Beispiel #1
  * @param Exception $exception
 public function logException(Exception $exception)
     $formatter = new CM_ExceptionHandling_Formatter_Plain_Log();
     try {
         if ($exception instanceof CM_Exception) {
             $log = $exception->getLog();
             $metaInfo = $exception->getMetaInfo();
         } else {
             $log = new CM_Paging_Log_Error();
             $metaInfo = null;
         $log->add($formatter->formatException($exception), $metaInfo);
     } catch (Exception $loggerException) {
         $logEntry = '[' . date('d.m.Y - H:i:s', time()) . ']' . PHP_EOL;
         $logEntry .= '### Cannot log error: ' . PHP_EOL;
         $logEntry .= $formatter->formatException($loggerException);
         $logEntry .= '### Original Exception: ' . PHP_EOL;
         $logEntry .= $formatter->formatException($exception) . PHP_EOL;
         $logFile = $this->_getLogFile();
Beispiel #2
  * @runInSeparateProcess
  * @preserveGlobalState disabled
 public function testKillChildrenSigKill()
     $loopEcho = function () {
         while (true) {
             usleep(50 * 1000);
             echo "hello\n";
     $loopEchoStayinAlive = function () {
         pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, function () {
             echo "Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk\n I'm a woman's man, no time to talk\n";
         }, false);
         while (true) {
             usleep(50 * 1000);
             echo "hello\n";
     $process = CM_Process::getInstance();
     $pidListBefore = $this->_getChildrenPidList();
     $timeStart = microtime(true);
     $this->assertCount(2, $pidListBefore);
     $this->assertCount(0, $this->_getChildrenPidList());
     $this->assertSameTime(0.5, microtime(true) - $timeStart, 0.15);
     $logError = new CM_Paging_Log_Error();
     $this->assertSame(1, $logError->getCount());
     $this->assertContains('killing with signal `9`', $logError->getItem(0)['msg']);
Beispiel #3
  * @param float|null $timeoutKill
 public function killChildren($timeoutKill = null)
     if (null === $timeoutKill) {
         $timeoutKill = 30;
     $timeoutKill = (double) $timeoutKill;
     $signal = SIGTERM;
     $timeStart = microtime(true);
     $timeoutReached = false;
     $timeOutput = $timeStart;
     while (!empty($this->_forkHandlerList)) {
         $timeNow = microtime(true);
         $timePassed = $timeNow - $timeStart;
         if ($timePassed > $timeoutKill) {
             $signal = SIGKILL;
             $timeoutReached = true;
         if ($timeNow > $timeOutput + 2 || $timeoutReached) {
             $message = join(' ', [count($this->_forkHandlerList) . ' children remaining', 'after ' . round($timePassed, 1) . ' seconds,', 'killing with signal `' . $signal . '`...']);
             echo $message . PHP_EOL;
             if ($timeoutReached) {
                 $logError = new CM_Paging_Log_Error();
                 $logError->add($message, ['pid' => $this->getProcessId(), 'argv' => join(' ', $this->getArgv())]);
             $timeOutput = $timeNow;
         foreach ($this->_forkHandlerList as $forkHandler) {
             posix_kill($forkHandler->getPid(), $signal);
         usleep(1000000 * 0.05);
         foreach ($this->_forkHandlerList as $forkHandler) {
             $pid = pcntl_waitpid($forkHandler->getPid(), $status, WNOHANG);
             if ($pid > 0 || !$this->isRunning($pid)) {
                 $forkHandlerSequence = $this->_getForkHandlerSequenceByPid($forkHandler->getPid());
                 $forkHandler = $this->_forkHandlerList[$forkHandlerSequence];
                 if (!$this->_hasForks()) {
                     $this->unbind('exit', [$this, 'killChildren']);