$oP->add("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Benchmark (3 repeats)!\">\n");
     $oP->add("<form action=\"?operation=check\" method=\"post\">\n");
     $oP->add("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Check!\">\n");
 case 'zoom':
     $sQueryId = utils::ReadParam('query', '', false, 'raw_data');
     $oP->add("<h2>Zoom on query</h2>\n");
     $oQuery = new QueryLogEntry($sQueryId, $aQueriesLog[$sQueryId]);
     $oP->p("Tables: {$oQuery->iTableCount}");
     if (strlen($oQuery->sSql) > 0) {
         $aExplain = CMDBSource::ExplainQuery($oQuery->sSql);
         $oP->add("<table border=\"1\">\n");
         foreach ($aExplain as $aRow) {
             $oP->add("   <tr>\n");
             $oP->add("      <td>" . implode('</td><td>', $aRow) . "</td>\n");
             $oP->add("   </tr>\n");
     if (count($oQuery->aRows)) {
         $oP->add("<table border=\"1\">\n");
         foreach ($oQuery->aRows as $iRow => $aRow) {
             $oP->add("   <tr>\n");
             $oP->add("      <td>" . implode('</td><td>', $aRow) . "</td>\n");
 protected static function AddQueryTrace($aQueryData, $sOql, $sSql)
     if (self::$m_bTraceQueries) {
         $sQueryId = md5(serialize($aQueryData));
         $sMySQLQueryId = md5($sSql);
         if (!isset(self::$m_aQueriesLog[$sQueryId])) {
             self::$m_aQueriesLog[$sQueryId]['data'] = serialize($aQueryData);
             self::$m_aQueriesLog[$sQueryId]['oql'] = $sOql;
             self::$m_aQueriesLog[$sQueryId]['hits'] = 1;
         } else {
         if (!isset(self::$m_aQueriesLog[$sQueryId]['queries'][$sMySQLQueryId])) {
             self::$m_aQueriesLog[$sQueryId]['queries'][$sMySQLQueryId]['sql'] = $sSql;
             self::$m_aQueriesLog[$sQueryId]['queries'][$sMySQLQueryId]['count'] = 1;
             $iTableCount = count(CMDBSource::ExplainQuery($sSql));
             self::$m_aQueriesLog[$sQueryId]['queries'][$sMySQLQueryId]['table_count'] = $iTableCount;
         } else {
Beispiel #3
    protected function DoExecute()
        // Note: relying on eval() - after upgrading to PHP 5.3 we can move to closure (aka anonymous functions)
        $aQueries = array('Basic (validate the test)' => array('search' => '
$oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT P FROM Organization AS O JOIN Person AS P ON P.org_id = O.id WHERE org_id = 2");
				', 'oql' => 'SELECT P FROM Organization AS O JOIN Person AS P ON P.org_id = O.id WHERE P.org_id = 2'), 'Double constraint' => array('search' => '
$oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT Contact AS c");
$sClass = $oSearch->GetClass();
$sFilterCode = "org_id";

$oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($sClass, $sFilterCode);

if ($oAttDef->IsExternalKey())
	$sHierarchicalKeyCode = MetaModel::IsHierarchicalClass($oAttDef->GetTargetClass());
	if ($sHierarchicalKeyCode !== false)
		$oFilter = new DBObjectSearch($oAttDef->GetTargetClass(), "ORGA");
		$oFilter->AddCondition("id", 2);
		$oHKFilter = new DBObjectSearch($oAttDef->GetTargetClass(), "ORGA");
		$oHKFilter->AddCondition_PointingTo(clone $oFilter, $sHierarchicalKeyCode, TREE_OPERATOR_BELOW);

		$oSearch->AddCondition_PointingTo(clone $oHKFilter, $sFilterCode);

		$oFilter = new DBObjectSearch($oAttDef->GetTargetClass(), "ORGA");
		$oFilter->AddCondition("id", 2);
		$oHKFilter = new DBObjectSearch($oAttDef->GetTargetClass(), "ORGA");
		$oHKFilter->AddCondition_PointingTo(clone $oFilter, $sHierarchicalKeyCode, TREE_OPERATOR_BELOW);

		$oSearch->AddCondition_PointingTo(clone $oHKFilter, $sFilterCode);
				', 'oql' => 'SELECT Contact AS C JOIN Organization ???'), 'Simplified issue' => array('search' => '
$oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT P FROM Organization AS O JOIN Person AS P ON P.org_id = O.id WHERE O.id = 2");
$oOrgSearch = new DBObjectSearch("Organization", "O2");
$oOrgSearch->AddCondition("id", 2);
$oSearch->AddCondition_PointingTo($oOrgSearch, "org_id");
				', 'oql' => 'SELECT P FROM Organization AS O JOIN Person AS P ON P.org_id = O.id JOIN Organization AS O2 ON P.org_id = O2.id WHERE O.id = 2 AND O2.id = 2'));
        foreach ($aQueries as $sQueryDesc => $aQuerySpec) {
            echo "<h2>Query {$sQueryDesc}</h2>\n";
            echo "<p>Using code: " . highlight_string("<?php\n" . trim($aQuerySpec['search']) . "\n?" . '>', true) . "</p>\n";
            echo "<p>Expected OQL: " . $aQuerySpec['oql'] . "</p>\n";
            if (isset($oSearch)) {
            $sResOQL = $oSearch->ToOQL();
            echo "<p>Resulting OQL: " . $sResOQL . "</p>\n";
            echo "<pre>";
            echo "</pre>";
            $sSQL = $oSearch->MakeSelectQuery();
            $res = CMDBSource::Query($sSQL);
            foreach (CMDBSource::ExplainQuery($sSQL) as $aRow) {
        //		throw new UnitTestException("Expecting result '{$aWebService['expected result']}', but got '$res'");