_op}";
     if ($this->debut_op) {
         $this->_datetime_best = $this->_datetime_reel;
     $this->_datetime_reel_fin = "{$date} {$this->fin_op}";
     // Heure standard d'exécution des actes
     if ($this->fin_op) {
         $this->_acte_execution = $this->_datetime_reel_fin;
     } elseif ($this->debut_op) {
         $this->_acte_execution = CMbDT::addDateTime($this->temp_operation, $this->_datetime_reel);
     } elseif ($this->time_operation != "00:00:00") {
         $this->_acte_execution = CMbDT::addDateTime($this->temp_operation, $this->_datetime);
     } else {
         $this->_acte_execution = $this->_datetime;
  * Récupération de la d'entrée prévue
  * @param DOMNode $node     PV2 Node
  * @param CSejour $newVenue Admit
  * @return void
 function getExpectedAdmitDischarge(DOMNode $node, CSejour $newVenue)
     $entree_prevue = $this->queryTextNode("PV2.8", $node);
     $sortie_prevue = $this->queryTextNode("PV2.9", $node);
     if (!$entree_prevue) {
         $entree_prevue = $newVenue->entree_reelle ? $newVenue->entree_reelle : $newVenue->entree_prevue;
     $newVenue->entree_prevue = $entree_prevue;
     if (!$sortie_prevue && !$newVenue->sortie_prevue) {
         $newVenue->sortie_prevue = CMbDT::addDateTime(CAppUI::conf("dPplanningOp CSejour sortie_prevue " . $newVenue->type) . ":00:00", $newVenue->entree_reelle ? $newVenue->entree_reelle : $newVenue->entree_prevue);
     } elseif (!$sortie_prevue && $newVenue->sortie_prevue) {
         // On ne modifie pas la sortie de Mediboard si on ne l'a pas dans le message
     } elseif ($sortie_prevue && preg_match("/^\\d{4}-\\d\\d-\\d\\d( 00:00:00)?\$/", $sortie_prevue)) {
         $newVenue->sortie_prevue = CMbDT::date($sortie_prevue) . " 00:00:00";
     } elseif ($sortie_prevue && preg_match("/\\d{4}-\\d\\d-\\d\\d \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d/", $sortie_prevue)) {
         $newVenue->sortie_prevue = $sortie_prevue;
     } else {
         $newVenue->sortie_prevue = $newVenue->sortie_reelle ? $newVenue->sortie_reelle : $newVenue->sortie_prevue;
     // On récupère l'entrée et sortie réelle ssi !entree_prevue && !sortie_prevue
     $parentNode = $node->parentNode;
     if (!$newVenue->entree_prevue) {
         $newVenue->entree_prevue = $this->queryTextNode("PV1.44", $this->queryNode("PV1", $parentNode));
     if (!$newVenue->sortie_prevue) {
         $newVenue->sortie_prevue = $this->queryTextNode("PV1.45", $this->queryNode("PV1", $parentNode));
     // Si les dates entrées/sorties sont incohérentes
     $sender = $this->_ref_sender;
     if ($sender->_configs["control_date"] == "permissif") {
         $newVenue->entree_prevue = min($newVenue->entree_prevue, $newVenue->sortie_prevue);
         $newVenue->sortie_prevue = max($newVenue->entree_prevue, $newVenue->sortie_prevue);
            $affectation_cut->parent_affectation_id = $affectation_maman->_id;
if ($msg = $affectation->store()) {
    CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR);
if ($msg = $affectation_cut->store()) {
    CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR);
// Scinder également les affectations des enfants
if ($affectation->countBackRefs("affectations_enfant")) {
    $affectations_enfant = $affectation->loadBackRefs("affectations_enfant");
    foreach ($affectations_enfant as $_affectation_enfant) {
        /** @var CAffectation $_affectation_enfant */
        if (CMbDT::addDateTime("00:{$tolerance}:00", $_affectation_enfant->entree) > $_date_cut) {
            $_affectation = $_affectation_enfant;
        } else {
            $_affectation = new CAffectation();
            $_affectation->entree = $_date_cut;
            $_affectation->sejour_id = $_affectation_enfant->sejour_id;
            $_affectation->sortie = $_affectation_enfant->sortie;
            $_affectation->uf_hebergement_id = $_affectation_enfant->uf_hebergement_id;
            $_affectation->uf_medicale_id = $_affectation_enfant->uf_medicale_id;
            $_affectation->uf_soins_id = $_affectation_enfant->uf_soins_id;
            $_affectation_enfant->sortie = $_date_cut;
        $_affectation->lit_id = $lit_id ? $lit_id : $_affectation_enfant->lit_id;
        $_affectation->parent_affectation_id = $affectation_cut->_id;
        if ($msg = $_affectation_enfant->store()) {
            CAppUI::setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR);